genius evil

Chapter 736 Hunting Huo Jiancheng

Chapter 736 Hunting Huo Jiancheng

"Jiang Chen, what did you do to me? I'll kill you." Suddenly seeing Jiang Chen appear in front of him, Huo Jiancheng roared angrily, clenched his fist and punched Jiang Chen.

"Huo Jiancheng, as far as you are concerned, even if it is a chicken, you may not be able to kill it, so you don't have to speak nonsense in front of me." Jiang Chen smiled lightly, and under the shaking of his figure, he avoided Huo Jiancheng's attack. fist.

"Tell me, what did you do to me?" Huo Jiancheng shot wildly, panting heavily, with a stiff and distorted face, looking like a dying fish leaving the water.

"I told you a long time ago, it's just a game." Jiang Chen said lazily, stepped out, and appeared in front of Huo Jiancheng again. When he stretched out his hand, he grabbed Huo Jiancheng's neck and lifted him off the ground. up.

Using the wrist forcefully, there was a sound of cracking bones, Huo Jiancheng's neck tilted, his eyeballs popped out, and there was no more sound.

"It's a pity." Jiang Chen said to himself, and in the next second, carrying Huo Jiancheng's body, he walked out of the chain formation and appeared on the edge of the great rift valley.

It's getting dark, and the already lonely jungle adds a bit of solitude.

A little far away, a fire was lit, which was the only bright color in this place in this night.

The mountain wind roared, and the flames that blew it ran around, making a slight crackling sound.

Jiang Chen didn't hesitate too much, just threw Huo Jiancheng's body into the Great Rift Valley.

Killing and destroying corpses is nothing more than that.

Then, Jiang Chen returned to the side of the fire, sat down on the spot, closed his eyes and meditated.His face was calm, as if nothing had happened here from the beginning to the end.

It was even more as if what he killed just now was not a human being, but a rabbit.

Jiang Chen said a pity earlier, not because he felt pity for Huo Jiancheng, but because he felt a little bit emotional for a strong man like Huo Jiancheng who died so easily at his hands.

Huo Jiancheng, as a strong man of the ninth floor of the ancient martial arts, made a wrong step, and then made a wrong step, which would eventually bring him irreparable consequences.

And this level of cultivation powerhouse is a member of the Tianzu, with a prominent status, how could he die so easily in normal times?
If you want to blame it, you can blame it, Huo Jiancheng was so focused on seeking his own death, and, again and again, he tried to kill him, Huo Jiancheng didn't die, he felt uneasy.

In this way, Huo Jiancheng could only die.

Time passed slowly, and this night passed quickly.

After daybreak, Jiang Chen went to grab a few rabbits, grilled them and ate them. Then, after eating the roasted rabbit meat, he closed his eyes and meditated throughout the day.

Such times, for Jiang Chen, were not so difficult. On the contrary, Jiang Chen enjoyed such a rare time of being so pure.

Three days, neither long nor short, when Jiang Chen ate about thirty or so rabbits, such time had already passed.

Standing up and moving his hands and feet a little, Jiang Chen appeared on the edge of the Great Rift Valley in the next second.

"Old monster, if you haven't died this time, it's your fate." Muttering to himself, Jiang Chen said.

He gave himself three days to stay here to determine whether the old monster was really dead.

In the past three days, apart from his chasing the rabbit, and the cats and dogs jumping around for a while, there was no other movement. Even the members of the Tian group were unseen, and they were unusually calm.

Although, after these three days passed, the old monster may not really be dead, but since the old monster has never appeared in the three days, the possibility of him still alive must be very small, and so on, it can be regarded as letting Jiang Chen , relieved the burden from my heart.

The only thing that made Jiang Chen feel regretful was the chain formation he had carefully arranged. He spent several hours on it, and it was specially used to deal with the old monster.

The old monster never showed up, but it was Huo Jiancheng who broke into his trap and died in his hands.

Fortunately, such careful arrangements were not completely wasted, which made Jiang Chen feel a little more comfortable.

The three days had passed, and Jiang Chen didn't intend to stay here to waste any more time. He turned around, faced the forest, and looked in the direction. Jiang Chen's figure moved, turned into a faint shadow, and disappeared inside the forest.

In the jungle, the traces left by the Tianzu personnel and the old monsters are vivid in my mind.

Here, although no tragic battle took place, under the pursuit of the old monster, everyone fled around, but it was also extremely tragic. On the many thorns, apart from leaving small pieces of clothes, there were even more, faint of blood.

Jiang Chen was walking fast while constantly correcting his route. Several hours later, around noon, Jiang Chen was finally able to walk out of the jungle and appeared on the edge of the small village where he came.

"Jiang Chen, it's Jiang Chen."

"Oh my god, Jiang Chen is not dead."

"Quick, go and report."


After the violent destruction of the old monster, the dilapidated small village was even more dilapidated. It is no exaggeration to say that it is full of desolation.

As soon as Jiang Chen appeared in the small village, he was discovered and caused a commotion.

Those people were all members of the Tianzu. They patrolled the edge of the village one by one, and found Jiang Chen immediately.

Two minutes later, Qin Wenyan and others appeared.

"Hi, hello everyone. Girl Yan, how are you? I haven't seen you for a few days. I miss you very much. Do you miss me?" Jiang Chen said with a smile after shaking his hand.

"Jiang Chen, are you alright?" Qin Wenyan looked at Jiang Chen and asked softly.

The old monster appeared, and she left first under Jiang Chen's urging. For the past few days, she has been restless, fearing that something will happen to Jiang Chen.

Once something happened to Jiang Chen, she would definitely feel guilty for the rest of her life.

In addition, the members of the Tian group gradually gathered in the small village, but Jiang Chen never showed up. Moreover, there was no news at all, which made Qin Wenyan miss him even more.

"Ask Miss Yan, you are asking the wrong question. Looking at me like this, does something seem to be wrong? But look, because you miss me so much, I will forgive you." Jiang Chen grinned. Said.

"Stop talking nonsense." Pink's face flushed slightly, and Qin Wenyan felt a headache.

This guy Jiang Chen disappeared for several days, although he didn't know where Jiang Chen went, but he was the primary target of the old monster, so he would definitely not feel good.

Who knew that this appearance meant that she would not change her nature and teased her in public.

"Ask Miss Yan, how can you say I'm talking nonsense? Look at so many people here, no one cares about my life, and you care about me alone. It's not missing me, what is it?" Jiang Chen said It's straight-forward and well-founded.

When Jiang Chen said this, Qin Wenyan couldn't help being stunned for a moment, it seemed that what Jiang Chen said was quite reasonable.

Indeed, none of the members of the Tian group here cared about Jiang Chen's life or death.They wouldn't care if Jiang Chen was alive, and they wouldn't regret Jiang Chen's death.

She was the only one who missed Jiang Chen.

However, Qin Wenyan would never admit that she was thinking about Jiang Chen. She felt that it was because Jiang Chen faced the old monster alone and let her go first, so she only cared about Jiang Chen's life and death. Other factors were not what Jiang Chen thought.

"Jiang Chen, I have a question for you." Shan Qixiong also looked at Jiang Chen. To be honest, he thought Jiang Chen was killed by the old monster. After all, the old monster's strength was too terrifying, and Jiang Chen disappeared again. For several days.

Who would have thought that Jiang Chen would appear without any damage.

"Wait..." Jiang Chen waved his hand again, his face a little unsightly, and said, "What are you talking about, I haven't spoken to Miss Wenyan yet, we haven't seen each other for a day, I miss you so much, it's been a few days The time is gone, I think, ask Miss Yan, there must be a lot of things to say to me, otherwise, ask Miss Yan, let's find a place where there is no one, and have a good chat?"

"I... have nothing to talk to you about." Qin Wenyan said in a strange tone.

"Duplicity...haha, you must be duplicity." Jiang Chen laughed loudly.

"Jiang Chen, I want to ask you, where is the old monster?" Shan Qixiong asked.

"There must be something wrong with your ears. Did I tell you to wait?" Jiang Chen's face became even more ugly.

"Jiang Chen, this matter is very important to us, we must determine the whereabouts of the old monster." Shan Qixiong said in a deep voice.

"You are you and I am me. Don't confuse things. You are important to me, but nothing matters to me. It is more important than chatting with Miss Wenyan. Do you understand?" Jiang Chen snorted coldly .

"Jiang Chen, don't mess around, if you know where the old monster is, tell us." Qin Wenyan couldn't laugh or cry, and said hastily.

I am very worried that if Jiang Chen is allowed to say this, not only Jiang Chen will become the target of public criticism, but she will also be implicated and become the target of a group attack.

"Ask Miss Yan, you really make me sad. At this time, it would be nice to talk about the wind, flowers, snow and moon, it's too bad for the scenery." Jiang Chen looked extremely sad.

Wen Yan, including Shan Qixiong, the corners of the mouths of all the members of the Tian group twitched for a while.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen was too courageous to moles Qin Wenyan without any psychological burden.

What's even more weird is that Qin Wenyan didn't seem to mind being molested by Jiang Chen, which inevitably made everyone secretly mutter in their hearts. Could it be that Qin Wenyan had something to do with Jiang Chen during the few days he went to Tiannan City? An indescribable relationship?

Otherwise, Qin Wenyan was never so easy to talk to before.

Even Huo Jiancheng and Qin Wenyan never gave him a good look.

"Jiang Chen, hurry up." Qin Wenyan urged, maybe it was because she was molested by Jiang Chen too many times, but she didn't feel that there was anything strange about Jiang Chen saying such words. .

"I don't know." Jiang Chen could only say.

"I don't know?" Xiumei frowned slightly, Qin Wenyan looked at Jiang Chen in surprise.

At the beginning, the old monster chased Jiang Chen and ran around the mountains, but several members of the Tianzu saw it with their own eyes, that is to say, Jiang Chen was the last one among all the people who had contact with the old monster, so what did Jiang Chen do? Don't know, where is the old monster?
Or, did Jiang Chen hide something and didn't want to say it?

(End of this chapter)

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