genius evil

Chapter 738

Chapter 738

Inside the Tian Group, Fenghuolinshan, the four mobile teams, Qin Wenyan is the only woman among the captains of the four mobile teams.

You must know that Fenghuolinshan and the four mobile teams appear to be parallel to each other on the surface, but in fact, the Fengzi mobile team is known as the number one mobile team within the Tianzu.

Qin Wenyan was a woman, but she took the position of captain of the first mobile team. Qin Wenyan's strength was obvious.

No one would be so naive as to think that Qin Wenyan was the kind of person who was easy to talk to.

The reason why she behaved so well in front of Jiang Chen could only be said to be an anomaly.

In other words, Qin Wenyan treated Jiang Chen differently.

Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi felt embarrassed because the two of them, hearing what Qin Wenyan meant, if they challenged Jiang Chen again, they would not give Qin Wenyan any face.

"Captain Qin, the old monster and Captain Huo are missing. Jiang Chen is the only insider. You have to understand that we can't just let him go." Shan Qixiong glanced at Qin Wenyan and said slowly.

In this way, Qin Wenyan was reminded that he and Lin Yi did not fight for no reason, but for a reason.

"Jiang Chen said that he doesn't know where the old monster is." Qin Wenyan said indifferently.

"Obviously, I don't even know where Huo Jiancheng is." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"Whether this is the case still needs to be investigated." Shan Qixiong said.

"You can investigate slowly, but since Jiang Chen said he didn't know, then there's no need to keep Jiang Chen behind." Qin Wenyan said.

"Captain Qin, have you ever thought that if Captain Huo accidentally ran into an old monster?" Shan Qixiong asked.

"That can only show that Huo Jiancheng's character is too bad." Jiang Chen still had a playful smile on his face.

Taking a light breath, suppressing the anger in his heart, Shan Qixiong continued: "Captain Qin, we don't have much time left, otherwise, Captain Huo's life may be difficult to guarantee."

"I don't agree with your point of view." Qin Wenyan shook his head and said, "The past three days have been calm and calm. Since Jiang Chen has walked out, it is very likely that the old monster has left here. If nothing happened to Captain Huo , in the future, nothing will happen."

"Captain Qin, this is just your personal guess." Shan Qixiong's expression turned a little ugly.

He thought that what he said was very euphemistic and polite, but Qin Wenyan always considered the issue from Jiang Chen's point of view, refuting his point of view time and time again.

"You don't have to agree with me, and I won't force you to agree, but that's all I want to say." Qin Wenyan said noncommittally.

"Captain Qin, even if we put aside the matter of the old monster and Captain Huo, Jiang Chen killed Liu Zheng, there must be an explanation for this matter." Lin Yi interjected.

"I've already given you an explanation. We will do our best to persuade Jiang Chen to join the Tianzu." Qin Wenyan said expressionlessly.

After saying this, Qin Wenyan waved his hands and said to Jiang Chen: "If you want to leave, you can leave now."

"No." Lin Yi objected again, and said, "Captain Qin, if you say you will do your best, it means that you are not absolutely sure of persuading Jiang Chen to join the Tianzu, right?"

"The sky group, whoever wants to join, can join. My current attitude towards Jiang Chen's joining the sky group is against it." Shan Qixiong added.

"You two, are you deliberately embarrassing me?" Frowning, Qin Wenyan said.

"Captain Qin, we have no selfishness in treating public affairs or private interests." Shan Qixiong said with a clear conscience.

"If Jiang Chen is not qualified to join my sky group, then, from my point of view, there will never be any suitable candidates who can join my sky group... I really have no absolute idea whether Jiang Chen can be persuaded or not. However, you two need to be more clear about what Jiang Chen's current age and current cultivation mean." Qin Wenyan said coldly.

"I can answer this question." Jiang Chen raised his hand.

"The two of them must have seen that I am too handsome... Oh, no, it is because I am too strong, so they want to take the opportunity to kill me, lest I threaten the status of the two of them. After all, if I join As far as the Tianzu is concerned, the captains of the four major mobile teams must be chosen at will. They say that they are good for the public and not private. Ah." Jiang Chen followed with a long sigh.

"Jiang Chen, don't treat the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain." Lin Yi scolded.

"Jiang Chen, where do you think my Tianzu is? Anyone can take the position of captain of the four mobile squads?" Shan Qixiong also scolded.

"The heart of a villain measures the belly of a gentleman, this is a very good thing to say, but I'm sorry, you two are definitely not gentlemen... As for the so-called anyone, I am even more embarrassed. I, Jiang Chen, have extraordinary talents. At first glance, it looks like a genius in the sky, so it must be the exception." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Clumsy provocative method, do you think we will let you go if you say that?" Shan Qixiong snorted coldly.

"I can only say that you are so stupid. I don't understand at all. With your IQ, how did you become the captain of the Shanzi mobile team? You two feel the threat from me and want to eradicate me wholeheartedly. There is no need to make things so obvious, let alone do such a thing in front of Miss Yan, right?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Jiang Chen, I can't understand what you are talking about." Shan Qixiong was furious.

"The reason why I don't understand, in the final analysis, is the problem of IQ, but I am a kind-hearted person who is always willing to help others. How about this? Let me give you an idea. You don't need to die to keep me today. Now, it can be another day, when Miss Yan is not around, can you kill me secretly?" Jiang Chen said kindly.

Shan Qixiong was dumbfounded.

Ji Dong was also dumbfounded.

Although Jiang Chen's words were full of nonsense, no one could deny that Jiang Chen's suggestion was very reasonable.

"The idea has been made for the two of you. Whether you can kill me or not depends entirely on the abilities of the two of you... Can I go now?" Jiang Chen said again.

"Jiang Chen, how can you say that?" Qin Wenyan had a strange expression on his face.

When Jiang Chen said this, wasn't he instigating Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi to kill him?What if Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi listened to his suggestion and really did it?
"It doesn't matter, anyway, the two of them can't kill me." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

Then, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and said, "Miss Yan, I'm about to leave, let's say a loving farewell."

"No." Qin Wenyan took a step back.

As soon as Qin Wenyan retreated, Jiang Chen took a step forward, stretched out his hand, and hugged Qin Wenyan, feeling the soft and boneless body for a while, Jiang Chen let go of his hand, smiled, and said, "Qin Wenyan Miss Yan, when we meet again next time, remember the agreement between the two of us, I will wait for you."

After saying this, Jiang Chen no longer hesitated, turned around and left.

Little did they know that after his words, Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi looked at Qin Wenyan in such a strange way, just how strange it was.

You know, the two of them originally suspected that there was some kind of unknown relationship between Jiang Chen and Qin Wenyan.

Now listening to Jiang Chen say that there was an agreement between him and Qin Wenyan, such doubts could almost turn into certainties.

"Jiang Chen is gone, Captain Shan, Captain Lin, you two, do you have anything else to say?" Qin Wenyan naturally knew why Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi looked at him like this, slightly shy, on the surface , but nothing is displayed.

"He has already left, so what's the use of talking more?" Shan Qixiong said.

"If you don't say it, then I will." Qin Wenyan said, paused, and then continued: "It seems that what Jiang Chen said just now is not wrong. You two really felt his threat, and even more so. It is a plan to kill him secretly."

Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi were dumbfounded again, and soon after they came back to their senses, their expressions were extremely ugly.

Even if he was an idiot, he would understand that Jiang Chen accidentally dug a hole for the two of them, and the most damning thing was, before he knew it, the two of them jumped into the hole.

Where did Jiang Chen kindly give the two of them an idea? It was obvious that he had schemed against the two of them.

"Captain Qin, there is nothing wrong with accusing him of a crime." Shan Qixiong said bitterly.

"Yes or no, you two know it well, and I see it clearly, so there is no need to argue, but what I want to say is that I don't want Jiang Chen to have an accident, and I don't want to see it. Something happened to the hands of the two of you, otherwise..." Qin Wenyan snorted coldly before he finished speaking, the threat was palpable in his words.

Both Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi complained endlessly, Qin Wenyan's words were already serious, but no matter how the two of them defended, they still couldn't get rid of their suspicions.

"Damn it!" For a moment, the two of them hated Jiang Chen to the extreme. If they hadn't been concerned about Qin Wenyan's existence, they both wanted to catch up and kill Jiang Chen directly.


Jiang Chen walked quickly and happily.

Sometimes, it is not necessary to kill a person to be relieved. When a person is so disgusted that he can't speak, it is often very relieved.

No, after wantonly disgusting Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi, Jiang Chen's mood was extremely happy.

Such a carefree experience is comparable to killing Huo Jiancheng.

After all, in this way, even if Qin Wenyan wants him to join the Tianzu in the future, even if he is willing to join the Tianzu, it is impossible for him to enter the Tianzu with Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi, two shit sticks. .

In that way, Jiang Chen could openly tell Qin Wenyan that it wasn't that he was unwilling, but that someone was unwilling.

As soon as he thought of using a small trick to bring such benefits, Jiang Chen could hardly bear it, and wanted to laugh out loud for a while, but Jiang Chen didn't laugh out loud, because he suddenly realized a problem as he walked. , Could it be that he wants to walk back to Tiannan City...

(End of this chapter)

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