genius evil

Chapter 739 The Big-breasted Woman With Odd Temperament

Chapter 739 The Big-breasted Woman With Odd Temperament
When Jiang Chen came, he came in Qin Wenyan's car, but the car was destroyed by the old monster, so Qin Wenyan couldn't send him back.

Of course, even if the car hadn't been destroyed, Qin Wenyan probably wouldn't be able to send him back.

The current situation made Jiang Chen feel a little embarrassed.

You know, this place is at the junction of Jiangnan Province and Jiangbei Province. When Qin Wenyan drove here before, it took him several hours.

If the time spent driving like that is calculated according to the mileage, that is to say, this place is hundreds of kilometers away from Tiannan City.

This is a road of several hundred kilometers, if he were to walk back, it would be fatal.

However, it's not easy for him to call someone to drive over to pick him up, otherwise, when the person who picks him up arrives, he doesn't know when he will have to wait.

After realizing this problem, Jiang Chen searched left and right, wanting to see if there was any means of transportation that could help him return to Tiannan City.

But soon, Jiang Chen was disappointed.

This place is too remote, it is no exaggeration to say that birds don't shit, not to mention transportation, even people, you can't see it.

"Forget it, let's go." Jiang Chen was a bit dumbfounded, he was still complacent the moment before, but at this moment, the reality just poured a bucket of cold water on him, making him unable to be happy anymore.

Fortunately, when Qin Wenyan drove all the way here, Jiang Chen remembered the route very well. Go straight from the direction he was in, and after walking through dozens of kilometers of dirt road, there is a national road.

A road of tens of kilometers is undoubtedly very long and far to ordinary people, but to Jiang Chen, it is not a long distance.

In order to avoid being still in this wilderness at night, Jiang Chen decided to speed up, move his feet, and run.

Running wildly all the way like this, it took several hours until Jiang Chen appeared on the national highway.

Jiang Chen really couldn't run anymore. There was no other reason, but the physical strength consumed by running like this was too great, and he was too hungry.

It gave Jiang Chen the feeling that with his current level of hunger, he could eat a cow in one sitting.

"There should be a car in this place, right?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and stopped the car on the side of the road.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen's luck is still very good. He didn't wait long, and saw a car driving towards him in the distance.

Seeing the car approaching, Jiang Chen's figure flickered, and he rushed to the middle of the road, spread his arms, and made a move to block the road.


The screeching sound of the tires rubbing against the ground was transmitted to Jiang Chen's ears in a way that pierced the eardrums, and the driving car had to be stopped by Jiang Chen.

The car also had to stop. After all, Jiang Chen was standing in the middle of the road to stop the car. It was impossible for that car to run over him.

Of course, if the car owner insisted on doing that, Jiang Chen would have nothing to say.

"Take a ride." Jiang Chen grinned, and shook his hand at the driver.

Only then did he realize that it was a Ferrari sports car. Through the windshield in front of the car, Jiang Chen could clearly see that there was a person sitting in the driving seat.

The situation was rather weird, because Jiang Chen saw that the driver, not to mention wearing a peaked cap, was actually wearing a pair of sunglasses, which was not enough, but he was actually wearing a mask.

That is to say, the face of the driver is covered in 360 degrees without any dead angle. No matter from which angle you look at it, you can't see what it looks like.

Even, it is impossible to tell whether it is a man or a woman.

What made Jiang Chen feel even more weird was that the car was about to hit him just now, but the driver just sat there quietly without any other reaction.

I don't know if I was frightened, or because I am absolutely sure of myself, I will never run into him.

But these Jiang Chens are too lazy to pay attention to them. He ran all the way, ran dozens of miles of mountain roads, and his heart was hungry. No matter whether the driver is willing to take him for a ride or refuses, anyway, this free ride, He is set.

Big deal, when he got off the bus, he would give the owner a little more fare as compensation.

Jiang Chen shook his hand, but the driver didn't respond. Jiang Chen waited for a while, making sure he didn't see the driver shaking his hand to refuse, so he rushed out quickly, opened the door, and sat in the co-pilot's seat .

As soon as Jiang Chen got into the car, the driver kicked the accelerator instantly, and the car roared and rushed out.

"Have a personality." Jiang Chen looked sideways and couldn't help smiling when he saw the car's starting speed from zero to one hundred yards.

Judging from such acceleration, the driver's driving level can almost catch up with him.

But with just one glance, Jiang Chen couldn't move his gaze away.

The driver was wearing a seat belt on his chest, and the seat belt was tightly attached to his chest, outlining a clear trace, because it seemed that a certain part of the chest was extra great.

The driver of this car is a woman.

Moreover, she is an incomparably great woman.

It's not that Jiang Chen has never seen a woman with big breasts, but considering the situation of many women around him, Lin Baobao is undoubtedly the biggest. However, this woman's breasts, it seems, are even bigger than Lin Baobao One circle, the big one is a bit too much.

"Cap, sunglasses, mask, big breasts..." Jiang Chen's eyes scanned the driver in turn, and then he looked away.

"Aren't you hot?" Jiang Chen said after a while.

Two strangers sitting in the same car, the atmosphere is always a bit awkward, and that is, he stopped the car for no reason, saying he was hitchhiking, but in fact, the taste of coercion was very obvious.

Jiang Chen just decided to talk, to defuse the awkward atmosphere.

The woman driving the car, she didn't know whether she heard him or not, she drove the car quietly without any reaction.

"Oh, it might be a little abrupt for me to say this. Let me introduce myself. My name is Jiang Chen, the river of the great river and the sea, and the world is like a cloud of dust." Jiang Chen said again.

The woman still didn't respond, and didn't even mean to respond.

"What's your name?" Jiang Chen touched his nose with his hand, and he swore that this was the first time he encountered such a situation when he struck up a conversation with a woman.

If not, Jiang Chen is very confident in his handsomeness, at this moment, Jiang Chen almost doubts his own charm.

He felt that he had already told the woman his name, and out of politeness, even if the woman refused to tell him his name, there should be some response.

No response at all, what does that mean?
Therefore, Jiang Chen decided to be more direct and asked her name directly.

The woman drove indifferently, and there happened to be a big bend in front of her. With a slight flick of her wrist, the steering wheel turned sharply, and the speed did not decrease at all, and she rushed straight over.

"Eh..." Jiang Chen was slightly curious. Could it be that this woman was demonstrating to him through this behavior?

If that's the case, then it's kind of interesting.

"By the way, I have to explain. I was a bit reckless when I stopped the car just now. However, I am really hungry. If I can't stop the car again, I am a little worried that I will starve to death here." Jiang Chen Then he said, looking for something to say.


Almost as soon as Jiang Chen finished speaking, something flew into Jiang Chen's hand, it was a piece of bread.

"Demonstration, it's definitely a demonstration." Jiang Chen said in his heart, tore open the bread, and ate it.

The bread wasn't too small, but to Jiang Chen right now, it was nothing more than a drop in the bucket, and eating two or three bites into his stomach made him feel nothing at all.

"Is there any water?" Jiang Chen asked.


A bottle of water flew into Jiang Chen's hands.

Unscrewing the lid, Jiang Chen raised his neck, took a deep breath, and poured a bottle of water into his stomach.

"Comfortable." With a long sigh, Jiang Chen patted his stomach with his hands, finally feeling a little better.

"Am I handsome?" Jiang Chen leaned closer to his face and asked.

He clearly saw that as he leaned over, the hand of the woman holding the steering wheel shook slightly, but for some reason, the woman still didn't speak.

"Haha, just a little joke. My handsomeness is obvious to all. You must have noticed it early in the morning. I shouldn't have asked knowingly. Thank you for your bread and water, which saved my life." Jiang Chen punched Haha, said with a grin.

"Too much nonsense, where are you going?" At this moment, the woman driving finally spoke.

Hearing the woman's voice, Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise, he would not only doubt his own charm, but also doubt whether this woman is dumb.

"Tiannan City." Following that, Jiang Chen said.

After saying this, after waiting for a while, Jiang Chen smiled and asked tentatively: "You are also going to Tiannan City? ... have a supper."

The car drove very fast, but this place is far away from Tiannan City, and it will probably be very late when we arrive in Tiannan City. Jiang Chen thought about it, and still felt that it would be more appropriate to eat late at night.

"When you get to Tiannan City, I will tell you to get off the car. Now, you can shut your mouth, or close your eyes." The woman driving said.

"I'm not sleepy." Jiang Chen said.

"Or, I leave you here, and you walk back by yourself?" She turned her head and glanced at Jiang Chen. The woman's tone was obviously extremely impatient.

"No, I'm so handsome, what if I accidentally meet a female pervert? Wouldn't that destroy my innocence?" Jiang Chen said with great concern, and at the same time reached out to touch his face, It seems that if I grow up like this, if I walk alone, I will definitely be violated by a female satyr.

Fortunately, the woman driving was wearing a mask, otherwise Jiang Chen would definitely be able to see it. As he said these words, the corners of the woman's mouth twitched visibly.


At this moment, the car suddenly accelerated, like an arrow leaving the string, and rushed forward. Jiang Chen squinted his eyes and saw that the car's speedometer instantly climbed to [-].

"No, can you slow down, I'm still so young, I don't even have a wife, I don't want to die yet." Jiang Chen danced and yelled loudly...

(End of this chapter)

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