genius evil

Chapter 740 Are You My Doom

Chapter 740 Are You My Doom
The car that was driving at high speed suddenly faltered. It was a woman who stepped heavily on the brakes, and abruptly slowed down the speed of the car.

"Don't challenge my patience." The woman driving said indifferently.

"You don't understand too much, you are so sympathetic... You drove so fast just now, what if something happens accidentally? Even if you don't bump into people, it's not good... Moreover, if my beautiful face is accidentally injured, what should I do?" Jiang Chen murmured.

The woman driving the car had a slightly weird temper, but the more she was like this, the more Jiang Chen became curious about her, and the more he wanted to tease her.

There was no malice, and it was definitely not because of this woman's big breasts that he became interested in her. After all, although Jiang Chen cared about a woman's figure, her face was also very important, okay?
You know, in this world, there are too many women whose faces are not in proportion to their figures. Who knows, will this woman be in the same situation?

Otherwise, it's so good, why wrap a face in 360 degrees with no dead ends?

Jiang Chen was completely bored and wanted to find something to pass the boring time. It had to be said that it was very funny.

"Love the fragrance and cherish the jade? Like a flower like a jade?" Jiang Chen said a lot in one breath, and these words were passed into the ears of the woman driving, only these two key words remained.

A man, let a woman treat him with pity, and use adjectives like flowers and jade to describe himself?

How shameless is that?
However, the woman driving did not respond to Jiang Chen with this sentence.

Because, from what Jiang Chen said, it was enough for her to judge what kind of person Jiang Chen was.

In short, Jiang Chen is an extremely smelly and shameless guy.

And to deal with a smelly and shameless guy, besides being even more shameless than him, the best choice is to remain silent.

The driving woman didn't think she could be as shameless as Jiang Chen, so she had no choice but to remain silent.

"Fortunately, you still have a bit of conscience. When I yelled, I slowed down the speed of the car, but it wasn't enough. You scared me half to death. At least you have to apologize to me." Jiang Chen smacked his mouth, Said.

"Do you want me to throw you down?" The woman driving the car originally decided not to speak, and just let Jiang Chen sing a one-man show.

Who knew that Jiang Chen actually wanted her to apologize, but now that she couldn't get angry, even if she didn't want to talk, that would be impossible.

Little did they know, this was Jiang Chen's deliberate guidance.

Jiang Chen's experience in dealing with women is naturally extremely rich. He has seen many women with weird tempers. What's more, the biggest weirdness of this woman may be that she doesn't like to talk.

It doesn't matter if you don't like talking, he has plenty of ways to make her talk.

No, the woman who drives the car has to talk if she guides it casually.

"Even if you want to throw me down, you still have to apologize to me. You can't, because I gave you a ride, so I'll be inferior to you, right?" Jiang Chen said without giving an inch.

"Impossible." The woman driving the car was angry.

"It's just asking you to apologize, isn't it difficult? Will you say I'm sorry?" Jiang Chen looked helpless, but said again: "Well, for the sake of you being a woman, I won't talk to you either. If you care about so much, you just need to tell me your name, if your name sounds nice, then I don't need you to apologize."

"You don't need to know my name." The driving woman said coldly.

"Then, take off your mask and sunglasses now, and let me see what you look like. If you look good, I don't need your apology." Jiang Chen thought for a while, and said again.

"No." The woman driving the car directly refused, with a strange expression on her face under the mask.

Speaking of this kind of sake, the woman driving the car is not without suspicion.

What she suspected was that Jiang Chen made her apologize nonsense, maybe he just wanted to take the opportunity to get her name and make him take off his sunglasses and mask.

But if this is the case, this stinky and shameless guy is really scheming.

"This doesn't work, and that doesn't work, big breasted girl, what are you going to do?" Jiang Chen sighed.

"What did you say?" The driving woman's tone sank.

"Sister with big breasts, is it possible that you want me to call you sister with big breasts, but you obviously look much smaller than me, so calling you sister with big breasts is inappropriate." Jiang Chen said hesitantly.

"Shut up!" The woman driving was angry, braked, the car stopped instantly, pointing with one finger, and shouted in an orderly tone: "Get off."

"Are you serious?" Jiang Chen blinked.

"Get out." The driving woman is a nonsense, and she doesn't want to say more to Jiang Chen.

With good intentions, she gave Jiang Chen a ride, and she didn't get angry because of Jiang Chen's dangerous action of blocking the car. Jiang Chen was ungrateful, but he even dared to tease her, which made her unbearable.

"It's easy to grow old when you're angry." Jiang Chen persuaded.

"Get lost." The woman driving the car still used this word.

Jiang Chen laughed, and said: "We are meeting for the first time, you must not know that I have a moderate problem, that is, I talk a lot, and I especially like to joke... But you can't completely It's not my fault, after all, your breasts are really big, besides, if you tell me your name honestly, I won't call you big breasted girl, right?"

The driving woman was speechless.

Why did Jiang Chen seem to be in the wrong after hearing Jiang Chen's words?

Could it be that she should let Jiang Chen know her name and let Jiang Chen see what she looks like, but why?
"Is it possible that you really want me to throw you out?" The woman driving the car said in a cold voice, as cold as ice.

"Look at this place, there are no villages or shops in front of you, if I get off the bus halfway, I will die on the road, can you bear it?" Jiang Chen said pitifully.

"Self-inflicted crimes, you can't live." The driving woman said, she would not think that there was anything she couldn't bear, in the final analysis, all of this was Jiang Chen's own fault, it was Jiang Chen who caused it.

Jiang Chen was so bold that he would be responsible for what he said.

"Hey, didn't you say that handsome men can't be too unlucky? Could it be that I'm so handsome that even God is jealous of me?" Jiang Chen muttered.

The woman driving the car almost vomited blood, what does this have to do with whether Jiang Chen is handsome or not?Is this guy going to be such a nonsense?

"It must be that I am too handsome. I am so handsome." Jiang Chen said to himself, and said, "That's why God has arranged various calamities to test me. Come on, come on more violently."

"Have you said enough?" The driving woman couldn't listen any longer, she was very puzzled.

"Tell me quickly, are you my doom?" Jiang Chen questioned.

"Crazy." The driving woman couldn't bear it.

"It must be, otherwise, how could you ignore my handsomeness, but, I am so handsome, and you still want to drive me out of the car, it must be heartbreaking." Jiang Chen said empathetically.

Suddenly, the driving woman's head was covered with black lines.


This guy is right, he really likes to joke too much, no, this joke is very funny.

"You don't need to evade, and you don't need to deny it. You can drive. I want to be alone for a while." Jiang Chen sighed.

"..." The eyes of the driving woman glared at Jiang Chen fiercely through the sunglasses, but she didn't know what she was thinking, but she no longer insisted on asking Jiang Chen to get off the car, but started driving again.

"It's too dangerous." Jiang Chen said in his heart.

Almost, he was about to be thrown on the way. Sure enough, no angry woman could match the rhetoric of a handsome guy like him.

Even if this woman has a weird temper, so what?After all, it's a woman, isn't it?
Dare I ask, is there any woman in this world who doesn't love handsome guys?
Jiang Chen was like this, shamelessly narcissistic.

The driving woman chose to drive on the road. Naturally, it was not what Jiang Chen thought, but the driving woman realized a problem, and that was to the extent that Jiang Chen was shameless. Whether she strongly asked Jiang Chen to get off the car, or threw Jiang Chen If they go out, Jiang Chen will definitely not get out of the car.

Instead of wasting time like this, it's better to drive on the road quickly and reach the destination earlier. In that case, she won't have to drive Jiang Chen off the car, but Jiang Chen will get off the car himself.

It was with this thought that she decided to drive, otherwise, if she continued to argue, she would only waste her own time.

Thinking this way in my heart, the speed of the car is naturally very fast, but the woman has good driving skills, and the car has always maintained a smooth driving state.

It was nearly eight o'clock at night, and finally arrived in Tiannan City.

"Sister with big breasts, I have a premonition that we will meet again soon." Jiang Chen pushed open the car door, waved his hand, and Shi Shiran got out of the car.

"Did you forget something?" the driving woman reminded.

"I haven't forgotten, I have a good memory." Jiang Chen chuckled, and closed the car door smoothly.

"Impolite fellow." The driving woman cursed.

She reminded Jiang Chen if he forgot something, meaning to let Jiang Chen say thank you, anyway, Jiang Chen took a ride, no matter what, saying thank you is what he should.

Jiang Chen didn't know whether he understood her words or not, saying that he had a good memory, it was completely wrong.

But Jiang Chen had already gotten out of the car, so the driving woman stopped worrying about it and drove away. The car didn't go very far, and the driving woman inadvertently saw that there seemed to be something on the passenger seat.

Subconsciously looking sideways, the driving woman realized that the thing was not someone else, but two hundred-yuan bills.

"What is this? Fare?" As soon as she reached out and took the money, the expression on the driving woman's face was weird.

No wonder, when she asked whether Jiang Chen had forgotten something, Jiang Chen said that he had a good memory, but Jiang Chen interpreted her words as the fare or not.

But she didn't mean that at all.

Besides, she drives such a car, does she seem to be short of 200 yuan?

"Wonderful!" Shaking her head, the woman driving the car made a complaint in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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