genius evil

Chapter 741

Chapter 741
Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't know, the woman driving the car made fun of him.

Speaking of the fare, Jiang Chen had thought about it as soon as he got on the bus.After all, if you take someone else's car, you should at least pay for the fuel, right?
Originally, Jiang Chen planned to give one hundred to be enough, but the Ferrari seemed to consume a lot of gas, so he added one hundred.

Therefore, when the driving woman saw the money, it became two hundred.

Fortunately, the driving woman didn't know Jiang Chen's plan at the beginning, otherwise, she would have the urge to tear up the money.

Either don't give, or give more.

Two hundred is already stingy enough, if you give another hundred, what is the difference between that and sending a beggar?

Sitting in the car for a few hours, the bread that Jiang Chen ate had already been digested, and he returned to the state of hunger.

When he got off the bus, the first thing Jiang Chen had to think about was to find something to eat to fill his stomach.

Just happened to see a small restaurant by the side of the road, Jiang Chen was not picky, went in, ordered a few dishes, and asked the boss to serve the rice.

"Handsome guy, are you alone?" The boss was a middle-aged man with simple and honest features, and he asked casually after seeing Jiang Chen ordered five or six dishes in one go.

"Is there any problem?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Handsome guy, it's your first time to eat in our restaurant. The dishes here are a bit more than other restaurants. If you eat alone, almost one dish is enough, or add a soup. .” The boss suggested.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile.

There have never been any restaurant owners who thought they ordered too few dishes and thought it was not profitable, so they asked them to order more.He has eaten so many restaurants, but he has never met a boss who would ask customers to order less food.

Unable to have a good impression of the boss, Jiang Chen smiled and said, "It's okay, I eat a lot, you just serve the dishes I ordered."

"It doesn't matter if you eat too much, the rice is free, you can eat whatever you want." The boss said this, but he still felt that Jiang Chen's dishes were too much.

After all, if one person orders five or six dishes, no matter how much they can eat, they can't finish it, right?

It's not good if you can't finish it and waste it.

"Let's go cook." Jiang Chen had no choice but to say, he hasn't eaten yet, even if he explained to the boss that he can eat very well, the boss may not be able to understand how much he can eat.

Anyway, let's wait until he starts eating.

But at that time, there is no need to say more, the boss will naturally know how much he can eat.

"Okay." The boss was a little helpless, but didn't say much, and went to cook.

This is a husband-and-wife shop, the boss is responsible for cooking and entertaining guests, and the proprietress is in the back kitchen to help wash vegetables and serve dishes.

At this point in time, the peak time for dining has passed, and Jiang Chen was the only one in the small restaurant. It didn't take long for the dishes Jiang Chen ordered to be delivered one after another.

It is not difficult to see that the boss is indeed an honest person. Although they are all very simple stir-fries, the portions are at least [-]% more than other restaurants.

When Jiang Chen ordered food just now, he looked at the menu, and the prices of various dishes on the menu were obviously cheaper by one yuan or two. That is to say, in fact, the boss did not have much profit.

"It's so rare to have such a businessman these days." Jiang Chen said, seeing the rice being delivered, he picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

Because there were no other guests in the restaurant, after the boss cooked Jiang Chen's dishes, he had nothing else to do, so he came out and sat outside to watch TV.

"Boss, add some rice." Jiang Chen greeted over there.

"Isn't the rice served yet?" The boss came over and saw that the wooden bucket containing the rice was clean. A big bucket of rice came over, because he had heard Jiang Chen say that Jiang Chen was very good at eating.

Moreover, Jiang Chen ordered so many dishes by himself, the boss thought that Jiang Chen should eat more, otherwise, Jiang Chen's money would be wasted.

After about 5 minutes, the boss realized that he was wrong.

It wasn't that the proprietress didn't serve rice before, but that Jiang Chen, indeed, was too tasty.

Just saw that Jiang Chen was sitting there with a pair of chopsticks, like a whirling cloud, constantly picking up vegetables and stuffing food into his mouth, without stopping at all.

In this short period of 5 minutes, that big bucket, which would normally be enough for three or four people, was swept away by Jiang Chen.

The boss has been running a restaurant for some years, so it's not that he has never seen something edible, but he can swear that he has never seen something so edible like Jiang Chen.

It would be fine if Jiang Chen was a fat man. After all, fat people generally have a better appetite, but Jiang Chen is not fat at all. Not only that, but his body is a bit thin.

The boss sat there watching Jiang Chen eat, it was a little hard to imagine, where did Jiang Chen eat so much food.

You know, counting the big bucket of rice he made, Jiang Chen has already eaten two buckets of rice, right?

Could it be that this is the rare rice bucket in the legend?

"Boss, add more rice." Jiang Chen's voice sounded.

He didn't go to see the boss's reaction, but he also knew that his eating posture must have shocked the boss.

However, there is no way to do this. His appetite is already amazing, and he has traveled dozens of kilometers today. So far, he has only eaten one piece of bread and one bottle of mineral water.

The consumption of physical energy is completely out of proportion to the food he eats. Jiang Chen urgently needs more food to supplement his physical energy consumption.

"Okay...ok..." The boss was stunned for a while, and got up to add some rice. After a while, another big bucket of rice was placed on the table in front of Jiang Chen.

At this time, the boss understood very well why Jiang Chen insisted on ordering five or six dishes even though he was eating alone.

Otherwise, no matter how good Jiang Chen's appetite was, he would never be able to eat white rice, right?

Even if white rice doesn't cost money, you have to eat it.

So, next, when Jiang Chen was eating, the boss stopped watching TV and concentrated on watching Jiang Chen eat... Watching and watching, the boss felt that he was a little hungry.

There was no way, Jiang Chen's food was so delicious that the boss once wondered whether his skills had made amazing progress.

"Boss, stir fry."

While the boss was watching Jiang Chen eating, four people walked in from outside the small restaurant.

There were four people, three men and one woman. The boy walking in the front was tall and thin, with an inch-cut haircut. He looked bluffing and spoke in a bluffing tone.

"This is the menu, what do you want to order?" The boss quickly handed over the menu.

The only woman grabbed the menu in her hand, took a look, and said with a look of disgust: "What kind of dishes are these, are they clean? Are they edible?"

"The store operates with integrity, and it is guaranteed to be clean and hygienic." The boss said hastily.

"That's what you said. If you want to eat and ruin your stomach later, even if you sell this shabby shop, you won't be able to pay for it." The woman said, and ordered a few dishes indiscriminately.

"Where's the water? Boss, we've been sitting here for a long time, and we don't even have any water?" One of the boys shook the empty table with a look of displeasure on his face.

"Here, bring water." The boss replied, and went to the kitchen to greet the lady boss to cut vegetables, and quickly brought a large pot of water over, and then hurried back to the kitchen to cook vegetables.

When the boss fried a dish and brought it out, Jiang Chen had already finished the third bucket of rice. Since the boss and the boss's wife were both busy, Jiang Chen didn't call them this time, and went to fill a bucket of rice for himself. , sit down and eat.

A few minutes later, I heard a man with long hair yelling at the table of three men and one woman: "Boss, what about the food? What kind of broken restaurant? Aren't you going to feed us?"

"Here we come..." The proprietress ran over in a hurry, took the wooden barrel to serve the rice, but when the proprietress turned on the rice cooker, she suddenly became a little confused.

Why is there no rice?
She clearly remembered that she had cooked a large pot of rice. When Jiang Chen and the people at the table were not here, she was a little worried that the rice would be too much to finish.

Suddenly, the rice cooker was empty, leaving only a little rice at the bottom of the pot.

Obviously, this amount of rice was not enough for the four of them.

"Little handsome guy, I'm sorry, there's no more rice, why don't you wait a while, I'll go to another restaurant and borrow some rice." The proprietress said embarrassingly.

Fortunately, the owners of restaurants in this area all know each other. When there is a shortage of food and vegetables, everyone helps each other. After all, when the guests are eating, it is too late to rush to buy vegetables or re-open the pot for cooking.

"Fuck!" The long-haired man dropped his chopsticks, slapped the table, and yelled at the proprietress: "Will you open a restaurant? If you don't, get out. I paid you to eat here, and you don't have any food. What a fart I am."

"I'm really sorry, I'll bring the rice over soon." The proprietress looked aggrieved after being scolded.

"You don't need to go get it, you just go and get it, I'm not in the mood to eat anymore." The long-haired man said resolutely.

"Then what should I do about this?" The proprietress obviously encountered this situation for the first time, and she didn't know how to deal with it.

"What else can I do? Lose money." The long-haired man said confidently.

"Xiao Hei, it's a small business, don't embarrass him, let's do it, just pay 1000 yuan per person, it's almost the same, and we don't want any more." Just listen to the man with a flat head and say lightly.

"Yes, we never bully others." The third man continued.

"1000 yuan per person, that's 4000 yuan, three handsome guys, our small shop, even for a month, can't make so much money." It's gone, otherwise, these people wouldn't have such a big temper.

"Um, can I have a word?" Jiang Chen touched his nose and said in embarrassment. He didn't expect that because he ate too much, it would bring such trouble to the small restaurant. If he knows, he should eat less...

(End of this chapter)

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