genius evil

Chapter 742

Chapter 742
"What the fuck, do the things here have anything to do with you?" As soon as Jiang Chen said this, the long-haired man said unceremoniously.

"Yes, indeed." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Fuck, are you kidding us?" The long-haired man seemed to have a very bad temper. Hearing Jiang Chen's tone of voice, he had the urge to beat Jiang Chen violently every minute.

"Are you guys having fun? It doesn't look like fun at all, why should I tease you?" Jiang Chen rolled his eyes with a look of disgust.

"Aren't you looking for smoke?" The long-haired man rolled up his sleeves and walked over.


Jiang Chen raised his hand and slapped it, directly knocking the long-haired man to the ground, turning him into a dead dog.

"As for you, you really don't deserve to be drawn." Jiang Chen said Shi Shiran after finishing the draw.

"Boy, do you dare to do it? You want to die?" the man with a flat head said angrily.

"Boy, I promise, you will die today." The other man pointed a finger at Jiang Chen, aggressively.

"What happened?" The boss was busy in the kitchen, when he heard the movement outside, he ran over with a cooking spoon in his hand.

"What's the matter, you want more people to bully less people, don't you?" Seeing the spoon in the boss's hand, the man with an inch-length haircut and the other man all looked a little unhappy.

"If you say that more people bully fewer people, then it is you who bully us. After all, there are four of you in total, but we are only three. How can it be said that three people are against four people? "Jiang Chen said lazily.

There were indeed four of them.

But Jiang Chen's slap was too fierce, and the long-haired man was directly scrapped by Jiang Chen. In this situation, it was three against three, and the boss had a "weapon" in his hand.

The meaning of the man with a flat head was that since Jiang Chen had made a move, he would definitely clean up Jiang Chen tonight, but the current situation just made him hesitate.

In case Jiang Chen failed to clean up, but instead was cleaned up by the owner of Jiang Chen United Hotel, that was definitely not what he wanted.

"Black shop, you are a black shop." The man with a flat head rolled his eyes and said with a livid face.

"Yes, it's a black shop. We came to eat and didn't even give us food. I'm going to call the police." The only woman also yelled loudly.

While talking, the woman took out her mobile phone from her pocket, pressed three numbers hastily, and then showed Jiang Chen and the others the screen of the mobile phone, with a look of bragging.

"Little brother, beauty, you have to speak with your conscience. We operate with integrity, we don't lie or cheat, and we never cut corners. How did it become a black shop?" the boss said dissatisfied.

"You don't even have to eat, and you still beat people. What is it if it's not a black shop?" The man with a flat head said with a sneer.

"This—" The boss turned his head and glanced at Jiang Chen.

"Did I just say that I have something to say?" Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"I warn you, it's useless to say what you say now, let alone threaten us. You can only lose money, or we will call the police and let the police handle this matter. When the time comes, you will have nothing to eat." Inch Ban The head man said triumphantly, as if Jiang Chen would be finished if he called the police.

"No, don't call the police." The boss became anxious.

Although he can be sure that the restaurant is fine, but once the police are called in, there will probably be a lot of troubles in the future.

"If you don't want to call the police, then you'll lose money." The man with an inch-length cut was even more proud.

"Can you still let me talk?" Jiang Chen was very angry. He just wanted to talk properly. Is it that difficult?

"Handsome guy, if you have anything to say, speak up quickly, as long as you don't let them call the police." The boss said to Jiang Chen.

"Uh, then I said it." Jiang Chen said.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense, we don't have time to spend time with you." The man with a flat head said impatiently, thinking that Jiang Chen was just putting on a show.

"Actually, the thing is like this. When I came in to eat, there was still a large pot of rice in the rice cooker, but I was too hungry, and the boss's craftsmanship was so good, so, before I knew it, I just put the rice in the rice cooker. I ate more than half of it... Well, if I say this, can you understand what I mean?" Jiang Chen said slowly, trying his best to let these idiots understand that the problem lies with him , not a problem with the boss and the proprietress.

After all, it's not easy for someone to open a small shop and make a little money, so don't make trouble for others, right?

"You mean, you ate all the rice?" The man with a flat head looked at Jiang Chen like he was crazy.

The restaurant is not big, the rice cooker is placed on the table in the corner, and you can see it casually. The rice cooker is more than five or six times larger than the rice cooker used at home. You can imagine how much rice it can cook.

Jiang Chen said he finished eating, is he joking?
"It's not all eaten, it's almost nine out of ten." Jiang Chen emphasized.

"Are you taking me for a fool?" The man with a flat head didn't even believe Jiang Chen's words, even a single punctuation mark.

"I can testify." The boss raised his hand. He had seen Jiang Chen eat with his own eyes, so it was no exaggeration to say that Jiang Chen was an idiot.

"What a fart you are to testify, you were originally in the same group." The man with a flat head said angrily.

"Why don't you believe what I'm telling the truth?" Jiang Chen was a little unhappy.

If it weren't for the consideration of causing trouble to the boss and the boss's wife, with his temper, he wouldn't even be able to explain half a sentence, and just threw these guys out like trash.

Although there is a saying that is good, the customer is God.

But this is just to say, is it possible that these guys really regard themselves as gods?
"If I were a fool, I would have believed what you said, you two, would you believe it?" the man with the inch-length head said to the woman and another man.

"Do not believe."

"Do not believe."


The woman and the other man shook their heads together.

It was like what the man with a flat head said, if they were fools, they would believe Jiang Chen's words.

You know, with so much food, let alone Jiang Chen is just one person, even five or six people may not be able to eat that much, right?
Even if he wanted to lie, he still had to make up a better reason, no, how could Jiang Chen have the nerve to say such an excuse full of loopholes.

"Why don't you believe it? What he said is true." The boss became anxious.

"It's endless here, hurry up and lose money. Before, you were asked to pay 4000 yuan, which was regarded as food money, but now, Xiao Hei is injured, at least [-] yuan, this is the end of the matter, otherwise it will be considered a small amount." For a penny, we will definitely call the police." The man with a flat head said firmly.

"Little brother, you are extorting." The boss's face turned green.

"We are just protecting our normal rights and interests. How can it be extortion, or is it reasonable for you to open a black shop?" The man with an inch-length head said jokingly.

"Is there no way to solve this matter today other than losing money?" Jiang Chen asked.

"That's right." The man with a flat head nodded vigorously.

He didn't believe it anymore, holding the big weapon to call the police, Jiang Chen still refused to give in, no matter what, he was going to settle the money tonight.

"That's a pity." Jiang Chen said.

"You don't want to lose money?" The man with a flat head looked at Jiang Chen strangely, thinking that this guy really won't cry when he sees the coffin, do he have to be forced to call the police?
"Of course the money has to be paid." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Then you're still so useless..." the man with a flat head said dismissively.

What the man with an inch-shaped head wanted to say was that you still talk so much nonsense, this sentence, the last word, before he could say it, he saw a hand appearing in front of him.

The man with a flat head was stunned for a moment, but he still hadn't figured out whose hand it was. That hand just fell down and slapped him on the face.

Following the slap, the man with a flat head suddenly lost control, his body spun like a spinning top, and he fell straight to the ground.

"As for me, what I hate the most is when people interrupt me. Of course I have to pay, but it's not us who pay you, but you who pay us." Jiang Chen said lazily.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen struck again, with two consecutive slaps, knocking the woman and the other man to the ground.

As for some people, they are born to be smoked, and if you don't smoke them, they will not be able to speak well at all, so Jiang Chen decided to smoke them one by one before talking.

Wait for them to be honest, and then they will be able to talk properly.

"1 yuan, right? I don't want a penny more from you. The agreed ten thousand is ten thousand. You can't lose even one penny. Take the money." Jiang Chen said after drawing.


The three of them, including the man with a flat head, all became numb and had ringing in their ears after Jiang Chen's slap. They were almost knocked unconscious by Jiang Chen's slap.

Jiang Chen's strength was too great, a mere slap almost killed them, and the three of them lay on the ground one by one in shock and fear.

When Jiang Chen slapped the long-haired man before, they didn't feel anything wrong, but now that the slap fell on their face, they realized how terrifying Jiang Chen was.

This inevitably made them think, could it be true that Jiang Chen said that he ate a large rice cooker by himself, otherwise, how could Jiang Chen's strength be so great?
"You said, let us lose money?" The man with a flat head looked at Jiang Chen as if he had seen a ghost.

"It seems that your mind is not clear enough, how about I help you clear your mind?" Jiang Chen said kindly.

"No—" the man with a flat head yelled, if Jiang Chen smoked again, he would probably die in Jiang Chen's hands.

"Then give me the money." Jiang Chen forcefully forced him.

"Call the police, I want to call the police." It was the woman who screamed.


Jiang Chen walked over, slapped him down, and directly slapped him unconscious, and he couldn't make a sound anymore.

"I'll give you ten seconds to think about it. If you don't pay me any more, it's very simple. I'll slap you ten more times each, and it's fine as repaying the debt." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Losing money...we're losing money..." The man with a flat head was so frightened that he was trembling when he spoke...

(End of this chapter)

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