genius evil

Chapter 743

Chapter 743
A few minutes later, when Jiang Chen took 1 yuan and stuffed it into the boss's hand, the boss was completely stunned and didn't dare to take it.

"Is this extortion?" The boss was very nervous.

"It's just a little mental damage fee, how can it be considered extortion." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

But when he said this, Jiang Chen was quite surprised. He looked at these guys and opened his mouth to blackmail people. Originally, he thought that he had no money to deliberately find fault with him and wanted to eat the overlord's meal.

Unexpectedly, these guys are quite rich, not counting bank cards and so on, and the 1 yuan in cash was quickly collected.

But with such a small amount of money, but still doing such shameless things, it really owes him a lot.

"But this money..." The boss is still a little hesitant, even if he wants to pay for mental damage, it doesn't need so much, right?
And according to his original intention, as long as the men with tight-fitting heads are not bad at their debts, it will be fine to honestly pay for the meal, but he never thought that it would cost so much money.

"Boss, have you ever heard a saying that people are good at being bullied and horses are good at being ridden?" Jiang Chen asked.

The boss smiled wryly, and explained: "I am a small business, and what I pay attention to is to make money through harmony."

"If you think this way, not everyone thinks that way. It's like these idiots. On the surface, they look like dogs, and they seem to be the same thing, but you will never know. Where is the moral bottom line, maybe even, they have no bottom line at all." Jiang Chen said coldly.

The faces of the men with inch-thick hair turned blue and red, and they didn't know whether they were angry or ashamed after hearing Jiang Chen's words.

However, one by one, they did not argue.

There was no way, Jiang Chen looked very difficult to provoke, if they dared to provoke Jiang Chen again, they would be the ones who would suffer.

"Go away, don't embarrass yourself here, and remember, if you dare to come here to make trouble next time, I will definitely catch you one by one and teach you how to behave." Immediately, Jiang Chen scolded .

The reason why he took action was to solve the boss's troubles, and the troubles, to a large extent, were caused by him.

To put it simply, it is the conflict caused by a few bowls of rice.

It was impossible for Jiang Chen to sit idly by in this situation.

And since it is managed, it must be managed thoroughly, otherwise when he leaves, these guys will make a comeback, and it will be the boss and the boss's wife who will suffer after all.

Therefore, Jiang Chen had such a warning.

As for the men with inch-thick heads, whether they took his warning to heart or not, Jiang Chen was too lazy to bother.

Just like what he said, if these guys don't know how to behave, he has a way to teach them how to behave, as long as they can afford the price.

Hearing the sound, the men with inch-length haircuts looked at each other, bowed their heads one by one, and left the hotel quickly.

And after a while, Jiang Chen also left the small restaurant after forcing 1 yuan to the boss and paying the bill for a few dishes he ordered.

Then, Jiang Chen randomly stopped a car on the side of the road and went to Xu's house.

"Jiang Chen, where have you died these days?" Jiang Chen just entered the Xu family villa, when Jiang Yanyan's voice rang out.

"Student Yanyan, don't worry about where I died, you haven't left yet? Is it fun to eat and drink for free?" Jiang Chen asked with a look of surprise.

"What are you talking about so badly? My two sisters, An Qi and I, are deeply in love. How can An Qi have money? What's the matter with eating and drinking? You haven't even married An Qi yet, do you want to take care of An Qi's money?" ?” Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes.

"Student Yanyan, you are really thick-skinned. You can eat and drink for free. You can speak so confidently. There is no one else." Jiang Chen also rolled his eyes.

"Jiang Chen, have you eaten yet? Well, do you want to take a bath first?" Xu Anqi came over and asked softly.

Jiang Chen's clothes were almost all wrinkled and dusty, and his hair was a little greasy. It looked like he hadn't showered for several days.

Xu Anqi felt a little weird, she had never seen Jiang Chen like this before, what did Jiang Chen do?
"I've eaten, I really need to take a bath." Jiang Chen smiled.

He stayed on the edge of the great rift valley for three days, eating the wind and drinking the dew, plus today, he ran dozens of kilometers in the mud during the day, and even got a lot of dust.

"Then go wash it quickly, I have something to tell you after washing." Xu Anqi just said.

"What?" Jiang Chen blinked.

"Jiang Chen, why have you become so stupid? What An Qi means is that she wants to confess to you. You should go take a shower and clean up." Jiang Yanyan said with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense." Xu Anqi blushed slightly.

Then he said to Jiang Chen: "Don't listen to Yanyan, there are other things."

"You two have been in love for so long, have you ever confessed your love?" Jiang Yanyan was very interested in this topic.

"Student Yanyan, when you find a boyfriend in the future, you will know that confession or something, sometimes, is not important at all." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Hmph, this is just an excuse for you to be lazy. If there were no roses, no diamond rings, no champagne and BMW, I would not accept anyone's confession to me." Jiang Yanyan snorted coldly.

"Vulgar, unbearably vulgar, by the way, are you confessing your love, or are you getting married?" Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

Jiang Yanyan smiled and said: "Of course it's a confession. If you get married, it's not that simple. Private jets, big villas, and yachts are all necessary."

"It's finished, you're finished, you won't be able to marry in this life." Jiang Chen shook his head and sighed, and got into the bathroom.

"Jiang Chen, stop for me, and speak clearly first." Jiang Yanyan stood up from the sofa and said with bared teeth and claws.

It wasn't the first time Jiang Chen said that she couldn't find a boyfriend or couldn't get married. If she continued to say this, she would almost doubt whether her future life would become gloomy.

Jiang Chen ignored her lazily, turned on the faucet, took off his clothes, and took a bath comfortably.

Seeing this, Jiang Yanyan had no choice but to resist the urge to run into the bathroom and drag Jiang Chen out. She didn't have a hobby of seeing Jiang Chen naked.

"An Qi, do you think the requests I just made are too much?" Jiang Yanyan asked Xu Anqi.

"Not too much." Xu Anqi chuckled.

"I knew it, you think the same as me." Jiang Yanyan was happy all of a sudden.

"However, in the future you will understand that when you fall in love with someone, these are not important." Xu Anqi said again.

"An Qi, so you think differently than me." Jiang Yanyan realized that she was too happy, and said, "An Qi, what is love and not love? Can love be eaten? I think You must have been brainwashed by Jiang Chen."

"How?" Xu Anqi asked with a smile.

"This reason is too simple. Look, if a man can't give you a diamond ring, a big villa, champagne and BMW, but just uses love to fool you, there is no other reason, but he is poor." .” Jiang Yanyan said swearingly.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yanyan suddenly felt that something was wrong, and murmured: "It seems that Jiang Chen is not poor, right?"

Since Jiang Chen was not poor, then even if Xu Anqi was brainwashed by Jiang Chen, it wasn't like this. So, how did she do it?

Jiang Yanyan was inexplicably confused.

"Love is very simple, don't make it too complicated." Seeing Jiang Yanyan's confused face, Xu Anqi said.

"Yeah, love is very simple, but Jiang Chen is too complicated." Jiang Yanyan muttered.

After Jiang Chen took a shower and changed his clothes, he went directly upstairs to Xu Anqi's bedroom, where Xu Anqi was waiting for him.

"Squad Leader Xu, what do you want to say?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, and sat down on Xu Anqi's bed.

"Grandpa greeted Jiangnan University and helped me change a major. I don't know if I should go to that major according to Grandpa's arrangement." Xu Anqi said a little distressed.

The school has not started yet, but because Xu Anqi chose to stay in Jiangnan Province to study, Jiangnan University can be said to be the best choice at present.

Mr. Xu has a wide network of contacts, and has arranged everything for Xu Anqi early in the morning, including professional aspects.

Xu Anqi knew the intention of Mr. Xu's arrangement, but her original plan was to study her favorite major according to her own preferences, because this might be the last time she could make a choice for herself.

Therefore, on this issue, Xu Anqi was very distressed.

"Of course I won't read it." Without thinking about it, Jiang Chen just said.

Seeing Xu Anqi's appearance like this, she doesn't like it at first glance. Since she doesn't like it, why force herself?
"Then where is grandpa?" Xu Anqi blinked.

"Just tell the old man when the time comes, that's what I mean." Jiang Chen said it simply and clearly.

Xu Anqi smiled lightly, and said: "You said that. When the time comes, grandpa will show you the face, so don't blame me."

"I don't know how satisfied the old man is with my grandson-in-law, how could he show me face?" Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"No." Xu Anqi shyly shook her head.

"Aren't you satisfied?" Jiang Chen teased.

"You're not." Xu Anqi became even more shy, and couldn't speak too bluntly.

"Sooner or later, Squad Leader Xu, why do you care about these insignificant details? Come, lie down next to me, the two of us, let's have a good talk about life and ideals." Jiang Chen patted the bed and gestured.

"Do you have time tomorrow?" Xu Anqi wasn't fooled, Jiang Chen wouldn't talk to her about life ideals, and the purpose was to take advantage of her.

"If Squad Leader Xu has any arrangements, I definitely have time." Jiang Chen said without doubt.

"I want to visit the campus of Jiangnan University tomorrow. If you have time, please go with me." Xu Anqi said.

Jiangnan University is located in Tiannan City, but Xu Anqi has never been there, thinking that she will not be leaving school for a long time, she just wants to go ahead and see what the place where she will live and study in the next four years will look like.

"No problem, Squad Leader Xu, you can come and lie down now." Jiang Chen said.

Xu Anqi hesitated for a moment, and finally walked over slowly, lying down next to Jiang Chen, with a docile and pleasant appearance, which inadvertently made Jiang Chen move his index finger...

(End of this chapter)

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