genius evil

Chapter 744 Are You Insane?

Chapter 744 Are You Insane?

The next morning, after breakfast, Jiang Chen drove Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan to Jiangnan University.

There was nothing wrong with Jiang Yanyan, but this woman, Jiang Yanyan, wanted to follow her with a stern face. If she was not allowed to go, she would immediately have a tendency to act violently.

With no other choice, Jiang Chen had no choice but to let her follow.

While driving, Jiang Chen whistled, appearing to be in a good mood.

"Jiang Chen, what are you happy about? Tell me so that An Qi and I can be happy together." Seeing Jiang Chen's coquettish expression when he was whistling, Jiang Yanyan asked.

"Hey, am I happy?" Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid and asked in a daze.

"You don't know whether you want to look in the mirror or not. The only words I'm happy are written on both sides of your face." Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes.

She wasn't blind, so could it be that Jiang Chen couldn't tell if Jiang Chen was happy or unhappy?
"It's terrible to be uneducated. Are you sure it's two words, not four?" Jiang Chen was speechless.

Even such a simple arithmetic problem, Jiang Yanyan could make a mistake, which made Jiang Chen extremely worried about Jiang Yanyan's upcoming university life.

After all, at that time, there will be no Xu Anqi to help her settle the accounts, she must have been sold, and she will be foolish enough to give money to people, right?

"Don't worry about two words or four words, it doesn't matter at all. What's important is that you hurry up and tell me why you are happy." Jiang Yanyan urged.

"Squad leader Xu is also very happy, why didn't you ask her?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"Is there?" Jiang Yanyan froze for a moment, turned her head to look at Xu Anqi, and suddenly saw, at some point, Xu Anqi's face turned red.

"Jiang Chen, are you sure An Qi is happy?" Jiang Yanyan was puzzled.

"That's right, Squad Leader Xu's face turned red with joy." Jiang Chen said with certainty.

"How do I look at it? An Qi is shy." Jiang Yanyan was even more puzzled, because she felt that what she said between Jiang Chen and herself was normal.

She didn't tease Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen didn't tease her, she was just talking normally. Why, Xu Anqi blushed, looking extremely shy.

"Student Yanyan, you must have read it wrong. Squad leader Xu is just very happy." Jiang Chen emphasized.

"An Qi, are you happy?" Jiang Yanyan then asked.

"Happy." Xu Anqi didn't know why, her face turned even redder, and she even lowered her head.

"What's going on here?" Jiang Yanyan was confused and couldn't understand the situation at all.

Unfortunately, Jiang Chen didn't seem to intend to tell her, and Xu Anqi looked like she didn't even want to talk, which made Jiang Yanyan's heart itch.

Naturally, Jiang Yanyan would not know that the coquettish expression on Jiang Chen's face was due to the fact that he had robbed Xu Anqi in Xu Anqi's bedroom last night.

Xu Anqi was too shy, but it was precisely because of that shyness that Jiang Chen had the extra impulse to almost swallow Xu Anqi into his stomach.

At the critical moment, it wasn't Jiang Chen who stopped in time, but Xu Anqi's aunt who suddenly visited. Such an ending would naturally be extremely embarrassing.

No, Xu Anqi is still in an extremely awkward state up to now, even though the conversation between Jiang Chen and Jiang Yanyan, on the surface, sounds like there is nothing wrong with it.

However, the speaker had no intention, and the listener had intentions. To Xu Anqi's ears, it obviously had a different taste. Unknowingly, a small face was covered with blush.

Jiangnan University is not far away. It takes about half an hour to drive from Xu's house and arrive.

"This Jiangnan University is indeed the best university in Jiangnan Province. Just looking at the gate of this school gives people the urge to pick up books and study." Jiang Chen directly opened the gate of the school, Jiang Chen glanced and smacked his mouth.

"Jiang Chen, can you say a few words less when we get off the car to visit the campus later?" Jiang Yanyan discussed with Jiang Chen.

"As a reserved man like me, I don't talk much, but why should I talk less?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Because I'm worried about being despised, and you're too bumpkin." Jiang Yanyan said with disgust.

Hearing this, Xu Anqi smiled lightly and said, "Jiang Chen, you drive directly inside. I checked the information, and there is a parking lot not far ahead."

After a while, Jiang Chen parked the car in the parking lot, and wandered around the campus of Jiangnan University with Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan.

After not shopping for a long time, Jiang Chen became a little dissatisfied, and complained, "What's the matter, what about the women? Where have all the girls in this school gone?"

"Brother, it's summer vacation now." Jiang Yanyan said with black lines all over her head.

"Jiangnan University itself is an engineering school. I heard that the ratio of male to female students in the school has reached seven to three." Xu Anqi explained softly.

Because she is about to come here to go to university, Xu Anqi has done some homework in advance, and has a certain degree of understanding of why there are fewer girls than boys in the school.

"An Qi, you are so smart." Jiang Yanyan said suddenly.

"Ah—" Xu Anqi was stunned for a moment.

"An Qi, think about it, there are so few girls in this school, isn't it just that you have earned your reputation as the school belle?" Jiang Yanyan said carelessly.

Then, Jiang Yanyan became distressed again, and said: "The school I applied for, I heard that the ratio of male to female is four to six, and there are too many girls. When I go to school, I guess I can only be a flower girl. Bar."

"Student Yanyan, why didn't I realize that you have such a thick skin?" Jiang Chen joked.

"Did I say something wrong?" Jiang Yanyan said unconvinced. She said that she can only be a flower, which is already a very modest statement, okay?
With her beauty and figure, even if she is a school beauty, that's not necessarily true, it's just not good, it's just too full of words.

"Squad leader Xu is so beautiful, no matter which school he goes to, school belle is always in his bag. As for you, I reserve my opinion. It's your limit to be like a class belle." Jiang Chen lazily Said.

"Jiang Chen, will I die if you don't hit me?" Jiang Yanyan was not happy.

"I'm just telling the truth. Could it be that people don't even tell the truth these days?" Jiang Chen was also a little unhappy.


Within Jiangnan University, the frequency of girls appearing is indeed much less than that of boys.

In addition, it is now the summer vacation period, and because the new semester has not yet started, there seem to be even fewer girls.

However, it was precisely because of this situation that Jiang Chen was particularly conspicuous when he dragged Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan around the campus.

The conspicuous ones were naturally not Jiang Chen, but Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan.

For a well-known domestic university with a major in engineering, to some extent, the number of female students is quite worrying.

At least, for many students who study here, they have never seen girls more beautiful than Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan on campus.

Beautiful girls are naturally the focus, not to mention, in this kind of place where wolves are plentiful and meat is scarce.

No, many boys' eyes tend to light up when they see Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan.

Fortunately, they were quite restrained, and no one came forward to strike up a conversation.

"An Qi, the campus environment is very good." Jiang Yanyan said.

"It's very good, it's rare that it's quiet, and the atmosphere of learning is very strong." Xu Anqi nodded.

"The only shortcoming is that the quality of the boys is too uneven. I've been looking for a long time, but I haven't seen anyone who is more handsome than Jiang Chen." Jiang Yanyan expressed regret.

"I'm sorry, even if you are blind, you won't see someone more handsome than me." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"That's not necessarily the case. The school is so big, if there is, then just don't get hit." Jiang Yanyan said deliberately.

Although, she also felt that it would be difficult to find someone more handsome than Jiang Chen.

Not to mention on this university campus, in fact, since Jiang Chen became handsome inexplicably, she has never seen anyone as handsome as Jiang Chen.

But looking at Jiang Chen's smug look, Jiang Yanyan couldn't help but want to hit him, lest he get too proud and can't tell north from south.

"I never get hit, I only hit people." Jiang Chen said calmly, he still had such a little confidence.

"Wait and see, I still don't believe it, I can't find any of them." Jiang Yanyan said with a whimper.

While talking, the three of them walked here slowly. When Jiang Chen noticed that there was a car coming from behind, he heard the dull sound of tires rubbing against the ground when the brakes squeaked.

It was a red Lamborghini sports car.

The Lamborghini sports car stopped just behind Jiang Chen and the others, about a meter away. As soon as the car stopped, the door was pushed open, and a man wearing sunglasses, Shi Shiran, got out of the car.

"Two beauties." After getting out of the car, the man in sunglasses waved his hands at Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan, and said slowly.

"What's your name, you're crazy." But the moment the man in the sunglasses said this, Jiang Yanyan became very angry and cursed.

The man in the sunglasses didn't seem to have expected such a situation to happen, he was slightly taken aback, then chuckled, and said, "Beauty, I just want to ask for directions."

"I want to ask others for directions. Also, be careful next time you drive, because I have a hunch that if you drive like this next time, you will be hit and killed." Jiang Yanyan was still very aggressive.

"Beauty, I'm sorry, I'll be more careful next time I drive." The man in the sunglasses didn't show any sign of anger, but smiled slightly and said, "Beauty, my name is Tao Huayun, what's your name?"

"Jiang Chen, what do you think?" Jiang Yanyan ignored the guy who called himself Tao Huayun, but asked Jiang Chen.

"It's too old-fashioned." Jiang Chen said shaking his head.

(End of this chapter)

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