genius evil

Chapter 746 What a Man

Chapter 746 What a Man

"Yanyan, why are you scaring people like this?" Seeing Tao Huayun run away, Xu Anqi couldn't help covering her lips and laughing, but she also felt that Jiang Yanyan had gone too far.

What else to kill?
Even if Jiang Chen is very violent, that's impossible, let's kill people in broad daylight.

"Hee hee, you don't understand." Jiang Yanyan smiled, like a little fox, and said, "An Qi, you will go to school here in the future, maybe you will meet that guy named Tao Huayun again Not necessarily, I call it a rainy day, and let him hide from you when he sees you again in the future, so naturally, I have to teach him a serious lesson."

"Student Yanyan, I've known you for so long, this is the first time I've seen you so smart." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Bah, what are you talking about so badly? Since when have I not been smart?" Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes, but her heart was full of joy. Jiang Chen's words should be regarded as a compliment to her, right?

And you must know that Jiang Chen has been hitting her all the time. After all, this is the first time he has praised her. How could this not make Jiang Yanyan feel happy.


The appearance of Tao Huayun was just an insignificant episode, and it would not affect the mood of the three of them.

The interior of Jiangnan University is huge, and it would take a lot of time to walk around it. After Tao Huayun had been dismissed, the three of Jiang Chen were still wandering around the campus.

"The guy who was beaten up just now was that guy named Tao Huayun?"

"That's right, it's Tao Huayun."

"Isn't that guy the most bragging, saying that as long as he wants to pick up a girl, there is no one he can't pick up?"

"You also said that guy is bragging. Even if he is called Peach Blossom, he can't pick up whoever he wants. This time he was beaten so badly. It's so relieved."


Undoubtedly, Tao Huayun still has a small reputation in Jiangnan University. No, some students passing by are pointing and pointing.

"Tao Huayun? Peach Blossom Luck? I also said why is that guy's name a bit weird, so that's what happened." Jiang Yanyan said suddenly, and then laughed out of joy.

"Is it funny?" Jiang Chen was quite speechless.

"Isn't it funny?" Jiang Yanyan asked back.

"It's not funny at all, okay?" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, what's the matter with you, why have you become so prudish?" Jiang Yanyan couldn't bear it any minute.

"Probably influenced by the atmosphere of this campus." Jiang Chen said with emotion.

"Ouch!" Jiang Yanyan almost vomited.

Hearing the sound, Xu Anqi couldn't stop laughing, she gave Jiang Yanyan a hand, and said, "Let's go quickly, let's try to finish the campus before noon, and then go shopping."

"Okay, okay." Jiang Yanyan nodded like a chick pecking rice. She has no interest in going to school, but shopping is her favorite.

But there were three people, and they didn't go very far. When they saw the direction to the left, several people rushed over quickly.

"Boy, stop for me." Among the few people who rushed over, a man with an inch-cut hair who walked in the front shouted loudly.

"Are you talking to me?" Jiang Chen followed the voice and glanced at the man with an inch-thin hair, looking confused.

"Boy, if I'm not talking to you, could it be that I'm talking to the air? It's you." A finger pointed at Jiang Chen, a man with a tight head, and said coldly.

"Do I know you?" Jiang Chen was even more confused.

If the guy named Tao Huayun appeared because of Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan, it could be regarded as a reason, but what kind of situation is this group of people who seem to be aiming at him?

"Boy, open your eyes and let me see clearly. How dare you say you don't know me?" Gritting his teeth slightly, the man with a tight head said.

"I really don't know you, who are you?" Jiang Chen looked at him with wide eyes, and asked without knowing why.

"Then you should know me, right?" A long-haired man stepped forward and said to Jiang Chen.

"Sorry, who are you?" Jiang Chen was quite puzzled.

"You—" the long-haired man wanted to vomit blood.

"Then do you know me?" Another man stood up and said in a stern tone.

"I must know you?" Jiang Chen was dumbfounded, as if he was about to be stunned.

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, the three people who spoke looked at each other for a while, and then, the man with a flat head said: "Boy, I didn't see it, you can pretend, what's the matter, do you want to admit what you have done? "

"What have I done?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"Jiang Chen, are you stealing someone's girlfriend?" Jiang Yanyan looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously, and whispered.

"Am I such a tasteless person?" Jiang Chen was very displeased, pointed at the three of them, and said, "Look at the three of them, each of them looks like crooked melons and dates. It's hard to say whether it's good or bad. Even if there is, can you still expect their girlfriends to be heavenly and beautiful?"

"Why is that? I think they seem very angry." Jiang Yanyan said, thinking that the hatred for taking his wife was nothing more than that.

"I think the biggest reason is that I am too handsome. I should have understood that a handsome man like me cannot be ostentatious. No, some people will immediately go crazy with envy and hatred." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Shut up!" The man with a flat head couldn't listen anymore.

It is said that they all look like crooked melons and split dates. Are they so ugly?
And the so-called envy, jealousy and hatred are simply unwarranted charges.

Afterwards, before Jiang Chen and Jiang Yanyan could speak, the man with a flat head said again: "Boy, last night, what happened in that small restaurant, do you dare to say that you have forgotten everything?"

"Oh, it's you guys." Jiang Chen's eyes lit up and he thought about it.

No wonder, when he looked at these three guys, he seemed vaguely familiar, but for a while, it was hard to think of where he had seen them.

"Finally remember it? It's really not easy." Baring his teeth, the man with an inch-thin head said.

"So, what's the matter with you?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"What's the matter?" The man with a flat head laughed loudly and said, "Boy, I can only say that you are so unlucky that we bumped into you at Jiangnan University. I will give you two choices. First, compensate us. 10 yuan in medical expenses and mental damage expenses, and then apologize to us, and what happened last night will be written off."

"What about the second?" Jiang Chen asked impatiently.

"In such a hurry?" The man with an inch-shaped head smiled sullenly, and said leisurely: "The second thing is that we will beat you up, and then you will compensate us 10 yuan."

This one-inch-headed man was a student of Jiangnan University. He brought all these people with him today, and originally wanted to discuss how to find Jiang Chen and take revenge fiercely.

Who would have thought that meeting Jiang Chen in school by such a coincidence, when he saw Jiang Chen, the man with a tight head almost suspected that he had mistaken him.

Of course he didn't admit the wrong person, he was taught so hard by Jiang Chen last night, and was extorted 1 yuan, the man with an inch-thin head felt that even if Jiang Chen was turned into ashes, he would still be able to recognize him.

Didn't Jiang Chen extort 1 yuan from him? Well, he's going to extort 10 yuan from Jiang Chen now, not much, just one zero more than ten thousand.

As for whether Jiang Chen would accept the blackmail, he wasn't worried at all about the man with a tight head.

On his side, there are eight people today, even if Jiang Chen can fight again, how can he defeat eight of them at once?
"10 yuan, what a lion to open his mouth, even if Jiang Chen offended you, it wouldn't be like this?" Xu Anqi said displeasedly.

"Did I ask you to talk? Besides, if a man can't even give out 10 yuan, he's a fuckin' girl." Seeing Xu Anqi, the man's eyes lit up.

But he didn't react too much, because he mainly wanted to settle accounts with Jiang Chen today, and it was important to extort money, otherwise it would be difficult to solve the hatred in his heart.

"It's as if you can come up with 10 yuan." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Is 10 yuan a lot of money? If I want to take it, I can take it out at any time." The man with an inch-length head said smugly.

"If you say that, I'm relieved." Jiang Chen seemed relieved.

"What do you mean?" The man with a flat head was stunned for a moment.

"Squad Leader Xu, you just said that you would go shopping later, right? But I seem to have forgotten to bring my wallet. Fortunately, someone is sending money to my door right now, and we will have money soon." Jiang Chen ignored the man with a tight head, Instead, she said to Xu Anqi with a smile.

"Okay." Xu Anqi blinked mischievously, telling her instinctively that the man with an inch-length head is going to be unlucky.

"Boy, are you suffering from paranoia? Even if I have 10 yuan, why should I give it to you?" The man with a flat head asked angrily.

How do you listen to Jiang Chen's words, as if he didn't come to extort money, but to give money?

"That's all." Jiang Chen clenched his fists and said arrogantly, "Give me the money quickly, or I will beat you up, and then you will give me the money."

"Boy, I think you're courting death." The man with an inch-thin head was angry.

"Oh, by the way, I have to explain, it's not 80, but 10, which means, everyone here owes me [-] now." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"court death."

"Fuck him."


As soon as Jiang Chen said this, not only the man with a flat head couldn't bear it, but the eight people who appeared with him were also enraged instantly.

80 for one person and [-] for eight people.

I have to say that Jiang Chen's mathematics is quite good, and this calculation is quite beautiful, but Jiang Chen also needs to be able to take money.

"It's only 10 yuan for one person, and you can't even get 10 yuan. What kind of men are you guys?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Stop talking nonsense, do it." said the man with a flat head. Jiang Chen was very uncooperative, so he decided to implement the second plan, which was to beat Jiang Chen violently first, and then take the money from Jiang Chen. .


It was the man with a flat head who had just said this, but Jiang Chen slapped him with a slap, knocking him to the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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