genius evil

Chapter 747 A Simple and Kind Little Girl

Chapter 747 A Simple and Kind Little Girl
"Boy, you still dare to do it, I think you are impatient."

"You're welcome, everyone, let's go together."

"Beat him, beat him to death."


Apparently, they didn't expect that Jiang Chen would strike first before they did.

With Jiang Chen's slap out, it immediately aroused public outrage. Following the long-haired man's wave, the remaining people moved one after another, rushing towards Jiang Chen from several directions and all directions.

Those who punched punched, those who punched kicked, looking at the posture, it seemed as if they wanted to tear Jiang Chen alive.

Naturally, Jiang Chen couldn't be frightened by this, and let those few people rush forward, standing motionless, with their shoulders lightly raised, they slapped one after another, and drew them out casually.


The sound of slaps rang non-stop, and when the sound disappeared, all the scattered people on the ground were lying down.

"I've already beaten you, so I can pay you now." Stopping, Jiang Chen said lazily.

The man with a flat head got up from the ground, glanced at Jiang Chen, and then at the other people who were knocked over by Jiang Chen, and kept sucking in air-conditioning.

From Jiang Chen's casual handling of the situation of the three of them in the small restaurant, the man with an inch-thin head could tell early in the morning that he could fight.

However, even if he broke his head, he would never have thought that Jiang Chen could achieve such a goal.

Or, is this called being able to fight?

It's just too capable.

A total of seven people rushed up to Jiang Chen from several directions. They bared their teeth and claws, but they couldn't even touch Jiang Chen's clothes, so they were all overturned by Jiang Chen.

And looking at Jiang Chen's relaxed posture, it feels like he just knocked over a few ants casually.

Even if it is an action movie, the director would not dare to let the actors act like this, otherwise it would be too fake.

It's just that such a fake thing happened right under his nose. It's unbelievable, but I have to believe it.

"Okay... okay... I'll give you money..."

The man with a flat head was really a little scared, because he could tell that Jiang Chen was showing mercy, otherwise, their fate would only be worse.

"Then hurry up, don't whine about it." Jiang Chen urged.

"But I don't have cash, can I transfer the money?" the man with an inch-thick head discussed.

"This is of course no problem." Jiang Chen said, whether it is cash or transfer, as long as the money arrives, then everything is fine, and he threw a card over there.

After a while, Jiang Chen received a text message reminder, frowned slightly, and asked, "Only one hundred thousand?"

"I only have so much money, and they will give the rest." The man with a flat head said hurriedly.

"Here, what are you talking about so much?" Jiang Chen said displeased.

"Brother, please, we have no money."

"I go to school and I still have student loans."

"Brother, we were wrong, please let us go."


The few people who came with the man with the inch-inch head were all frightened and dumbfounded. They didn't expect Jiang Chen to say that 80 would really cost 80, and they all cried and begged for mercy.

"Let you go, it's a good idea." Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

After a pause, Jiang Chen said immediately: "However, I won't embarrass you. If any of you really has no money, you can cut off a hand or a leg. It's considered a debt payment. Why? So, it’s a good deal.”


Everyone is pale.

"Hurry up one by one, if I do it myself, I accidentally break two hands, or break your third leg, it would be bad." Jiang Chen was a little impatient. .

"Give me the money, we'll give you the money." They said hurriedly one by one, how dare they let Jiang Chen do it himself, according to what Jiang Chen said, if the third leg is accidentally lost, this life will be useless.

A few minutes later, a group of people dispersed in a swarm under the leadership of the man with a flat head. Jiang Chen held his mobile phone and watched the 80 credit, almost smiling.

"Jiang Chen, this is extortion. If someone calls the police for this kind of behavior, you will definitely go to jail." Just listen to Jiang Yanyan's righteous words.

"Then what should we do?" Jiang Chen seemed to be frightened.

"It's very simple, give me half of the money, and if you go to jail, I will sit with you." Jiang Yanyan said, that was a righteous one.

"It sounds quite reasonable, but let's forget it, how dare I trouble you." Jiang Chen was a little moved.

"It's okay, hurt me, hurt me as much as you want." Jiang Yanyan slapped her chest.

80 million!

How long has it been since Jiang Chen earned 80 yuan? Jiang Yanyan felt that it was too easy for Jiang Chen to make money. Since Jiang Chen made money so easily, if he didn't give her half, would Jiang Chen be ashamed?

"Forget it." Jiang Chen shook his head and refused.

"20? One hundred thousand? Fifty thousand... Jiang Chen, do you want to be so stingy?" Jiang Yanyan screamed.

"Don't talk about fifty thousand, I won't give you even fifty cents." Jiang Chen said calmly, this woman actually wanted to cheat money from him, she must have overestimated her own IQ.

"Go to hell with you." Jiang Yanyan kicked towards Jiang Chen, but naturally she missed.

"Jiang Chen, how do you know they are so rich?" Xu Anqi asked softly as the three walked away slowly.

Jiang Chen blackmailed 80 yuan, which was a bit inappropriate, but Xu Anqi didn't think it was a big deal. The so-called wicked people need to be tortured by wicked people, that's what it meant.

"I didn't know they were so rich at all." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Then you?" Xu Anqi was a little confused.

"Squad leader Xu, this matter is actually very simple, far less complicated than you think, that is, if they really don't have money, I can't really interrupt their hands and feet, no, obviously, they are more idiots , and obviously, they are richer than I imagined, so I earned the 80." Jiang Chen continued.

Xu Anqi didn't know whether to laugh or cry at once, thinking that if the men with a tight head were to find out about this situation, they would probably regret it and hang themselves.

"Jiang Chen, stop talking nonsense here. Anyway, when we go shopping later, no matter what An Qi and I fancy, you will be responsible for paying the bill." Jiang Yanyan said from the side.

Isn't Jiang Chen unwilling to give money? It doesn't matter, the same goes for spending money from Jiang Chen's hands.

She doesn't need to spend too much, just barely, let's spend 40, and let Xu Anqi spend the other 40, anyway, half of each person, just spend the 80.

"Squad Leader Xu's shopping, I'll pay the bill. It's easy to understand. Why do you ask me to pay for your shopping?" Jiang Chen was a little unhappy.

What is the relationship between him and Jiang Yanyan?
Spending money to buy things for Jiang Yanyan will make Xu Anqi misunderstand, okay?

"Oh, I said something wrong, what I mean is, when you're shopping for An Qi, help me buy the order." Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes and explained.

"Look at me." Jiang Chen pointed to his face.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Yanyan was puzzled, but she still looked at Jiang Chen's face.

"What did you see?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Jiang Chen, if you want me to praise you for being handsome, just say so, don't be embarrassed." Jiang Yanyan giggled coquettishly.

"My handsomeness is obvious to all. You don't need to praise me at all. I want you to see me. Do I look like a fool?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's not like it." Jiang Yanyan said subconsciously.

"That's right, you're saying I'm not stupid anymore, so why should I just pay you the bill?" Jiang Chen said along the way.

Jiang Yanyan was so depressed that she was dying, and Jiang Chen's tricks were too deep to hide.

"An Qi, between you and Jiang Chen, who is in charge and who is in charge?" Jiang Yanyan suddenly asked Xu Anqi.

It is impossible for her to give up easily. If Jiang Chen's route doesn't work, then take Xu Anqi's wife's route. In short, Jiang Chen must pay her the bill today.

"My lord." Looking at Jiang Chen, Xu Anqi was a little shy.

"Then you are in charge of the money, right?" Jiang Yanyan induced.

"I don't care about Jiang Chen's money." Xu Anqi couldn't understand what Jiang Yanyan wanted to play, and said.

"This is not okay. As the saying goes, if you want to grab a man's heart, you must first grab that man's purse. Jiang Chen is so rich, if you don't care, what if he is spent by other women? What to do?" Jiang Yanyan said alarmistly.

"Student Yanyan, the other women you're talking about refer to yourself. It just so happens that I don't intend to spend money on you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, I'm talking to An Qi, don't interrupt." Jiang Yanyan gave Jiang Chen a white look, pulled Xu Anqi and continued, "An Qi, just talk, is there any reason for my words?"

"That makes sense, obviously to grab a man's heart, the first thing you need to do is grab his stomach. I've read a lot, so you can't fool me." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Er—" Jiang Yanyan's head was full of black lines.

Is this the point?
Who cares if he can catch Jiang Chen's stomach, is she trying to cheat money, okay?
"I told you not to interrupt, but you still interrupted." Jiang Yanyan said pretending to be unhappy.

"Squad leader Xu is so pure and kind, it's fine if you cheat her out of money, and you want to spoil her, I can bear that?" Jiang Chen was very angry.

Jiang Yanyan was full of black lines again. She was trying to cheat money, but when did she want to bring Xu Anqi down, she was originally an extremely pure and kind little girl, okay?

"Friend, wait...please wait a moment..." Just as Jiang Yanyan was slandering her to death, she suddenly heard a gentle voice.

Accompanied by the sound of speaking, a figure was seen, walked a few steps quickly, and came over.

The man looked at Jiang Chen with a smile on his face and said, "Friend, do you have time? Can you give me a chance to treat you to a meal?"

"Bring me to dinner, why?" Jiang Chen took a look at this person. Not to mention, the skin is not bad, at least not so annoying at first glance.

"To be honest, you may not believe it. In fact, when you just got out of the car, I just got out of the car. At first glance, I thought you were very suitable to be friends." The man said with a smile.


So, Jiang Chen spoke lazily, raised his foot, kicked this person like a cannonball, and flew out...

(End of this chapter)

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