genius evil

Chapter 748 I Will Cover You

Chapter 748 I Will Cover You
"Jiang Chen, I came here to treat guests to dinner with good intentions, why did you beat him up again?" Jiang Yanyan couldn't help feeling sorry for the man who was kicked out by Jiang Chen as he watched the man who struck up a conversation fly away.

It's too awful.

Even if you treat guests to dinner, you will be beaten. Is there any reason for this?

In other words, Jiang Chen actually didn't hear what the other party said at all, it was completely habitual, and he beat him up?
If this is the case, then the other party is too wronged, right?

"Look at his virtue, is he worthy of making friends with me?" Jiang Chen said dismissively.

"Even if he doesn't have the qualifications, you don't have to beat him up." Jiang Yanyan still felt that Jiang Chen was very unreasonable.

"Such a lack of self-knowledge, he needs to be beaten at first glance, and he needs to be beaten, so I beat him up, isn't this a happy thing for everyone?" Jiang Chen's tone was laziness.

"It's just a strong word, okay?" Jiang Yanyan snorted.

"Forget it, talk to a chicken, no matter how much you say, you won't understand what I'm talking about." Jiang Chen shook his head, explained so much lazily, and led the two girls away.

"Hey, Jiang Chen, please explain to me clearly, what do you mean by chicken and duck talking?" Jiang Yanyan was very stimulated and shouted.

Xu Anqi smiled lightly, and said, "Yanyan, don't get excited, Jiang Chen has a reason to beat someone up."

"An Qi, you're about to make Jiang Chen wear the same pair of pants now, so naturally you're doing him a favor." Jiang Yanyan pouted.

Xu Anqi was a little helpless, but she still said: "Yanyan, didn't you hear that man said that when we got out of the car, did he see us?"

"I'm not deaf, of course I heard... Hey, no, in this way, isn't that guy following us?" Jiang Yanyan said belatedly.

"Following is one aspect. The most important thing is, have you ever thought about why he wants to be friends with Jiang Chen?" Xu Anqi reminded.

"An Qi, what do you mean, that guy doesn't want to drink?" Jiang Yanyan is not stupid. Speaking of this, if she still doesn't understand what Xu Anqi is reminding her of, she can go head-on and kill her. .

There were only two reasons why that person wanted to be friends with Jiang Chen.

First, because he thought Jiang Chen was very good, so he wanted to make friends with Jiang Chen; second, because of Xu Anqi and her.

Judging from Jiang Chen's performance at Jiangnan University today, the first reason can basically be vetoed. After all, Jiang Chen beat up two groups of people before and after. It is impossible to want to be friends with Jiang Chen.

Then, that person wanted to make friends with Jiang Chen only because of the second reason.

That is to say, on the surface, the other party wanted to make friends with Jiang Chen, but in fact it was Xu Anqi and her idea, and there was no difference at all between Tao Huayun who drove a flamboyant car. .

"That's right, it's just that drunkards don't want to drink." Xu Anqi nodded slightly.

"Damn guy, it's useless for me to say a few good things for him, no, I have to beat him up myself." Jiang Yanyan gritted her teeth in hatred, turned around to look, but saw that the guy didn't know When did he run away.

"Hmph, you're running fast." Jiang Yanyan said angrily, waving her small fists.

"It's not that they run fast, it's that your brain turns too slowly." Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"It's not that I'm stupid, it's that the other party is too cunning. How could I have thought that he has such a deep routine." Jiang Yanyan argued to herself.

"Is the routine very deep? Why didn't I think so?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"It's just because your routines are deeper than his. How can I, an inexperienced little white flower, understand your routines." Jiang Yanyan muttered.

After a pause, Jiang Yanyan said in a slightly weird tone: "Jiang Chen, don't you plan to beat up all the boys in this school?"

Today was their first visit to Jiangnan University. In a short period of time, Jiang Chen beat up three groups of people in succession.

Although it looks relieved, but is this really good?

"If possible, I don't mind at all." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"If you look like this, you will become the public enemy of the whole school." Jiang Yanyan bared her teeth.

"With a girlfriend like Squad Leader Xu, I'm the public enemy of the whole school. Is there a problem?" Jiang Chen said disapprovingly.

In such a science and engineering school where there are more wolves but less meat, and the quality of the girls is particularly appalling, it is not difficult to imagine that Xu Anqi's joining is definitely a breath of fresh air.

Once people notice at that time, the suitors are like crucian carp crossing the river, 80 or [-] people will definitely be indispensable.

As Xu Anqi's boyfriend, he won't be able to get rid of the title of public enemy of the whole school.

"Jiang Chen, so you planned this way, you are so cunning." Jiang Yanyan suddenly realized.

But even though Jiang Chen didn't mind beating up a few more people at all, it was obvious that there were still a small number of people who didn't have eyesight. No, nothing else happened during the next stroll.

At noon, the three of Jiang Chen didn't go far, they found a restaurant outside the school casually, and solved the problem of lunch. After that, Jiang Yanyan couldn't wait, and pulled Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi to go shopping together.

I didn't go far for shopping, because there is a quite bustling pedestrian street outside Jiangnan University.

Although it was summer vacation, there were quite a few students who stayed at school or returned early. The pedestrian street outside the campus was full of people, and there were all kinds of cheap and good things, which made Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan a little bit reluctant to leave.

"An Qi, it's better to be in Tiannan City. I heard that the prices in the capital are very expensive. I don't know if it's enough to spend 2 yuan a month. If it's not enough, An Qi, you must help me. Ah." Jiang Yanyan said enviously.

"Okay, but you save some money, so you don't have no money to eat." Xu Anqi nodded.

Hearing the sound, the corners of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched.

As expected of a little rich woman, [-] yuan a month is not enough to spend. You must know that at this stage, her monthly expenses are less than [-] yuan.

"Jiang Chen, what's your reaction?" Jiang Yanyan noticed Jiang Chen's mouth twitching.

"It's nothing, you guys talk about yours." Jiang Chen looked up at the sky, pretending he didn't hear anything.

Otherwise, if Jiang Yanyan insisted on spending his money, it would be bad.

"Student, the price of goods in the capital is very high, but the school is still relatively cheap. The living expenses of 2 yuan a month are very much. Many students only spend 2000 yuan a month." But Jiang Yanyan's voice startled the people next to her, and a soft-sounding voice came.

"Are you going to university in the capital?" Jiang Yanyan took a look and saw a girl picking out trinkets.

Jiang Chen also saw the girl, about 1.6 meters tall, plainly dressed, no makeup was applied to her fair face, her hair was casually tied into a ponytail and hung behind her head.

It's not very beautiful, but it gives people a feeling of being easy to get along with at first glance, especially the pair of big eyes, shining with agility, very well-behaved.

"I'm a sophomore in college in Beijing." The girl said with a smile.

"Then which school are you from?" Jiang Yanyan asked again.

"Capital...well, Capital University." After a moment of hesitation, the girl said.

"Wow, you are amazing." Jiang Yanyan didn't think much about it, and she didn't think about it. The other party hesitated to say the name of the university, in order to avoid the suspicion of showing off.

I have to say that a single mind has its benefits.

"Jiang Chen, your alumni, hurry up and get to know him." Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yanyan teased Jiang Chen.

"Hello senior sister, my name is Jiang Chen, I will take care of you from now on." Jiang Chen smiled slightly and stretched out his hand.

The girl was a little surprised, as if she hadn't expected that Jiang Chen would be a student of Capital University, she hesitated for a while, shook Jiang Chen's hand clumsily, and said embarrassingly, "My name is Weiran."

"Senior Weiran, he will protect you in Capital University from now on." Jiang Yanyan pointed to Jiang Chen and said with a smile.

"Ah—" Wei Ran opened her mouth, not quite able to adapt to Jiang Yanyan's speaking style.

"It's okay, I will cover you." Jiang Chen said with a grin.

"Okay... okay..." Looking suspiciously at Jiang Chen and the three, Wei Ran lowered her head, picked up something and went to pay the bill.

"Jiang Chen, it seems that there are many beauties in Capital University, and I met one casually, no wonder you are going to Capital University." Looking at Wei Ran's back, Jiang Yanyan said sourly.

"Yeah, I have really good eyesight." Jiang Chen deeply agreed.

"An Qi, look at your man, you don't care." Jiang Yanyan was pissed off.

Xu Anqi smiled and said, "Don't worry, Wei Ran has a good temperament, but it's not the type Jiang Chen likes."

"An Qi, did you say the wrong thing? I have nothing to worry about. I have nothing to do with Jiang Chen." Jiang Yanyan murmured.

"Okay, let's go shopping for a while. The things here are really cheap, we can buy more back home." Xu Anqi laughed.

"An Qi, you have such a big heart." Jiang Yanyan muttered, being dragged by Xu Anqi, she continued shopping.

An hour later, when Jiang Chen had more than a dozen large and small bags in his hands, the two girls stopped shopping and drove home.

The next morning, Jiang Chen drove a car from the garage of Xu's villa and returned to Yilan City.

Speaking of it, he spent quite a long time on this trip, and he missed the people and things in Yilan City a little bit. There was nothing to deal with in Tiannan City, so he decided to go back when he was free.

In the co-pilot seat, Jiang Yanyan was sitting. Jiang Yanyan hadn't been quiet for a second since she got in the car, looking around, or touching things here and there, looking restless.

"Student Yanyan, if you have anything to say, hurry up and say it." Jiang Chen was a little bit dumbfounded by Jiang Yanyan's appearance.

"Jiang Chen, do you feel that An Qi has been acting weird since yesterday?" Jiang Yanyan was about to be overwhelmed, and Jiang Chen immediately asked the question. Looking at Jiang Chen, waiting for Jiang Chen's answer.

(End of this chapter)

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