genius evil

Chapter 749

Chapter 749
"Is there? Why didn't I notice?" Jiang Chen said casually.

"There must be." Jiang Yanyan said with great certainty, "I didn't plan to go back to Yilan City today, but An Qi heard that you were going back today, so let me go back today, and let me take your car."

"Squad leader Xu must think that you have been eating and drinking for too long, and wished he could send you away earlier. It is a rare opportunity to send you away, so naturally he will not miss it." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"You think An Qi is as stingy as you?" Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes and muttered, "Anyway, I just think it's weird."

"Student Yanyan, why do I feel that you are the one who is weird?" Jiang Chen said.

"Me? What's wrong with me?" Pointing at herself, Jiang Yanyan asked in bewilderment.

"It's clear that you are a typical example of being good-looking when you get cheap. If you come to drive and I take a ride, I guess you won't have time to think wildly." Jiang Chen said.

"I didn't..." Jiang Yanyan groaned loudly for herself, she was not thinking wildly, she really found that Xu Anqi was a little weird, okay?

Even if we don't talk about today's matter, what did Xu Anqi say yesterday to reassure her, with her relationship with Jiang Chen, what is there to be at ease?

Don't say that Jiang Chen is bothered, even if Jiang Chen changes a woman every day, it probably has nothing to do with her, right?

Well, in fact, there is still a little relationship.

After all, if Jiang Chen really changed a woman every day, where would he still have time to take her to eat and drink spicy food?

"You have it. Tell me, do you want to drive?" Jiang Chen urged.

"No, I'm tired, take a rest." Jiang Yanyan said, while speaking, in order to avoid being urged by Jiang Chen again, she hastily closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

"Student Yanyan, are you trying to insult my IQ by pretending to be asleep so obviously?" Jiang Chen asked speechlessly.

"Don't talk, I'm going to fall asleep soon." Jiang Yanyan yelled.

"Then I'll help you, let you fall asleep right away." Jiang Chen said, his voice fell, and a finger lightly touched Jiang Yanyan's body.

With Jiang Chen's finger pointing, Jiang Yanyan immediately yawned, feeling endless drowsiness sweeping her whole body, her eyelids were so heavy that she almost couldn't open them, and fell asleep in less than ten seconds.

"It's finally quiet." Looking at Jiang Yanyan who was passing by, Jiang Chen smiled.

A few hours later, in Yilan City, Jiang Chen gently patted Jiang Yanyan with his big hand, and called out, "Student Yanyan, you should get off the car."

"So fast?" Jiang Yanyan opened her eyes, looked at the surrounding environment, and muttered.

"It's not too soon, did you sleep soundly? Do you want to sleep for a while?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"No, I'm going home to sleep." Jiang Yanyan shook her head, pushed the door open and got out of the car.

"This woman looks really weird." Jiang Chen wondered to himself.

But he didn't think too much, watching Jiang Yanyan leave, Jiang Chen drove towards Yilan Middle School.

From afar, Jiang Chen saw the Lanjie Restaurant which was open for business.

Due to the school holiday, the restaurant became more and more deserted. Jiang Chen stopped the car, opened the door and got off, and was about to enter the restaurant when a figure rushed out from inside.

"Young Master, you're finally back." The guy rushed out, trying to protect Jiang Chen's thigh.

Naturally, it was impossible for Jiang Chen to let him hug him, kick him up, and kick him away.

"Young Master, it's me." The kicked guy rolled around on the ground, and when he got up, he looked at Jiang Chen with a grievance on his face, who else could it be except John Li.

"I said, what's your situation?" Jiang Chen was a little stunned when he saw this guy's face clearly.

Impressively, he saw that John Li's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his eyes were so swollen that he could hardly see them. It seemed as funny as it could be.

"I fell down." Li Yuehan said hurriedly.

"Didn't it be beaten by Xiaofang?" Jiang Chen jokingly asked.

"Haha, Yao Ji is my girlfriend now, how could she be willing to beat me up." Li Yuehan had a smug look on his face.

"Li Yuehan, if you feel that you are not dying fast enough, why don't you try talking nonsense?" But just after Li Yuehan's voice fell, just seeing it, the enchantress came out of the restaurant.

However, Yao Ji's appearance is not much better than that of Li Yuehan. A fairly beautiful face is also blue, red and swollen. Even with heavy makeup, it is difficult to completely cover it. .

"Xiaofang, did you fight with John Li?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

It's okay to say that John Li became like that, anyway, John Li has always been a poor smoker, Jiang Chen is not surprised when someone beats him up.

But what happened to the enchantress' face?
Since both of them have bruised noses and swollen faces, and their symptoms look exactly the same, it is very likely that they were caused by the fight between the two parties.

But perhaps Li Yuehan doesn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, no wonder he hasn't been able to meet the enchantress for such a long time.

"Does he dare to touch a finger of mine?" Yao Ji curled her lips, and looked at John Li with disdain.

"Yao Ji, what do you mean by that? What do you mean I dare to move a finger of yours?" Li Yuehan yelled.

"Do you want to try?" Enchantress glanced away.

"If you don't move, don't move, it's nothing special." John Li muttered, but was shocked by the enchantress' gaze.

"Spineless things, get out of the way." Yao Ji said in a low voice.

"This is what you said. Don't regret it. When I get out of here, even if you ask me to come back, I won't come back." John Li said with a blushing neck.

"Get out!" Yao Ji shouted again.

Li Yuehan didn't even dare to argue now, his neck drooped, and he rolled to the side in despair.

"What happened?" Jiang Chen casually asked as he walked into Sister Lan's restaurant.

"I don't know either, a woman came out of nowhere, taught John Li and me a lesson, and even took Magnolia away." Enchantress said with a very ugly face.

"And then?" Jiang Chen was a little stunned and asked.

"Without that, who knows what kind of nerves that woman has." Enchantress spoke in a rather displeased tone.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you're here." Xiaodie flew towards Jiang Chen when she saw Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and hugged him tall.

"Did you miss me, brother Jiang Chen?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"No, brother Jiang Chen, you don't miss me anyway, but Mommy said, if you don't come again, you won't be able to find us." Xiaodie said crisply.

"How could it be impossible to find you? Even if you have gone to the ends of the earth, brother Jiang Chen, I can still find you." Jiang Chen said casually.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Chen suddenly felt something was wrong, and looked at Sister Lan in surprise, Sister Lan blushed slightly, and said, "You're hungry, I'm going to cook two dishes."

As he spoke, he hurried into the kitchen.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen grinned and laughed.

He was a little worried at first that Sister Lan would be reluctant to go to the capital, but now it seems that Sister Lan has figured it out and is willing to go to the capital.

This matter was something that Jiang Chen was happy to see come to fruition. After waiting for such a long time, he finally had a result.

Although Sister Lan didn't tell him directly, with Xiaodie's words, Jiang Chen was able to understand Sister Lan's thoughts.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you know how to brag, I don't believe it, and besides, if you haven't come to see me for so long, I'm almost bored to death. If you don't come again, I will think that you have forgotten me and Mommy What?" Xiaodie complained.

"How come, Brother Jiang Chen, even if I forget everyone, I can't forget Xiaodie you." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"All of you men know how to talk sweetly." Xiaodie sighed.

Jiang Chen's head was full of black lines immediately. This little girl is becoming more and more like a brat.

"Jiang Chen, if you want to eat, I'll leave first." Yao Ji said from the side.

"If there is any situation, please contact me at any time. I will be in Yilan City during this time." Jiang Chen said.

A woman who appeared out of nowhere beat Li Yuehan and Yao Ji violently for no reason. Thinking about it for a while, Jiang Chen felt very strange.

You know, even though he knows a lot of women and seems to offend a lot of women, there has never been a woman so violent, right?

"I will contact you, because I want to beat you back with my own hands." Yao Ji said through gritted teeth, and walked away from the restaurant.

"Aunt Yaoji is so violent, no wonder she doesn't have a boyfriend." Xiaodie leaned into Jiang Chen's ear and said with a smile.

"I think the reason why she doesn't have a boyfriend is because she's too ugly." Jiang Chen said.

"No, Auntie Yaoji is very beautiful, almost, there are only me and Mommy who are beautiful." Xiaodie said.

"Xiaodie, have I taught you not to speak ill of others behind their backs?" Sister Lan brought out a plate of dishes and taught her a lesson.

"Mommy, I don't. Brother Jiang Chen and I are praising Aunt Yaoji for being pretty. Brother Jiang Chen, don't you think so?" Xiaodie stuck out her tongue and said.

"That's right, that's it." Jiang Chen laughed.

Sister Lan was a little helpless, and said: "Jiang Chen, don't spoil her like this, you will spoil her."

"Brother Jiang Chen is supposed to spoil me. I'm so beautiful and so cute. Who else can Brother Jiang Chen spoil if he doesn't spoil me?" Xiaodie said, what she said was old-fashioned.

"Have you finished your summer homework? If not, hurry up and do it." Sister Lan had no choice but to use her trump card.

"Ah——" Xiaodie's small face suddenly became bitter, and she wrinkled her little nose and said, "Mum, you are so ruthless, cruel, and vexatious. You are just talking to brother Jiang Chen, and you will go to the hospital soon." Finished writing. Hurry up and cook, Brother Jiang Chen is almost starving."

Even the trump card was useless, Sister Lan was very helpless, but she had no choice but to go to the kitchen to continue cooking, and made up her mind to clean up Xiaodie after Jiang Chen finished eating, otherwise Xiao Nizi would become more and more lawless ...

(End of this chapter)

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