genius evil

Chapter 750 I will introduce you to a boyfriend

Chapter 750 I'll Introduce You To A Boyfriend
After dinner, Jiang Chen played with Xiaodie for a while, and then he walked out of Sister Lan's restaurant, drove the car, and went slowly to Yilan Middle School.

It was Jiang Chen, who just drove up near the school gate, when he saw a red car driving out from the school.

"Well, Teacher Tang's car." Jiang Chen immediately recognized the red car when he saw it.

Speaking of which, when he first came to Earth, he fell into the water in Nanxing Lake. After Tangyue rescued him from the lake, she drove him back to school in this car.

Therefore, Jiang Chen was quite impressed with this car.

Jiang Chen saw Tangyue's car, but Tangyue, who was driving, obviously didn't notice Jiang Chen's car. After driving out of the school gate, the red car accelerated slightly, and soon disappeared from Jiang Chen's sight.

"Teacher Tang, I came here specially to see you. Is it really okay for you to turn a blind eye to me?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself, turned the steering wheel, and chased in the direction Tangyue left.

About 15 minutes later, Jiang Chen saw the red car stopped in front of a coffee shop, the door opened, and Tangyue got out of the car.

"Teacher Tang is worthy of being the most beautiful teacher in our school, she is really beautiful no matter what." Jiang Chen looked at it from a distance and said to himself.

Tangyue's outfit today is quite casual, a simple white shirt with sky blue denim trousers, a pair of white canvas shoes under her feet, the hem of the shirt is casually tied into the waistband, looking youthful and casual.

After Tangyue got off the car, she took out her mobile phone and made a call. After a while, she saw a woman walking out of the coffee shop quickly, leading Tangyue into the coffee shop together.

"Mr. Xie, I just have something to attend to. I'm really sorry for being late." Entering the coffee shop, Tangyue said a little apologetically.

"It's nothing. I was abrupt when I said it. It's my honor that you are willing to come out, Mr. Tang." The woman said with a smile.

This woman's name is Xie Ting, and she is also a teacher at Yilan Middle School, but she teaches a sophomore in high school. Normally, she and Tangyue are just nodding friends, and they don't have much contact with each other.

Xie Ting obtained Tangyue's mobile phone number by accident, and it had been stored in her mobile phone before, and she had never contacted Tangyue.

This time, Mao rashly called Tangyue to come out without any certainty. After all, Xie Ting believed that a beautiful woman like Tangyue was usually very proud.

However, she did not expect that after she declared her identity, Tangyue did not refuse and agreed to the meeting. This made Xie Ting feel a little honored while being surprised.

In this way, Xie Ting naturally wouldn't blame Tangyue for being late.

What's more, Tangyue was only 2 minutes late.

Beautiful women are all privileged, they are only 2 minutes late, how can they be called late?
"Mr. Xie, you were on the phone and said you have something to talk to me about. I wonder what it is?" Tangyue asked.

She and Xie Ting were far from familiar. The reason why she agreed to Xie Ting's invitation was mostly because Xie Ting spoke vaguely on the phone.

Tangyue was very curious about what Xie Ting would want to ask her, and that's when she asked.

"Teacher Tang, let's chat while drinking coffee." Xie Ting invited Tangyue to sit down and asked the waiter to serve coffee.

The coffee was brought over after a while, Tangyue took a sip of the coffee and said with a slight smile: "Mr. Xie, if you have anything to do, you can just speak directly, it's okay."

"That's it, then I'll just point it out directly. If there is something wrong with what I said, don't mind, Teacher Tang." Xie Ting said, and after saying this, hesitated for a while, Xie Ting asked: "Mr. Tang, if I don't If I remember correctly, you don’t have a boyfriend, do you?”

"Boy friend?"

Hearing the sound, Tangyue was stunned for a while, and looked at Xie Ting in surprise, apparently completely unexpected that Xie Ting would ask such a question.

"No." Tang Yue said after thinking about it.

"It turns out that Teacher Tang, you really don't have a boyfriend, so I can rest assured." Xie Ting let out a little sigh of relief.

"Mr. Xie, does it have anything to do with whether I have a boyfriend or not and you looking for me today?" Tangyue asked suspiciously.

"Mr. Tang, it's like this. A friend of mine came to Yilan Middle School to look for me a few days ago. I saw you from a distance, Mr. Tang. He just felt that he liked you very much, so he wanted to have a relationship with Mr. Tang. You know each other, if you can, you can try to date." Xie Ting said.

Tangyue's expression became even more weird.

How dare you, Xie Ting was talking about Nini on the phone, but actually wanted to introduce her a boyfriend?
This kind of thing, more or less, made Tangyue a little dumbfounded.

Immediately shaking her head and refusing, Tangyue said: "Mr. Xie, I appreciate your kindness, but I have no plans to talk about a boyfriend yet."

"Mr. Tang, don't blame me for talking too much. You are not young anymore. It's time to talk about a boyfriend. Besides, my friend is in this coffee shop right now. Teacher Tang, you might as well get to know him first. If you think it's inappropriate , let's talk about it." Xie Ting said.

This Xie Ting was obviously a good old man with a warm heart. She was afraid that Tangyue would refuse, so she hurriedly waved to the table next to her.

At the next table, a young man was sitting. When he saw Xie Ting waving, he got up and walked over. He said with a slight smile, "Mr. Tang, my name is Xie Zhenyuan. I'm from Mr. Xie's family. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Tangyue couldn't help but want to cover her face with her hands, but she was a little confused about the situation.

Xie Ting was too enthusiastic, she didn't care if she wanted to introduce her boyfriend for no reason, but she even called him over directly.

Although it seemed harmless, this kind of behavior still made Tangyue very helpless.

"Hello, Tangyue." Tangyue smiled wryly.

"Ms. Tang, Mr. Xie has said everything I want to say. Let me introduce myself now, so that Mr. Tang, you can get to know me better." Xie Zhenyuan said with a smile, and sat down next to Xie Ting.

"That's right, it's always good to get to know each other, but Zhenyuan, you have to tell us about your situation honestly, and there must be no exaggeration or concealment," Xie Ting said.

"No, you know my situation. If there is anything wrong, please feel free to point it out." Xie Zhenyuan said.

Xie Zhenyuan and Xie Ting sang together, which eased the atmosphere a little bit. Xie Zhenyuan just wanted to introduce himself to Tangyue, but before he could say anything, he heard a voice that was a bit bluffing.

"Teacher Tang, it's really you. I thought I misjudged the person. I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence." The voice came, and then the young man walked over with a smile, stared at Tangyue, and looked at Tangyue. non-stop.

"Jiang Chen." Seeing the young man clearly, Tangyue was dumbfounded.

Things were already chaotic enough, but Jiang Chen actually came. Wouldn't it become even more chaotic?

With Jiang Chen's personality, Tang Yue could almost imagine what would happen after a while.

"Teacher Tang, you still remember me. I was a little worried. After graduation, you won't know me." Jiang Chen said in a false manner.

"Jiang Chen? Are you Jiang Chen?" Just hearing Xie Ting's startled voice sounded.

"You know me?" Jiang Chen looked at Xie Ting.

"Why don't you know me? You are the number one student in our school's college entrance examination this year." Xie Ting said.

"I didn't expect that I'm still a bit famous, this teacher, what's going on with you today?" Jiang Chen asked.

"You can call me Mr. Xie. I'm planning to introduce a boyfriend to Mr. Tang." Xie Ting pointed to Xie Zhenyuan and said with a smile.

"Teacher Tang's boss is not young anymore, it's really time to find a boyfriend, Teacher Tang, you don't mind, I'll help you as a staff officer." Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

Tangyue suddenly became one head and two big. Sure enough, it was fine if Jiang Chen didn't show up, but if he showed up, things would definitely go wrong.

Bisheng, she simply could not refuse.

Because Tangyue knew how thick Jiang Chen's skin was, no matter how much she refused, she still couldn't refuse.

"Of course it doesn't matter, Jiang Chen, you sit down, and it's good to give Teacher Tang a staff." Xie Ting thought that Tangyue was embarrassed to have a blind date in front of her students, so she took the initiative to help out.

Jiang Chen was waiting for this sentence, sat down next to Tangyue, stared at Xie Zhenyuan, and began to size up.

"Brother, what's the matter with your hair, it's a bit bald." Jiang Chen said with a worried face after looking at it a few times.

"Maybe it's because I'm too busy with work. I'll take care of my health." After a moment of stunned, Xie Zhenyuan replied.

"Yes, you must take good care of your body. Otherwise, look at yourself. You are only in your 20s, and you look like a 40-year-old. No wonder you haven't been able to find a girlfriend." Jiang Chen said earnestly.

Xie Zhenyuan was about to scold someone, what does it mean to look about 40 years old, what does it mean to have never been able to find a girlfriend, does he look so old and ugly?
What happened to Jiang Chen's beating around the bush and cursing?
If Tangyue and Xie Ting hadn't known that Jiang Chen was Tangyue's student, Xie Zhenyuan would have doubted whether Jiang Chen was his rival in love.

Of course, Xie Zhenyuan still has the most basic self-knowledge. If Jiang Chen is really his rival in love, he feels that he has no comparison at all.

There's no way, Jiang Chen is so handsome, it makes him feel a little self-ashamed when he looks at him who is always confident.

"Jiang Chen, you misunderstood. It's not that Zhenyuan couldn't find a girlfriend, but because he was too busy with work and didn't meet a suitable partner. Besides, men, it's not a big problem to be rough. Do you think you are self-motivated and responsible?" Xie Ting helped explain.

"Mr. Xie, I think what you said is very correct. A man can be short or ugly, but he must not be without money." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Yes, that's the truth." Xie Ting said happily.

When Xie Zhenyuan heard Jiang Chen's words, he almost burst into tears, obviously calling him short and ugly.

He couldn't understand what was going on with Jiang Chen at all, he was addicted to beating around the bush, right?

(End of this chapter)

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