genius evil

Chapter 751 Only I Deserve You

Chapter 751 Only I Deserve You

Xie Zhenyuan's reaction naturally couldn't escape Jiang Chen's eyes.

Smiling, Jiang Chen said: "Dude, don't get me wrong, I didn't say you are short... By the way, how tall are you?"

"1.7 meters two." Suppressing the dissatisfaction in his heart, Xie Zhenyuan said rather depressed.

"That's a pity. I remember Teacher Tang said that she has high requirements for her boyfriend. In terms of height, if she is less than 1.7 meters five, she will never consider it." Jiang Chen said with great regret.

Tangyue just gave Jiang Chen a blank look.

When did she say such a thing?

Why doesn't she remember at all.

"Teacher Tang, is it like this?" Xie Ting became worried.

"I like boys who are taller." Tangyue could only say insincerely, it was hard to tear Jiang Chen down.

Moreover, if she could directly reject Xie Zhenyuan because of her height, Tangyue would be extremely happy to see it succeed.

"The difference between 1.7 meters two and 1.7 meters five is not obvious, so it shouldn't matter?" Xie Ting said again.

"Mr. Xie, you are wrong. The difference of three centimeters may seem insignificant, but the difference is too big. How can you settle for a love affair? It's like you are going to buy watermelon. Forcibly selling a non-sweet watermelon to you as a sweet watermelon, what would you think in your heart? Would you think about using watermelon to smear that person's face?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"If Teacher Tang minds, I can wear height-increasing insoles." Xie Zhenyuan said, he couldn't understand how big the difference of three centimeters was, and it was worth Jiang Chen's exaggeration.

But since Tang Yue minded, he could only find a way to change himself.

"Dude, I'm not talking about you. You are too perfunctory. My teacher Tang is so beautiful, why did you choose a man who wears height-increasing insoles? No matter how rich you are, or how rich your family is, just With your perfunctory attitude, you deserve to never find a girlfriend in your life." Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

Xie Zhenyuan was a little confused. He said he was wearing height-enhancing insoles. Could it be that he was wrong?

But it seems that if he didn't wear height increasing insoles, he would be more wrong.

So, what is the right thing to do for him?

It can't be because he is a little short that everything is wrong for him, right?

It is naturally impossible for Xie Zhenyuan to understand that his existence today is a huge mistake. With the premise of this mistake, no matter what he does, it is all his fault and there is no reason at all.

"Jiang Chen, I think it's okay to wear height-increasing insoles. As for money, Zhenyuan's job is still very good, and his family conditions are also pretty good." Xie Ting said.

"Rich second generation?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's too good to be true. It's an ordinary family. I work in a research institute, and my salary is barely over [-]." Xie Zhenyuan said modestly.

The per capita salary in Tiannan City is not high. Although the salary of teachers in Yilan Middle School is much higher than that of other schools, the salary of [-] is considered very high.

Therefore, when he said this, Xie Zhenyuan was very modest on the surface, but in fact, he still had a lot of sense of superiority.

"What, only such a small salary?" Jiang Chen yelled.

"Very few?" Xie Zhenyuan didn't know why.

"Do you know how much this shirt Mr. Tang is wearing? I saw it at the counter some time ago. The original price was [-], and it was discounted to [-]." Jiang Chen pointed casually and said carelessly.


Now it was Xie Zhenyuan and Xie Ting's turn to shout.

Xie Ting was fine, because Tangyue often drove in and out of the campus, she knew that Tangyue's family conditions should be very good.

Xie Zhenyuan, on the other hand, was completely stunned.

In vain, he thought that a monthly salary of [-] yuan was considered high, but the reality was that with his monthly salary, he couldn't even buy a piece of clothing on Tangyue's body.

You know, when seeing Tangyue walking in from the outside, Xie Zhenyuan still thought that Tangyue was very nice, she dressed casually, she was not the kind of woman who spends a lot of money, she should be very suitable for living.

The current situation made Xie Zhenyuan realize that he was too naive.

"Ten thousand and three shirts are a lot?" Jiang Chen smiled slightly, this is what he wanted, and then said: "The bracelet on Mr. Tang's hand looks very ordinary, so I won't talk about the price, anyway, the brand You've all heard it."

Afterwards, Jiang Chen said a sign.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Xie Zhenyuan and Xie Ting's expressions changed.

Because they understood why Jiang Chen didn't say the price.

As far as this brand of stuff goes, never heard of anything below six figures.

That is to say, Tangyue was wearing the bracelet, and at Xie Zhenyuan's salary level, it would take him a year without eating or drinking to earn it.

The most damning thing is that this is not showing off wealth at all.

Tangyue is too low-key, so low-key that people feel that it is so natural for her to wear such clothes and accessories.

"Do you want me to say more?" Jiang Chen still smiled and said calmly.

"Needless to say, I understand." Xie Zhenyuan blushed.

Even if he is an idiot, he knows that he is not worthy of Tangyue at all, if Jiang Chen is allowed to say anything, the result will only be humiliation for himself.

"Teacher Tang, I'm too presumptuous, don't mind." Xie Ting said embarrassingly.

She thought to herself that she finally understood why Tangyue hadn't looked for a boyfriend all this time. It wasn't that Tangyue didn't look for a boyfriend, but that there were too few men who were worthy of Tangyue.

She pulled Xie Zhenyuan over for a blind date, and even though it was out of good intentions, it was a kind of joke.

"It's okay, don't listen to Jiang Chen's nonsense. In fact, the clothes on my body were bought online, and they cost only a few dozen yuan. As for this bracelet, I bought it at a boutique, and it cost ten yuan." Tang Tang said the month.

Xie Ting and Xie Zhenyuan were embarrassed. They were not stupid. The difference between clothes worth tens of dollars and clothes worth more than 1 dollars was obvious.

The difference between the ten yuan jewelry and the jewelry with a price of more than six figures is even more obvious at a glance.

"Teacher Tang, I remembered that I still have something to do, so I left first." Xie Zhenyuan said.

"I also happen to have something to do, Zhenyuan, I'll go with you." Xie Ting said.

"Jiang Chen, what happened to you, they didn't believe me when I told the truth." After a while, when Xie Zhenyuan and Xie Ting left, Tangyue couldn't help complaining.

"Mr. Tang, this matter has nothing to do with me. You are really good, Mr. Tang. Even if you wear clothes that cost tens of dollars, they still have the texture of tens of thousands of dollars. Otherwise, even if it is me If I talk too much, they will only think I am bragging." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"But, you can't say that. After all, Mr. Xie and I are colleagues, we meet each other without looking up." Tangyue still felt bad.

"Teacher Tang, I'm completely thinking about you, and I have no selfishness. You don't want to be pulled out for a blind date next time, right?" Jiang Chen said.

"I understand what you mean, but I think we can be a little more tactful." Tangyue sighed.

She accepted Xie Ting's invitation without knowing it beforehand. If she had known earlier that Xie Ting had arranged a blind date for her, it would have been impossible for her to come anyway.

Regardless of whether the other party is well-intentioned or malicious.

This made Tangyue feel that if she receives a call from someone she doesn't know next time, she must first ask the other party's purpose clearly on the phone, so as not to embarrass both parties like this time.

"Teacher Tang, am I not tactful enough?" Jiang Chen expressed his aggrievedness, and said, "Teacher Tang, I found that the biggest problem is that you don't even know how good you are."

"I'm not as good as you said." Tangyue said angrily.

"Look, I know that you don't know how good you are, and you don't even understand that you are so good in this world that no one else is worthy of you except me." Jiang Chenyu said earnestly.

"Ah—" Tangyue was confused for a while.

With Jiang Chen's words, is he praising her for being outstanding, or is he praising himself for being outstanding?

"Teacher Tang, as the only man in this world who is worthy of you, don't you think we should start dating?" Jiang Chen said confidently.

"No appointment." Tangyue couldn't laugh or cry.

She finally figured out what Jiang Chen's purpose was. After all, she probably wanted to say this sentence.

"Teacher Tang, then I'll make an appointment with you unilaterally." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I still have something to do in school. I'll go back after drinking my coffee." Tangyue shook her head and said, it was impossible for Jiang Chen to fulfill his wish.

"It's okay, I'll go back to school with you, and we'll go on a date after you're done." Jiang Chen naturally couldn't give up.

"I'll be busy until very late," Tangyue said.

"It doesn't matter how late it is, anyway, I have nothing else to do." Jiang Chen said.

Tangyue was speechless for a moment, knowing that today, it would be impossible to get rid of Jiang Chen, which made Tangyue extremely depressed.

If he had known earlier, he shouldn't have come out. If he hadn't come out, he wouldn't have met Jiang Chen. If he hadn't met Jiang Chen, it would have been impossible for Jiang Chen to say these shameless words.

It was as if she was going out today to create opportunities for Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen is that kind of person, even if there is no opportunity, he will try his best to create opportunities for himself, let alone have a ready-made opportunity here, it would be strange if he didn't hold on to it tightly.

"Okay, then you accompany me to school." After thinking for a while, Tangyue said, she also wanted to see, some things, Jiang Chen just said casually, or, Jiang Chen really has such good patience.

What's more, when she said that she had something to do back to school, it wasn't just an excuse, it was indeed something, and she would be busy until very late. She didn't believe it at all. Jiang Chen had such patience and stayed with her all the time.

After drinking the coffee and paying the bill, Jiang Chen and Tang Yue drove a car back to school.

"Teacher Tang, you just came back from a date with Jiang Chen?" Jiang Chen and Tang Yue just got out of the car downstairs in the teacher's dormitory, when they heard a slightly bitter voice...

(End of this chapter)

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