genius evil

Chapter 752 The Confused Tangyue

Chapter 752 The Confused Tangyue

"Yeah, yeah, I just got back from the date. Teacher Xu Jiao, you're dressed so flashy, and you're going on a date too?" Before Tangyue could speak, Jiang Chen nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. Snatching ahead, he said with a smile.

"I don't have a fancy dress, so I just wear it casually. The clothes on my body are not expensive at all, and it only cost three to four thousand yuan." Xu Jiao said.

Hearing Xu Jiao's words, Jiang Chen's mouth couldn't help twitching.

When did "beautiful appearance" become a commendatory term?

Is it because he doesn't read too much, or is Xu Jiao's comprehension ability too poor?
Seeing Xu Jiao's shy appearance, she clearly took his words as a compliment.

"So it's only three or four thousand yuan. Teacher Xu Jiao, you have a really good eye. I just have something to do with Teacher Tang. Teacher Xu Jiao, you have a date, so go quickly." Forcibly controlling the twitching of the corners of his mouth, Jiang Dust said out of conscience.

"I'm not as lucky as Teacher Tang. She doesn't have a boyfriend. Where did I get a date?" Xu Jiao said bitterly.

"Mr. Xu Jiao, you are fair and beautiful, and you have as many suitors as there are clouds in the sky, so don't make fun of me. Otherwise, if I take it seriously, it will be bad." Jiang Chen put on a serious look.

"It's not as exaggerated as you said, but I just want to go out, you and Teacher Tang, continue dating." Xu Jiao said happily, and walked away quickly.

"What does it mean that there are as many suitors as there are floating clouds in the sky?" Jiang Chen and Tang Yue went upstairs, and Tang Yue couldn't help asking.

"Teacher Tang, didn't you notice that the weather is good today, the sky is clear and cloudless?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

Tangyue couldn't laugh or cry at once, you know, when she heard Jiang Chen's words just now, she thought Jiang Chen was praising Xu Jiao, and she was quite curious when Jiang Chen changed his nature.

I don't know how Xu Jiao would feel if she came to her senses and understood the meaning of Jiang Chen's words. She probably even wanted to strangle Jiang Chen to death.

Because the meaning of Jiang Chen's words was clearly cursing him for not being able to find a boyfriend.


After thinking about it for a while, Tangyue felt that something was not quite right, she glared and said, "Jiang Chen, when did I date you, did you intend to misunderstand Teacher Xu Jiao?"

"Mr. Tang, do you think Mr. Xu Jiao will believe me if I say that the two of us are not dating?" Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"I probably won't believe it." Tangyue murmured.

Xu Jiao has always misunderstood the relationship between her and Jiang Chen, not once or twice, she took Jiang Chen as her boyfriend.

He appeared with Jiang Chen, if it was not a date, no matter how he explained it, Xu Jiao would not believe it.

On the contrary, directly stating that it is a date saves a lot of trouble.

"That's right, that means we are indeed dating." Jiang Chen nodded and said.

"Jiang Chen, besides lying to Teacher Xu Jiao, you also lie to yourself?" Tangyue said with a blow.

"Mr. Tang, what I mean is that even Teacher Xu Jiao thinks you should date me. If you don't date me again, are you embarrassed? And, don't forget, you promised to be my girlfriend before. Yes." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"I don't remember anything." What Tangyue was most afraid of was Jiang Chen mentioning this matter, she panicked all of a sudden, and went upstairs at a faster speed.

Open the door and enter the room.

Tangyue's mind calmed down a little. She poured a glass of water for Jiang Chen and said, "You watch TV or read a book, I'll be busy first."

Without waiting for Jiang Chen to refuse, Tangyue got into the small study and closed the door by the way.

"Teacher Tang, if you want me to watch TV, at least turn it on for me." Jiang Chen muttered, picked up the remote control, turned on the TV, and sat on the sofa to watch it.

In the study, Tangyue stood behind the door and waited quietly for a minute or two. She thought that Jiang Chen would come up and knock on the door, but who would have thought that soon there would be the sound of the TV outside.

This made Tangyue a little uncomfortable. According to the situation she imagined, it should be Jiang Chen who knocked on the door, and said some nonsense with a face, and then she refused again and again. Exhausted, rushed out the door.

The normal scenario is like this.

However, this drama directed by her personally seems to have deviated from the track of the plot just at the beginning, Jiang Chen is too unreasonable to play cards.

But in this way, Tangyue was relieved a little. If it really develops as she imagined, then she probably won't have time to be busy with her own affairs today.

After standing behind the door for about 2 minutes, Tangyue walked to the desk and sat down, picked up the materials, and buried her head in reading.

She didn't know how long she had read it, but when Tangyue felt that she had read the information for a long time, she took the phone and checked the time.

Seeing this, Tangyue couldn't help but be amazed, it's only been 15 minutes.

"It's only 15 minutes?" Tangyue thought that she was too tired from reading the information and her eyes were blurred. It clearly gave her the feeling that a long time had passed.

Take another look to make sure you read it correctly, and then turned her head to listen carefully to the sound of the TV in the living room. Tangyue rubbed her eyebrows subconsciously, then continued to look down at the information.

When Tangyue put down the information for the second time to check the time, the time was even shorter, only 10 minutes.

"What's wrong with me?" Tangyue whispered to herself, always feeling that something was wrong with her mental state, but it was difficult to figure out what was wrong.

"Could it be because Jiang Chen is too quiet?" Tangyue thought in her heart.

Thinking about it this way, Tangyue thought it was wrong again. If it was because Jiang Chen was too quiet, wouldn't that mean that she welcomed Jiang Chen's harassment?

Tangyue didn't dare to let herself have such thoughts, so she interrupted quickly and forced herself to continue reading the information.

This time, the situation became even worse. No matter how Tangyue forcibly focused on the information, most of her thoughts were focused on the movement in the living room.

After 2 minutes, Tangyue had no choice but to give up. She took a sip of water from her teacup, and suddenly regretted bringing Jiang Chen back. Otherwise, she wouldn't be so half-hearted and couldn't concentrate on doing things at all.

"How about letting Jiang Chen leave first?" Tangyue said to herself.

After thinking about it, Tangyue thought that the possibility was very slim.

It is said that it is easy to ask God to send God away, but since Jiang Chen has come, how can it be so easy to leave?

If she insisted on letting Jiang Chen leave, maybe something would happen to Jiang Chen. In that case, she would have no peace for the whole day today.

"What should I do?" Tangyue was very worried.

The information she was looking at was a task personally assigned to her by Principal Feng. Today was the deadline, and a report had to be made and sent to the Education Bureau tomorrow.

For Tangyue, this can be regarded as a small test. Of course, it is also the reason why Principal Feng likes her. According to Principal Feng, whether she can be rated as a senior teacher depends on the effect of this report. up.

Tangyue still attaches great importance to whether she can be rated as a senior teacher, not because of the so-called honor, but because she really likes the campus environment and the job of teaching and educating people.

And the most important thing, Tangyue didn't want to disappoint Old Headmaster Feng's wishes.

Her mind was obviously in a mess, not to mention sorting out the materials for a report, even if she sorted out the materials again, she couldn't calm down.

Under such circumstances, if the report is forced to be written, there is no doubt that it will be terrible.

Tangyue hesitated, wondering whether to let Jiang Chen leave first.

In the end, Tangyue still decided to let Jiang Chen leave first. The big deal was that when Jiang Chen was messing around, she promised Jiang Chen a small benefit.

Jiang Chen took advantage, so naturally he wouldn't embarrass her.

After making up her mind, Tangyue opened the door of the study with a feeling of death.

In the small living room, the TV was turned on, and an urban romance drama was playing.

Tangyue has watched two episodes of this show, and it is about the story between the high-cold and domineering president and the enchanting school girl. When she saw the TV screen, Tangyue felt it was funny. She never expected that Jiang Chen would like to watch it. This kind of bloody plot.

After laughing, Tangyue realized that something was wrong.

Because there was no one in the living room, Jiang Chen didn't know where he went.

If the cup she poured water for Jiang Chen hadn't been placed on the coffee table, and half of the water in the cup had been drunk, Tangyue would have wondered whether Jiang Chen hadn't been there at all.

"Where did he go?" Tangyue froze for a moment, then called softly: "Jiang Chen..."

After calling several times in a row, but getting no response, Tangyue was stunned.

The teacher's apartment she lives in has two bedrooms and one living room, less than fifty square meters, a small living room plus a small bedroom, and the remaining smaller room is used by her as a living room. the study.

Due to the small size of the room, even if one wanted to hide someone intentionally, it would not be possible to hide at all.

Moreover, the door of that bedroom was open. From her angle, it could be clearly seen that Jiang Chen was not in the bedroom.

"Could it be in the bathroom of the bedroom?" Tangyue thought to herself, walked over subconsciously, and knocked on the door of the bathroom.

The door opened as soon as it was knocked, but it was still empty, and no figure of Jiang Chen could be seen.

"Where's the person?" Tangyue shook her head.

After a while, Tangyue realized that Jiang Chen had left.

"This guy really has no sincerity." Gritting her teeth slightly, Tangyue didn't know whether she was angry or wronged, she turned and walked into the study, closing the door loudly.

"Let's go, let's go, after you're gone, it's best not to bother me again." Tangyue said, the more she said, the more she felt wronged, and even her eye circles were about to turn red.

You know, she originally wanted to snub Jiang Chen for a long time, but how long had passed, less than an hour, Jiang Chen just left.

It was fine to leave, and she left without a sound. To Tangyue, it was clear that she didn't pay attention to her performance.

If Jiang Chen paid her a little more attention and said hello when he left, Tangyue felt that her mood would improve a lot.

Sitting down behind the desk, Tangyue picked up a document, but her heart became more and more confused, and she couldn't read it anymore...

(End of this chapter)

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