genius evil

Chapter 753

Chapter 753
On the campus of Yilan Middle School, Jiang Chen's figure was swaying.

In front of Jiang Chen's line of sight, a figure was walking slowly.

The woman looked quite strange, because she wrapped herself tightly from head to toe, no matter which angle you looked at, you couldn't see her face.

If it weren't for her protruding figure and the pair of big breasts on her chest, which are extremely conspicuous, like a pair of headlights, it would be difficult to recognize her. She is actually a woman.

Of course a woman.

Even a blind man knew she was a woman.

There is no doubt that she is still an extremely charming woman.

Even if you can't see her face, just looking at that figure, it's not difficult to feel how enchanting this woman is.

"Sister with big breasts, you must have tried to find out that I am from Yilan City after seeing me last time, so you followed me here." Jiang Chen suddenly yelled from behind the woman.

"It's you." Hearing Jiang Chen's voice, the woman suddenly turned her head, glanced at Jiang Chen, and said indifferently.

This woman was exactly the big-breasted woman that Jiang Chen met in a ride in the car last time, and she couldn't see her face, but judging by her figure, it was enough for Jiang Chen to recognize who she was.

And the reason why Jiang Chen didn't say hello was because he left Tangyue's dormitory. It was precisely because when he was upstairs in the dormitory, he caught a glimpse of this woman by chance.

For this woman, Jiang Chen was quite impressed.

Of course, the reason why Jiang Chen ran out was not just for this reason, but because he was very surprised why this woman came to Yilan Middle School.

You know, even though Yilan City is not big, this woman didn't go anywhere, but she just came to Yilan Middle School. Even if Jiang Chen didn't want to think about it, he couldn't do it.

"Didn't you just come to look for me? Why didn't you see me at all?" Jiang Chen was immediately dissatisfied.

"You think too much." The woman's voice became more and more indifferent.

"Sister with big breasts, this is your fault. How could I think too much? If you didn't fall in love with me at first sight, why bother to come to me?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

"If you can't learn how to shut up, I don't mind helping you at all." The woman gradually became a little impatient.

"Before you tell me to shut up, you should first tell me to close my eyes." Jiang Chen said.

"Then close your eyes." The woman said bluntly.

With his eyes slightly closed, Jiang Chen said, "Okay, you can kiss me now."

"What?" The woman was angry, almost thinking that she had heard it wrong.

After realizing that she had heard correctly, the woman's complexion became extremely ugly in an instant.

It wasn't the first time Jiang Chen had molested her. He had molested her all the way when he was in the car before.

But it was the first time for such naked teasing, which made the woman very angry.

"You said you don't mind shutting me up, don't you just want to kiss me? If you don't kiss me, how can I shut up? So, hurry up and kiss me." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Looking for death!" the woman whispered softly.

As the voice fell, his figure flashed past, and in the next second, he appeared in front of Jiang Chen, raised his hand and slapped him, and slapped Jiang Chen's face.

A strong wind rushed towards his face, blowing Jiang Chen's hair.

It was obvious that the woman's slap in the face was furious, and the strength was astonishing.

If it were an ordinary person, it is estimated that under this slap, all the teeth in the mouth would be knocked out.

Jiang Chen was obviously not an ordinary person, but he was still a little surprised by the power of the woman's slap. He quickly stretched out his hand and grabbed the woman's hand.

"Is this going to murder my husband?" Jiang Chen said displeased.

If this woman thinks what he said is wrong and wants to teach him a lesson, that's fine, but how can she slap him in the face?

Is it easy for him to have such a beautiful face?
The woman slapped so hard, what if she accidentally disfigured her?
Even if there is no disfigurement, if there is such a slight flaw, Jiang Chen will definitely not be able to bear it.

"You—" Jiang Chen was surprised, and the woman was even more surprised.

Looking at the right hand held by Jiang Chen, the woman was incredible.

The woman was well aware of the strength of her slap, because she wanted to give Jiang Chen a hard lesson, lest Jiang Chen talk nonsense again.

Therefore, with this slap, Jiang Chen would vomit blood at the slightest, and Jiang Chen's mouth would be full of teeth at worst, and he couldn't keep it.

But Jiang Chen, seemingly inadvertently, blocked her slap, giving the woman an incredible feeling.

"Woman, you are so violent, no matter how beautiful you are, no matter how good your figure is, no matter how active you are, I can't possibly fall in love with you, hurry up, where did you come from, where do you go back." Jiang Chen said.

"What do you mean?" The woman couldn't understand Jiang Chen's words.

"It means that I dumped you." Jiang Chen said lazily as he shook off the woman's hand.

"Dumped me?" The woman laughed angrily.

What is her relationship with Jiang Chen?
No, it should be said that she has nothing to do with Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen kept saying that he dumped her, how brazen and self-indulgent would he have to be to say such a thing?
"That's right, I just dumped you." Jiang Chen said very seriously.

"I will kill you." In the woman's eyes, there was a strong killing intent.

"Even if you kill me, I will still get rid of you." Jiang Chen looked at death as if he was at home.

"Then, you just go and die." The words were not speculative, since no matter what they said, they were all misunderstood by Jiang Chen, the woman was just lazy to talk nonsense, shot again, and slapped her out.

"Woman, how can you be so heartless and really want to kill me?" Jiang Chen took two steps back and said in shock.

"Don't you want to die? I'll take it easy on you." The woman said blankly, and slapped her again.

"As the saying goes, one hundred years of cultivation can lead to crossing the same boat, one thousand years of cultivation can make one sleep together, and as the saying goes, one night of husband and wife, one hundred nights of kindness..." Jiang Chen said quickly, and then backed away.


The woman couldn't listen anymore. Listening to Jiang Chen's words, if someone who didn't know heard it, she would definitely think that there was some kind of shady relationship between her and Jiang Chen.

But Jiang Chen's words, heard in the woman's ears, meant that Jiang Chen was looking for his own death.

Provoking her again and again like this, even if she didn't want to kill Jiang Chen, it would be useless.

"Not enough." Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "Woman, if... I mean if, if you must kill me, before I die, would you like to let me see what you look like first?"

"It's not important." The woman said coldly.

This guy, who was about to die, still didn't forget to hit her up.

Wanting to see what she looks like is nothing more than whether she is beautiful or ugly.

It is impossible for a woman to satisfy such ill-intentioned demands.

"How can it be unimportant? It's really important. You may not know that I have a small problem, that is, I only like to die under the peony flower... The meaning of "death under the peony flower" is that , even if someone wants to kill me, it must be a beautiful woman." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Unfortunately, the more serious Jiang Chen was, the more disgusted women were.

"Then you are destined to be disappointed today." The woman said coldly.

"You mean, you're ugly?" Jiang Chen really had a disappointed expression on his face.

"You can say whatever you want." The woman disdained to explain, brought a gust of cold wind, and rushed towards Jiang Chen. At the same time, she punched heavily.

She didn't believe that Jiang Chen could always dodge and not fight her.

"Woman, you said that you are ugly and not gentle, how could I not get rid of you? As a woman, you have failed so much, you don't want to find problems with yourself, but you want to kill me wholeheartedly, you look like this , is it really alright?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

Jiang Chen has no plans to fight the woman yet, mainly because he still hasn't figured out why this woman appeared.

Several times, the woman didn't say a word.

If they fight like this, it would be too unclear.

Therefore, this time, Jiang Chen still chose to dodge, and with a movement of his feet, he appeared behind the woman, avoiding her attack.

"Are you just going to hide?" The woman said coldly to Jiang Chen helplessly.

"You're going to kill me, can't I hide? Do I have to stand still and kill you?" Jiang Chen cried out loudly for himself.

"Then I want to see how long you can hide." The woman said, and Thunder made a move.

"Woman, so you are still stupid, of course you are hiding until you don't kill me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Then, in this empty campus, a strange scene happened.

A man and a woman, the man in front and the woman behind.

The speed of the two is extremely fast. From the perspective of ordinary people, it is estimated that they can only see two faint shadows.

Jiang Chen kept hiding, while the woman kept chasing.

"Although it is said that a woman chases a man with heavy veils, it is impossible for a woman like you to catch up to me even if she is bleeding to death." Jiang Chen said while hiding.

The woman remained silent, she shot again and again, the killing intent in her heart became more and more serious every time, she vowed not to give up if she didn't kill Jiang Chen.

1 minutes……

5 minutes……

10 minutes……


"Woman, are you tired? If you are, take a rest." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Although this woman's strength is good, if she wants to catch up with him, it will be tantamount to wishful thinking.

Since the woman wants to chase and kill him with all her heart, he is also happy to tease this woman more.

"After I kill you, I will have some time to rest." The woman said through gritted teeth.

I don't know what happened, several times, she was clearly about to catch up with Jiang Chen, but at the critical moment, she was escaped by Jiang Chen. Her patience had already been exhausted in such a chase.

"Then are you hungry? How about we go have a meal first, and you will have the strength to kill me when you are full." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"Bastard!" The woman couldn't bear it any longer, and cursed loudly, her face flushed red...

(End of this chapter)

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