genius evil

Chapter 754 The painting style changes too fast like a tornado

Chapter 754 The painting style changes too fast like a tornado

"Woman, I just asked you to eat. Do you need to be so excited? Could it be that you are on a diet to lose weight, so you hate people mentioning the word "eating" in front of you?" Jiang Chen said, suddenly realizing.

"Jiang Chen, you are too self-righteous, is it fun to tease me like this?" The woman was furious.

Jiang Chen smiled, but said, "Did I tease you? Could there be some misunderstanding?"

The woman was about to go crazy, Jiang Chen didn't admit to such an obvious tease, did he take her for an idiot?

"Don't be angry first, everyone says you have big breasts and no brains. I don't mind if your brain is a little bit hard to use because of your big breasts." Jiang Chen said again.

"You treat me like this because of my good figure?" I don't know if Jiang Chen's words played a role, the woman became calmer.

"Besides a good figure, do you have other advantages that I haven't discovered?" Jiang Chen said with a faint smile.

"But, for a woman, no matter how ugly she is and how bad-tempered she is, as long as she has a good figure, isn't that enough?" The woman asked back, her tone becoming more and more calm.

"That's what I said, but I'm not the same as other men. Apart from my figure, I also have to look at my face." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Then have you ever thought that I'm not ugly?" the woman said.

"So you're telling me that besides your good figure, you're pretty pretty, isn't that what you mean?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's not very beautiful, at least I'm not ugly, and I also have a very nice name, do you want to know what my name is?" the woman said.

"Why don't you think about it? It's just thinking about it day and night." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"My name is Zhang Xueyou." The woman then said.

"Sure enough, it's a nice name. I suddenly believed your words. After all, no matter what, a woman with such a nice name won't be so ugly." Jiang Chen said.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen suddenly felt something was wrong.

What's the situation? This woman's style of painting must have changed too quickly, right?
Just a moment ago, Zhang Xueyou was determined not to kill him, but now, she was calm, as if nothing had happened.

Moreover, listening to Zhang Xueyou's words, there was a hint of seduce him.

Could it be that this is an improved version of a beauty trap?

Zhang Xueyou knew that she couldn't kill him, so she used a beauty trick, and then killed him gently after he took the bait?

"Beauty plan?"

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Chen felt that this kind of thing was really interesting. You must know that his favorite thing was beauty tricks.

This kind of behavior of Zhang Xueyou was completely in favor of him, and hit his weakness in an instant!
"No woman would admit that she is ugly. I naturally like what you said... And I thought about it. There may be a misunderstanding between us. Maybe you didn't mean anything malicious. I thought There are too many." Zhang Xueyou's voice came.

"Miss Xueyou, I can only say that you are so understanding." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Have you had lunch yet? If not, let's go eat some. My treat is an apology for you." Zhang Xueyou said.

"I've eaten it, but I think I can eat a little more... Of course, what I'm looking forward to more is the content after the meal." Jiang Chen said.

"Then let's go, let's talk about other things after dinner." Zhang Xueyou said.

"My charm is really too great." Jiang Chen sighed again.

If Zhang Xueyou hadn't been wearing a mask, Jiang Chen would have definitely noticed that the corners of Zhang Xueyou's mouth were twitching, but obviously, because Zhang Xueyou wrapped her face tightly, her facial expression didn't show at all. It is impossible for Jiang Chen to find out.

Zhang Xueyou ignored Jiang Chen's smugness, and walked towards the school gate, Jiang Chen strode to follow.

But he didn't take a few steps, and there were three people walking towards him quickly.

Three people, two men and one woman.

Two middle-aged men and a young woman in her 20s.

As soon as the three of them appeared, the gazes of the two middle-aged men were fixed on Zhang Xueyou, and the young woman, who was interested in Jiang Chen, had a pair of not-so-big eyes and a pair of eyes. He looked at Jiang Chen without blinking.

"Zhang Xueyou, you are really coquettish. If I remember correctly, you just came to Yilan City today. In such a short period of time, you just hooked up with a man... Why, you are going to find a hotel to get a room. Are you so eager to wait?" The woman looked at Jiang Chen for a long time, and said sarcastically.

"Liu Biqin, what nonsense are you talking about, Jiang Chen and I are just ordinary friends, not as dirty as you think. Besides, we are just going to eat, not to rent a room." Zhang Xueyou said angrily.

"I didn't say that you are not ordinary friends, but has anyone stipulated that ordinary friends can't go to bed? As for eating, of course, only when you are full can you have strength. Go to bed, right?" The woman named Liu Biqin said sharply.

"Don't think that everyone is shameless with you. If you want to kill me, just do it directly. There is no need to slander my reputation." Zhang Xueyou became even more angry.

"Zhang Xueyou, do you have a reputation?" A middle-aged man with a full beard said in a sullen voice.

"No matter how bad my Zhang Xueyou's reputation is, it's much better than your Tianxingzong, every single prostitute and female bandit." Zhang Xueyou said tit for tat.

"Zhang Xueyou, are you impatient? How can I allow you to slander my Heavenly Star Sect?" Another middle-aged man with a dark complexion said sinisterly.

"Whether Tianxingzong is like this, the whole world knows, why should I slander it?" Zhang Xueyou said coldly without giving in.

"Zhang Xueyou, this is you looking for your own death. You know, the three of us, I never thought of killing you today, but now, if I don't kill you, it's impossible." The dark-faced middle-aged man Said.

After saying this, the dark-faced middle-aged man turned to Liu Biqin and the bearded man and said, "The three of us will fight together. This time, no matter what, we can't let her escape."

"No problem." Liu Biqin and the bearded man nodded together.

Then, Liu Biqin said to Jiang Chen with a playful look: "Little handsome guy, we are going to kill someone, so why don't you hurry up and go further away, if you are accidentally killed, it won't be very fun."

"No, Jiang Chen is innocent, you just go after me." Zhang Xueyou became nervous.

"Hey, Zhang Xueyou, if you don't say this, we will let this kid go. The more you say that, the more I will kill him." The bearded man said viciously, listening to his words It means that Jiang Chen is already a dead person.

"I just met Jiang Chen today. He has nothing to do with our grievances. Don't go too far." Zhang Xueyou was very annoyed.

"Zhang Xueyou, what qualifications do you have to bargain with us?" Liu Biqin said dismissively.

"That is, who are we going to kill? Could it be that you can stop it? You are about to die, so you should take care of your own life and death first." The dark-faced man laughed wildly.

"Why do you kill me? It's broad daylight, so you can't say a few auspicious words?" After listening for a long time, Jiang Chen finally couldn't help it, and said.

"Little handsome guy, for the sake of how handsome you are, I originally wanted to give you a way to survive, but your vision is too bad, who is not good to pick on, but you are hanging out with this coquettish bitch." Liu Biqin regretted Said.

"You mean, Miss Xueyou is very beautiful?" Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

After hearing the words, Liu Biqin was speechless for a while.

Jiang Chen is a person who is about to die, but he still cares about whether Zhang Xueyou is beautiful or not, this heart is a bit too big, right?

"Quickly answer my question, yes or no." Jiang Chen urged.

He and Zhang Xueyou had met twice before and after, but they had never been able to see what Zhang Xueyou looked like. If he could learn more about Zhang Xueyou from Liu Biqin, Jiang Chen was still looking forward to it.

"I'm going to disappoint you, she's an ugly monster." Liu Biqin said jokingly.

"Damn liar, you lied to me." Jiang Chen was furious all of a sudden, and in the next second, there was only a slap, and a crisp slap sounded.

Following the sound of applause, a figure flew out sideways, and it was Liu Biqin.

The incident happened suddenly, no one saw how Jiang Chen did it, but when Liu Biqin flew out and fell to the ground far away, the two middle-aged men realized what had happened.

After seeing clearly that it was Liu Biqin who flew out, and it was Jiang Chen who made the move, the expressions of the two middle-aged men changed drastically, and they each took a step back.

"Boy, you..." The bearded man's eyes flickered, he was shocked.

Liu Biqin was standing between him and the dark-faced middle-aged man, which meant that no matter who was going to attack Liu Biqin, the two of them would be able to spot it immediately.

However, under such circumstances, the two of them failed to see clearly how Jiang Chen did it. Jiang Chen's speed was too fast, unbelievably fast, and frightening.

"See, this is the fate of deceiving people." Jiang Chen pointed at Liu Biqin, and immediately said unhurriedly: "Next, I have to listen to the truth, Miss Xueyou, is she beautiful or not."


The two middle-aged men were stunned, wondering if it was possible that Jiang Chen would do it with Liu Biqin only because Liu Biqin said Zhang Xueyou was an ugly monster?

This is too short-sighted.

At the same time, through Jiang Chen's behavior, both of them had a bad premonition in their hearts.

Liu Biqin just said that Zhang Xueyou was just an ugly monster, and Jiang Chen just sent people flying. If he killed Zhang Xueyou, wouldn't Jiang Chen go crazy?

In terms of Jiang Chen's strength, once Jiang Chen went mad, it wasn't them who killed Zhang Xueyou, but Jiang Chen who killed them.

This situation immediately caused the two middle-aged men to sit on the wax, and their faces became extremely ugly...

(End of this chapter)

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