genius evil

Chapter 755 IQ is a hard injury

Chapter 755 IQ is a hard injury

"Little brother, I was the one who was rude about this matter today. We are members of the Tianxing Sect. I don't know which sect you come from, little brother? Maybe, the sect you belong to, little brother, is different from my Tianxing Sect." The origin is not certain. Don't wait for the time, when the flood floods the Dragon King Temple, and the family does not recognize the family, it will be bad." After a long while, the bearded man said awkwardly.

"Which sect I come from is not important at all, the important thing is, do you still not know my name?" Jiang Chen asked rather puzzled.

"Just now I heard Zhang Xue...Miss Xueyou called you Jiang Chen, little brother. Could it be that your name is Jiang Chen?" The bearded man thought for a while and said in a deep voice.

He originally wanted to call Zhang Xueyou's name directly, but when the words came to his lips, he was worried that if he called Zhang Xueyou directly, he would be regarded as not giving him face by Jiang Chen, so he changed his words and called Zhang Xueyou Xueyou just like Jiang Chen girl.

"That's right, I am Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Brother Jiang," said the bearded man.

Jiang Chen was speechless. Could it be that his hint was not obvious enough?
He has already said that his name is Jiang Chen, this guy, doesn't he think of anything else at all?
You know, even if you are an idiot, you should understand that it is impossible for him to say such things for no reason, okay?

Since it is not for no reason, it should have a deep meaning.

This bearded man didn't have any other thoughts, and he called Brother Jiang directly. The question is, is this guy worthy of calling him a brother?It's too good to put gold on your face!

"What do you think of my name?" Jiang Chen then said, hinting a little more clearly.

"Good name." The bearded man was stunned for a while, completely understanding the meaning of Jiang Chen's words, but he still said.

"What do you think?" Jiang Chen was completely speechless, and asked the dark-complexioned middle-aged man.

"Brother Jiang, what do you want to ask?" The dark-faced middle-aged man was also stunned.

He feels that this is just a very common name, and there is nothing very unique about it.

Could it be that Jiang Chen wanted him to praise the name?
But, is it necessary to be so smug?
"Boldly let go of your imagination and think about it carefully. Is there anything unique about my name?" Jiang Chen reminded again.

The bearded man and the dark-complexioned middle-aged man looked at each other in a daze.

It's not that they didn't think about it, but that they couldn't think of anything.

"I'm really curious about how you two managed to survive until now with your IQs." Jiang Chen sighed helplessly.

If his first hint was not obvious enough, then the second, third, and repeated hints were already obvious and couldn't be more obvious.

For the sake of his words, these two people still didn't react at all. Jiang Chen obviously didn't think that the problem was with him, but that the IQ of these two people had flaws.

The bearded man and the dark-complexioned middle-aged man were speechless.

Who made Jiang Chen so strong, with a slap, Liu Biqin was sent flying.

With such strength, I am afraid that the two of them joined forces, and they may not be Jiang Chen's opponent.

In other words, since Jiang Chen was stronger than the two of them, everything Jiang Chen said was right, and no matter what they said, they were wrong.

Such a mistake cannot be refuted.

Otherwise, what if Jiang Chen was like flying Liu Biqin, if he didn't agree with each other, he would blow them both away?
What's more, when he asked which sect Jiang Chen came from, Jiang Chen said it didn't matter. That is to say, no matter which sect Jiang Chen belonged to, the sect Jiang Chen belonged to, and the Tianxing sect, were all There is no intersection at all.

This also means that as long as Jiang Chen is willing, Jiang Chen can not give them any face at all.

"Brother Jiang, what happened today is very offending, but Miss Xueyou is the great enemy of our Tianxing Sect. The reason why we came to Yilan City this time is because of her, and we have nothing against you, Brother Jiang." Meaning, please don’t misunderstand.” The bearded man said after hesitating for a while.

"Whether Miss Xueyou is your enemy, I don't know, but congratulations, now you two... oh, no, and the one lying down has become my enemy." Jiang Chen lazily Said.

"This—" the bearded man froze.

"Brother Jiang, do you have to protect Zhang Xueyou like this? You have to know that you are making an enemy of our Heavenly Star Sect." The dark-faced middle-aged man couldn't hold back anymore, and began to scold him.

"That's why I said that you two have IQ problems. It's clear that you made a mistake, but you don't even know where your mistake is." Jiang Chen expressed regret.

"Our two biggest mistakes were just trying to kill Zhang Xueyou in front of you, but we have a reason to kill Zhang Xueyou, and we have already apologized to you, what else do you want?" The man said confidently.

"That's right." Hearing so many words from the dark-faced middle-aged man, the bearded man was obviously moved by it.

"Jiang Chen, I'm calling you Brother Jiang just to show you face, not because I'm afraid of you because of this, you don't know what's good and what's wrong, you're innocent and easy to bully for me, the Heavenly Star Sect." , the bearded man said in a deep voice.

The two of them saw that Jiang Chen hurt Liu Biqin as soon as he made a move.

Frightened by Jiang Chen's strength, he didn't want to offend a powerful enemy for no reason.

But this does not mean that the two of them can be bullied by Jiang Chen, and their dignity can be trampled by Jiang Chen.

It's a person, and they all have tempers.

What's more, they thought that they had given Jiang Chen quite a lot of face.

Jiang Chen is so ignorant of good and bad, saying that they are his place now, this is intolerable!

Since he couldn't bear it anymore, he naturally didn't want to bear it any longer, lest Jiang Chen think they were easy to bully.

"It's not easy to bully? Is it?" Jiang Chen smiled, the smile was extremely gentle and harmless.

Whether it's easy to bully or not, you won't know until you've been bullied.

With such thoughts in mind, Jiang Chen moved, and with Jiang Chen's movement, the bearded man and the dark-complexioned middle-aged man felt their eyes blur and something flashed by.

That was because Jiang Chen's speed was too fast.

When the two of them clearly saw Jiang Chen appearing in front of them, they all felt an irresistible pressure sweeping over them.

Under such pressure, the hearts of both of them couldn't help but beat heavily.

Then, in an instant, the bodies of the two were uncontrollable, and they flew backwards. After hitting the ground, the two of them already vomited blood and fainted.

"Isn't it easy to bully? Why do I think it's easy to bully." Jiang Chen said calmly.

But he didn't see that when he said this, Zhang Xueyou's eyes flickered sharply.

When Jiang Chen attacked Liu Biqin, Zhang Xueyou didn't feel anything. After all, she had fought against Jiang Chen before, so she had a little understanding of Jiang Chen's strength.

Liu Biqin's cultivation was not high, and she was three points inferior to her. If Jiang Chen couldn't do anything about Liu Biqin, that would be a joke.

However, this second time, Jiang Chen used his own power to fight against the bearded man and the dark-complexioned middle-aged man. It was also a single move that severely injured them.

The bearded man and the dark-complexioned middle-aged man didn't even have a chance to make a move, let alone resist.

What kind of terrifying strength should this be?

Zhang Xueyou was flustered for a while, knowing that what she said before to kill Jiang Chen was simply a joke.

No wonder, Jiang Chen deliberately teased her.

Because in terms of Jiang Chen's strength, if Jiang Chen wants to kill her, it's just a matter of flipping his hands.

It wasn't just Zhang Xueyou who was shocked, but Liu Biqin, who was kicked out by Jiang Chen and screamed in pain, was also on the verge of being scared stupid.

You know, Liu Biqin is still waiting for the bearded man and the dark-faced middle-aged man to avenge her.

Who would have thought that the two of them would be so vulnerable.

No, it wasn't the two of them who were vulnerable to a single blow, but Jiang Chen was too ferocious, so ferocious that it was outrageous.

"Jiang Chen!"

When this name popped up in her mind, Liu Biqin suddenly found that this name was faintly familiar, as if she had heard it from somewhere.

After thinking about it for a while, Liu Biqin's body trembled violently, her already pale face was even paler, with no blood at all.

She finally understood why Jiang Chen's name sounded familiar, and finally understood why Jiang Chen mentioned her name repeatedly.

It's not showing off, it's not smug, but it's just for the two of them to recognize a reality, that is, he, Jiang Chen, is not something they can mess with.

Indeed, it is not to be provoked.

After Liu Biqin thought of the name Jiang Chen, she naturally remembered what happened in Tiannan City some time ago. A large number of ancient martial arts practitioners were forcibly expelled from Jiangnan Province.

That person was none other than Jiang Chen.

As for Liu Biqin, the reason why she knew this was that among those people, one of them knew her and told her about it on purpose.

But that incident happened in Tiannan City, and here is Yilan City, so at the beginning, Liu Biqin didn't connect it with the young man in front of him.

Furthermore, Jiangnan Province is so big, who would have thought that Jiang Chen would be so unlucky?
Afterwards, Liu Biqin finally knew why Jiang Chen said that the three of them were Jiang Chen's enemies now. After all, they broke into Jiangnan Province, which almost offended Jiang Chen from the source.

In vain, the bearded man and the dark-complexioned middle-aged man single-mindedly brought out the Tianxing sect to threaten Jiang Chen. Sure enough, his IQ was flawed.

After all, Jiang Chen didn't even care about so many ancient martial arts practitioners, how could Jiang Chen care about a mere Heavenly Star Sect?
After figuring out the cause and effect, Liu Biqin was completely dumbfounded... She felt that she was going to die today, no, it was the three of them, they were all going to die today...

(End of this chapter)

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