genius evil

Chapter 756

Chapter 756
It was naturally impossible for Jiang Chen to know what Liu Biqin was thinking.

Even if he knew, Jiang Chen wouldn't take it to heart.

However, Liu Biqin was right about one thing, that is, the three of them had offended him from the moment they appeared today.

It has nothing to do with Zhang Xueyou.

Completely, it is they who are doing their own death.

Since they were the ones who wanted to die, why would Jiang Chen not help them?

Otherwise, some so-called ancient martial arts practitioners will only become more and more unscrupulous, treating Yilan City, Tiannan City, and even the entire Jiangnan Province as a back garden where they can do whatever they want.

In that case, wouldn't it be pointless for him to try to offend so many ancient martial arts sects and Tianzu, and forcefully drive so many ancient martial arts practitioners out of Jiangnan Province?

Jiang Chen's purpose was to turn Jiangnan Province into a restricted area for ancient martial arts practitioners.

Although this is not a legal provision, it must become an established consensus.

Jiang Chen has always been working hard towards this goal.

Someone can disobey this consensus, or ignore his existence, but they must pay the price for their stupidity.

In this way, it can be said that what will happen to the three members of the Tianxingzong is already preordained.

Jiang Chen didn't do anything to Liu Biqin again. That slap had already disabled more than half of Liu Biqin, so there was no need to do anything again. He took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Brother Dao appeared very quickly, and under Jiang Chen's order, he took Liu Biqin and the others away for disposal.

"Miss Xueyou, your troubles have been resolved." After Brother Dao took him away, Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Thank you... Thank you, I didn't intend to trouble you." Zhang Xueyou said gratefully, but also very embarrassed, her face turned red, and she looked guilty and uneasy.

"Thank you or something, let's do something real." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I said just now that I treated you to a meal, or should I treat you to a big meal?" Zhang Xueyou said after thinking about it.

"Miss Xueyou, I worked so hard to save your life, and you just perfunctory me like this?" Jiang Chen was dissatisfied immediately.

The power of nine bulls and two tigers?

Zhang Xueyou looked at Jiang Chen extremely depressed. It was obvious that Jiang Chen shot casually, just like swat a fly, and knocked Liu Biqin and the three of them down. Could it be said that it took a lot of effort?

But Zhang Xueyou also knew that if it wasn't for Jiang Chen, she might have already been beheaded by Liu Biqin and the others. Jiang Chen saved her life. If she just invited Jiang Chen to a meal, it would be unreasonable.

Just like what Jiang Chen said, it was too perfunctory.

"Jiang Chen, I still want to stay in Yilan City for two more days, how about I treat you to dinner every day before I leave Yilan City?" After thinking about it again, Zhang Xueyou said.

"Do I look like an idiot?" Jiang Chen pointed at himself, feeling the urge to vomit blood.

"Jiang Chen, I didn't mean that, don't get me wrong." Zhang Xueyou said hastily.

She racked her brains, but couldn't think of any suitable way to repay Jiang Chen, so she had to use this stupid way to repay Jiang Chen, but she didn't think Jiang Chen was an idiot.

"Is there anything more practical? For example, take off your hat, mask and sunglasses, and let me see if you are really beautiful." Jiang Chen said.

He asked Zhang Xueyou himself this question, and Zhang Xueyou gave him an ambiguous answer.

They asked Liu Biqin again, Liu Biqin said that Zhang Xueyou was an ugly monster, Jiang Chen was very disappointed by the answer.

Then they asked the bearded man and the dark-complexioned middle-aged man, but they didn't answer Jiang Chen's question.

The question went back and forth, but it finally came back to Zhang Xueyou.

It is said that hearing is believing, seeing is believing.

No matter how many questions you ask, it's better to see for yourself what Zhang Xueyou looks like.

"You will be disappointed." Zhang Xueyou smiled wryly.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the one who is disappointed is me and not you." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay." Zhang Xueyou sighed softly, stretched out her hand, and gently took off her hat.

As soon as the hat was taken off, a head of hair like a waterfall scattered.

Then, Zhang Xueyou took off her sunglasses.

The eyes contain autumn water, touching the heart and soul.

With his fingers, he slowly took off the mask. In Zhang Xueyou's eyes, there was a hint of pain spreading.

Gritting her teeth lightly, Zhang Xueyou finally took off the mask.

Small goose egg face, apricot face and peach gills, as smooth as fat and pink as greasy.

No matter how picky a person is with aesthetic vision, when they see Zhang Xueyou's face, they will never doubt how soul-stirring her beauty is.

If Zhang Xueyou's two cheeks didn't have those two scars like two red earthworms.

Because of the extremely fair skin on Zhang Xueyou's face, those two scars seemed to be extremely conspicuous, almost immediately occupying Jiang Chen's eyeballs.

"It's a pity." Jiang Chen said after taking a few glances.

"I said, you will be disappointed." Zhang Xueyou's expression was normal.

"I said it's a pity." Jiang Chen corrected.

Those two scars, one could tell at a glance that they were caused by human beings, and they didn't know who they were. Such cruelty directly ruined a beautiful and beautiful woman.

"Can I put the mask on?" Zhang Xueyou asked as if he was not used to exposing those two scars to others.

"Don't worry." Jiang Chen shook his head, and then said, "How did you get the scar?"

"It was injured by people from the Sky Star Sect. But the person who disfigured me has already been killed by me." Zhang Xueyou said very simply.

"You killed the people of the Sky Star Sect, so the people of the Sky Star Sect chased you down?" Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

Zhang Xueyou nodded and said: "Last time, when you took my car, I was on the way to escape, but I didn't expect that the people of Tianxingzong would be so persistent and chased me all the way to Yilan City. If I happened to meet you here today, I'm afraid I would have been killed by them."

"Yeah, it's really a coincidence, so coincidental that I can't believe it." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, you..." Eyes widened suddenly, Zhang Xueyou looked at Jiang Chen in astonishment.

"I can only say that your acting level still needs to be improved." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, are you doubting me?" Zhang Xueyou's voice turned cold, as if she had suffered a great insult.

"It's been said that your acting level needs to be improved, why are you so embarrassed to continue acting in front of me?" Jiang Chen's face darkened, and he said displeased.

"Jiang Chen, I don't understand what you're talking about." Zhang Xueyou said with eyes flickering slightly.

"I want to ask you a very simple question, have you heard of me before?" Jiang Chen said casually.

"No—" Zhang Xueyou replied.

"Let me ask you another question, do I look stupid and easy to deceive?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Jiang Chen, it can be said that you are the smartest person I have ever met. If someone thinks you are stupid, that person must be the stupidest person in the world." Zhang Xueyou said seriously.

"That's right." Jiang Chen smiled strangely, and in the next second, he appeared in front of Zhang Xueyou.

Stretching out his big hand, he suddenly grabbed Zhang Xueyou's neck and lifted it off the ground.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing?" Zhang Xueyou was startled, coughing violently, her face flushed red.

"When I was riding in your car, it was an accident. I believed it, but you showed up in Yilan Middle School today. You told me it was a coincidence. I'm sorry. Even if I find 1 reasons for myself, I will I can't convince myself to believe it." Jiang Chen said coldly.

From the beginning, after discovering that Zhang Xueyou appeared in Yilan Middle School, Jiang Chen realized that this matter was quite strange. Later, he had a dispute with Zhang Xueyou,

Zhang Xueyou became angry from embarrassment, and vowed not to give up until he was killed. Jiang Chen was too lazy to investigate whether it was true or not.

Zhang Xueyou's attitude changed strangely, apologizing to him, and inviting him to dinner, Jiang Chen was not so naive as to think that it was his own charm that convinced Zhang Xueyou.

As soon as Zhang Xueyou's attitude changed, people from the Tianxing Sect appeared.

The whole matter was clear at a glance, Zhang Xueyou was just pulling him to put on a play for the people of the Tianxing Sect to watch.

Zhang Xueyou kept saying that he was innocent, even if he went at her for anything, on the surface he was trying to excuse her, but in fact he was very smart, thus successfully angering the members of the Tianxing Sect.

In this way, even if he wanted to stay out of the matter, the members of the Heavenly Star Sect would definitely drag him into the water.

Zhang Xueyou pretended to be pitiful and innocent, and successfully tricked the people of the Tianxing Sect without saying anything, and wanted to continue acting in front of her, so Jiang Chen couldn't stand it anymore.

"Jiang Chen, what I said is true, why don't you believe it?" Zhang Xueyou became anxious all of a sudden.

"Really?" Jiang Chen laughed, and jokingly said: "So you are telling me that you never knew me, and you have never heard of me, but you have turned the tide of trouble, and with the help of me, you have solved the problem of Tianxing. Zong is troublesome, could it be that you have the ability to predict the future?"

"This..." Zhang Xueyou was shocked, and looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

Zhang Xueyou never expected that Jiang Chen would see her thoughts and calculations so clearly. In other words, she had no secrets at all in front of Jiang Chen.

From the beginning until now, it was not she who was using Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen had been playing with her all along.

It was in vain for her to think she was smart, to cause trouble, and to eliminate the people of the Sky Star Sect. What she didn't know was that her so-called smartness was as childish as a three-year-old child in front of Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, I was cornered by the people of the Sky Star Sect. When I was passing through Jiangbei Province, I accidentally heard about your deeds. That's why I came all the way to Jiangnan Province. I never thought I would meet you on the road. It was indeed an accident, I came to Yilan City precisely because I found out that you returned to Yilan City from Tiannan City... I am indeed using you, if you want to kill me, then kill me." Zhang Xueyou said, His eyes were slowly closed, with a look of life and death, as if death was at home.

"Zhang Xueyou, do you think that I, Jiang Chen, would be reluctant to kill you?" Seeing Zhang Xueyou like this, Jiang Chen said playfully.

(End of this chapter)

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