genius evil

Chapter 757 I Hate You

Chapter 757 I Hate You
Zhang Xueyou was undoubtedly a very smart woman. It was impossible for such a smart woman not to know what would happen if she was exposed after using him.

In order to survive, Zhang Xueyou did not hesitate to take such a big risk, it is doomed that Zhang Xueyou is not the kind of person who regards death as home.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xueyou acted like death in front of him, how could this not make Jiang Chen feel funny?

"Jiang Chen, I don't think so, don't misunderstand." Zhang Xueyou said hastily.

"Speaking is much better than singing." Jiang Chen smiled lightly and said, "Do you know that because of you, I somehow offended the entire Sky Star Sect, saying it was a disaster from the sky, isn't that the case?"

To offend or not to offend the Sky Star Sect, Jiang Chen didn't take it to heart.

But what he hated most was trouble.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xueyou brought him trouble.

On this matter, Jiang Chen naturally wanted to ask for an explanation.

"Regarding this matter, I swear, I will never confide a word to the outside world. Apart from you and I know, no third person will know. Even if it is my master, I will not tell her. If you still If you are worried, you can kill me directly, and in that case, only you will know about this matter." Zhang Xueyou said earnestly.

"It's indeed a good idea. After all, only the dead are the most credible." Jiang Chen nodded and said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, then you kill me." Zhang Xueyou said with eyes slightly closed.

"I haven't finished talking, what are you in such a hurry for?" Jiang Chen rolled his eyes, and then said: "Although only the dead are the most reliable, but killing women is not my Jiang Chen style, especially , the one who killed was the beautiful woman."

Even though this Xueyou was disfigured, those two scars like red earthworms did not hinder her beauty too much, at most they made her beauty a little flawed.

What's more, Zhang Xueyou's figure is extremely hot, even if her beauty is flawed, it is still undeniable that she is a stunner.

"You won't kill me?" Zhang Xueyou was stunned.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Jiang Chen asked instead of answering Zhang Xueyou's question.

"No..." Zhang Xueyou blushed slightly, feeling a little embarrassed.

"No..." Jiang Chen prolonged his tone on purpose, and when Zhang Xueyou's face turned redder and became more embarrassed, he chuckled jokingly and said, "I'll just ask, don't take it to heart."

Zhang Xueyou couldn't help being dumbfounded, and the way she looked at Jiang Chen became a little weird.

Because she clearly felt that Jiang Chen's question of whether she had a boyfriend was definitely not as simple as just asking her casually.

It's just that Jiang Chen obviously didn't ask casually, but he said such words, which made Zhang Xueyou unable to help but think wildly.

"Am I too ugly?" Zhang Xueyou said in her heart.

There has never been a woman who didn't care about her appearance.

A woman, especially a beautiful woman, not to mention being disfigured, even if some day there are a few pimples on her face, she will make a fuss and scream for a long time, as if the sky is falling .

Zhang Xueyou knew very well how ugly those two scars on her face were.

Countless times, Zhang Xueyou didn't even have the courage to look in the mirror.

She even, like an ostrich, wrapped herself tightly with a hat, sunglasses and a mask, in order to avoid exposing her ugly side to others.

She is afraid of gossip, and it is even more difficult to accept it. Others look at her with pitiful and sympathetic eyes.

If things go on like this, the mind is already extremely sensitive.

Jiang Chen asked casually, whether it was really casual or pretending to be casual, to Zhang Xueyou, it was all in an instant, which deeply hurt her heart.

On those cheeks, quietly, a few traces of sadness climbed up, and in the eyes like autumn water, there was a gray haze, gradually spreading.

"I must be too ugly." Zhang Xueyou said to herself again.

"Miss Xueyou, do you mind if I ask you if you have a boyfriend?" Zhang Xueyou's changes couldn't escape Jiang Chen's eyes, Jiang Chen asked.

"No." Zhang Xueyou shook her head, her voice was cold.

"I simply feel that you are not too young, it's time to find a boyfriend." Jiang Chen said.

"I'm not looking for a boyfriend." Zhang Xueyou shook her head again.

"Aren't you looking for it? That's really a pity." Jiang Chen said regretfully. As for the regret, he didn't say much, let go of Zhang Xueyou, turned around, and walked away slowly.

Until Jiang Chen disappeared from sight, Zhang Xueyou still looked dazed, feeling like he was dreaming.

Zhang Xueyou never thought that she could still be alive.

From the way Jiang Chen dealt with Liu Biqin and the three of them, Zhang Xueyou knew very well that Jiang Chen was definitely not a kind person, nor was he indecisive.

As for Jiang Chen saying not to kill beautiful women, Zhang Xueyou took it as Jiang Chen joking, not so naive as to take it to heart.

She knows she is not beautiful.

Moreover, that Liu Biqin was quite pretty.

The slap that Jiang Chen slapped Liu Biqin didn't show any mercy.

This undoubtedly means that when Jiang Chen said not to kill beautiful women, he was just talking for fun.

But Jiang Chen did not kill her.

Zhang Xueyou couldn't believe it, she couldn't help touching her neck with her hand.

The place where Jiang Chen pinched felt faint pain, even if he didn't look in the mirror, Zhang Xueyou knew that Jiang Chen's fingerprints were left on his neck.

That is to say, Jiang Chen had the urge to kill her before, and Jiang Chen wanted to kill her, it was very simple, he could just pinch her neck and break her neck.

Jiang Chen didn't do that, just like that, walked away swaggeringly in a way that she couldn't understand.

Zhang Xueyou was confused and stood there, thinking for a long time, but it was still difficult to understand why Jiang Chen would do this.Did he feel sorry for her so he didn't bother to kill her?
Or, in Jiang Chen's eyes, she was like an ant, and it made no difference whether she was killed or not.

"It's the second point." Zhang Xue said humorously.

She doesn't need Jiang Chen's pity, she doesn't need anyone's pity, she would rather, Jiang Chen treat her as a dispensable ant, hold her high and let her go.

For about ten minutes, Zhang Xueyou was in a complicated mood, turned around and walked away.

And Jiang Chen had already returned to Tangyue's dormitory.

The door was tightly locked, but Jiang Chen couldn't help it. With a slap, the door opened as soon as he pushed it, and Jiang Chen entered the room.

"Teacher Tang, aren't you busy?" As soon as Jiang Chen entered the room, he saw a figure sitting on the sofa in the living room, who else could it be if it wasn't Tangyue.

"Didn't you leave?" Tangyue glanced at Jiang Chen, and her eyes fell on the TV screen again.

"Teacher Tang, you are so cold." Jiang Chen said aggrievedly, walked over while talking, and sat down beside Tangyue.

"You've already left, why do you want to come back?" Tangyue asked after moving her body a bit away from Jiang Chen.

"Teacher Tang, you are really cold." Jiang Chen also moved his body and sat down.


Tangyue stood up suddenly, and said to Jiang Chen: "I have a lot of things to do today, and I can't do anything with you here."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Teacher Tang, do you know what you look like now?"

"Like what?" Tangyue asked subconsciously.

"It's like a resentful woman." Jiang Chen then said.

When Jiang Chen came in, he felt that there was a lot of resentment in this house. How much resentment did Tangyue have to create such a strong aura?
"You think too much, I'm just too tired." Tang Yue said duplicity.

She would not admit in front of Jiang Chen that she was in a bad mood because of Jiang Chen's departure, otherwise, she might not know how Jiang Chen would climb up the pole.

"Okay, Teacher Tang, I apologize to you. I shouldn't have left just now, but I can't blame me for this. After all, I never knew that I was so important to you, so I left for a while just to let you It’s so unreliable.” Jiang Chen said.

"Stop talking nonsense." Tangyue scolded.

Who is out of touch?

She wasn't absent-minded, she was just in a bad mood.

Moreover, when she came out of the study earlier, she planned to drive Jiang Chen away. Jiang Chen left without saying goodbye, and she was too happy to save Jiang Chen from stalking and taking advantage of her.

"No." Thinking of this, Tangyue couldn't help being stunned.

It stands to reason that she should be happy that Jiang Chen left, but why, instead of being happy at all, she is still very angry?

I was even more angry, and I didn't feel like working anymore.

Could it be that just like what Jiang Chen said, Jiang Chen held an extraordinary position in her heart, it was very important, but before this, she had never realized it.

"Is that so?"

Tangyue was in a trance, her heartbeat speeding up quietly.

She didn't dare to think about it anymore, because she was extremely worried, the matter was exactly what Jiang Chen said, she was always avoiding it, and she had never correctly understood her heart.

For a moment, Tangyue was flustered a little outrageously.

"Jiang Chen, hurry up, I'll be annoyed when I see you." Tangyue said hastily, lest Jiang Chen see the clue.

"It just so happens that I have some things to deal with today, so I'll leave first." Jiang Chen didn't stalk him, he got up and walked outside.

When Jiang Chen left the room and closed the door, Tangyue's heart also became empty, as if unconsciously, a large piece of her heart was empty.

"Jiang Chen, you damn bastard, I hate you to death." Tangyue murmured.

It wasn't like this before. When did Jiang Chen give up on one thing so easily?

Her thoughts today have become extremely weird, not to mention, Jiang Chen seems to have become weird too.

Tangyue didn't know, Jiang Chen didn't go far, the person was just outside the door, and Tangyue murmured to herself, although her voice was very small, Jiang Chen didn't miss a single word. in the ear.

"Teacher Tang, I really am very important to you." Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and chuckled lightly.

He left on purpose, otherwise how would he know what Tangyue was thinking.

However, Jiang Chen didn't open the door again and walked in. Tangyue has always been very thin-skinned. If she finds out that he hasn't left, she will turn her face every minute.

Knowing Tangyue's thoughts is enough for Jiang Chen...

(End of this chapter)

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