genius evil

Chapter 758 Jiang Chen's Greatest Weakness

Chapter 758 Jiang Chen's Greatest Weakness
Night, around eight o'clock in the evening.

A Ferrari sports car was driving fast on the road. The Ferrari finally stopped in front of a dilapidated small hotel. The woman driving the car opened the door and got out of the car.

This place is relatively remote, there are no high-rise buildings around, and it is surrounded by several urban villages, which is dirty and messy. Although it is not that there are no cars passing by, luxury sports cars like Ferrari are definitely extremely rare.

When this Ferrari appeared, some citizens who had dinner and took a walk outside thought it was just passing by, and after seeing it, they were envious, but they didn't pay much attention to it.

But no one expected that this Ferrari was not a passing car, but stopped in front of a small hotel.

What is even rarer than a Ferrari is that this Ferrari will stop. What is even rarer is that a woman emerged from the car.

Even if that woman wraps her face tightly with a hat, mask and sunglasses, no matter from which angle you look at it, you can't see her face.

But maybe it was because this woman's figure was so good and hot, it still attracted everyone's attention.

All the people were staring at the woman who got out of the car, wanting to see what she would do next.

This woman is none other than Zhang Xueyou.

Zhang Xueyou didn't know if she didn't notice the reactions of those people, or she didn't take it seriously at all. After getting out of the car, she took a look at the surrounding environment, and then walked into the small hotel.


Everyone was in an uproar, and their eyeballs dropped to the ground.

What is it like to drive a multi-million dollar luxury car and live in a small hotel worth tens of dollars?
They all felt that with Zhang Xueyou's figure, even if she didn't show up in a luxury car, she should be the kind of woman who can't live in a five-star hotel.

Who would have thought that Zhang Xueyou actually walked into a small hotel, which, it has to be said, subverted the three views of countless people.

The owner of the hotel was stunned when he saw Zhang Xueyou walking in from the outside, and he didn't dare to ask Zhang Xueyou if he came to open the room, because he had seen it as early as when the Ferrari stopped.

The boss will never think that a woman who can afford to drive a Ferrari will come to his dilapidated small hotel to open a room. Even if he really wants to open a room, he is afraid that he will be embarrassed to let Zhang Xueyou live here.

Obviously, Zhang Xueyou didn't intend to open a room, so she went straight up the stairs.

Going up the stairs to the third floor, Zhang Xueyou appeared in front of a door, stretched out her hand, and gently knocked on the door.

The door knocked three times, and it was opened from the inside. Zhang Xueyou entered, and closed the door behind her backhand.

"Have you seen Jiang Chen?" As soon as Zhang Xueyou entered, a somewhat gloomy voice sounded in the slightly dim room.

An old woman stood at the door, her eyes were gloomy, like a candle, staring at Zhang Xueyou.

The old woman couldn't tell how old she was, but the skin on that face was like dried orange peel, which looked extremely ugly and gave people a chilling feeling.

The most important thing is that this old woman has a rather sinister aura.

"I see." Zhang Xueyou nodded.

"Is the member of Tianxingzong dead?" the old woman asked again.

"Jiang Chen didn't kill them." Zhang Xueyou said.

"What?" The old woman's voice suddenly rose, her sternness soaring.

"Master, don't be angry, listen to me first." Seeing this, Zhang Xueyou hurriedly said, not daring to hide anything, and told everything that happened inside Yilan Middle School in detail.

However, when talking about why Jiang Chen would still spare her life after seeing through her intentions, Zhang Xueyou just said vaguely, because she thought about this question for a long time, but she couldn't figure it out.

"Okay, very good." After hearing what Zhang Xueyou said, the old woman laughed out loud.

Jiang Chen didn't kill the members of the Heavenly Star Sect, but the three members of the Heavenly Star Sect were taken away by Jiang Chen's caller. One can imagine what will happen next.

In other words, even though Zhang Xueyou didn't see it with his own eyes, the three of Tianxingzong were killed by Jiang Chen, and the three of Liu Biqin were also doomed to die.

"Xueyou, you've done a good job, I'm very pleased." After laughing, the old woman said again.

"Master, I don't understand why Jiang Chen didn't kill me." Zhang Xueyou asked suspiciously.

"Why else? Men are all of this virtue. When they see a woman, their legs are so weak that they can't even walk, let alone kill people." The old woman snorted coldly.

Zhang Xueyou smiled wryly, took off her mask and sunglasses, and said, "Master, could this be the reason?"

How can she believe that Jiang Chen didn't kill her because of this reason?
"It can only be because of this reason." The old woman said with incomparable certainty, stretched out her palm, stroked Zhang Xueyou's right cheek, and stroked the scar on Zhang Xueyou's face with one finger.

Zhang Xueyou's body froze slightly, feeling uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

If, without these two scars, no matter how arrogantly she underestimated herself, she would not deny that she is a beautiful woman.

However, in this world, there are no ifs.

These two scars existed a long time ago, and they didn't happen overnight. Even if they wanted to get rid of them, they couldn't be done.

"Xueyou, you are very disturbed, tell Master, are you hating me, Master, for ruining your face?" Sensing Zhang Xueyou's body movements, the old woman asked coldly.

"Master, I didn't. Back then, I did it willingly. Besides, Master, you also said that the more beautiful a woman is, the more miserable her fate will be." Zhang Xueyou said softly.

"It's good if you can remember this." The old woman sighed, and then said: "But you don't regret it, but I regret it. If I didn't disfigure you, it would be great."

"Master, you..." Zhang Xueyou looked at the old woman in amazement, not understanding why the old woman would say such words.

"Xueyou, now my Wuxinlou's revenge for destroying the family is all on your shoulders. If you have not been disfigured by me, with your beauty, the relationship between you and Jiang Chen will definitely go further. Come on, we don't need to use Jiang Chen secretly, we can directly use Jiang Chen to kill the Heavenly Star Sect and avenge this great revenge." The old woman said angrily.

"Master, I don't know if I should say something about using Jiang Chen." Hesitating, Zhang Xueyou said.

"Say." The old woman motioned.

"Master, Jiang Chen is very smart. He's too smart. I don't think I've shown my flaws. People from the Tianxing Sect don't know your intentions, Master, but Jiang Chen can see my intentions from just a few clues. I'm very worried, if we continue to use him, he will probably take revenge on us." Zhang Xueyou said worriedly.

She thought that her use of Jiang Chen was very subtle, but Jiang Chen saw through everything at a glance. When Jiang Chen uncovered everything, Zhang Xueyou's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. .

At that moment, she really had the intention of dying.

And Jiang Chen could see that she was not the kind of woman who would take death as her home, so he could only say that Jiang Chen was wrong.

She didn't die for herself, but for the sect.

She said that she would not tell Master about the matter of Tianxingzong, which is also deceiving Jiang Chen.

She said that after being disfigured by the people of the Sky Star Sect, and after killing someone, being hunted down by the people of the Sky Star Sect for revenge is still a scam.

It wasn't the people from the Sky Star Sect who disfigured her face, but her master, the old woman in front of her.

She said that when passing through Jiangbei Province, she accidentally heard about Jiang Chen's deeds, and then ran to Jiangnan Province, and she was also deceiving Jiang Chen.

All of this is a game.

A game set up by the old woman herself, in this game, she acts as a bait, or a vase, even though Zhang Xueyou does not think that she is qualified to be the role of a vase.

Zhang Xueyou was a bait, and what he lured was Tianxingzong and Jiang Chen. Tianxingzong and Jiangchen took the bait one after another. The conflict completely broke out in Yilan Middle School.

Everything is not perfect, it is completely following the old woman's will, the old woman controls everything behind the scenes, Jiang Chen is inexplicably hooked, and becomes a pawn in the hands of the old woman to deal with the Tianxingzong .

"So what if he's smart?" The old woman sneered, and said, "No matter how smart he is, could he be able to predict everything? Besides, how do you know that he is not tempted by beauty, and he is willing to do things for us?"

"Master, you overestimate me." Zhang Xue said humorously.

"Xueyou, you have to have confidence in yourself. Although your face has a little blemish, your figure is absolutely unique. Even when I was young, Master, I was not even one-tenth of yours. Jiang Chen is a man, and his greatest weakness is women." The old woman said solemnly.

Zhang Xueyou disagreed with the old woman's point of view. She felt that the old woman took Jiang Chen too simply, but after thinking about it, she didn't know how to refute it.

"Xueyou, don't think too much, I will soon spread the news that you and I are hiding in Yilan City to attract people from the Tianxing Sect...During this period, your main task is to keep approaching Jiang Chen, deepen the relationship with Jiang Chen, if he needs it, you can go to bed with him, in short, you have to use any means to make Jiang Chen die for you, then Jiang Chen will spare no effort to work for us." The old woman ordered.


Zhang Xueyou turned pale with shock.

She had deceived Jiang Chen so much, her conscience was uneasy, and she was in a state of anxiety. The old woman actually wanted her to sleep with Jiang Chen, which was impossible for her no matter what.

"Xueyou, I just asked you to make a small sacrifice for Master. You are so reluctant. Don't forget who raised you. If I hadn't taken you in back then, you would have starved to death long ago. Street." The old woman said harshly.

"Master, I will repay your kindness, and I will die, but I can't do it, I really can't do it." Zhang Xueyou's face was pale, and she was in a panic.

"I, Wuxinlou, was exterminated by the Heavenly Star Sect. I was the one who was seriously injured and brought you out alive. If I don't avenge this revenge, I will die with regret. If you have a conscience, you should understand that no matter what you do, as long as you can avenge your death Enemy, that can be done, and besides, Master, I won't live for long, after you sleep with Jiang Chen, you will be his woman, and you can be regarded as someone to rely on in the future, and I have nothing to worry about when I die." The old woman said coldly.

It was the voice of an old woman. Just as the door fell, the door of the room was pushed open without a sound, and a figure appeared at the door...

(End of this chapter)

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