genius evil

Chapter 759

Chapter 759

"Jiang Chen, you..." Suddenly seeing the person standing at the door, Zhang Xueyou's face changed drastically, thinking that he had misread it.

"Miss Xueyou, you must be pleasantly surprised to see me so suddenly?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.


Zhang Xueyou felt that it would not be an exaggeration to say that Jiang Chen's appearance was frightening.

"Why are you here?" Zhang Xueyou asked stammeringly, a simple sentence, just five words, but it was extremely laborious to say.

"Oh, I was on an errand before, and I happened to be driving by here. I accidentally saw the Ferrari you were driving. I thought you might be around here, so I looked for it. Unexpectedly, you are here, but why? Living in this kind of place, do you have no money or what? Besides, it is too crowded for two people to live in such a small room," Jiang Chen said.

Zhang Xueyou looked at Jiang Chen in a daze, Zhang Xueyou would never believe what Jiang Chen said just happened to be driving by.

Otherwise, it would be too much of a coincidence.

Coincidentally, it was exactly the same as when she met Jiang Chen in Yilan Middle School.

And you must know that the reason why she chose to come to meet the old woman at night was to avoid Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen still came to find her.

This clearly indicated that her every move in Yilan City fell into Jiang Chen's eyes.

It was inevitable that Zhang Xueyou wondered whether it was Jiang Chen who spared her life because Jiang Chen had already seen that she had other intentions.

Otherwise, it's hard to explain.

"Miss Xueyou, no matter how surprised you are, you should say something, right?" After speaking, Jiang Chen felt a little dissatisfied after not seeing Zhang Xueyou speak for a long time.

Zhang Xueyou didn't speak, and let him speak alone, wouldn't it look awkward?


Zhang Xueyou stared blankly at Jiang Chen. It wasn't that she didn't want to talk, but that she didn't know what to say before she figured out Jiang Chen's purpose.

"You are Jiang Chen?" But the old woman said.

"Hello, hello, you are Miss Xueyou's master, don't you know your name?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Just call me Honggu." The old woman had such a rare smile on her face, she looked Jiang Chen up and down, and said: "It is said that meeting is worse than being famous, as expected, extraordinary style, not Chi of things."

"Thanks to the praise, I am very clear about how good I am. In fact, I am far better than you imagined." Jiang Chen stopped laughing and said seriously.

Obviously not very adaptable to Jiang Chen's speaking style, upon hearing the sound, the corners of Honggu's mouth twitched, speechless.

"It's like this. When I was outside the door just now, I vaguely heard you and Miss Xueyou say that I have one biggest shortcoming. Why didn't I know that such a perfect man like me actually has shortcomings?" Then, Jiang Chen asked with a puzzled expression.

This time, Hong Gu couldn't smile anymore, and her expression also changed.

Jiang Chen said that he was outside the door and heard the conversation between her and Zhang Xueyou.

The problem is, when did Jiang Chen come over, neither she nor Zhang Xueyou noticed it.

In addition, how much did Jiang Chen hear?

If Jiang Chen had come a long time ago and listened to everything she and Zhang Xueyou had said, it would undoubtedly be very bad.

"Everyone has shortcomings." Hong Gu said vaguely.

"That's someone else, not me. I just said that I am a perfect man, and I am constantly pursuing perfection." Jiang Chen said extremely seriously.

It seems that once someone says that he has shortcomings, it is insulting his personality.

"Jiang Shao, what I said to Xueyou is absolutely not malicious, so don't take it to heart." Hong Gu had no choice but to say.

"Of course I know that you don't have any malicious intentions. It's like you said you want Miss Xueyou to sleep with me. This is definitely a great kindness." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"What else did you hear?" Hong Gu couldn't hold her breath anymore, and asked.

Jiang Chen smiled, and said: "Probably not much, that is, just listened casually."

"Since that's the case, then I won't hide it from you." Gritting her teeth, Hong Gu said.

"Could it be that you two, master and apprentice, have other things to hide from me?" Jiang Chen was extremely astonished.

"Jiang Chen, you are a smart person. You know all these things, so you don't have to pretend to be stupid anymore. Xueyou is here. What do you think of Xueyou?" Honggu asked, pointing at Zhang Xueyou.

"If Miss Xueyou's face hadn't been ruined by you, it would be the most beautiful in the world." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"Even if the face is disfigured, the flaws do not conceal the virtues, if you are willing to help me and avenge my Wuxinlou being destroyed by the Tianxing sect, I can make the decision right now and give Xueyou to you." Honggu said.

"Sorry, I have to ask, what does it mean to give it to me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It means, let me just say, Xueyou is your woman." Hong Gu said bluntly.

"You are really good at catching weaknesses. For a man as perfect as me, I suddenly doubt whether I really have a weakness." Jiang Chen sighed.

Honggu was slightly happy when she heard Jiang Chen's words.

Does Jiang Chen's words mean that he accepted Zhang Xueyou?

Jiang Chen's appearance caught her and Zhang Xueyou by surprise. Moreover, she had no secrets at all in front of Jiang Chen, which made her extremely passive in her current situation.

But if Jiang Chen is willing to accept Zhang Xueyou's words, then she will gain the initiative again, and will be able to use Jiang Chen openly.

After the joy, Honggu once again regretted disfiguring Zhang Xueyou.

Otherwise, as Jiang Chen said, it would not be an exaggeration to say that Zhang Xueyou is a peerless beauty in the world. Then, wouldn't it be easy to capture Jiang Chen?

There was no need to worry about Jiang Chen like this, lest Jiang Chen would turn his face if he didn't agree with each other.

"Jiang Chen, you mean, are you willing?" Hong Gu asked.

"Of course I am willing. Such a good thing may not be found even with a lantern. If I don't want to, I am the number one fool in the world." Jiang Chen said.

"Xueyou, did you hear that, from today onwards, you are Jiang Chen's woman, you must serve him well." Hong Gu said to Zhang Xueyou.

"Master..." Zhang Xueyou's voice was trembling.

Earlier, Hong Gu said that letting her sleep with Jiang Chen was already beyond her expectations.

Right now, Honggu is giving her to Jiang Chen again, which is even more unbelievable for Zhang Xueyou.

"Jiang Chen is so outstanding, it is your honor that you follow him, do you have any hesitation?" Hong Gu's face darkened, very displeased.

"Honggu, the twisted melon is not sweet, I think it's better to forget it." Jiang Chen persuaded.

"No." Without even thinking about it, Hong Gu refused.

This is an excellent opportunity, and it is impossible for Honggu to give up, no matter whether Zhang Xueyou is willing or not, she must make a sacrifice.

"Miss Xueyou, you obviously don't want to be my woman, why don't you refuse?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I..." Zhang Xueyou didn't know what to say.

"Jiang Shao, Xueyou has never been in a relationship before, and the sudden incident happened, probably because she was not mentally prepared, so let me talk to her carefully." Hong Gu hurriedly said.

"Master, stop talking, I agree." Zhang Xueyou said tremblingly.

"Very well, Xueyou, thank you for being the teacher representing all the dead souls who died upstairs and downstairs in Wuxin." Honggu heaved a sigh of relief.

Zhang Xueyou has a stubborn personality, Honggu knew it, she was a little worried that Zhang Xueyou would not let go, but Zhang Xueyou finally took care of her and agreed to be Jiang Chen's woman.

This also means that the initiative has finally returned to her hands.

"Jiang Chen, Xueyou is yours now, next, it's up to you." Hong Gu said.

"Miss Xueyou, come with me." Jiang Chen waved and said to Zhang Xueyou.

"Jiang Shao, even though Xueyou is your woman now, you can take her away only after you help me avenge Wu Xinlou's death." Hong Gu reminded.

"Fart!" Jiang Chen was furious instantly, and said unhappily: "My woman, I can take it away whenever I want. Could it be that I still need to ask for your opinion, what are you?"

"Jiang Chen, I didn't force you on this matter, but you promised to avenge my Wuxinlou?" Hong Gu was stunned.

"Sure enough, this person is old and his brain is not working well. Did I promise to avenge you? I just promised to let you give me Miss Xueyou." Jiang Chen said innocently.

"Are you kidding me?" Hong Gu was furious, her face was livid, and she was extremely ugly.

"Why, you are allowed to tease me, I can't tease you?" Jiang Chen said, quite jokingly, and said calmly: "A gentleman said, it's hard to chase, Miss Xueyou is mine now, If you don’t believe what you say, be careful that I’m not polite to you.”

"Shut up." Aunt Hong went mad.

It was clearly Jiang Chen who backed down, but turned back and accused her of being dishonest. This made Hong Gu unbearable. If she hadn't been seriously injured, she might have already shot and killed Jiang Chen here.

"Jiang Chen, if you don't accept the condition to avenge my Wuxinlou, even if I kill Xueyou myself, it's impossible for me to let you take her away. Also, Xueyou, Jiang Chen wants to take you away, you Just kill yourself, he will take you away, and what he will take away will only be your corpse." Hong Gu said angrily.

"Master..." Zhang Xueyou's eyes were red and she was about to cry.

Is this the teacher she has been serving with all her heart and soul?Is this the master who single-handedly raised her?

So, in Honggu's eyes, this is her greatest use value?
If you want to give her away, just give it away, without considering her feelings at all.

If you want her to live, she will live; if you want her to die, she will die.

Even the humblest ants are nothing more than that, right?
There is nothing greater than heart death, at this moment, Zhang Xueyou's heart is as dead as gray!
"If you dare to threaten me, you will seek death." Jiang Chen shouted, and with a movement of his figure, he appeared in front of Hong Gu, raised his hand and slapped Hong Gu on the face, and slapped it.


A slap across the face, hard and solid, hit Hong Gu's face, and half of Hong Gu's cheeks immediately became red and swollen.

"Xueyou, what are you hesitating for? If you don't make a move, do you want to die in front of you for your teacher?" Hong Gu yelled madly.

She was seriously injured and unable to make a move. The only reliance was Zhang Xueyou. If Zhang Xueyou didn't make a move, she would have to be ravaged by Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen raised his hand again, slapped Hong Gu's face again, and directly smashed Hong Gu's whole body against the wall...

(End of this chapter)

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