genius evil

Chapter 760 Poor people must have something to hate

Chapter 760 Poor people must have something to hate

"Ah—Jiang Chen, you have betrayed your trust and deceived others too much, you will die!"

Hong Gu vomited blood and went crazy.

"For a person like you who doesn't believe in righteousness, do you know what faith is and what righteousness is?" Jiang Chen said dismissively.

"Jiang Chen, you are the most villainous person in the world. Even if I, Hong Gu, die by your hands today and turn into a ghost in the future, I will definitely not let you go." Hong Gu said with a gloomy voice.

"Really?" Jiang Chen smiled, walked over, stretched out his hand, clasped Hong Gu's neck, lifted it up, and said slowly: "You may not know that I am notoriously soft-hearted. Take it hard, since you said you would turn into a ghost and would not let me go, then I'll simply turn you into a ghost."

"Jiang Chen, don't..." Zhang Xueyou said hastily.

"Don't want what?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"Jiang Chen, please spare my master's life. Master did such a thing out of necessity." Zhang Xueyou said hastily, fearing that Jiang Chen would kill Honggu.

"Love is a last resort?" Jiang Chen laughed out loud, and said with a light smile: "Miss Xueyou, this old woman, using you as a bargaining chip in exchange, is it also a last resort?"

"This..." Zhang Xueyou didn't know how to answer.

"She said she would rather kill you with her own hands. What's more, she asked you to kill yourself. Could it be because she had to do it?" Jiang Chen stared at Zhang Xueyou and asked again.

Zhang Xueyou lowered her head slightly, not daring to look at Jiang Chen, and said softly: "Jiang Chen, no matter how badly Master did, it is my Master after all."

"So, she can wantonly manipulate your life, manipulate your life and death?" Jiang Chen's voice suddenly turned cold.

"Jiang Chen, don't you try to confuse the public with your gossip here. The master-student relationship between me and Xueyou is something that a shameless villain like you can understand?" Hong Gu yelled.

"That's right, I really can't understand. But, do I need to understand, you two are in a master-student relationship, but I have nothing to do with you." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, don't think I don't know, you are deliberately bewitching Xueyou." Honggu screamed.

"Bewitching Miss Xueyou? I can only say that your association ability is quite rich." Jiang Chen laughed dumbfoundedly.

He said a lot of things, but Jiang Chen really didn't notice which one of them was for bewitching Zhang Xueyou.

"Hmph!" Aunt Hong sneered.

After sneering, Hong Gu continued to say: "Jiang Chen, what you said was just to offset the guilt in Xue You's heart, so that after you killed me, Xue You would not blame you. Come, you can take the opportunity to possess Xueyou."

Jiang Chen was dumbfounded, and looked at Honggu like a ghost.

It has to be said that this old woman's associative ability is indeed ridiculously strong.

"What's the matter, are you guilty of being hit by my words?" Hong Gu couldn't help being a little proud, feeling that she had caught Jiang Chen's pain.

In this way, if Jiang Chen insisted on killing her again, he had to weigh whether it would cause Zhang Xueyou's dissatisfaction.

And once Zhang Xueyou is dissatisfied, the difficulty factor for Jiang Chen to obtain Zhang Xueyou will undoubtedly increase exponentially, unless Jiang Chen does not play cards according to common sense and uses force to forcibly occupy Zhang Xueyou.

But Honggu knew Zhang Xueyou's character well, even if Jiang Chen took Zhang Xueyou's people forcibly, it was inevitable that he would never be able to win Zhang Xueyou's heart for the rest of his life.

Honggu naturally wouldn't know that for a man like Jiang Chen, once he got a woman's body, he had plenty of ways to get that woman's heart.

But now, Jiang Chen didn't think about that at all, everything was just wishful thinking by Hong Gu.

"If I say I'm not guilty, you won't believe me, but fortunately, when I kill you, I won't be soft-hearted." Jiang Chen said calmly, pinching Aunt Hong's neck, Sudden force.

Honggu's face instantly turned pale. She looked at Jiang Chen in astonishment, unable to understand what was going on.

Isn't Jiang Chen guilty?

Jiang Chen felt guilty, how could he still kill her?
Could it be that things are not as she thought?

Or, Jiang Chen didn't need to get Zhang Xueyou's heart at all, all he needed was Zhang Xueyou?
Honggu panicked all of a sudden, opened her mouth, and wanted to speak, but she couldn't say anything.

Accompanied by the sound of bones breaking, Hong Gu's neck suddenly tilted, and her breathing was cut off. Jiang Chen threw Hong Gu on the ground as if he was throwing a broken piece.

"Master..." Zhang Xueyou watched Jiang Chen pinch Honggu to death, watched Jiang Chen throw Honggu's body on the ground, choking with grief.

"Unfortunately, she must die." Jiang Chen said to Zhang Xueyou.

"From your standpoint, I can understand." Zhang Xueyou's face was filled with grief.

"But you don't agree with my approach, do you?" Jiang Chen said.

"I have no father or mother since I was a child, and my master brought me up single-handedly. The kindness of raising me will never be forgotten." Zhang Xueyou said.

"Then, I'll wait for you to avenge her." Jiang Chen said indifferently. After saying this, Jiang Chen looked at Zhang Xueyou lazily, turned around and left.

"Jiang Chen, won't you kill me?" Zhang Xueyou stopped Jiang Chen.

"Based on your strength, killing is too boring." Jiang Chen said casually, and left the room.

After a while, when Zhang Xueyou heard the sound of a car engine coming from downstairs in the small hotel, she understood that Jiang Chen had indeed left.

Zhang Xueyou was a little distracted, counting this time, Jiang Chen had saved her life for the second time, that is to say, she owed Jiang Chen two lives.

If Jiang Chen hadn't killed Hong Gu, Zhang Xueyou would have accepted Jiang Chen's affection, but Jiang Chen killed Hong Gu, and the nature of the matter immediately changed.

As she said, the grace of nurturing cannot be forgotten.

Just like what Jiang Chen said, she will avenge Honggu.

"Revenge?" Zhang Xueyou muttered to herself, her mood gradually sank.

Honggu was her master, and because she had no father or mother since she was a child, she once regarded Honggu as her closest relative.

But this dearest person gave her the most painful injury.

Zhang Xueyou knew that she wanted revenge, Honggu could be ruthless, but she couldn't.

But how to avenge this hatred?

Did he kill Jiang Chen?

Zhang Xueyou knew that with her own strength, no matter what, she would not be able to kill Jiang Chen.

And once she had murderous intent towards Jiang Chen, even if Jiang Chen saved her life twice, it would be impossible for him to save her life a third time.

"What should I do?" Zhang Xueyou hesitated incomparably.

She lowered her head, looked at Hong Gu's body, and said, "Master, why, why did you treat me like this? I don't understand, is it that unimportant that I am in your heart?"

Zhang Xueyou said this, she couldn't help crying...


poor person must have something mean.

This sentence was said by the ancients, not Jiang Chen.

Undoubtedly, Zhang Xueyou was a poor person. He was used by his close relatives, but he was unlucky and couldn't get rid of it. The bondage brought by this emotion was doomed, and Zhang Xueyou would experience incomparable pain in the future.

But these have nothing to do with Jiang Chen.

Now that Honggu's intentions were discovered by him, Honggu's fate would be death.

Hong Gu could control Zhang Xueyou because Zhang Xueyou was willing to be controlled by her, but Hong Gu took it for granted that she really wanted to control him.

Under such circumstances, it was absolutely impossible for Jiang Chen to let Honggu go for Zhang Xueyou's sake.

At this time, Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone while driving the car, and made a call.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, are you asleep yet?" Jiang Chen said with a smile when the phone was connected.

Speaking of which, Jiang Chen was not in Yilan City during this time, but he missed Lan Xiu very much. Lan Xiu's charming style made him unable to stop.

"Jiang Chen, have you returned to Yilan City yet? I'm still working overtime." Lan Xiu said with a light smile.

"Little Xiuxiu, how can you still be working overtime at this time, you feel so sorry for me, have you eaten yet, how about I take you to eat Mala Tang?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Mala Tang?" On the other end of the phone, Lan Xiu was slightly taken aback, and her face turned red immediately.

She and Jiang Chen became acquainted with each other through Malatang. If Jiang Chen hadn't invited her to eat Malatang that night, she wouldn't have left Jiang Chen behind by a strange coincidence.

When Jiang Chen mentioned eating Malatang, whether he meant it or not, it made Lan Xiu think about it for a while.

"Little Xiuxiu, is there a problem, or have you changed your taste and don't like Malatang anymore?" Jiang Chen laughed. He mentioned eating Malatang, naturally on purpose.

"The time may be later." Lan Xiu didn't directly agree or refuse, but said.

"It's okay, I can buy Malatang to find you." Jiang Chen said.

"No." Lan Xiu hurriedly refused.

Jiang Chen laughed loudly, and said, "Xiao Xiuxiu, if you say no, your body must really want it, so it's settled."

After saying this, without giving Lan Xiu a chance to refuse, Jiang Chen immediately hung up the phone, and by the way, turned off the phone.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen drove to the small shop that sold Malatang where he had eaten with Lan Xiu, packed two servings of Malatang, and then drove to the municipal committee building.

Jiang Chen was driving the car, and just appeared in front of the gate of the municipal committee building, when he saw a figure waiting there, and at a glance, there was no one else but Lan Xiu.

Lan Xiu also saw Jiang Chen driving over, and when Jiang Chen's car stopped, without saying a word, he opened the door and got into the car, urging: "Hurry up."

"Xiao Xiuxiu, if you don't want to get off work, you must not delay work because of me. Otherwise, you should continue to work overtime." Jiang Chen said kindly.

"Everything is done." Lan Xiubai took a look at Jiang Chen, feeling a bit hungry, and asked, "What about Malatang, didn't you say you came to see me after buying it?"

Jiang Chen looked at Lan Xiu sadly, sighed, and said, "Xiao Xiuxiu, you really let me down."

"Who told you to have bad intentions, I can't...Impossible..." Lan Xiu said, in the middle of the sentence, seeing Jiang Chen looking at her with piercing eyes, her pink face turned red again, and she couldn't continue. up...

(End of this chapter)

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