genius evil

Chapter 761 I'm going to pretend

Chapter 761 I'm going to pretend

"Xiao Xiuxiu, I cared about whether you had dinner with good intentions, and even packed Malatang and delivered it here. Why do you have bad intentions?" Jiang Chen immediately yelled in dissatisfaction.

"You know it in your heart." Lan Xiu said angrily.

"It's because I don't know anything, so I asked you to understand." Jiang Chen said with a smile, smacking his mouth.

Some things can be seen through but not explained through.

It is self-evident what kind of intentions he has in packing Mala Tang in such a hurry, but it is impossible for Jiang Chen to admit it.

"Stop talking, I'm hungry." Lan Xiu said.

"No, we have to make it clear." Jiang Chen shook his head, his attitude was firm and unquestionable.

Lan Xiu was speechless. She thought to herself, is this guy just pretending to be stupid and addicted?
Involuntarily giving Jiang Chen a blank look, Lan Xiu had no choice but to say: "There are still many people in the office building. It is not convenient for you to go in. Moreover, you are more or less a celebrity, and there are many people who know you. I am Fear of adverse effects.

"That's it?" Jiang Chen blinked.

If it wasn't for Lan Xiu's extraordinary intelligence and insight, Jiang Chen would almost believe that what Lan Xiu said was true.

"Of course it's true." Lan Xiu said with certainty, and also blinked.

"You are amazing." Jiang Chen smiled, turned his hand, took a Mala Tang from the back row and handed it to Lan Xiu, saying: "It's still hot, eat it while it's hot."

Lan Xiu opened the packing box, and suddenly felt the fragrance hit her nostrils.

It is natural for women to love beauty, and Lan Xiu is no exception. She always pays attention to maintenance, but try not to eat street snacks and foods that are heavy in oil and salt.

But tonight, I don't know if it's because Malatang has different meanings for her and Jiang Chen, or because she worked overtime too late and was really hungry, just smelling the aroma, Lan Xiu couldn't help it. Swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Moreover, because this was for her to eat, Jiang Chen was very thoughtful and put a lot of green vegetables, and what's more, there was no coriander.

Picking up the chopsticks, she carefully picked up a piece of green vegetables and brought them to her mouth. Lan Xiu was about to eat when she suddenly saw that there was a packaged Mala Tang in the back row.

Obviously, Jiang Chen packed that copy for himself.

"Jiang Chen, you park on the side of the road, let's go back after eating Malatang together." Lan Xiu just said.

"By the road, are you sure?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Hurry up, you'll be cold in a while." Lan Xiu urged.

Malatang is best eaten while it’s hot, but when it’s cold, it’s very greasy. Lan Xiu is a little impatient, worried that it won’t taste good when it’s cold.

Jiang Chen thought about it, but he really couldn't figure out what kind of situation it would be like for a beautiful woman like Lan Xiu squatting on the side of the road eating Mala Tang.

However, he still listened to Lan Xiu's words and stopped the car on the side of the road.

After getting off the car, Jiang Chen and Lan Xiu each took a portion of Malatang and began to eat.

Because this place is close to the city government building, both lighting and greening facilities are very complete. At this time, there are still many people shopping.

The car was parked on the sidewalk, and people were coming and going on the sidewalk. Jiang Chen was a little worried that Lan Xiu would be embarrassed, but soon, Jiang Chen realized that he was overthinking.

Lan Xiu's food is very delicious. Mala Tang, which costs only a few yuan, is like a delicacy from mountains and seas. She can't put it down and can't stop eating it.

Jiang Chen has never been the kind of person who cares about worldliness. Lan Xiu doesn't care, and it's even more impossible for him to care. Even though, driving a million-dollar luxury car, squatting on the side of the road and eating spicy hot pot is a kind of behavior in passing. Humanly speaking, that was as weird as it could be.

"Huzi, what do you think of that car?"

"Fuck, rich man."

Jiang Chen and Lan Xiu were squatting on the side of the road, eating Malatang, when a voice suddenly came.

Accompanied by the voice of speaking, four or five people walked over unsteadily.

Those few people were obviously attracted by the car Jiang Chen was driving. As soon as they walked over, they moved to the side of the car, groping here and there, looking extremely envious.

"Brothers, be careful, the owner of the car is right next to you." Someone saw Jiang Chen and Lan Xiu and reminded them.

"Damn, driving a car worth more than a million yuan to eat Mala Tang, what kind of bad taste is this?" It was that voice again, sounding startled.

"Huzi, what you said is wrong. Has anyone ever ruled that people who drive a million-dollar car can't eat spicy food? But that beauty is really juicy." Someone noticed Lan Xiu.

"Big beauty..." Someone yelled out again.

Then, these few people stopped paying attention to the car, but walked over together, staring at Jiang Chen and Lan Xiu. Naturally, their eyes were only on Jiang Chen, and they swept away , everyone's eyes fell on Lan Xiu.

Under the street lamp, the eyeballs of these people were shining, as if a lion and tiger saw the little white rabbit in the forest.

"Handsome guy, your girlfriend is so beautiful." The guy called Hu Zi wiped his saliva with his hand and said.

"Thank you." Jiang Chen looked up at the guy and said with a smile.

"Handsome guy, your girlfriend is so beautiful, so you give him Mala Tang, are you embarrassed?" Huzi said again.

"Ma La Tang is such a delicious food, why do you despise it? You all look so ugly, have I ever despised you?" Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

"We often eat Malatang. We don't despise Malatang, but despise you as a bastard. If you have no money, don't pretend to be aggressive, you know?" Huzi heard a bald man say before he could answer Jiang Chen's question.

This guy's clothes are very weird. He wears a sweater on his upper body and a pair of shorts on his lower body.

"Am I pretending?" Jiang Chen was confused.

He just quietly ate Malatang, he didn't provoke anyone, why did he pretend to be aggressive?

Or is it because the price of Malatang has been soaring these days, and the price of Malatang has also risen, so he has become a typical example of pretending to be coercive when he eats Malatang?

"Brother, pretend to be stupid. I'm talking about you. She is such a beautiful woman. If you invite her to a four-star hotel for dinner, it's all in a poor family. At least you have to start with a five-star hotel? But you are good. Give her a meal." If you eat Malatang, it’s okay to eat Malatang, but you don’t even have meat.” The bald young man said carelessly.

"I don't like meat." Lan Xiu said abruptly.

"Big beauty, it's not a question of whether to eat meat or not, it's a question of attitude." The bald young man snorted coldly, and then said, "Let's be blunt, it's a question of money."

"The bald man is sharp, and he hits the nail on the head."

"Brother Bald is amazing."

"Brother Bald, keep talking, we are listening with great interest."


The rest of the people took turns booing.

The bald young man smiled and pretended to be deep and said: "Big beauty, do you know why I said it was about money? That's because I could tell at a glance that this guy was a pretender. Look at the shirt he was wearing. Clothes, 20 yuan a piece of street stalls, trousers plus shoes, no more than 100 yuan. A guy who adds up his whole body and costs no more than 200 yuan, but drives a million-dollar luxury car , that's weird, isn't it?"

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, my clothes and shoes are very expensive." Jiang Chen was furious.

As a man who can use his face as a card, Jiang Chen feels that even if he wears street clothes, he can still wear aristocratic temperament.

What's more, although the clothes, trousers and shoes he is wearing now are not very expensive, they add up to tens of thousands of so-so. How come this bald young man said that they don't cost more than 200 yuan?
When did 200 yuan equal to 1 yuan?

The rate at which the currency depreciates is too fast.

Jiang Chen thought that besides insulting his poverty, this guy was also suspected of insulting his personality. How could Jiang Chen not be angry.

"Brother, you're still pretending, so it's boring." The bald young man curled his lips, with disdain on his face, casually pointed at the car, and said leisurely: "Now, let's talk about the car. I have seen the car at a car rental company, and the rental fee for the whole day is 3000 yuan."

"And then?" Jiang Chen asked in astonishment.

"Brother, I can only say that you have good means. You only spent 3000 yuan and a bowl of Malatang for a mere few dollars, and you managed to get a big beauty. I admire you. I admire you so much." The bald youth, it's okay Said not slowly.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, do you think what he said is right?" Jiang Chen asked Lan Xiu dumbfounded.

"It seems that there is nothing wrong." Taking out a wet wipe from the bag, and wiping her lips gracefully, Lan Xiu smiled slightly, the corners of her lips curled up, her beauty was thrilling.

"It seems that there is nothing wrong with it. It is well-founded and convincing." Jiang Chen said.

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, the bald young man chuckled and said to Lan Xiu: "Big beauty, you must not be full. Although we don't have much money, at least we won't let you eat Mala Tang. In this way, we will take you to Eat food stalls, okay?"

"Not good." Jiang Chen hurriedly said.

"Boy, I didn't talk to you. You'd better shut up, or don't blame us for being rude to you." The bald young man's face darkened and his tone was very aggressive.

If, refers to if.

If Jiang Chen was rich, he would naturally have to carefully weigh his own weight in offending Jiang Chen and the bald young man, so as not to be played to death by Jiang Chen accidentally.

But since Jiang Chen is a pretentious, bald young man, there is no pressure at all.It's not a problem to play Jiang Chen to death every minute.

"Do you think that because I have no money, I'm easy to bully?" Jiang Chen asked.

"You are easy to bully or not to bully, don't you know?" The bald young man laughed loudly, and with his smile, the rest of the people laughed too.

"If I told you that I am not easy to be bullied, you would definitely not believe it, but it doesn't matter, you will immediately understand why I am not easy to be bullied." Jiang Chen said lazily.

While talking, Jiang Chen took out a card from his wallet, shook it, and said, "There are 100 million in this card..."

(End of this chapter)

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