genius evil

Chapter 762 I Can't Eat Hot Tofu

Chapter 762 I Can't Eat Hot Tofu

Don't these guys agree that he is pretending?

That's good, Jiang Chen followed suit and pretended to be a coward.

By the way, let them see what real pretense is.

Jiang Chen deliberately only said half of this sentence. After finishing speaking, Jiang Chen quietly looked at these guys, waiting for their reaction.

"One million, a lot of money."

"In my life, I have never seen even 1 yuan, 100 million, it scared me to death."

"I'm timid, don't scare me, scaring people will pay for their lives."


After listening to Jiang Chen's words, several people looked at Jiang Chen with crazy eyes, laughed endlessly, and tried their best to ridicule.

Especially the bald young man, who leaned forward and backward laughing, as if he was about to die of laughter.

"Is 100 million a lot?" Jiang Chen was very depressed.

What are the reactions of these guys, can't you let him pretend to be cool?

"Boy, why do you like to pretend so much? Why don't you just say that there are hundreds of millions in this card, wouldn't the effect be even more amazing?" The bald youth laughed and said.

"How do you know that there are actually hundreds of millions in this card, so amazing?" Jiang Chen was amazed.

That's right, there are indeed hundreds of millions in this card.

As for the hundreds of millions, Jiang Chen himself didn't remember, it was just a lot of money anyway.

He said 100 million before, because he was a little worried that he said too much and would scare these guys into foolishness, so he was very humble.

"Boy, I have to tell you that the joke you told is not funny at all, and..." The bald young man stopped laughing suddenly. He pointed to himself, then pointed to other people, and said, "And, We look like fools, easy to deceive?"

"What I said is true, why don't you believe it?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"Believe in you." The bald young man didn't even have the slightest thought of giving Jiang Chen face. In the end, he pointed at Jiang Chen and scolded: "Boy, before we get angry, drive this rented car of yours. The car rolls as far as it goes.”

"Is it scary for you to get angry?" Jiang Chen then asked.

"I can tell you for sure, it's very scary. Once I get angry and you get beaten up, it's a trivial matter. It's even possible that we will smash the car you rented." The bald young man threatened.

"So, are you angry now?" Jiang Chen said.

"Are you trying to make me angry?" the bald young man asked strangely.

"That's right, I'm trying to force you to get angry. After all, if you don't get angry, how can I judge whether you're lying or not." Jiang Chen said in a firm tone.

"Very good, you managed to piss me off." The bald young man said coldly.


It was almost a bald-headed youth, just after speaking, when Jiang Chen raised his hand, he was knocked to the ground with a slap across the face.


Opening his mouth and spraying, two bloody teeth spewed out of the bald young man's mouth, rolling on the ground, screaming incessantly, sounding like killing a pig.

"Bright-headed brother."

Seeing this, the rest of the people turned pale with fright, rushed up one by one, and hurriedly helped the bald young man up.

"Is it scary what you said? Why didn't I feel it at all?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"court death."

The bald young man was furious, but because of the lack of two teeth, his speech was a bit leaky.

"Kill him." Afterwards, the bald young man yelled.


Jiang Chen moved his feet and appeared in front of the bald young man again. He raised his hand again and slapped the bald young man on the ground.

"Could it be that this is what you call terrible?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

The bald young man was dumbfounded, and the rest of the people were also dumbfounded.

Even if they were fools, they still knew that Jiang Chen was intentionally teasing them. Considering the speed and strength of Jiang Chen's attack, even if they joined forces, it would not be enough for Jiang Chen to smoke.

"Handsome guy, the bald guy is just joking, don't take it to heart."

"That's right, that's right, it's just a joke. The bald brother likes to make jokes the most."

"Handsome guy, play slowly with the big beauty, let's go first."


The rest of the people, seeing that the situation was not right, gave in immediately, lifted the bald young man up, and ran fast.

"Jiang Chen, let's go too." Lan Xiu walked over and said.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, would you like to have another Mala Tang? I have a hunch that you will be very hungry later." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"There is food at home." Lan Xiu said subconsciously.

After speaking, Lan Xiu suddenly felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly opened the door to get in the car.

Jiang Chen chuckled, got into the car, kicked the gas pedal, and drove the car so fast that the four characters of desire~burning body were missing on his face.

But it didn't drive very far, Lan Xiu just called out: "Jiang Chen, stop first."

"Xiao Xiuxiu, we haven't arrived home yet." Jiang Chen said.

"It seems that someone was hit, I'll go down and have a look." Lan Xiu said.

Jiang Chen raised his eyes and saw that the road was empty. There was not a single car, unless that tricycle could also be called a car.

There was indeed a person lying in front of the tricycle, and it seemed that he was indeed knocked down.

Jiang Chen is not the kind of person who likes to meddle in other people's business, but Lan Xiu wanted to take care of it, so Jiang Chen had no choice but to drive the car over and stop.

"What happened?" Lan Xiu got out of the car and asked an old woman.

The old woman had gray hair and was about seventy years old, standing there with a sad face, looking at a loss.

The one lying on the ground was a middle-aged man, he looked pretty good looking at his clothes, and at this moment, he was opening his mouth, babbling ugly words.

The implication is nothing more than being hit by a car and having to lose money.

"Little girl, he said that I bumped him and asked me to pay him 500 yuan, but I don't have any money." The old woman said anxiously, looking like she was about to cry.

Lan Xiu nodded, and said to the middle-aged man: "Friend, I think you're fine, so get up, she's an old woman, how can she have money?"

"Who said I'm fine, my leg is broken, my chest hurts, my head hurts, and my whole body hurts." Lan Xiu didn't say this, it's okay, but when he said it, the middle-aged man screamed even more vigorously.

Listening to what he said, it seemed that he was not hit by a tricycle, but was run over dozens of times by a big truck.

"My friend, you have to be forgiving and forgiving. I think you don't want me to call the police. Call the police?" Lan Xiu said displeased.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that this middle-aged man has nothing wrong with him, but he keeps barking all the time. All he does is blackmail the old woman for 500 yuan.

"Call the police? Okay, then you call the police. I also want to hear what the police will say when they come." The middle-aged man sneered and said without any fear.

Lan Xiu pondered for a while, took out her mobile phone, and was about to call the police.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, give me 2 minutes." Jiang Chen stopped Lan Xiu and said lazily.

Calling the police is of course a good way to solve the problem. As far as Lan Xiu is concerned, once the police come, the middle-aged man will suffer a lot.

But for Jiang Chen, it was too troublesome and a waste of time. He didn't want to waste his own affairs on such meaningless things.

"Alright." Lan Xiu nodded and put away her phone.

"Brother, you said that your whole body hurts, right?" Jiang Chen walked over and said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's almost killing me. I just want 500 yuan to go to the hospital for an examination. This old guy won't give me a penny. It's too much." The middle-aged man said.

"It just so happens that I am a doctor, or else, I'll check it out for you." Jiang Chen said.

After saying this, Jiang Chen walked over and kicked the middle-aged man flying away.

"Jiang Chen, you..." Lan Xiu was dumbfounded. She asked Jiang Chen to solve the problem, not to beat him up. Jiang Chen's beating would only make the problem worse.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, don't worry, 2 minutes is not up yet." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said slowly.

Following Jiang Chen's kick, the middle-aged man flew out. The middle-aged man was very miraculous, and stood up after being kicked by Jiang Chen.

After Jiang Chen and Lan Xiu finished talking, they walked over and kicked the middle-aged man again, kicking the middle-aged man backwards, taking several steps back one after another.

"Does it still hurt?" Jiang Chen asked, continuing to walk towards the middle-aged man.

"What are you going to do? If you dare to kick me again, I will call the police." The middle-aged man said sharply.

"What do you mean, it still hurts, right?" Jiang Chen said, kicking out the third kick.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen stopped talking, remained silent, and kicked the middle-aged man violently one after another.

Jiang Chen used ingenuity, every kick would make the middle-aged man feel miserable, but he chose not to knock him down.

As a result, the middle-aged man turned into a wooden stake, constantly enduring Jiang Chen's attacks. It's not that the middle-aged man didn't want to dodge, but he couldn't dodge at all.

I don't know how many times I was kicked. The middle-aged man couldn't take it anymore and shouted: "I don't feel any pain anymore, it doesn't hurt at all..."

"That's right, get out if it doesn't hurt." Jiang Chen said in a low voice.

"Okay, I'll go... I'll go..." The middle-aged man burst into tears, he just wanted to blackmail a little money, is it easy for him.

Dragging his wish fulfilled, the body aching all over, the middle-aged man limped away, looking miserable.

"Exactly 2 minutes." Watching the middle-aged man leave, Jiang Chen grinned and said to Lan Xiu.

Lan Xiu was speechless, and comforted the old woman for a while before getting into the car with Jiang Chen.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, there shouldn't be anything else going on." Jiang Chen said while driving on the road.

"Jiang Chen, have you ever heard a saying that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry?" Lan Xiu could not understand Jiang Chen's thoughts, and smiled lightly.

"No, I don't believe it." Jiang Chen said firmly.

Fortunately, nothing else happened on the next journey, and as soon as he returned to Lan Xiu's residence, Jiang Chen told Lan Xiu with his own actions that he could eat hot tofu even if he was anxious.

No, one night, Jiang Chen ate Lan Xiu over and over again...

(End of this chapter)

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