genius evil

Chapter 763

Chapter 763
The next morning, around ten o'clock.

In the office, Lan Xiu was immersed in processing the documents.

During this period of time, the affairs of the city government office suddenly increased, and Lan Xiu inevitably became busy, working overtime for several days.

While busy, Lan Xiu suddenly noticed that there was an extra person in the office.

Lan Xiu stared at the documents on the table without looking up. She just pretended to be the secretary Shen Lili, and said, "Lili, there's still coffee, no need to add more, you go out first, I will call you if necessary."

"Xiao Xiuxiu, it's no wonder some people say that serious women are the most beautiful. As expected, they are exactly so." But after Lan Xiu's words fell, a voice that sounded like a bull's-eye was heard in her ears.

Hearing that voice was very familiar, Lan Xiu raised her head subconsciously, and she was stunned when she saw that young man with a playful smile.

Besides Jiang Chen, who else could there be?
"Jiang Chen, why is it you?" Lan Xiu asked dumbfounded.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, is your reaction a surprise?" Jiang Chen smiled and walked over.


Lan Xiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it was more like a surprise than a surprise.

At this time, Jiang Chen had already walked behind Lan Xiu, put his hands on Lan Xiu's shoulders, kneaded them lightly, and said, "Xiao Xiuxiu, you must be working so hard. Well, I came here on purpose to relax you."

Naturally, Lan Xiu would not be so naive as to think that Jiang Chen would be so kind.

This guy must have a plan for appearing here.

However, when Jiang Chen massaged, the strength was moderate, but it made Lan Xiu feel unspeakably comfortable. Several times, he almost let out a sound of groaning.

"Jiang Chen, how did you get in?" Lan Xiu said, diverting her attention by talking.

It's just that Lan Xiu was a little strange when he said this.

Because, even if it was Jiang Chen who could enter the city government building in a big way, it was impossible to bypass the office of the secretary Shen Lili outside.

And she had instructed Shen Lili a long time ago that no matter who found it, they must report it in advance. Shen Lili has always done a good job in this regard, and there is no reason to make an exception to Jiang Chen.

Unless, when Jiang Chen came in, Shen Lili was not there, but, this is too much of a coincidence, right?

"Of course he came in." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I know you came in, Lili didn't see you?" Lan Xiu was speechless.

"You mean your secretary? I saw her. As for whether she saw me, I don't know." Jiang Chen smiled as if he deserved a beating.

In terms of his speed, entering this city government building, not to mention entering no one's land, at least, under the circumstances of deliberate cover-up, it is impossible for anyone to find him.

Even the surveillance cameras all over the building may not be able to capture his shadow.

Lan Xiu was speechless again, because Jiang Chen's words were like saying nothing.

"What did you come to see me for? Is there something wrong?" Changing the subject, Lan Xiu asked.

"It's nothing, I just miss you, Xiao Xiuxiu, so I ran over because I couldn't help it." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"It's been less than three hours since we separated." Lan Xiu was speechless.

Last night, she was tortured by Jiang Chen for a whole night. It can also be said that she and Jiang Chen tortured each other for a whole night.

Between adult men and women, expressing their own feelings often does not require too much words, and the physical communication with each other can better understand the need and love for each other.

No, last night, Lan Xiu and Jiang Chen had physical exchanges again and again.

Lan Xiu was fully satisfied. Although her body was weak, her spirit was very good.

She left the door after eight o'clock, counting the time now, it was less than three hours before she left Jiang Chen.

If Jiang Chen said that he was in a difficult situation last night, Lan Xiu would definitely believe it, but now, Jiang Chen said such a thing, Lan Xiu couldn't believe it.

"Little Xiuxiu, have we been separated for three hours? They say we haven't seen each other for an hour. For example, after three autumns, I have been separated from you for nearly three hours. That is to say, we have been separated for almost nine autumns. No wonder, I miss you so much." Jiang Chen said affectionately.

"It's so nasty." Lan Xiu couldn't help touching her arm with her hand, only to feel goosebumps popping out.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, you said we haven't seen each other in nine autumns, shouldn't we do something to alleviate the pain of lovesickness?" Jiang Chen didn't feel nauseous at all.

Speaking of these love words, it was easy and very familiar.

As for Lan Xiu's feeling nauseous, that's for sure, after all, Jiang Chen wanted such an effect.

Between lovers, if you don't feel a little nasty, how can you fully express that strong feeling?
"What are you going to do?" Lan Xiu suddenly became vigilant.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, what you said is wrong. It's not what I want to do, it's the two of us doing something together. You know, there are some things that I can't do alone." Jiang Chen didn't rush Said.

As he spoke, Jiang Chen's hands that were kneading Lan Xiu's shoulders slowly slid down. With the sliding of Jiang Chen's fingers, the two buttons on Lan Xiu's chest were unknowingly undone.

"Hurry up and stop." Lan Xiu was startled, this guy is so brave, he actually planned to mess around here.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, I'm sorry, I really can't control myself." Jiang Chen said innocently, his hands kept moving, and he undid all the buttons.

The buttons were unbuttoned, revealing a white lace shirt underneath.

The style of the shirt is very sexy, and it is even more sexy when worn on Lan Xiu.

It's a pity that Jiang Chen doesn't have time to appreciate this sexiness right now, what he wants to appreciate more is the sexiness under the clothes.

His fingers slid again, but he unbuttoned his shirt.

"Jiang Chen, I can't..." Lan Xiu was a little anxious, and grabbed Jiang Chen's hand with both hands, trying to stop Jiang Chen from messing around.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, why not? Don't you think so?" Jiang Chen moved closer to Lan Xiu's ear and blew lightly.

Warm breath, blowing into the ears.

Lan Xiu's body couldn't help trembling slightly, and suddenly softened.

But Jiang Chen took advantage of the situation and gave full play to his skills that practice makes perfect. In less than two seconds, he unbuttoned the shirt.

The shirt slipped from Lan Xiu's shoulders, and Lan Xiu's clothes were half untied. It seemed that there was a dazzling power of temptation.

Jiang Chen was obviously tempted, so Jiang Chen lowered his head, put his mouth on Lan Xiu's lips, and kissed her hard.


Lan Xiu moaned and made a move, gently pushed Jiang Chen with both hands, and said vaguely: "Jiang Chen, it's really not good, someone will come in."

"Don't worry, no one can come in." Jiang Chen said, they had already reached this point, and Lan Xiu was obviously half-hearted, Jiang Chen would never give up.

After kissing for a while, Jiang Chen picked up Lan Xiu, put it on the large desk, and pushed Lan Xiu's skirt up smoothly.

The smooth and firm long legs were so white that it dazzled people's eyes. Jiang Chen admired them for a while, and pressed them down unceremoniously.

Lan Xiu wanted to cry, but at this moment, she finally understood why Jiang Chen appeared.

The so-called relaxation for her, the so-called missing her too much, are all excuses.

Jiang Chen's purpose can be said to be extremely clear, that is, to occupy her in this office.

She had noticed Jiang Chen's thoughts last night, so in order to avoid being succeeded by Jiang Chen, after Jiang Chen hung up the phone, she hurriedly tidied up and ran out.

Even last night, they worked hard to serve Jiang Chen, or squeeze Jiang Chen, in order to dispel Jiang Chen's thoughts.

Who would have thought that Jiang Chen would not give up at all, and sneaked into her office in broad daylight.It has to be said that this guy is too courageous, he is absolutely lustful!

But by accident, Lan Xiu realized that she had no way to refuse, and could only let Jiang Chen do whatever he wanted.

"Forget it, just this time, it's not an example..." Lan Xiu said to herself in her heart, she completely gave up resistance, and lay quietly on the desk.

There are already signs of beauty springing up. As a man who is not only understanding but also understanding, Jiang Chen will not let Lan Xiu down.


After a while, probably due to the shaking of the desk, the pen container fell to the ground with a dull sound.

The pen holder fell to the ground, and there was a sound. Lan Xiu was also shocked, and almost made a sound, and hurriedly covered her mouth with her small hand.

"Mayor Lan..." Shen Lili called softly from the outside office.

"Lili, it's nothing, you don't need to come in." Lan Xiu said hurriedly, lest Shen Lili would rush in rashly, otherwise, when Shen Lili saw this scene, how would she meet people in the future?

"Okay." Shen Lili was very obedient.


But after a while, with the shaking of the desk, something fell to the ground again, it was a few hardcover books, and the sound was quite loud.

Listening to this voice, Lan Xiu stared at Jiang Chen with wide eyes, which was called mourning.

It was almost suspicious whether Jiang Chen made such a big noise on purpose, not to embarrass her, but to look for excitement.

It was indeed very exciting, and the exciting Lan Xiu was about to convulse.

"Mayor Lan, do you want to help?" Shen Lili said again in the outer office.

Things dropped twice before and after, which made Shen Lili a little confused, but she knew Lan Xiu's temper, and she didn't dare to open the door easily without Lan Xiu's permission.

"No, you are busy with your work." Lan Xiu flatly refused.

"Little Xiuxiu, do you have special feelings?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"No." Lan Xiu refused to admit it with a straight face.

Otherwise, once admitted, what should Jiang Chen do in the future?Such stimulation, if you are not careful, will kill you.

"No? It seems that what I did was a failure, so I have to come here often." Jiang Chen said to himself.

"Ah..." Hearing the sound, Lan Xiu was startled.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, do you think I will come here often?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No..." Lan Xiuzhen was about to cry, biting her red lips, and said in an inaudible voice: "Sting... Stimulate..."

(End of this chapter)

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