genius evil

Chapter 764 Ding Lingling Injured

Chapter 764 Ding Lingling Injured

Jiang Chen left Lan Xiu's office an hour later.

The plot succeeded, and Jiang Chen's mood was so happy.

In particular, Lan Xiu's refusal to welcome the stimulus was even more of a beastly desire to stimulate Jiang Chen. If he hadn't considered that he was in Lan Xiu's office, Jiang Chen would definitely want to stimulate Lan Xiu. .

Humming a ditty, Jiang Chen quickly walked out of the city hall.

Just as no one noticed when he came, no one noticed when he left like this.

Outside the city government building, there was a parking lot. Jiang Chen's car was parked there. Walking out of the building, Jiang Chen walked straight to the car park.

"Are you Jiang Chen?" But Jiang Chen didn't take a few steps when a slightly hesitant voice sounded.

Jiang Chen followed the sound and saw a middle-aged man, whose appearance seemed vaguely familiar.

"I am, may I ask you?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I'm Ding Honghou." The middle-aged man looked at Jiang Chen with piercing eyes, and there was a sharp light in his eyes.

"Director Ding, how are you?" Jiang Chen laughed and stretched out his hand.

No wonder, when he looked at this middle-aged man, he felt familiar.

It is said that daughters follow their fathers. If you look carefully, Ding Lingling does look a bit like Ding Honghou, but because of Ding Honghou's identity, he has a majestic and upright air, which is to a certain extent. Cover up the characteristics of the facial features.

"Hello." Ding Honghou and Jiang Chen shook hands, and with a light touch, they let go.

"Is something wrong with you?" Ding Honghou asked after shaking hands.

Jiang Chen was undoubtedly an extremely sensitive person. His every move involved the minds of many people. Among them, the public security system paid the most attention to Jiang Chen.

Ding Honghou paid attention to Jiang Chen, firstly because of this aspect, and secondly because of the relationship between Jiang Chen and Ding Lingling.

Therefore, although it was the first time to see Jiang Chen in person, Ding Honghou recognized Jiang Chen at first glance after seeing too many photos of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's first impression of Ding Honghou was that he was casual.

Seventeen or eighteen-year-old youths are mostly young and immature when they first come into contact with society, but these two points are not reflected in Jiang Chen's body.

Jiang Chen was undoubtedly ostentatious, which can be seen from the fact that Jiang Chen took the initiative to reach out!
However, this point will not arouse Ding Honghou's resentment. If this young man who once made troubles in Yilan City does not have such a bit of tolerance, it will be disappointing.

"It's nothing, just strolling casually. It just so happens that the scenery here is pretty good." Jiang Chen said casually.

The scenery in Jiang Chen's mouth refers to Lan Xiu.

Ding Honghou couldn't understand the pun in Jiang Chen's words, he said: "I heard that you were not in Yilan City some time ago, and you came back only two days ago, did Lingling contact you?"

"I'm planning to go see her now." Jiang Chen said, in front of Ding Honghou, he was not at all embarrassed.

"If you want to see her, you can only go to the hospital. Lingling was injured a few days ago and is receiving treatment in the hospital. Didn't she tell you?" Ding Honghou asked.

"Injured?" Frowning suddenly, Jiang Chen's complexion became a little unsightly.

When was Ding Lingling injured?How did he know nothing about it?
Seeing this, Ding Honghou reported the name of a hospital and said, "I still have something to do here, so I won't talk to you about it. If we have time, let's have a meal together and have a good chat."

"No problem." Jiang Chen nodded. Even if Ding Honghou had something to say, he was not in the mood to talk to Ding Honghou at the moment. He turned and left. After a while, he drove to the hospital where Ding Lingling was.

Ding Honghou said there was something to do, but in fact it was nothing serious. He stood there and watched Jiang Chen drive away, knowing that Jiang Chen was going to the hospital.

"He's a nice young man, and he treats Lingling very well." Ding Honghou said.

Not to mention, when he asked Jiang Chen just now, Jiang Chen said that he planned to see Ding Lingling, was he talking casually, or it was true.

When Jiang Chen heard that Ding Lingling was injured and was hospitalized, he hurried over there in a hurry. This was enough to make Ding Honghou have a good impression of Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, you..." When Jiang Chen appeared at the door of the ward where Ding Lingling was, Ding Lingling saw Jiang Chen at a glance, and her reaction was exactly the same as Lan Xiu's. There was no surprise at all, and some were just frightened.

"I'll come to see you." Jiang Chen Shi Shi ran in.

"No, you go out." Ding Lingling covered her face with her hands, trying to drive Jiang Chen away.

"Little girl, you must have suffered a brain injury, right?" Jiang Chen said very worriedly.

When Ding Lingling saw him, she didn't feel any surprise at all. Who told him to come suddenly? Maybe Ding Lingling wasn't mentally prepared.

But what's the matter with driving him away?

Jiang Chen definitely wouldn't think that it was because he was not liked. Then, there was only one reason, that is, Ding Lingling's brain was injured, so he was talking nonsense.

"You just got a brain injury. Get out quickly and come back in 10 minutes." Ding Lingling said, wanting to cry but not crying.

She had been lying on this hospital bed for several days, her complexion must not be pretty, and she was lazy today and didn't even wash her face, she didn't want Jiang Chen to see her like this.

Otherwise, what if Jiang Chen dislikes her?
"Don't say 10 minutes, even 1 minute." Jiang Chen walked over, pulled Ding Lingling's hand away, took a look, and said, "Pale complexion, cloudy eyes, and symptoms of excessive blood loss. Could it be that you are suffering from a stroke?" gun?"

Ding Lingling weakly pulled back the quilt, and pointed to her left leg for Jiang Chen to see.

Ding Lingling was wearing a pair of shorts, revealing a section of white and tender legs. She suddenly saw that the calf of her left leg was wrapped with a thick layer of gauze.

The white gauze, faintly stained with blood, oozes out.

"What happened?" Jiang Chen asked.

"A few days ago, a group of wanted criminals broke into Yilan City. I received an order. During the arrest process, I was accidentally injured by a stray bullet." Ding Lingling said embarrassingly.

This embarrassment is largely due to the fact that she was not injured in a frontal gun battle, but was injured by a stray bullet, which sounds very embarrassing.

"Where are those wanted criminals? Are they dead?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"Fortunately, they were all arrested. It is estimated that after a while, they will be handed over to other places for trial." Ding Lingling said.

"It means that he is not dead?" Jiang Chen said.

"En." Ding Lingling nodded.

Jiang Chen didn't ask any more questions, and with light movements of his fingers, he quickly peeled off the gauze on Ding Lingling's calf.

Ding Lingling was shocked: "Jiang Chen, what are you going to do?"

"Heal your wounds." Jiang Chen said simply.

The medical condition of this hospital is pretty good, but according to Ding Honghou, Ding Lingling has lived here for several days.

It had been a few days since Ding Lingling couldn't even walk on the ground, so Jiang Chen decided to treat Ding Lingling with his own hands.

"It's obviously well bandaged." Ding Lingling complained.

Jiang Chen acted as if he hadn't heard her words, and with a flick of his wrist, a silver needle appeared in his hand, and then, at an extremely fast speed, more than a dozen needles in a row pierced Ding Lingling's calf.

After the acupuncture was applied, there was black blood spilling out. Jiang Chen took the gauze, wiped it carefully, and then applied the needle again. After doing the needle three times, when all the blood overflowed was red, Jiang Chen was Stopped, took a roll of clean gauze, and re-wrapped the wound.

"In about three days, you will be discharged from the hospital, and then don't forget to buy a box of scar removal cream produced by Feifei Medical Beauty Company." Jiang Chen reminded.

"Hmph, I'll ask Sister Feifei for it. You cheapskate, it's your company, yet you still let me buy it." Ding Lingling was not happy, and felt that Jiang Chen was too stingy.

"Sister Feifei? Chick, when did you have such a good relationship with Da Feifei?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"My relationship with Sister Feifei has always been very good." Ding Lingling blinked.

"By the way, how do you know that I'm injured? You know that I'm hospitalized here?" After saying that, Ding Lingling came to her senses and asked in confusion.

After she was injured, she didn't tell Jiang Chen. Apart from a few colleagues, no one else knew, but Jiang Chen just appeared in the ward where she was.

"I happened to meet Director Ding today." Jiang Chen explained.

"My dad? He told you?" Ding Lingling's eyes flickered, and he asked again: "Did he say anything else to you?"

"Director Ding said that we have time to have a meal together." Jiang Chen casually said.

"No, you don't want to go." Ding Lingling's voice suddenly raised a lot.

Jiang Chen gave Ding Lingling a weird look, then chuckled lightly, and said, "Okay, then I won't go."

As for why he didn't go, Jiang Chen didn't ask much. Anyway, since Ding Lingling said so, she must have her own reasons.

As an understanding man, Jiang Chen knew very well that under such circumstances, it was best not to ask Ding Lingling why.

"Jiang Chen, when I'm discharged from the hospital, you can treat me to dinner." Ding Lingling said, also a little worried that Jiang Chen would ask why, but fortunately, Jiang Chen didn't ask.

"Little girl, is it really okay for you to look like this? Could it be that you invited me to dinner?" Jiang Chen was very depressed.

"I'm a patient, so you're the one who invites me to dinner." Ding Lingling said, she was justified, as if she was justified when she was injured.

Jiang Chen thought for a while, and felt that Ding Lingling really made sense at this time, so he nodded.

Indeed, there was a knock on the door outside the ward.

"Jiang Shao, Officer Ding, didn't you disturb the two of you?" There were two knocks on the door, and a voice could be heard.

At the door, there were two people standing. The middle-aged man standing in front said with a smile.

"Director Fu, why are you here?" Ding Lingling said in surprise after recognizing the middle-aged man who was speaking at a glance.

"Officer Ding, you were injured on duty. In fact, I should have come to see you a long time ago. However, I have been too busy these days and have not been able to spare time. No, I just have time today, so I came here on purpose. I didn't expect it, Jiang You are here too." The middle-aged man said, walking in...

(End of this chapter)

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