genius evil

Chapter 765

Chapter 765
This person is Fu Kangcheng, a deputy director of the Yilan City Public Security Bureau.

Jiang Chen had dealt with him once, but that meeting was destined not to be a pleasant one.

Because Jiang Chen drove Fu Kangcheng's son, Fu Bo, out of Yilan City.

Because of this matter, Jiang Chen still has a little impression of Fu Kangcheng.

When Ding Lingling mentioned Director Fu, Jiang Chen recognized him.

Fu Kangcheng walked into the ward, stretched out his hand towards Jiang Chen, and said with a smile, "Young Master Jiang, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"It's really been a long time." Jiang Chen said lightly, but he didn't intend to shake hands with Fu Kangcheng.

Embarrassment flashed across Fu Kangcheng's face, he withdrew his hand, and said, "Young Master Jiang, since you're here, I'll come back in a few days, so I'm leaving now."

"Come back in a few days?" Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Can I understand that you are cursing Ding Xiaoniu?"

"How could it be?" Fu Kangcheng denied it categorically.

Furthermore, Fu Kangcheng thought about it carefully, and felt that what he said was quite normal. After all, Jiang Chen was here, and he had conflicts with Jiang Chen. If he stayed, he would only add trouble to himself.

Instead, leave early.

As for visiting Ding Lingling, in his capacity, it was just a formality.

It's affection if you visit, but if you don't visit, no one can say anything.

"If you didn't curse Ding Xiaoniu, why did you say to come back in a few days? You know, Ding Xiaoniu just suffered a minor injury, and she will be discharged from the hospital in a day or two, and you said If you come again in a few days, then it will be at least three days later, please tell me, if this is not considered cursing Ding Xiaoniu, then what is it?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

Some words, said slowly, are justified and well-founded, and there is something to be said, which cannot be refuted.

As soon as Jiang Chen said these words, Ding Lingling was dumbfounded, Fu Kangcheng was dumbfounded, even the person who followed Fu Kangcheng was also dumbfounded.

All three of them looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes and small eyes.

Ding Lingling was alright, she just wanted to laugh a little bit, but in front of Fu Kangcheng, it wasn't easy to just laugh like that, so she could only hold it back, her face turned red.

Fu Kangcheng was so depressed that he wanted to die. He was just being polite, but Jiang Chen understood him like this.

If it wasn't so clear, he was just talking casually. Hearing Jiang Chen's analysis, Fu Kangcheng would have believed that he was indeed cursing Ding Lingling.

Fu Kangcheng felt that he had been wronged too much, Jiang Chen didn't like him or what was going on, was it really okay to put a shit bowl on his head like this?

"Young Master Jiang, you misunderstood me. I didn't mean that." Fu Kangcheng said hastily, explaining again, "Officer Ding was injured, and everyone in the bureau is very concerned about it. They all very much hope that Officer Ding can recover soon."

"Speaking is better than singing. Could it be that you think I don't know what's going on in your heart." Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

"Jiang Shao, this is my truest thought." Fu Kangcheng said earnestly, becoming more and more depressed.

After all, he was the deputy director of a public security bureau, and even if his status was not so prominent, he was still a person of status. With his status, Fu Kangcheng was very upset that he had to talk to Jiang Chen in such a low voice.

"Your real thought is to curse Ding Xiaoniu. You don't need to explain it, and I don't believe it." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"This..." Fu Kangcheng didn't know what to say.

Seeing Jiang Chen like this, he firmly insisted that he was cursing Ding Lingling. With Jiang Chen's attitude, even if he had a thousand mouths, he would not be able to clean himself up.

"Jiang Chen, are you a dog? You bite anyone you see." The middle-aged man who came with Fu Kangcheng couldn't stand it anymore, and angrily scolded.

He pointed at Jiang Chen with one finger, and said angrily: "Director Fu took time out to visit Police Officer Ding in his busy schedule. He has good intentions, and I don't allow you to slander him. I warn you, if you don't know good from bad, Director Fu will give you Face, you are a character, if you don't give you face, you are nothing."

Spreading his hands innocently, Jiang Chen said leisurely: "Director Fu, no wonder you can only be a deputy director in this life. Your own IQ is not good, and you are following pig teammates."

"He Nan, don't talk." Fu Kangcheng glanced at the middle-aged man and said in a deep voice.

On the issue of giving Jiang Chen face, Fu Kangcheng knew that he had to give it, and he couldn't do without it, but if he didn't give him a little face, he would only become even more shameless.

As for what He Nan said, Jiang Chen was nothing if he didn't give Jiang Chen face. Fu Kangcheng felt that He Nan was flattering himself too much.

He Nan said this, although he was helping him, but as Jiang Chen said, he was a genuine pig teammate.

"Jiang Chen, I think you're going crazy. What kind of thing are you to insult me ​​like this? Believe it or not, I'll arrest you and put you through the prison?" He Nan stared at Jiang Chen gloomyly, and questioned .

Then, He Nan said to Kang Cheng again: "Director Fu, this guy is too arrogant, you have to kill his vigor, don't worry, I will handle this matter."

Fu Kang wants to deal with you ass, I will deal with you alive in a while, I told you to stop talking, is there a leak in the mouth or what is going on?

"Oh, deal with me, right? How do you want to deal with me?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You shameless thing, I'll arrest you right now." He Nan said angrily, and walked towards Jiang Chen.

"He Nan..." Seeing this, Fu Kangcheng's heart tightened and he hurriedly stopped.

But it was too late to stop, He Nan had already appeared in front of Jiang Chen, and at the same time, He Nan had an extra pair of handcuffs in his hands, and he raised his hand to handcuff Jiang Chen.


The crisp applause sounded at this moment.

Jiang Chen slapped He Nan on the face. He Nan received Jiang Chen's slap, and his body was like a spinning top. He spun twice on the spot, and fell to the ground with a dangling buttocks. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen. I was blindsided.

This was not enough, Jiang Chen kicked He Nan out of the ward like a ball.

"Jiang Shao, He Nan has always been reckless and outspoken, so don't mind." Fu Kangcheng watched Jiang Chen beating people in front of his face, but he didn't dare to get angry at all, and said consolingly.

"Another meaning of being open-mouthed is being straightforward." Jiang Chen smiled lightly and said, "I like dealing with this kind of guy very much, because often, unexpected surprises will happen."

"Jiang Shao, what do you mean?" Fu Kangcheng was very confused.


What kind of surprises will there be?
Jiang Chen ignored Fu Kangcheng, and said to himself: "Actually, what He Nan said just now is very true, you don't have to give me face, and giving me face like this will only make me suspect that you are guilty. "

"Jiang Shao, you are joking." Fu Kangcheng said awkwardly.

"Does it look like I'm joking?" Jiang Chen pointed at himself, and said slowly, the words he said were without fireworks, but made Fu Kangcheng's scalp tingle for a while.

"Jiang Shao, He Nan, I will deal with it. I will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation. If there is nothing wrong, I will..." Fu Kangcheng said.

What Fu Kangcheng meant was to take a step first, lest he would be implicated accidentally because of He Nan's stupidity, but he was interrupted by Jiang Chen before he could finish his sentence.

"Something happened." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Shao, if there is anything, you can just say it." Fu Kangcheng was helpless.

"Come closer." Jiang Chen ordered.

Fu Kangcheng didn't know why, but frightened by Jiang Chen's irresistible aura, he still got a little closer.

But it was Fu Kangcheng who had just approached, and Jiang Chen slapped him across the face in a blink of an eye.

The incident happened so suddenly, Fu Kangcheng didn't have any mental preparations at all, no, even if he was fully prepared, it was useless.

After all, if Jiang Chen wanted to slap him, he couldn't dodge at all.


There was another sound, and there was a crisp slap. Fu Kangcheng staggered, staggered, and walked out of the ward.

"Jiang Chen, you can just beat He Nan, why did you beat Director Fu too?" Ding Lingling saw the two scenes of Jiang Chen's beating and blamed him.

He Nan said such words recklessly, he deserved to be beaten by Jiang Chen, not to mention Jiang Chen, even she wanted to beat He Nan.

But Fu Kangcheng, who had been cautious all the time, was afraid of offending Jiang Chen, so why was he beaten up together?
Furthermore, when Fu Kangcheng came to visit her in the hospital today, Ding Lingling was a little moved. Jiang Chen's indiscriminate beating of Fu Kangcheng just made Ding Lingling a little bit dissatisfied .

"Little girl, didn't you realize that Fu Kangcheng looks like he deserves a beating?" Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

Ding Lingling thought for a while, and it seemed that this was really the case, so she asked, "That's why you beat him up."

"One of the reasons." Jiang Chen said.

"Little girl, you rest here first, I'll take care of some things, come over tonight, and have dinner with you." Jiang Chen said again, and Shi Shiran walked to the ward.

Outside the ward, in the corridor, Fu Kangcheng stood blankly, while He Nan was lying on the ground with cramps, Jiang Chen kicked He Nan, then waved to Kang Cheng, and said, "You two, come with me. "

Fu Kangcheng complained endlessly in his heart. If he had known Jiang Chen was here today, he would not have come here. This is purely giving Jiang Chen a face.

Jiang Chen's words could not be refused, even if Fu Kangcheng didn't want to keep up, he could only help He Nan, and the two followed Jiang Chen out together.

"You two, did you come here by car? Or on foot?" Jiang Chen asked casually after walking out of the hospital.

"He came by car." Fu Kangcheng said, to be precise, the reason why He Nan appeared today was because He Nan served as a temporary driver for him.

However, Fu Kangcheng regretted this matter very much now, if He Nan hadn't offended Jiang Chen, how could he have been implicated?
I would rather work harder and drive here in person, so that such a thing will not happen.

"Give me the car keys." Jiang Chen stretched out his hand.

He Nan hesitated for a moment, then coyly took out the key and handed it to Jiang Chen.

After a while, Jiang Chen drove a police car, took Fu Kangcheng and He Nan away...

(End of this chapter)

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