genius evil

Chapter 766 I am here to kill

Chapter 766 I am here to kill

"Why was Ding Xiaoniu injured?" Jiang Chen asked casually as the car was driving on the road.

"Jiang Shao, Officer Ding was injured this time, and I myself feel very guilty. Chief Ding handed Officer Ding over to me out of trust in me. I failed Chief Ding's trust and failed to protect Officer Ding well." Hearing this, Fu Kangcheng said quickly.

While talking, Fu Kangcheng thought to himself, could it be that what Jiang Chen did today was because of Ding Lingling's injury?

If this is the case, then Jiang Chen's behavior is understandable.

Of course, understanding does not mean that you can accept it.

"Are you sure you heard my question clearly?" Jiang Chen's voice suddenly turned cold.

"As far as I know, Police Officer Ding was injured by a stray bullet during the last investigation." Fu Kangcheng was stunned for a moment, resisting the unhappiness of being reprimanded by Jiang Chen, and said.

"It seems that you still haven't heard my question clearly." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Jiang Chen, what do you mean by that? Could it be that you are saying that Police Officer Ding was injured because of Chief Fu?" He Nan couldn't listen anymore.

"I didn't say that, you said it." Jiang Chen smiled.

Seeing Jiang Chen's weird smile, He Nan's expression changed slightly, and Fu Kangcheng's expression also changed accordingly.

"Jiang Chen, don't slander good people here. Chief Fu is conscientious, hardworking and frugal, dedicated to public service, and never hides selfishness." He Nan said angrily.

"I've said before, isn't Director Fu dissatisfied with the public?" The smile on Jiang Chen's face became even stronger.

Suspecting that Ding Lingling's injury was related to Fu Kangcheng was just a suspicion before. After all, Jiang Chen didn't have any evidence, it was all based on speculation.

But the pig teammate is worthy of being a pig teammate, but with a few words, He Nan was forced to show his feet.

In other words, Ding Lingling's injury was indeed related to Fu Kangcheng, at least, it had an inseparable relationship with Fu Kangcheng.

"Jiang Chen, you obviously mean that, but you actually deny it." He Nan was a little out of breath.

"Director Fu, don't you want to say something?" Jiang Chen lazily ignored this idiot.

"Jiang Shao, the reason why Officer Ding was injured was indeed related to me. The situation was urgent and there was no time to mobilize other police forces. It happened that Officer Ding was patrolling nearby..." Fu Kangcheng said hesitantly.

"Just admit it." Before Fu Kangcheng could finish speaking, Jiang Chen interrupted it.

The evidence can be said to be undeniable. Jiang Chen would not believe a word of the so-called too late to mobilize the police force. It was just because Fu Kangcheng held a grudge against Fu Bo last time, so he tricked Ding Lingling.

Ding Lingling's injury was not serious, but it only showed that Ding Lingling's luck was good enough.

If the luck is a little bit worse, it is not the leg injury, but the death of the little one.

"Young Master Jiang, I will personally apologize to Officer Ding for this matter," Fu Kangcheng said.

"No need, I'll just break both of your legs." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Chen stopped the car, got out of the car, opened the door of the rear seat, dragged Fu Kangcheng out of the car and threw him on the ground. On both sides of Kang Cheng's knees.

Only two cracking sounds of bone shattering could be heard, and Fu Kangcheng's knees on both sides were crushed by Jiang Chen's step.

Fu Kangcheng screamed miserably, his face was distorted, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he passed out from the pain.

In the same way, Jiang Chen grabbed He Nan out again, stepped on and broke both of his legs, and then got into the car again, and drove away.

"Call the police, call the police quickly." This is the urban area, Jiang Chen's behavior, many people have seen it, and some were scared out of their wits.


Jiang Chen naturally would not consider the reactions of passers-by, calling the police or something, he would not take it to heart.

Fu Kangcheng was the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. He directly abolished Fu Kangcheng, and it made no difference whether he called the police or not.

At this moment, Jiang Chen drove in the direction of the crime squad.

About 10 minutes or so, Jiang Chen just appeared in the serious crime team, looking for a place to park at will, Jiang Chen walked straight inside.

"Stop, idlers are not allowed to enter this place." A policeman saw Jiang Chen and trotted over.

"I'm not idle." Jiang Chen grinned, without any intention of stopping, and continued walking inside.

"Are you deaf?" The policeman who ran over shouted harshly.

"I have no problem with my ears, but unfortunately your eyes don't seem to be very good." Jiang Chen said, casually touched the policeman, and the policeman immediately collapsed on the ground.

Jiang Chen walked quickly, and soon appeared in the serious crime team office.

"Jiang Chen?" Someone recognized Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen?"

As this person spoke, the rest of the people were startled.

In the public security system, many people have never met Jiang Chen himself, but the name Jiang Chen can be said to be like thunder.

Now that the deity appeared, it naturally caused a small commotion.

"Who is the person in charge here?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"Jiang Chen, what's the matter with you?" A middle-aged man with a dignified face came out and introduced himself, "Yan Feng."

"I'm not interested in knowing your name, but since you stand up, you must be the person in charge here. I want to meet some people, so go and bring them out." Jiang Chen said in an orderly tone.

"Who are you seeing?" Yan Feng frowned.

He felt that Jiang Chen was too presumptuous. Could it be that he took the serious crime team as his back garden?
It doesn't matter if you barge in casually, and the tone of your mouth is an order, as if if he doesn't bring people out, he will be rude to him at any time.

"The few wanted criminals you arrested a few days ago." Jiang Chen signaled.

"You want it?" Yan Feng's eyes flickered.

I thought to myself, could it be that Jiang Chen is related to those wanted criminals, and this is to take people away?
In an instant, Yan Feng became embarrassed.

"Kill someone." Jiang Chen replied, two words, short and direct.

But it was these two words that made everyone's expressions change, including Yan Feng.

Still killing people in a place like the Serious Crime Squad!
I have to say, Jiang Chen is too courageous!

"Hurry up, I don't have time to accompany you Moji." Jiang Chen became a little impatient when he saw the reaction of the crowd.

"Jiang Chen, can you tell me why you killed them?" Yan Feng then asked.

Since Jiang Chen wanted to kill someone, it meant that Jiang Chen had nothing to do with the wanted criminals, but Yan Feng was slightly relieved.

However, before he could completely let go of this breath, Jiang Chen threw another bomb, which shocked Yan Feng very much.

It is impossible for Yan Feng to hand over people casually. Even those wanted criminals will be sentenced to death to a large extent after they are handed over to other places for trial.

However, even if they are sentenced to death, private individuals do not have the right to use punishment.

"I want to kill someone, is that okay?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

The reason why he came to kill was because of Ding Lingling's injury.

Since the other party caused Ding Lingling to be injured, he would naturally have to pay the price.

Fu Kangcheng and He Nan had already paid the price for their actions, and the next one was naturally the group of wanted criminals.

It's just that it's impossible for Jiang Chen to say these words to Yan Feng.

"This... can't..." Yan Feng said firmly.

"That is to say, you are unwilling to bring people out?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Jiang Chen, I don't know why you want to kill those wanted criminals, but the state has state laws, so there will be laws to deal with them." Yan Feng said seriously.

"Then, you can shoot and kill them in front of me." Jiang Chen took a step back and said.

He doesn't necessarily have to kill people with his own hands, he just wants those wanted criminals to die. Whoever kills them is killed. If Yan Feng insists on not letting those wanted criminals die in his hands, let the police do the killing. , is also the same.

Yan Feng couldn't laugh or cry, why can't this matter be bypassed?

"We don't have the right to kill them." Yan Feng could only say.

"So, you talked a lot of nonsense." Jiang Chen's voice sank, and he immediately turned his face.

"You—" Yan Feng swallowed Jiang Chen's words, his face was very ugly.

Jiang Chen ignored Yan Feng lazily, grabbed a person, and said, "Lead me the way."

Since Yan Feng didn't want to bring him out, it didn't matter much to Jiang Chen, he just had to find it himself.

Anyway, today this person, he is sure to kill.

"Jiang Shao, calm down." The man was scared to death, and said in a trembling voice.

"Aren't I calm?" Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Relax, I'm not killing you, of course, if I'm in a bad mood, I don't mind at all, just kill a few more people .”


Yan Feng's thoughts flashed, and immediately, such an idea popped up.

The meaning of Jiang Chen's words couldn't be more clear. If the serious crime team prevents him from killing people, then Jiang Chen will not only kill those wanted criminals.

"Team leader." The man almost cried in fright.

"Jiang Chen, you have to think clearly about what consequences you will incur if you do this." Yan Feng said angrily with a serious tone.

"I never cared about the consequences, but you guys, have you ever thought about whether you can bear my anger?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Jiang Chen, if you're like this, I can only offend you." Yan Feng was so angry that he waved his hand and said, "Do it and detain Jiang Chen."

"Who dares to do it?" Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

Under Yan Feng's order, some policemen were eager to try and ready to attack at any time, but when Jiang Chen said this, they all dared not move any more, as if they were being poured with cold water.

"Jiang Chen, let him go and get out from here, otherwise I will shoot." Seeing this, Yan Feng quickly reached out and drew his gun, pointing the muzzle at Jiang Chen, furious.

Jiang Chen slapped the gun in Yan Feng's hand, and dropped it to the ground, and said to the person in his hand, "Lead the way."

The man was completely frightened, nodded aggrievedly, led Jiang Chen, and walked inside.

"Jiang Chen, stop for me." But the two of them didn't take a few steps. Behind them, Yan Feng's voice sounded again. Suddenly, Yan Feng picked up the gun on the ground and pointed it at Jiang Chen again. ...

(End of this chapter)

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