genius evil

Chapter 767

Chapter 767
Sighing softly, Jiang Chen was helpless.

He just wanted to kill a few people, is it so difficult?
Judging from Yan Feng's reaction, those who don't know will think that what he wants to kill is not the wanted criminal, but the police.

"Do you dare to shoot?" Jiang Chen turned his head and said lightly.

"Jiang Chen, do you want to try?" Yan Feng asked instead of answering Jiang Chen's question.

To shoot or not to shoot depends entirely on Jiang Chen's attitude.

If Jiang Chen changed his attitude and let people go, Yan Feng would naturally not shoot, even if Jiang Chen's behavior today had already greatly exceeded the bottom line he could bear.

If Jiang Chen insisted on going in and killing people, then Yan Feng felt that even if he didn't want to shoot, he couldn't do it.

After all, it was impossible for him to allow Jiang Chen to kill people inside the crime squad.

"You only have a gun, so there's no need to try it." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Shao, Team Leader Yan's marksmanship is well-known in the national police system." Someone kindly reminded him.

"Jiang Shao, those wanted criminals are already destined to die, there is no need for you to do anything more."

"Jiang Shao, Team Leader Yan also has good intentions and no malice. Don't get me wrong."


When one person speaks, the rest of them start to discuss one after another.

"Of course I know, he didn't mean anything." Jiang Chen smiled.

If he had realized that Yan Feng had malicious intentions towards him, Yan Feng would have been dead by this time.

"Jiang Chen, if you can say that, how about we take a step back and go to my office to talk about the details?" Yan Feng said taking advantage of the situation.

"It's not too late to talk after killing someone," Jiang Chen said.

Yan Feng was speechless, he thought Jiang Chen had compromised, who would have thought that there was no such thing.

"Jiang Chen, you're embarrassing me." Yan Feng said in a deep voice.

"Well, I'll give you an idea. With so many of you, take out your guns and shoot at me together, killing me or crippling me. Naturally, I won't be able to go in and kill people. On the contrary, If I am safe and sound, I will go in and kill a few people." Jiang Chen said kindly.

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked.

one two Three……

Some people even began to secretly count the heads, and there were nearly ten people.

Plus Yan Feng, that is 11 people.

Eleven people, eleven guns, shooting at Jiang Chen in such a narrow space, is this a joke, right?
Yes, must be joking.

It's just that Jiang Chen's joke was a little too big, he was joking with his own life.

No one would think that once eleven people shot together, Jiang Chen would still be able to survive. Even if they didn't shoot at Jiang Chen's vital points, Jiang Chen's two legs and two arms would definitely be shot. It was beaten into a hornet's nest.

"Jiang Chen, are you sure?" Yan Feng's voice was gloomy, feeling that he had been greatly humiliated.

Finally, I understood what Jiang Chen meant when he said that there was no need to try a gun. To be honest, Jiang Chen didn't take him seriously at all.

It's a person, and they all have tempers.

Not to mention, Yan Feng's temper is not very good, on the contrary, it is quite violent.

When Jiang Chen said such words, it undoubtedly enraged Yan Feng completely in an instant.

"Naturally, let's start quickly, don't waste my time." Jiang Chen urged.

For a moment, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Yan Feng's eyes flickered for a while, he waved his hand and said, "Draw the gun."

"Jiang Shao, you have to think twice."

"Jiang Shao, it's a matter of human life, so don't play tricks."

"Jiang Shao, this joke is too big."


Everyone chattered and talked endlessly, but no one drew their guns.

"It's not a joke, nor is it a joke." Yan Feng snorted coldly, turned sideways, glanced at the members of the serious crime team, and said, "It's insolence!"

"It's Team Leader Yan, you understand me." Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and chuckled.


Everyone is thoughtful.

According to this understanding, doesn't it mean that Jiang Chen totally didn't pay attention to their eleven guns?

However, why did Jiang Chen ignore it?

So what if he could fight again?
Could it be that a person with bare hands and two fists is stronger than eleven guns?

Everyone felt that Jiang Chen was too domineering and powerful.

It's no wonder that in this huge Yilan City, many people's faces change when they mention Jiang Chen's name. Not to mention anything else, just this courage can be said to be unmatched.

"I understand you, but I still can't understand it. However, I will satisfy your little wish. What are you still hesitating about? Everyone draws their guns." Yan Feng ordered.




The members of the serious crime team come and go in the wind and rain one by one. They have been tested for a long time and have experienced countless battles.

When the matter developed to this point, they stopped hesitating and drew their guns one after another. The movements were uniform, and in an instant, all the guns were drawn out, and the muzzles of the guns were all aimed at Jiang Chen.

"That's right." As if he didn't see the black muzzle of the gun at all, Jiang Chen smiled brightly, and said calmly: "Next, listen to my password, I will count to three , After counting three times, pull the trigger together...By the way, if someone is too poor in mental quality and accidentally pulls the trigger in advance, then some unpleasant things will probably happen."

Everyone was speechless, wondering what could be more unpleasant than being pointed at by eleven guns?
"Jiang Chen, you can rest assured about this." Yan Feng took the words and said.

Most of these people were trained by him, and Yan Feng still has strong confidence in his members.

"I have nothing to worry about." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"You can count now." Yan Feng reminded.

Jiang Chen said don't waste time, Yan Feng also meant the same thing, he was impatient, spending most of the day with Jiang Chen here.

Otherwise, if Jiang Chen was just bluffing, wouldn't all of them have been played by Jiang Chen?
"Three..." Jiang Chen started counting directly.

Yan Feng thought about it, and he looked at Jiang Chen like that, quietly a little more surprised, it's not a bluff, Jiang Chen is coming for real?
"Attention everyone, point the gun down for a while, so as not to hurt the heart and brain." Yan Feng said.

"Two..." Jiang Chen counted to the second number.

Following Jiang Chen's words, everyone's breathing tightened, and they stared at Jiang Chen with frowning eyes, their fingers lightly touching the trigger, ready to shoot at any time.

Among them, Yan Feng is the most important.

Yan Feng's gun aimed at Jiang Chen's thigh.

Jiang Chen is not a fool, since he said such a thing, Yan Feng just felt that Jiang Chen must not be so easily injured, otherwise, what is the difference between Jiang Chen's behavior and courting death?
It is impossible for Jiang Chen to seek death, which means that Jiang Chen has something to rely on.

In this way, Yan Feng couldn't take it lightly.

He even made mental preparations, that is, all the bullets fired by members of the serious crime team will be empty, but he must ensure that his own bullets can be shot into Jiang Chen's body.

Only in this way can Jiang Chen be prevented from going in and killing people.

As for what Jiang Chen would do after being injured, Yan Feng wasn't too worried. The request was made by Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen must always be prepared to pay the price for his actions, right?

Just as Yan Feng was thinking about these things, Jiang Chen's ethereal voice reached everyone's ears.

In the office building of the serious crime team, it became extremely quiet in an instant. Everyone, hearing that word, made a subconscious action, which was to pull the trigger.

Including Yan Feng, no one hesitated, even if he hesitated for a second.

The trigger is pulled, and the next thing, obviously, is the gunshot.

But after a few tenths of a second, Yan Feng's face changed drastically first, because there was no gunshot, and then, the faces of all the members of the serious crime team changed, and they looked at Jiang Chen one by one, as if they were looking at Jiang Chen. To the ghost.

"Now, can I go in and kill people?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

Without waiting for Yan Feng and the others to answer, he grabbed one person to lead the way, and soon disappeared from the sight of Yan Feng and others.

It wasn't until Jiang Chen disappeared that the sound of gasping for air was heard one after another.

Everyone lowered their heads one after another and looked at the silver needle in their right wrists. The silver needle was as thin as a cow's hair, trembling in the air.

I don't know where the silver needles appeared from, and I don't know how the silver needles pierced their wrists indiscriminately. However, after the silver needles pierced their wrists, everyone's right hand lost strength and could not be pulled at all. trigger.

Even the trigger couldn't be pulled, and the bullets couldn't be fired. As a result, there were naturally no gunshots.

Yan Feng fixedly stared at the silver needle on his right wrist, and his face became extremely ugly. Even though he thought earlier that Jiang Chen had something to rely on, he did not expect that Jiang Chen was so terrifying.

There is no doubt that Jiang Chen was shot by Jiang Chen, that is to say, Jiang Chen shot the silver needle faster than they could pull the trigger.

What's more, everyone attacks indiscriminately. How terrifying strength and control are needed to do this?
Yan Feng suddenly felt that he was being ridiculous. In vain, he naively thought that even if Jiang Chen could avoid the bullets of all members of the serious crime team, he would not be able to avoid his bullets.

The reality was so cruel that it slapped him hard in the face.

It was the kind that left him speechless after hitting him in the face.

"Team Leader Yan, what's the situation?" someone asked, pulled out the silver needle, his right hand quickly regained strength, and asked with his arm moving.

"I don't know." Yan Feng said indifferently.

"Just let Jiang Chen go kill people like this?" The man asked again.

"Otherwise?" Yan Feng's voice became more and more indifferent.

This is an idiot question that can no longer be an idiot. If you don't let Jiang Chen go in and kill people, could it be that you let Jiang Chen kill yourself?
"Uh, Team Leader Yan, I don't mean anything else, I just think Jiang Chen is too scary." Sensing that Yan Feng was angry, the man said awkwardly.

"That's for sure." Yan Feng said with a slightly better complexion.

"Yeah, I should have thought of it a long time ago. How could Jiang Chen get injured or die so easily? There are so many people who want him to die. So far, he is still alive and well, but want him to die All of them are dead." The man sighed and said with emotion.

However, he didn't realize that Yan Feng's expression turned ugly once he said those words...

(End of this chapter)

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