genius evil

Chapter 768

Chapter 768
The reason why Yan Feng's face became even uglier was because Yan Feng suddenly realized something that he was extremely afraid of, that is, fortunately, he had no ill intentions towards Jiang Chen.

Otherwise, is it the same as what this guy said, he is dead now?
Because, even if he is an idiot, he still knows that in this confrontation, Jiang Chen has shown mercy.

If not, one of them counts as one, and those who have died long ago cannot die again.

"Listen to me everything. Don't let out a word about today's matter." He pondered, Yan Feng said.

"Team leader Yan, including Jiang Chen going in and killing people?" Someone asked a lot.

"When did Jiang Chen kill someone? Did any of you see it?" Yan Feng said coldly.

Everyone shuddered inexplicably, unable to understand Yan Feng's attitude, how could it change so quickly?

Or is Yan Feng going to take responsibility for this matter?

"If you don't want to die, just keep your mouth shut, do you hear me?" Yan Feng said coldly.


Everyone responded.

Only then was Yan Feng satisfied, raised his hand, and ordered: "Stay apart, and each go about his own business. Anyone who has nothing to do can ask me to arrange it at any time."

Everyone shook their heads one after another, how could they dare to say that they were fine, after they dispersed, they all pretended to be busy.

Seeing this, Yan Feng paced back and forth to his office, made a cup of hot tea, and drank it, as if today's work was the same as usual, without any change.

Of course, only Yan Feng knows the turmoil in his heart.

Today's matter cannot be left alone, and someone must take the blame.

Yan Feng never thought about taking the blame for Jiang Chen. To put it bluntly, even if he wanted to, he couldn't.

The matter was caused by Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen could only bear the blame in the end.

The reason why he issued the password order was only because he was worried that the matter would spread and cause bad influence.

What he can do is quite limited, that's all. Next, what Jiang Chen is going to do, what he has to do is to turn a blind eye.


Over there, under the leadership of a policeman, Jiang Chen appeared in the temporary detention center of the serious crime team.

"Jiang Shao... is here." The policeman was very afraid of Jiang Chen, and he stuttered.

"Which one?" Jiang Chen asked.

As soon as he entered this detention center, he was greeted by a foul and smoky atmosphere. It was very unpleasant. Jiang Chen never thought that he would stay in this ghost place for a long time.

"Follow me." The policeman said, leading Jiang Chen, appeared in front of an iron gate, and asked Jiang Chen, "Do you want to open the door?"

"Give me the key, and I will do it myself." Jiang Chen said casually.

The policeman just took out the key and honestly handed it to Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen grabbed the key and at the same time chopped the policeman's neck with a hand knife.

The police didn't react at all, and immediately passed out. Jiang Chen was holding the key and opened the door unhurriedly.

The iron door opened, and the smell inside became even more unpleasant.

In a small room, there were five people crowded together. When Jiang Chen opened the iron door, those five people all opened their eyes and looked towards Jiang Chen.

"Little boy, new here?" Someone said with a smile, looking Jiang Chen up and down.

"No." Jiang Chen shook his head, his eyes swept over the five people one by one.

"Then what are you doing?" asked the speaker.

"Come and play." Jiang Chen casually said.

"No, this kid attacked the police." Soon, someone found the policeman lying outside the iron gate, and shouted in surprise.

"Shut up, if you attack the police, you will attack the police. What's there to shout about? I even killed the police." A man with two arms exposed and a large area of ​​tattoos on his arms said displeasedly.

"It's really amazing, even killed the policeman." Jiang Chen exclaimed.

"Boy, I don't think you are a good stubble." The tattooed man stared at Jiang Chen and said slowly.

"Are you interested in going out for a walk?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Prison break?" The tattooed man thought about it.

"Almost." Jiang Chen said, leaving the words behind, and walked outside.

"Brother, what's the situation?" Someone asked the tattooed man.

"Nonsense, you ask me who I ask." The tattooed man kept staring at Jiang Chen, and said angrily.

"We don't know this kid. How could he be so kind to help us escape from prison? Could it be a conspiracy?" Another person reminded him that he was quite smart, and he should be a military advisor among the five.

"Conspiracy ass." Someone cursed and said to the tattooed man: "Brother, for the things we have done, being shot ten times is not too much, even if it is a conspiracy, it is better than staying here and waiting to die .”

"That's right, at least there is still a chance to escape from prison." The tattooed man nodded, and then said to Jiang Chen who was standing at the door: "Boy, how about giving you 100 million?"

"No problem." Jiang Chen said with a smile, it was impossible for him to refuse someone offering money.

"No matter what your purpose is, as long as you help us escape from prison, 100 million yuan is yours." The tattooed man said, got up while talking, and strode out of the iron gate.

As soon as the tattooed man moved, the other four followed closely behind and walked outside together.

The huge detention center was empty, except for Jiang Chen and a policeman who had passed out, everyone else could see it.

"Boss, our chance has come." Some people were elated, but no one was there. Isn't this the best time to escape from prison.

The tattooed man also grinned and said, "Boy, although I don't know how you did it, I have to say that you are very good. Are you interested in doing things with me?"

"Not interested." Jiang Chen refused.

"Little boy, don't be shameless, our boss thinks highly of you, otherwise what are you?" Some people couldn't listen anymore.

"Why don't you ask me why I don't want to?" Jiang Chen ignored the guy's clamor and asked the tattooed man.

"Everyone has his own aspirations, so why bother to ask more questions," said the tattooed man.

"I think it's better for you to ask." Jiang Chen insisted.

The tattooed man was stunned and speechless. He didn't understand what kind of tricks Jiang Chen was playing, but since Jiang Chen was so persistent, he just asked casually, "Why?"

"Because you are going to die soon." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"100 million is not enough, I can give you 200 million." The tattooed man thought that Jiang Chen thought the money was too little, and made alarmist remarks.Although he was dissatisfied, he still added chips.

"How much money do you have, give it all to me. After all, you are going to die. No matter how much money you have, there is nowhere to spend it." Jiang Chen said.

"Little boy, you are looking for death." Jiang Chen said the word death over and over again, and some people couldn't stand it.


At random, Jiang Chen punched out, and the person who spoke was directly sent flying by Jiang Chen's punch, accompanied by the sound of bones shattering, and when he fell to the ground, there was a fist-sized dent on his chest. The dead cannot die again.

"I didn't seek death, I came to kill you." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"You—" the tattooed man's expression changed.

"Hurry up and give me all your money, or it will be too late." Jiang Chen urged.

"Let's do it together and kill this guy." The tattooed man paused for a moment, took two steps back, and ordered.





The remaining three rushed towards Jiang Chen with murderous intent.

They are all desperadoes, and each of them has human life on their bodies. The so-called lice are not afraid of itchiness, which is exactly what it means.

Therefore, if they want to kill Jiang Chen at this time, none of them have any psychological burden at all, let alone, Jiang Chen killed one of their companions first.

Jiang Chen didn't even bother to look straight at such trash, and shot one after another, blasting them to death one after another.

three seconds.

The tattooed man was counting silently in his heart, the corners of his mouth twitching wildly.

It only took Jiang Chen three seconds to kill three of his people. What kind of monster is this.

"Boy, if you want money, I can give it all to you." Even though he never took human life seriously, at this moment, the tattooed man became frightened.

"Sorry, it's too late." Jiang Chen said indifferently, stretched out his hand, grabbed the tattooed man's neck, easily pinched it, and threw it on the ground casually.

After killing five people in succession, Jiang Chen kicked the unconscious policeman.

The policeman woke up slowly and got up from the ground with a grunt. After seeing the five dead people, his expression changed suddenly.

"Someone escaped from prison, and I happened to bump into it. As a good young man with five principles and four beauties, I was obliged to help prevent this prison escape. You don't need to thank me." Jiang Chen said lazily, and strode out.

"Prison break?" The policeman was a little puzzled.

Although he didn't know anything after he was in a coma, he gave Jiang Chen the key, that is to say, Jiang Chen opened the iron door, and Jiang Chen naturally let him out.

Jiang Chen released the person, can this also be called jailbreak?
Whether it is possible or not, the policeman was a little confused and hard to judge, and ran out in a hurry. He knew that the matter here must be reported to Yan Feng as soon as possible.

In Yan Feng's office, the police truthfully reported what happened in the detention center.

"Prison break?" Yan Feng muttered to himself with slightly narrowed eyes.

"Jiang Chen said they escaped from prison, but he helped stop them," said the policeman.

"I see, you go out first." Yan Feng waved away people.

When the police left the office, Yan Feng picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip of tea, and couldn't help laughing.

Prison break or something, of course, is just a cover.

Whether it was a real jailbreak or a fake one, it must have all been facilitated by Jiang Chen, but even Yan Feng had to admit that Jiang Chen played very beautifully.

The method that seemed to be full of loopholes, but unexpectedly, forced Jiang Chen to play tricks.

Because Jiang Chen is clearly the one who has lost the pot in terms of strength.

"Jiang Chen, you've given me a big problem." Yan Feng was a little speechless again. Jiang Chen's strength can take the blame, but there is always someone who takes the blame. Unfortunately, he inevitably became the successor. pot man.

Fortunately, due to Jiang Chen playing such a trick, the nature of the whole matter has completely changed. If this pot is taken over, it will not be too much trouble. Yan Feng complains, but it is how much he admires Jiang Chen...

(End of this chapter)

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