genius evil

Chapter 769

Chapter 769

At around six o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Chen drove his car and showed up at the hospital where Ding Lingling was.

After getting off the car, Jiang Chen picked up the lunch box he bought, went upstairs, and went to the ward where Ding Lingling was.

Ding Lingling's wound, after being treated by Jiang Chen, the pain has eased a lot, and she can move around in a small range appropriately. No, there is no need for Ding Lingling, who has been lying still all day, to play on the hospital bed cell phone.

"Jiang Chen, you're here." Seeing Jiang Chen coming in from the outside, Ding Lingling couldn't help but say.

She thought that Jiang Chen said he would come to accompany her for dinner at night, but she was just casually talking about it, but she didn't expect that Jiang Chen really came, and seeing the boxed lunch in Jiang Chen's hand, Ding Lingling was even happier.

"Eat." Jiang Chen nodded, opened the folding table on the bed, placed the lunch boxes on it, and opened them one by one.

"Jiang Chen, when did you treat me so well?" Ding Lingling started to eat with chopsticks, and asked vaguely with something stuffed in her mouth.

"Why, did I treat you badly before?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Anyway, I'm sure you didn't treat me well now. Oh, my injury, it would be nice if it was a little more serious. In that case, you will wait on me all day long." Ding Lingling said.

"No, I will ask for a nurse." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"It's not fun at all." Ding Lingling rolled her eyes.

"Hurry up and eat." Jiang Chen said, seeing that Ding Lingling was sick, he forgave Ding Lingling's nonsense for the time being.

"Okay, okay, eat quickly, eat quickly, so that you can spare time to find Sister Feifei." Ding Lingling rolled her eyes again.

"When did I say I was going to find Da Feifei?" Jiang Chen felt puzzled.

He hasn't met Liu Yufei yet on his trip back to Yilan City, but he is not in a hurry. He will talk about it when Ding Lingling is discharged from the hospital. He doesn't understand how Ding Lingling said such words.

"Didn't you watch the news?" Ding Lingling blinked.

"It's the same now, what news?" Jiang Chen asked in astonishment.

"Just this afternoon, a piece of news came out of nowhere, saying that a female white-collar worker died of allergies after using the products of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company." Ding Lingling said, taking the phone while talking , Open the webpage for Jiang Chen to see.

Jiang Chen took the phone, glanced at it, and said, "It's true that you're dead, you don't have allergies."

"Since there is no allergy, how could he die?" Ding Lingling asked puzzled.

"People are always going to die." Jiang Chen responded casually.

"Jiang Chen, why are you still joking at this time?" Ding Lingling was speechless, and said, "This news is very popular on the Internet now, I guess, some of the public relations department of Feifei Medical Beauty Company are busy tonight. ...Eh, that's not right, didn't Sister Feifei tell you?"

"She doesn't know I'm back." Jiang Chen said simply.

"You heartless guy." Ding Lingling was very angry.

"You're wrong. It should be said that Da Feifei has no conscience. How could she not tell me when something like this happened?" Jiang Chen was even more angry than Ding Lingling.

"Jiang Chen, you've said it all. Sister Feifei doesn't know you've returned to Yilan City, so how can I tell you? You didn't tell Sister Feifei immediately after you came back to Yilan City. This is because you have no conscience." Ding Lingling argued for Liu Yufei road.

"Why didn't I tell Da Feifei, don't you know?" Jiang Chen said amusedly.

Ding Lingling's face turned red for no reason, and she muttered, "You spend all day messing around, who knows why."

"Little girl, is it really okay for you to open your eyes and talk nonsense like this?" Jiang Chen said innocently.

"That's how it is." Ding Lingling muttered, "Now that you know, why don't you hurry up and find Sister Feifei?"

"It's just a trivial matter, it won't happen." Jiang Chen said nonchalantly.

Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company is not what it used to be.

If even such a small matter can't be resolved within the company, then what's the use of the public relations department keeping so many idlers?

Furthermore, he didn't trust others, but Jiang Chen still had great faith in Liu Yufei's ability.

Liu Yufei didn't contact him. On the one hand, she didn't know that he had returned to Yilan City for the time being. On the other hand, Liu Yufei believed that she was capable of solving this matter. Naturally, there was no need to contact him.

"Is it a small matter? But I don't know why, I have a faint feeling that it's not very good." Ding Lingling reminded.

Because she had nothing to do, she just lay on the hospital bed and played with her mobile phone. She saw this news when it was first published, and in just ten minutes, the number of retweets and comments increased sharply.

It seems that it is not a major news event, and the public relations department of Feifei Pharmaceutical Company must also be watching the movement on the Internet.

However, this piece of news spread rapidly in a very short period of time, and it even appeared on several portal websites. Even if she didn't know the unspoken rules here, Ding Lingling felt that things were not as they appeared on the surface. So simple.

In fact, it was just as Ding Lingling thought.

The next morning, when Jiang Chen came to deliver breakfast, Ding Lingling took out his mobile phone to show Jiang Chen again, and said, "The allergy death of a female white-collar worker has now become the hottest news in this period of time. .”

Jiang Chen didn't answer the phone, took a look and frowned.

"No, I have to call and ask Sister Feifei what's going on." Ding Lingling said, she did what she said, and found out Liu Yufei's cell phone number and called.

"Lingling, what's the matter?" Liu Yufei's voice came from the other end, soft and soft.

"Sister Feifei, are you okay? How are things going with the company?" Ding Lingling asked carelessly.

"Lingling, you already know, don't you?" Liu Yufei said, there was a small pause in her words, and then she continued: "It doesn't matter too much, don't worry, I have a meeting later, so I won't talk to you Alright, let's have coffee together sometime."

"Sister Feifei, wait, don't hang up the phone yet." Ding Lingling said in a hurry, reaching out to hand Jiang Chen the phone.

"Big Feifei, it's me." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Jiang Chen, you're back?" Liu Yufei was slightly taken aback, but was immediately overjoyed.

"Is it important?" Jiang Chen hummed and asked.

"It's okay, I'll take care of it," Liu Yufei said.

"I'll give you half a day, if it doesn't work, I'll take care of it. Don't worry, everything is up to me," Jiang Chen said.

"Okay." On the other end of the phone, Liu Yufei subconsciously nodded.

In the end, Liu Yufei realized that Jiang Chen couldn't see her nodding.

But because of what Jiang Chen said on the phone, Liu Yufei's heart warmed up slightly, and a sweet feeling appeared on her face involuntarily.

"Mr. Liu, the meeting is about to start." Beside him, Jiang Shengnan reminded.

Some time ago, Jiang Shengnan was transferred from the front desk to be Liu Yufei's secretary, which can be regarded as a big hit in the company, while Cao Xiaoshan no longer served as Liu Yufei's secretary, and was transferred to another position.

Since yesterday, a piece of news about a female white-collar worker who died of an allergic reaction after using Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company's products continued to spread on the Internet, Liu Yufei's complexion has not been very good-looking.

In fact, it wasn't just Liu Yufei who was like this. All the employees in the company looked very unsightly.

It's not because someone died using the products of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company, but because this is the first bad news that Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company has received since a series of products entered the market.

The news was hotly fired, and the company's public relations department stepped in with all their strength, trying to get the news off the Internet, but encountered inexplicable resistance.

Such a situation was unusual at first glance. As the general manager of the company, Liu Yufei was naturally under pressure from all sides, so it was naturally uncomfortable.

This was the first time Jiang Shengnan saw Liu Yufei smile since yesterday.

Jiang Shengnan knew that the man talking on the other end of the phone was Jiang Chen, but he was also a little curious. What did Jiang Chen say that would suddenly make Liu Yufei feel better?
Of course, curiosity was nothing but curiosity, and she didn't dare to ask Liu Yufei too much.

"Go to the meeting room." Liu Yufei said, leading Jiang Shengnan to the meeting room.

in the hospital.

Ding Lingling stared at Jiang Chen dumbfounded for a long time before saying: "Jiang Chen, why did you hang up after talking to Sister Feifei after just a few words, are you shy?"

"Shy?" Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment. Is there a word for shy in his life dictionary?
Not good at all!
"Yes, if you're not shy, why did you hang up so quickly?" Ding Lingling asked.

According to Ding Lingling's thinking, Jiang Chen should not have contacted Liu Yufei for a long time, so this call should be you and me, talking extremely disgusting love words.

Ding Lingling was ready to be disgusted by Jiang Chen, who knew, Jiang Chen didn't say a word.

"After the matter is finished, hang up the phone naturally." Jiang Chen said angrily, how could he know that this little girl Ding Lingling has such a powerful ability to think wildly.

"It's definitely not like this, and there must be other reasons, but as long as you don't empathize, it's fine, otherwise Sister Feifei will die of heartbreak." Ding Lingling said with a curled lip.

"Little girl, can you still be normal?" Jiang Chen broke down a bit.

He often falls in love with each other, but never empathizes.

"It's obviously you who are abnormal. As Sister Feifei's boyfriend and the CEO of Feifei Pharmaceutical Company, now that something like this has happened, what do you mean by sitting on the sidelines? At this time, isn't it your hero who saves the beauty? Is it the best time to embrace a beautiful woman?" Ding Lingling said angrily.

"Little girl, I don't know why, but I suddenly feel that what you said makes sense." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

Giving Liu Yufei half a day to solve this matter is based on trust in Liu Yufei and also gives Liu Yufei enough personal space.

But what Ding Lingling said is right, this is indeed a great opportunity to embrace a beautiful woman.

You know, he and Liu Yufei have known each other for such a long time, but the relationship has not made a big breakthrough. This matter has always made Jiang Chen quite brooding.

If Liu Yufei can be successfully taken down this time, and a bad thing can be turned into a good thing, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?
"Of course what I said makes sense. Hurry up, Sister Feifei needs you." Ding Lingling hurried away.

After such a voice fell, Ding Lingling realized that Jiang Chen couldn't even see his shadow in the ward.

"So fast?" Ding Lingling gritted her teeth, and said bitterly: "You bastard, I hate you to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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