genius evil

Chapter 770 Intensifies

Chapter 770 Intensifies
If Jiang Chen had heard Ding Lingling's last words, he would have vomited blood depressedly.

Is he ungrateful?
Obviously it was Ding Lingling who was urging him to go to Liu Yufei right now, okay?
In terms of Ding Lingling's posture, if he insisted on not going, it must be his fault, he has no conscience, there is no reason to speak, in short, it is his fault.

Now, he felt that Ding Lingling's suggestion was good, so why did it turn out to be his fault when he left?

It can't be because he is so handsome that everything he does is wrong, right?


On Jiang Chen's side, drive to Feifei Medical Beauty Company.

And within Feifei Yao Beauty Company, a high-level meeting is being held.

In addition to the members of the company, Gu Xiang was also present at the meeting, and another strange face was the representative appointed by Fang Tongjun.

This man is Yan Tong, wearing gold rimless glasses, with a straight face and expressionless face, but the eyes under the glasses are quite sharp, Yi Ran looks like a business elite.

The cooperation between Feifei Medical and Beauty Company and Fang Tongjun has entered the honeymoon period in a very short period of time. Yan Tong is the intermediary figure used by both parties to communicate.

Therefore, Yan Tong also attended this meeting as a representative.

Liu Yufei flipped through the information for a while, and said, "You all know about the death of a female white-collar worker who was allergic to our products, so I won't say much here. What's the news about the product team?"

"After the news on the Internet was exposed yesterday, all product lines of the product group were inspected immediately, and the pass rate of the products was finally shown to be 90.00%. That is to say, our products, from raw materials to production and processing to Filling, at least so far, no problem." Gao Qin said.

"Okay." Liu Yufei nodded, motioning for the people in the PR department to speak.

But Yan Tonghu waved his hand and said, "Wait..."

Then, Yan Tong looked at Gao Qin and asked, "Manager Gao, are you sure you read it right? Is it 90.00% nine point nine?"

"There is nothing wrong." Gao Qin said in a positive tone.

"Why is it so high?" Yan Tong expressed difficulty in understanding.

This incomprehension is not due to distrust of the products of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company, but rather, such a pass rate, no matter how high it is to let anyone look at it, is a bit weird.

Even the products produced by the most cutting-edge aerospace engineering and biopharmaceuticals, I'm afraid they dare not be accurate to this level, right?

Then, the only possibility is that Gao Qin lied... No, there is a problem with the internal inspection of the product group, but such a cover-up, Yan Tong believes, is meaningless.

On the contrary, once the qualification rate of this product is disclosed, it is very likely that Feifei Medical Beauty Company will become a big joke.

"There's no reason, it's just this high." Gao Qin said.

"Manager Gao, if you say this, it means you didn't say it." Yan Tong smiled wryly.

"Old Yan, that's the meaning of the words. You just need to know that there is absolutely no possibility of any problems with the product." Gu Xiang patted Yan Tong on the shoulder and said with a playful smile.

"So, where did the problem come from this time?" Yan Tong asked.

"It's not a product problem, it's naturally a problem with that female white-collar worker." Gu Xiang said calmly, but the implication was unquestionable.

The corner of Yan Tong's mouth twitched slightly. If he could, of course he would rather believe that this was a man-made disaster. However, this kind of conversation without substance would be like nonsense, so he didn't say much.

The manager of the public relations department of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company is Yang Shuya, and Yang Shuya said at this time; "Since the news came out, the public relations department has launched an emergency plan. Unfortunately, the conditions for deleting~posts on the website are more stringent than expected. There is even a website that has offered a sky-high price of 1000 million... But so far, our colleagues are still communicating with the website, trying to minimize the adverse effects of this matter in a way that both parties are satisfied with. lowest."

"Thank you." Liu Yufei said.

She was in the company the whole time last night, and everyone in the public relations department was the same. Yang Shuya's ability is still good. Liu Yufei knew that Yang Shuya was doing her best.

1000 million to delete a piece of news is definitely an unprecedented sky-high price. It's not that Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company can't afford the money.

However, once this opening is opened, Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company will inevitably become a fat sheep in the eyes of some people in the future, and there will be many troubles ensuing.

Therefore, I would rather stalemate than compromise.

"Manager Yu, from the marketing department, have you contacted the family of the deceased?" Liu Yufei turned to the marketing department.

Manager Yu called Yu Minglang and heard the sound and said: "Last night, the colleagues from the marketing department arrived at the deceased's home. The family members of the deceased reacted violently and immediately kicked out the colleagues from the marketing department... Afterwards, contact the local police station. We learned that the body of the deceased had been cremated the afternoon the news came out."

After saying this, Yu Minglang sighed.

"Cremated?" Liu Yufei frowned suddenly, and the faces of the rest of the people became extremely ugly, especially Yan Tong, even if he was an idiot, he knew that this incident was a bit strange.

The news had just come out, and logically speaking, it was the best time for the family members of the deceased to defend their rights. However, the body of the deceased was cremated before the rights protection began.

The so-called abnormality must have a demon, this matter is too abnormal, it is hard not to let people think about it.

"Manager Yang, contact with the website should be stepped up. At the same time, let's discuss whether it is necessary to hold a press conference." Soon, Liu Yufei said.

The deceased was cremated, and there was no proof of death.

On the website side, resistance is unprecedented.

If the incident is allowed to continue, the company will become more and more passive. In this situation, the only way to turn passive into active is to hold a special press conference on this matter to speak out and express its position.

"Mr. Liu, under the current circumstances, holding a press conference is not a very ideal situation." Yang Shuya said while pondering.

"It's best to send out a big red envelope to one person, so that all the reporters from the major news channels will shut up." Gu Xiang also said.

Yan Tong smiled wryly and said, "That's what I mean. It's not suitable to hold a press conference yet. It's not too late to hold a press conference when the time is right."

Reporters are a group of people who are afraid of chaos in the world. When they are free, they still think about how to make a big news all day long, not to mention the current situation. It is estimated that once the press conference is held, the situation will become even more unfavorable for Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company.

"Mr. Liu, I have a suggestion. Is it out of humanitarian considerations that we first compensate the family of the deceased?" Gao Qin said.

"No." Liu Yufei flatly refused.

"There is no problem with the company's products. Losing money at this time will only make people think that it is our problem. For humanitarian considerations, we must wait for the whole matter to come to light before dealing with it as appropriate." Liu Yufei continued.

Gao Qin also felt that what she said was a bit inappropriate. Money is the most sensitive thing. Giving more or less can easily stimulate sensitive nerves.

A bad thing, a good thing, turned into a target for being used.

The family members of the deceased were not easy to contact, and the website was blocked by deleting~posts. Everyone's thinking was in a state of difficulty. For a while, they couldn't think of any other way to tear open the mouth of this public opinion storm.


Yang Shuya's cell phone on the table made a notification sound, because she had been staring at every move on the Internet, listening to the sound, Yang Shuya was very sensitive, picked up the phone and looked.

After a while, Yang Shuya's complexion changed drastically, and she said in a broken voice, "Not good."

"What's the matter, such a fuss?" Gu Xiang asked.

"Qi Chunman just posted a Weibo..." Yang Shuya subconsciously said.

"Qi Chunman? That second-rate star? What's wrong with her?" Gu Xiang was a little surprised. It's just a second-rate star posting on Weibo, so it's necessary to be so surprised?

Yang Shuya said with a bitter face: "Qi Chunman is also allergic. She wrote on Weibo that it was because of the products of Feifei Pharmaceutical Beauty Company."

"What?" At this moment, everyone in the conference room was shocked.

The allergy death of a female white-collar worker has set off a storm of public opinion. If a star is added to this, wouldn't it add fuel to the flames?
Everyone, including Liu Yufei, took out their phones and looked at them.

"Let people find a way to contact Qi Chunman, and make sure she deletes Weibo." After reading Qi Chunman's Weibo, Gu Xiang's face turned livid, and he gritted his teeth.

"Okay, I'll give orders now." Yang Shuya got up and walked out of the conference room.

"Mr. Liu, do you want to call Young Master Jiang?" Gu Xiang asked Liu Yufei when Yang Shuya walked away.

The current storm of public opinion is likely to intensify. Qi Chunman's Weibo, although it only shows a little bit of signs.

But this second-rate little star should not be underestimated, because Qi Chunman recently participated in a drama adapted from a popular IP, and his popularity is on the rise, attracting some attention and fans, and his influence is close to the front line star.

Once Qi Chunman's Weibo gets more attention, then the situation of Feifei Pharmaceutical Company will become more chaotic for Jiang Chen.

"Okay." Liu Yufei thought for a while and nodded slightly.

This incident is not as simple as a man-made disaster, it may be a complete conspiracy. In this case, everyone is helpless, and Jiang Chen must come forward.

Although, Liu Yufei didn't know if Jiang Chen could find a way to solve this trouble.

After nodding, Liu Yufei took her mobile phone to make a call.

"Big Feifei, you've missed me so soon, it looks like I'm here at the right time." The phone rang, and just as the phone rang, several people in the meeting room heard a lazy voice reaching their ears.

"Jiang Chen, you're here." Seeing Jiang Chen, Liu Yufei said softly.

"Da Feifei, you miss me so much, how could I not come." Jiang Chen sat down beside Liu Yufei with a playful smile, and began to look at Liu Yufei.

"They all have dark circles under their eyes. It looks like they didn't have a good rest last night. Come on, I'll take you to sleep." Jiang Chen said afterward.

(End of this chapter)

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