genius evil

Chapter 75 I'm afraid no one loves you like I do

Chapter 75 I'm afraid no one loves you like I do

"Jiang is it you..." Seeing Jiang Chen appearing suddenly, Tangyue was startled, and Jiang Chen's sweet and gentle words made Tangyue's whole body tremble. A layer of goosebumps!
"Teacher Tang, it's me. How about it? Are you surprised?" Jiang Chen smiled.

Tangyue was stunned, the surprise to hell was obviously frightened.

I don't know where this little rascal came from, and he said such inexplicable words, which made half of Tangyue's body stiffen, who was already a little at a loss.

"Teacher Tang, I know this is sudden, but I can't wait any longer. Since the first time I saw you, I have fallen in love with you deeply. I can't help but want to get close to you every time, but I dare not , I dare not because I am timid, but because I am worried about being rejected by you." Jiang Chen's affectionate confession continued.

Tang Yuefen's face turned red, then turned black, her mouth opened wide into an O shape, she stared at Jiang Chen with wide eyes, she felt her mind was in a mess, she couldn't tell whether Jiang Chen's words were true or false.

If it was the truth, why didn't she know that Jiang Chen was deeply in love with her before?It's true that he likes to play hooligans on himself, and that's a recent thing. As for falling in love with her from the first sight, why does it sound so wrong.

But if it's a lie, then Jiang Chen's acting skills are really good. The actors in the TV series are not so professional. This is more than enough to win an Oscar.

"Teacher Tang, although I don't know whether you will reject me this time, if I don't say these words, I will go crazy. I'm not afraid of becoming a lunatic. What I'm afraid of is that when I become After Madman, no one will love you like I do."

Jiang Chen's expression was gentle and solemn, as if he was performing a certain sacred ceremony, completely different from his previous image of a rascal with a playful smile.

The tender and sweet words kept impacting Tangyue's heart, Tangyue was completely dumbfounded, her heart beat like a drum, and her palms were sweating profusely.

"Jiang Chen, could you be like this..." After a while, Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang, I must do this. Please accept the flowers in my hand and be my girlfriend." Jiang Chen said seriously, stretched out his hand and pushed, and sent the roses to Tangyue.

"No, it can't be like this." Tangyue looked at the rose, she didn't pick it up, she didn't pick it up, she backed away in a panic, for a split second, Tangyue wished she had really seen a ghost, otherwise what would she do? He would have heard Jiang Chen say such nonsense.

"Hey, I said idiot, what are you still doing here, get out of here quickly, you'll ruin my confession in a while, and see how I deal with you." Jiang Chen suddenly turned his head, and snarled fiercely at Hao Jun. Said.

Ever since the rose was snatched away by Jiang Chen, and then to hearing Jiang Chen's disgusting confession, Hao Jun's whole feeling was not very good.

Hearing Jiang Chen's words at this time, Hao Jun finally came to his senses, stared at Jiang Chen and said angrily, "Boy, that's my rose."

"What about your roses, aren't you a flower delivery worker?" Jiang Chen looked confused.

Hao Jun almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. What do you mean he is a flower delivery worker? Is there a flower delivery worker like him? This guy is too good at talking nonsense.

"I'm not a flower delivery worker." Hao Jun said angrily.

"Then you are a driver, right?" Jiang Chen's expression was innocent.

"Damn it, I'm not the driver either, I'm Tangyue's classmate, boy, return the flowers to me quickly, don't spoil my good deed." Hao Jun was annoyed.

"Classmate, hehe, you're just a flower delivery driver and pretending to be a classmate, you're so ridiculous." Jiang Chen laughed out loud.

"Boy, do you have a problem with your ears? I told you I'm not." Hao Jun could hardly bear to rush forward and tear Jiang Chen's mouth open.

"It's not that I have a problem with my ears, but that you have a problem with your brain. If you have a little IQ, you should understand that I've been trying to find a way for you to go down. It's a pity that you are so stupid that your brain is full of tofu. With your virtue, you still want to get Teacher Tang's idea." Jiang Chen sneered.

"What do you mean?" Swallowing, Hao Jun asked with black lines all over his head.

"You really are a complete and complete idiot. What I said is very clear. Teacher Tang rejected you, understand?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"You fart, when did Tangyue reject me? It's obvious that you're the one who robbed me of my flowers." Hao Jun ran up and down angrily, and if he added a tail, he would probably be a living monkey.

Jiang Chen smiled, blinked at Tangyue, and said, "Teacher Tang, do you like this kind of iq-quick thing?"

Tangyue didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she naturally couldn't fall in love with Hao Jun, but even if she looked down on Hao Jun, Jiang Chen shouldn't tease him like this, isn't this deliberately provoking conflicts?

"That's right, I knew that Teacher Tang didn't like you. If you like it, you also like a handsome, unrestrained and suave man like me." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

Tangyue's tender face twitched, couldn't this little rascal speak seriously, he always likes to put gold on his face like this.

"Boy, can you show some face, you're handsome like you, do you think I'm blind?" Hao Jun was furious, he didn't even say that he was handsome, and this kid didn't know where his confidence came from.

"It's none of my business whether you're blind or not, as long as my most beloved and dearest Teacher Tang is not blind, I said, you've talked so much nonsense, you still don't want to get out." Jiang Chen was a little upset, this time How come there is no self-knowledge at all.

"Why do you want me to leave? You are the one who wants to leave. I haven't finished what I want to say to Tangyue." Hao Jun left just like that.

Jiang Chen was speechless, this guy hadn't given up yet, and wanted to confess his love to Tangyue.

"Tangyue, I've liked you for a long time, do..." Hao Jun confessed in a serious manner.

"Stop... I said idiot, can you be a little new, even plagiarized the confession... Teacher Tang, have you seen that this guy is not reliable at all, don't listen to his nonsense, so as not to waste time, quickly refuse Let's go." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Hao Jun was about to cry. How could he be plagiarizing? It was clearly this guy who jumped in front of him and finished everything he wanted to say, okay?

"Hao Jun, I'm a little tired, you go back first." Tangyue said helplessly, with a headache.

"No, you didn't agree to be my girlfriend, I can't go back." Hao Jun was really stubborn.

"Damn it, can you have a bottom line for being shameless? Why should Mr. Tang agree to you? Look at yourself, you are not as handsome as me, IQ is not as high as I am, and you are not as rich as I am. No matter how blind Mr. Tang is I wouldn't even take a liking to someone like you." Jiang Chen also had a bit of a headache.

"How can I have no money when I can spend hundreds of thousands in minutes? I drive a car worth hundreds of thousands, so how can I have no money?" Hao Jun was angry with blue veins twitching on his forehead.

"Pay hundreds of thousands every minute... Well, is that what you mean?" Jiang Chen put on a show, took out a check from his pocket, and handed it to Hao Jun.

"80?" Hao Jun glanced at it, and he almost didn't feel stupid. He saw that Jiang Chen was wearing a school uniform, and he looked like a student from Yilan Middle School. Unexpectedly, just like this, Jiang Chen casually threw out a check for 80 yuan.

You know, Hao Jun said that he can take out hundreds of thousands of dollars every minute, but the cash on him is only about [-], and the rest of the money is in the card.The visual impact of this card is far inferior to that of a cash check.

"No, your check is a fake, who knows where you got it from." Hao Jun said loudly after a quick reaction.

"It seems that you won't give up if you don't see the Yellow River." Jiang Chen smiled, and then waved. Following Jiang Chen's waving, a BMW X6 slowly drove over.

The car stopped in front of Jiang Chen, and a person got out of the car. After that person got out of the car, he called Brother Jiang respectfully, then gave Jiang Chen the keys to the BMW, and said, "Brother Jiang, Brother Dao said that the car The formalities have been completed, and your driver's license has also been taken, and it is put in the car."

Jiang Chen smiled, Brother Dao had a heart, and gave him a car, not to mention going through the formalities, and even thought about the driver's license issue.

"Here is 80. You ask Xiaodao to go to the bank to cash it out tomorrow. Just send me 60. The remaining 20 is for you to drink." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"Okay, thank you Brother Jiang." The man smiled, took the check carefully, and left quickly.

"I also have a car worth hundreds of thousands." When the man left, Jiang Chen looked at Hao Jun and said with a half-smile.

Where is the car worth hundreds of thousands? It is obviously a car worth millions. Hao Jun is really about to cry. This car is right in front of him. He heard that the formalities have been completed. Even if he wants to say that it is not Jiang Chen’s, there is nothing he can do about it. Said.

"Tangyue, he..." Hao Jun looked at Tangyue and pointed at Jiang Chen.

Tangyue sighed softly, and said with a wry smile: "Hao Jun, don't talk about it, I can pretend that today's incident never happened."

Even if Hao Jun was a fool, he still knew that if he continued to entangle himself, it would be meaningless, so he stared at Jiang Chen with resentment, and drove away unhappily.

"Jiang Chen, you..." As soon as Hao Jun left, Tangyue's eyes fell on Jiang Chen's body, full of surprise, thought, and even more impenetrable.

Tangyue knew that Jiang Chen had changed, but when such a change suddenly appeared in front of her with an overwhelming force, she suddenly realized that Jiang Chen's change would be so great.

Taking out hundreds of thousands of checks at random, and someone even sending millions of cars, such Jiang Chen, there is no way for her to combine it with the old honest and honest image, it really makes her dislike I can't even guess it.

"Teacher Tang, there is no outsider here now, so you don't have to be shy anymore, should you accept my confession?" Jiang Chen seemed not to have heard Tangyue's words, and once again sent the rose in his hand to Tangyue. in front of...

(End of this chapter)

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