genius evil

Chapter 76

Chapter 76
Tangyue looked at the flowers, then at Jiang Chen who had an earnest face, hesitated for a moment, reached out and carefully hugged the roses.

"Jiang Chen, I can accept your flower, but..." After taking the flower, Tangyue said softly, she has something to ask Jiang Chen.But Jiang Chen was holding the flower, and it was not convenient to talk, so he simply took it in his hand first, lest Jiang Chen keep holding on to this question and annoy her.

"Mr. Tang, it's nothing but, you accept my flower, and from this moment on, you will be my woman." Before Tangyue could finish speaking, Jiang Chen stepped forward suddenly, and pulled Tangyue into his arms. He quickly kissed Tangyue's red lips.

Feeling the warm breath rushing toward her face, her lips were already attacked, Tangyue was stunned for an instant, her eyes widened, and she looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

You know, in the past, Jiang Chen had never respected his teacher in front of her. Speaking of it, what Jiang Chen did was actually within the range she could bear.

However, Jiang Chen's kiss instantly broke the bottom line and limit of what she could endure.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing?" Tangyue pushed hard, angrily pushing Jiang Chen back.

"Teacher Tang, I'm kissing you. You actually asked me what I was doing. Could it be that you don't feel anything at all... No, no, this is too much of a failure. As a man, I absolutely can't bear it." Jiang Chen said seriously. Ba Dao stretched out his arms to hug Tangyue again.

Tangyue turned sideways, avoiding Jiang Chen's salty hands, dumbfounded, and said angrily: "Jiang Chen, don't act recklessly, it's not what you think. I accept your flowers, just thank you for helping me , not agreeing to be your girlfriend."

"Teacher Tang, if you agree to be my girlfriend, that is the best thank you to me." Jiang Chen grinned.

Tangyue knew that Jiang Chen was not upright, so if she kept talking like this, even if it was a very simple matter, in the end, she probably lost her tongue and often couldn't explain it clearly.

Taking a light breath, forcibly suppressing the slightly disturbed emotions, Tangyue said in a serious tone: "Jiang Chen, I said thank you, thank you for helping me reject Hao Jun. After all, he and I were classmates. It's hard to say too much... And I also know that you must have seen the thoughts in my heart, so you suddenly appeared."

"Well, Teacher Tang, you really understand me, but, Teacher Tang, don't tell me you rejected that Hao Jun just to accept me?" Jiang Chen looked very serious.

Tangyue was immediately beaten back to her original form, and she couldn't be serious anymore. With a wry smile, Tangyue said: "Jiang Chen, you are obviously helping me, why must you make it look like I don't like it."

"Teacher Tang, don't you like everything I look like?" Jiang Chen said with a smile after blinking.

"Jiang Chen, just piss me off on purpose, let me piss you off." Tang Yuefen blushed slightly, said angrily, turned sideways, her shoulders trembling slightly.

"Teacher Tang, you must be crying." Tangyue's reaction was a bit beyond Jiang Chen's expectation.

"No." Tangyue replied, her shoulders trembling even more.

"It must be raining, right?" Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

"That's right, it's raining, I'm leaving, don't bother me." Tangyue stomped her feet and walked quickly into the school.

"Teacher Tang, you accepted my flower, and I stamped it again, how could I not bother you." Jiang Chen chuckled, his face full of embarrassment.

Tangyue walked a little far, and suddenly remembered that she was so dizzy by Jiang Chen just now, she forgot some things to say, she originally wanted to ask Jiang Chen what happened to the check and the car.

As the homeroom teacher, Tangyue knew a little about Jiang Chen's family situation. She knew that Jiang Chen was a single-parent family with only one father. It was impossible to talk about power and wealth, and it was impossible for him to bring Jiang Chen so many material benefits. help.

In this way, regardless of the check or the car, Jiang Chen could only make it himself. A check of 80 yuan and a car worth more than 100 million yuan are already a huge sum of money. They may not be able to earn such a sum of money, but Jiang Chen has it all in just a few days.

Tangyue was not without confusion about this question. While she was confused, she naturally had many complicated thoughts.

Thinking of this, Tangyue turned her head and saw Jiang Chen still standing there motionless, with a hideous smile on his face.

"This guy, he must have known that I would ask him something, and deliberately drove me away." After stomping her feet again, Tangyue was furious, and finally gave up and went back to ask Jiang Chen, otherwise Jiang Chen's behavior would be Maybe she thought she had changed her mind.

It wasn't until Tangyue disappeared from sight that Jiang Chen walked towards the car. Sitting in the car, Jiang Chen quickly picked up the manual from the locker and read it.

About half an hour later, the car ignited and started, and Jiang Chen drove away slowly.

"Well, driving is really quite simple." Jiang Chen smiled, stepped on the accelerator lower and lower, and the speed of the car became faster and faster. In an instant, the speed exceeded [-], and it was still soaring straight up.

"I've confessed my love this time. Next time, I'll take Teacher Tang for a drive first. Next time, I can almost go directly to the hotel to get a room." The car window was open, and the wind howled in. Call it a rippling.

"Hey, handsome guy, I see that your driving skills are good, are you interested in taking a run?" Just as Jiang Chen was rambunctious, a voice came into Jiang Chen's ears.

A Porsche 911, driving side by side with the BMW, in the driving seat, a woman with a hot body and even hotter clothes, pointed her finger at Jiang Chen, and said provocatively.

"Your breasts are too small." Jiang Chen glanced at it casually, but looked away without interest.

"What does this have to do with my small breasts?" the hot chick asked puzzled.

"Your breasts are too small, so I'm not interested." Jiang Chen shook his head, showing no interest at all.

"What are you looking at? Why are my breasts small? You haven't touched them before. How do you know that my breasts are small?" The Porsche beauty quit and said loudly.


Jiang Chen slammed on the brakes and stopped the car. The Porsche beauty was a little bewildered, and then stopped the car.

Almost at the same time as the car stopped, the face of the Porsche beauty changed suddenly, and a hand came in from the lowered car window and rubbed her chest vigorously.

"Bastard, what are you doing?" The Porsche beauty was startled, her face turned pale.

"I've already touched it, and it's really small." Jiang Chen thought carefully about the feel of his hand, and said seriously.

The Porsche beauty wanted to cry, but she just said that you hadn't touched it, but it was just a rhetorical question. I didn't expect this guy to actually come over and touch it.

No, to be precise, she just rubbed it. You know, she hasn't rubbed the pair of babies on her chest very much, but she was rubbed hard by such a man who had only met once. .

It's fine if you rub it, this guy who took advantage of it, actually gave a really small conclusion very seriously, this is really something that my brother can bear, but my sister can't bear it.

"Beast, I'll kill you." The Porsche beauty immediately erupted, punching her with her right hand, and punched out of the car, straight to Jiang Chen's nose.

"Hey, the reaction is good, the speed is also good, but the strength is a bit lacking." Seeing the Porsche beauty make a move, Jiang Chen's eyes showed some strangeness.

The so-called connoisseur knows if there is a strike, the Porsche beauty seemed to be out of embarrassment and threw punches indiscriminately, but Jiang Chen clearly saw some traces of tricks from her punch.

As he spoke, Jiang Chen casually grabbed the fist of the Porsche beauty in his palm with his right hand.

"Well, the little hands are quite soft." Jiang Chen commented, and touched the Porsche beauty's wrist by the way.

"Ah, I'm so pissed off." The Porsche beauty went mad with anger, and withdrew her hand forcefully, then pushed the car door and got out of the car with a bang, and kicked Jiang Chen with her foot.

"Little girl, your legs are really good, white and tender and slender... It's just that the buttocks are a little too small, obviously a little stunted." Jiang Chen slapped his hand knife and landed lightly, forcing the Porsche beauty's kick away, his eyes quickly turned to themselves. She swept it over and continued to comment.

Not to mention, this chick is quite tall, estimated to be eighteen or nineteen years old, but she has a height of nearly 1.7 meters, a little taller than him.

Seriously speaking, apart from being a little thinner, she is still a beauty. However, with jewels like Tangyue in front of her, this chick is as beautiful as she is, but her figure is not enough.

"You fart, my butt is not small at all, it's not small at all." The Porsche beauty would spit saliva on Jiang Chen's face.

"Really, let me feel it first." Jiang Chen said something, and quickly stretched out his big hand, pinching his buttocks.

"It's really small, but it's flexible, and there's still room for growth." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

The whole body of the Porsche beauty was messed up in the wind. First she touched her breasts, then her hands, and finally her buttocks, where she should be touched and where she shouldn't, but now she was touched all over.

"Ah, I'll kill you!" The Porsche beauty's grievances in her entire life couldn't be more present than today, and she was as angry as a young lioness, madly attacking Jiang Chen.

"Little girl, I'm really not interested in you, drive your car properly, don't waste my time." Jiang Chen shook his head, grabbed both hands of the Porsche beauty, pushed her into the car, and along the way He closed the door, then turned around and got into his car, and drove away.

"What's going on, this guy is probably a monster, why did I run into the car all of a sudden." The Porsche beauty was dumbfounded, and couldn't react for a long time. When she found out that Jiang Chen's car was about to disappear from sight, it would be hell. howled.

After howling for a while, the Porsche beauty grabbed the phone and dialed a number: "Shuang'er, check the license plate number for me...don't ask so many questions, Miss Ben has been bullied...find out who the owner of the car is, I'm going to chop him up and feed him to the dogs!"

(End of this chapter)

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