genius evil

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Chen showed up at Sister Lan's restaurant on time.

"Jiang Chen, hurry up and collect the money." Jiang Chen had just entered the restaurant when Sister Lan grabbed a paper bag and stuffed it into Jiang Chen's hand involuntarily, as if what she was holding was an entry countdown bag. It's a ticking time bomb that can't wait to be launched.

"What money?" Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment.

Sister Lan looked at Jiang Chen with some reproach, and said, "Jiang Chen, you put so much money with me, why didn't you tell me earlier. If I knew it was money, I definitely wouldn't have kept it for you."

Sister Lan opened a small restaurant to barely make ends meet. She had never seen so much cash. At first, when Jiang Chen handed the money bag to her and said to put it here first, Sister Lan also Jiang Chen, who didn't pay attention, took what was given to her.

Later, it was Xiaodie who found out that the bag contained money. The mother and daughter counted a little, and there were a total of [-]. Sister Lan was immediately frightened.

10 yuan may be just pocket money for some wealthy people, but for Sister Lan, it is definitely a considerable sum of money.

Holding such a huge sum of money, Sister Lan didn't dare to sleep last night. When she opened the door to do business today, most of her thoughts were on the money.

At this time Jiang Chen came, and Sister Lan naturally gave it to Jiang Chen immediately, but she was just a hot potato.

"I left in a hurry yesterday, so I didn't have time to say it." Jiang Chen smiled wryly. Seeing Sister Lan's reaction like this, how could he not understand that the money probably caused Sister Lan a lot of trouble, and felt a little bit sorry.

Sister Lan looked at Jiang Chen with a bit of blame, but she didn't say much, she turned around and went to the kitchen to bring out a bowl of medicine.

"Jiang Chen, I've finished taking all the medicine." Putting the medicine bowl on the table, Sister Lan reminded.

"Well, I'll go buy some at noon tomorrow." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Jiang Chen, is this money of yours used to buy medicine?" After thinking about it, Sister Lan asked.

Jiang Chen felt slightly stunned, and immediately nodded with a smile, and said, "It's just for buying medicine."

The origin of this sum of money is not glorious. If Sister Lan asked, Jiang Chen would not know what to say. It just so happened that Sister Lan made him an excuse, so Jiang Chen simply continued to say it, so as not to give him trouble. Sister Lan brought unnecessary trouble.

"Since it's money for buying medicine, how can you throw it away? Put it away quickly, and it won't be good if you accidentally lose it." Sister Lan warned.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Sister Lan, I entrusted you with the money for safekeeping, how can it be called littering?"

"Do you trust me that much?" Sister Lan asked a little strangely.

"Of course." Jiang Chen said without thinking.

"I'm not young anymore, I still don't know the importance of doing things." Sister Lan stayed for a while before she cursed and turned around, her eyes were already slightly moist.

The meal was ready quickly, and Jiang Chen chewed like a big mouthful. It looked like he had been hungry for several days. Although he had already gotten used to Jiang Chen's astonishing appetite, today, Sister Lan looked at Jiang Chen quietly a little more. very different.

"Do you trust me just like that...Of course..." There was a voice echoing in Sister Lan's heart all the time. That voice was so unthinking and unquestionable. Sister Lan knew it was trust, and it made her soft heart, Warm and swollen, filled with a never-before-seen emotion.

Jiang Chen quickly finished his meal. Looking back, he found that Sister Lan had been staring at him in a daze. He couldn't help but smile and joked, "Sister Lan, am I handsome again?"

"What's so handsome?" Sister Lan didn't understand.

"If I hadn't become handsome again, sister Lan, why would you be so fascinated by me?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Stinky boy, you're not serious, you dare to make jokes about Sister Lan." Sister Lan's face turned red, she was very embarrassed.

Jiang Chen chuckled, and said, "Sister Lan, I just thought the atmosphere was a bit dignified, so I'm joking with you, don't mind... Besides, Sister Lan, you've known me for so long, and you also know that I've always been honest and shameless. Very thin, never easy to joke."

Sister Lan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, if it was Jiang Chen in the past, he was absolutely honest, but now Jiang Chen, even if Sister Lan didn't know much about Jiang Chen, she knew that it was absolutely difficult to describe it as honest.

"Sister is also thin-skinned. Since you don't joke easily, then don't joke in front of sister in the future." Sister Lan said angrily.

"Sister Lan, it's because both of us have too thin skins that we need to joke around more and exercise our skin, what do you think?" Jiang Chen winked at Sister Lan.

"Nonsense." Sister Lan was a little overwhelmed, and hurried into the kitchen, only to feel that her cheeks were very hot, so she hurriedly washed her face with cold water.

"This kid is really becoming more and more dishonest, and I don't know why there is such a big change." Sister Lan muttered softly in her heart, unwilling to leave the kitchen for a long time.

After eating, Jiang Chen didn't go back to school, but drove in the opposite direction. The driving route became more and more deviated. After about half an hour, the car stopped at a corner.

After getting off the car, what Jiang Chen saw in front of his eyes was a vast lake. It was already dark, and the sky was full of stars, leaving mottled light and shadows on the calm water surface.

"South Star Lake." Standing by the lake, Jiang Chen sighed slightly in his heart.

Many days after the incident, Jiang Chen reappeared in Nanxing Lake. To his predecessor, this place was a place of death, but to him, it was a place of new life, which has an extraordinary meaning.

Jiang Chen walked casually by the lake for a while, and finally stopped at the place where Tangyue rescued him last time. After a moment of contemplation, Jiang Chen sat cross-legged on the spot.

Starlight poured down from the top of his head, and with the flow of breath in Jiang Chen's body, his whole body seemed to be enveloped by the starlight.

In this way, I don't know how long passed, until Jiang Chen's entire figure seemed to be hazy, and suddenly, there was a crackling sound of joints bursting.

Accompanied by the crackling sound, Jiang Chen's body trembled uncontrollably, and his face suddenly turned pale and bloodless, as if he had endured great pain.

Beads of sweat the size of soybeans rolled down Jiang Chen's cheeks, and Jiang Chen's clothes were completely soaked in a very short period of time, as if they had just been soaked in water.

The sound of joints bursting lasted for half an hour before it came to a stillness. After the sound stopped, Jiang Chen's thin cheeks became fuller at a speed visible to the naked eye. , the flesh and skin on his body swelled, and he was as weak as a bamboo pole, unable to support the body of the clothes at all, but inconceivably, he supported the clothes.To Jiang Chen, the school uniform, which was one size smaller, seemed to be tailor-made, so close-fitting and iron-fitting.

"The second layer of body tempering, meat training." Jiang Chen whispered to himself, twisted his neck a few times, made a few clicks, and then slowly stood up, his seemingly not strong body, at this moment, It is impressive to be able to feel a breath of power that flows through the whole body.

"Seven days is neither too fast nor too slow. This feeling is really good." Stretching out his tongue and licking his slightly dry lips, Jiang Chen's body suddenly felt like a shell fired. , rushed into the lake.

After swimming happily in Nanxing Lake for nearly half an hour, after washing away all the impurities discharged from the quenching body, Jiang Chen came ashore.

Five minutes later, the trunk of the car was opened, and Jiang Chen took out a few bags from inside. The bags contained the clothes he bought when he was driving around today. He quickly changed into the clothes, and Jiang Chen drove away.


Guilan Garden.

This is one of the most famous wealthy communities in Yilan City. Just as Jiang Chen was driving back to school, a sharp scream suddenly came from No. 18 Villa.

"That's right, it's this bastard." On the sofa in the living room on the first floor, a long-legged beauty in hot clothes pointed a finger at the computer screen and said loudly.

If Jiang Chen had seen this woman, he would have recognized it as the Porsche beauty whom he had accidentally bullied a little.

"This guy named Jiang Chen looks very honest, how could he offend you?" On another sofa, there was a round-faced little beauty with a lollipop in her mouth. , with bulging cheeks, which makes her look extraordinarily cute.

The reason why she is small is not that she is very young, but that she has an unusually petite figure. However, apart from a pair of exaggerated big eyes, this petite beauty occupies almost one third of her face. In addition, she has a hip augmentation and a wasp waist that are extremely disproportionate to her figure, as well as big breasts like headlights.

The devil figure in the typical sense, coupled with her typical baby face, the breath of childlike big breasts rushes away, forming a very powerful impact force.

"Be honest, would an honest person touch my breasts and my ass?" the long-legged beauty said bitterly.

The little girl with a round face smiled and said: "Tiantian, you can't say that someone is dishonest just because he touched your breasts and buttocks. Anyway, I think he is quite honest. Maybe you deliberately let him touch you. And then beat it up."

"Hurry up, find out his identity information." Tang Tian pushed the notebook over to Lin Baobao, looking crazy.

Lin Baobao stretched out his fingers, and clicked randomly on the keyboard. Soon, all the identity information about Jiang Chen appeared on the computer screen...

(End of this chapter)

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