genius evil

Chapter 78 I'm Jiang Chen's Girlfriend

Chapter 78 I'm Jiang Chen's Girlfriend
Yilan Middle School, Class [-], Senior [-].

It was a little past ten o'clock in the morning, which was the time for class, but the classroom was very lively, with various voices coming out, and the superposition of those voices made the order of the classroom seem a little noisy.

But the chaos is just a feeling of outsiders. In fact, when you walk into the classroom, you will find that the teaching in the classroom is proceeding in an orderly manner.

The reason why there was a lot of excitement was because Tangyue was in class, and this class was math class.

Tangyue didn't need the classroom to be quiet when she was in class. Of course, when Tangyue needed to be quiet, the classroom would just keep absolutely quiet in the first place.

Just when the students were discussing a math problem in full swing, a clear and elegant voice suddenly came from the door of the classroom: "Excuse me, is Jiang Chen from this class?"

Accompanied by the sound, everyone's eyes turned to the door of the classroom together. After seeing the speaker's appearance clearly, the noisy classroom was suddenly silent.

At the door of the classroom, with the appearance of that woman, it seemed that even the air became much fresher.

She only said a word, then stood motionless, with a gentle smile on her face like the spring breeze in March, especially the woman's waist-length burgundy curly hair, backlit, like an elf dancing, gorgeous and dazzling , In an instant, it attracted everyone's attention.

"This is Class [-], Grade [-], and Jiang Chen is a classmate in our class. May I ask who you are and what can I do with Jiang Chen?" Tang Yue looked at the sound, also instinctively amazed, and immediately walked out of the classroom in a clear manner. asked.

"Is Jiang Chen really in this class?" The woman looked at Tangyue, feeling relieved, hesitated for a moment, and said, "My name is Liu Yufei, and I'm... I'm Jiang Chen's girlfriend. .”

Liu Yufei originally wanted to say that she was Jiang Chen's woman, but in front of Tangyue, she couldn't say it out, and changed her name to Jiang Chen's girlfriend.

However, even if it was a girlfriend, not a woman, this still surprised Tangyue.

"You mean, you are Jiang Chen's girlfriend?" Tangyue asked in amazement.

Liu Yufei nodded, and then asked, "Is Jiang Chen in class?"

"Jiang Chen didn't come to class, but since you are Jiang Chen's girlfriend, then you should have Jiang Chen's contact information, why don't you call him directly?" Tangyue said strangely.

"I... accidentally lost my phone, so I don't have Jiang Chen's contact information now." Liu Yufei hesitated again before saying, her expression was filled with disappointment that couldn't be concealed.

Liu Yufei didn't lose her phone, she didn't have Jiang Chen's contact information, the reason why Liu Yufei was disappointed was because she managed to find Jiang Chen's class, and Jiang Chen wasn't here, which made her feel disappointed .

"Do you need me to call him for you?" Seeing Liu Yufei's appearance, Tangyue couldn't help asking.

"Is it possible? If it is possible, then thank you very much." Liu Yufei's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly said.

"Of course." Tangyue's expression became more and more weird, but she still nodded, took out her mobile phone, and dialed Jiang Chen's number.

After a while, Tangyue shook her head and said: "He didn't answer the phone, maybe, if you have something, if I see Jiang Chen, I can convey it to you."

"This...don't use it for the time being. Since he's not here, I'll come back another day." Liu Yufei thought for a while and rejected Tangyue's kindness.

"Alright then, but are you really Jiang Chen's girlfriend?" Tangyue asked again.

"Is it true that students are not allowed to fall in love in the school?" Liu Yufei didn't answer Tangyue's question, but asked instead, asking a little cautiously.

Tangyue couldn't help smiling bitterly. The reason why she wanted to confirm this issue was because she felt that Liu Yufei didn't even know Jiang Chen's contact information, so she didn't look like a couple. You must know that if it was a real couple, then even if the mobile phone Even if you lose it, you will remember the other party's number.

However, Liu Yufei didn't remember, this was not to make Tangyue suspect, Liu Yufei's rhetorical question suddenly made Tangyue sure that this Liu Yufei should be Jiang Chen's girlfriend.

Because if Liu Yufei wasn't Jiang Chen's girlfriend, how could she say such a thing? Seeing Liu Yufei's cautious manner in asking, it gave Tangyue the feeling that she was clearly worried that the school's school rules would not allow them to break up. Same for couples in love.

This made Tangyue smile wryly, but also felt a small sense of loss for some reason in her heart.

"There are such school rules, but I don't think Jiang Chen will listen to the school." Tangyue said helplessly.

Hearing Tangyue's words, Liu Yufei was stunned at first, then pursed her lips and chuckled, and said, "It should be like this, he is really very courageous."

Liu Yufei smiled, full of charm, Tangyue's sense of loss grew stronger.

"Damn bastard, you already have a girlfriend, and you even came here to provoke me on purpose, what a bastard." Tangyue scolded Jiang Chen viciously in her heart, perhaps because of the effect of such psychological hints, let her Feeling better, Tangyue said, "Is there really no need to help?"

"No, thank you." Liu Yufei responded politely, turned around and left without saying anything more.

Liu Yufei left, but the inside of the classroom exploded.

"Jiang Chen's girlfriend, did you hear that beauty said she was Jiang Chen's girlfriend?"

"That bastard Jiang Chen actually has such a beautiful girlfriend, is there any reason for that?"

"No, isn't Jiang Chen's girlfriend Xu Anqi?"

"Yeah, Jiang Chen seems to be taken care of by Xu Anqi, why does he have another girlfriend? Could it be that Jiang Chen is stepping on two boats?"


Liu Yufei's beauty is undoubtedly the kind that men's hearts are attracted to and women's eyes are jealous. The students in the class were amazed by Liu Yufei's appearance. When Liu Yufei admitted that she was Jiang Chen's girlfriend, they immediately felt a sense of disillusionment. .

Then, the topic unconsciously shifted to Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi. The riot in the campus forum was known to the whole school. After that incident, the relationship between Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi can be said to be clear. .

The fact that Jiang Chen was taken care of by Xu Anqi made many people feel unbelievable. At this time, another woman ran out, claiming to be Jiang Chen's girlfriend, which surprised some people even more.

"An Qi, just now that woman said she was Jiang Chen's girlfriend, did you hear that?" Jiang Yanyan whispered in Xu Anqi's ear.

Xu Anqi nodded subconsciously, and then heard Jiang Yanyan say again: "An Qi, Jiang Chen, that guy is messing around all day long, so you don't care about him?"

"Yanyan, you are always with me. It's not like you don't know about the matter between me and Jiang Chen. Why do you say such things?" Xu Anqi said dumbfounded.

"Actually, we don't get together very often. For example, you two had a hotel room that day, or you went to meet your parents." Jiang Yanyan said sourly.

Xu Anqi was taken aback by Jiang Yanyan's words, looked around in a hurry, and said, "Yanyan, don't talk nonsense, I didn't have a room with Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen was just treating me..."

Then suppressing her voice, Xu Anqi quickly explained these two things.

"Really?" After hearing Xu Anqi's explanation, Jiang Yanyan still didn't quite believe it. In her opinion, that guy Jiang Chen was a typical hooligan who would definitely play a hooligan if he had a chance, and if he didn't have a chance, he would deliberately create opportunities to play a hooligan. Coaxing Xu Anqi into the hotel room, that's not to play hooligans as much as she wants, how could it be purely to treat diseases?
"It's really like this. If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do." Xu Anqi said helplessly.

"Okay, I can trust you temporarily, but An Qi, do you really not mind such things at all?" Jiang Yanyan asked again.

"I don't know." Xu Anqi shook her head, and she didn't know what to say. She didn't deny that she had a good impression of Jiang Chen, otherwise she wouldn't have started a room with Jiang Chen, even if the reason for opening a room was for medical treatment, but if If she didn't have a good impression of Jiang Chen, how could she accompany Jiang Chen to the hotel as a girl? After all, if she really wanted to get medical treatment, there were too many places to choose from, so there was no need to go to the hotel.

Furthermore, Xu Anqi also had a certain selfishness in inviting Jiang Chen to treat her grandfather's illness. While treating the illness, she hoped to introduce Jiang Chen to his grandfather. If she didn't have a good impression of Jiang Chen, how could she introduce a boy to him? Grandpa knew him, but Jiang Chen was the first boy she mentioned in front of her grandpa.

Therefore, Xu Anqi knew it was impossible to say that she didn't mind at all, but if she really wanted to mind, she didn't know how to mind, so she said she didn't know.

"I don't know, but I just mind." Jiang Yanyan wrinkled her nose and said, "An Qi, if I tell you that besides that Liu Yufei just now, Jiang Chen actually has a mistress called Fairy Tale, would you be more concerned? Do you mind... An Qi, don't blame me for talking too much, that rascal Jiang Chen is too hardworking, I despise him."

Jiang Yanyan said it in a vicious voice, completely forgetting that she had said not to tell Xu Anqi about Jiang Chen's taking care of Xiaosan. At this time, she was not only telling Xu Anqi, but also embellishing it.

"What?" Xu Anqi couldn't restrain the shock in her eyes, and said in a voice: "Fairy tale? The fairy tale that ranked first in the whole grade in the last mock exam?"

"Isn't it just that fairy tale? To be honest, I still haven't seen what is so good about Jiang Chen. How come so many women fall in love with him, and all of them are beauties. No wonder Jiang Chen always despises me. look."

In an instant, Xu Anqi was speechless. For some reason, she could hear jealousy from Jiang Yanyan's words.

The classroom was very messy, and the inherent teaching order was completely disrupted with Liu Yufei's appearance. Tangyue, who returned to the podium, was not in the mood to attend class for a while, allowing this chaotic order to continue.

After a while, Tangyue realized that the classroom was too noisy, and she wanted to signal her classmates to be quiet, but before she could speak, another voice rang in her ear: "Hey, Jiang Chen is from this class. student?"

(End of this chapter)

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