genius evil

Chapter 772 Threats and Retaliation

Chapter 772 Threats and Retaliation

As an instant social tool, the influence of Weibo can be said to be beyond doubt.

But if there is such a little trouble, it can be reflected on Weibo immediately.

The death of the female white-collar worker at Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company is also inevitable. It was posted on Weibo as early as yesterday, and it became one of the most popular news events early this morning.

Amidst the turmoil in the news, there was a person who, intentionally or not, created a wave of attention for himself, and at the same time created a wave of bad reviews for Feifei Pharmaceutical and Beauty Company.

This person is Qi Chunman.

Because of a recent popular ip drama, Qi Chunman can be said to be a household name. His popularity is on the rise, and his every move is followed by countless fans.

Usually, Qi Chunman's Weibo has a high number of retweets and comments, and because of the combination of the most popular events at the moment, it naturally occupies the hot headlines in one fell swoop.

At this point in the matter, the unfavorable public opinion on Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company can be said to have changed from a piece of social news to entertainment news.

And it is well known that entertainment news tends to have higher attention and a more popular dissemination effect than social news.

No, after Qi Chunman posted this Weibo, within less than an hour, it caused manual forwarding by several entertainment stars in the entertainment circle.

After those entertainment stars manually reposted Qi Chunman's Weibo, without exception, they were all pushed to the hot news by their fans.

At this point, public opinion completely exploded.

This is also the reason why Yang Shuya finished her pessimistic speech. Indeed, in the face of this situation, any company, no matter how powerful its public relations, can only become a decoration, and can only let such public opinion ferment. until blowout.

"Jiang Shao, what should we do?" Gao Qin asked nervously.

"That's right, Young Master Jiang, we must find a solution quickly." Yu Minglang said.

"Young master, there is only so little time right now, but there are so many people who forwarded Qi Chunman's Weibo. After a long time, maybe more stars will join in, so we must stop it." Someone said anxiously.

"Why stop it?" Jiang Chen asked suddenly.

"Jiang Shao, what do you mean, don't stop it?" Gao Qin looked puzzled.

"Of course there is no need to stop it. This is the best advertisement, isn't it?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen with innocent eyes. Of course, this is a very good advertisement, but the question is, if this continues, can the products of Feifei Medical Beauty Company still be sold?

"I have a hunch that after this incident, our company will become the most well-known company in the country, and our company's products will become the most concerned products in the country, which is also not one of them." Jiang Chen then said calmly.

"Young Master, what nonsense are you talking about? If you want me to say, simply arrest that Qi Chunman... Also, arrest all those who forwarded Weibo." Gu Xiang said.

Jiang Chen glanced at Gu Xiang as if he were looking at an idiot.

Gu Xiang couldn't stand being watched by Jiang Chen, he shivered, and said, "Young Master, isn't it right? Anyway, you are going to arrest people, so what does it matter if you arrest a few more? Wait until they are all arrested. Of course they shut up."

"Not arresting people this time, not only not arresting them, I also want to make these stars more famous." Jiang Chen said.

"Young Master, why do you sound so confused to me?" Gu Xiang was very confused.

All the rest of the people are also puzzled one by one.

It's okay for Jiang Chen to think of a way to stop this situation, but he actually said that these stars should be more famous, what is going on?
You know, the fame and status of these celebrities are already big enough. If they become more famous, wouldn't Feifei Medicine and Beauty Company be hacked even worse?

It is estimated that it is so dark, even with that bleach, it will not be bleached clean, right?

"You heard me right, that's what I meant." Jiang Chen said lightly, without any intention of explaining.

"Jiang Shao, there is one thing that may be very troublesome, that is, our company's products will probably face a large-scale removal and return of products." Yu Minglang said after a moment of hesitation.

Yu Minglang couldn't figure out what Jiang Chen's intention was, but this matter was very important. No matter what Jiang Chen wanted to do, Yu Minglang felt that he had to consider the market's reaction.

Yu Minglang's words are not alarmist. In fact, since last night, he has received calls from some agents one after another.

Nowadays, the public opinion is exploding, and there is a tendency of blowout. Few people can withstand the bombardment of such public opinion. The large-scale removal and return of goods is almost predictable.

"It doesn't matter, take it off the shelves and return it at will." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

It's because of the clarity, so when I thought Jiang Chen broke the jar, I heard Jiang Chen said slowly: "We will accept all the products that are removed from the shelves or returned. During this process, you don't need to do anything. The only thing to do is to remind them that the price of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company's products will be increased by 50.00% on the basis of the original price, and the profit points given to distributors and agents will be increased by [-]%. [-]. And any sellers and agents involved in this off-shelf return will no longer cooperate."

After Yu Minglang listened, his eyes widened instantly.

Profit increase is certainly a very good way to retain net sales and agents, but what Jiang Chen meant by this was obviously not this, but a threat.

It can even be said that it is the kind of naked threat.

"Price increase?" Yu Minglang said awkwardly after swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

"Do you think 50.00% is too low? Then [-]% is fine." Jiang Chen said casually.

The corner of Yu Minglang's mouth twitched for a while, and he said, "Jiang Shao, all the current market feedback points to the high price of our company's products. If we raise the price again, will it be possible?"

"Then let those who can't afford it continue to be unable to afford it." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

Yu Minglang was speechless, because Jiang Chen's words made a lot of sense.

Anyway, people who think it's expensive can't afford it. Since they can't afford it, then forget about it. Jiang Chen doesn't think about whether they have enough money in their pockets at all.

No, this is revenge.

Thinking of this, Yu Minglang couldn't help but shudder. Is Jiang Chen crazy?
On the one hand, it attacks dealers and agents, and on the other hand, it attacks customers.

The rest of the people also heard the two hidden meanings in Jiang Chen's words, and they were all dumbfounded.

After all, Jiang Chen is tantamount to abolishing his martial arts.

Even if Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company is facing a huge public relations crisis, it will not be so unstoppable. Is it necessary for Jiang Chen to take the initiative to kill the company?
"Do you have anything else to say? If not, the meeting will end." Jiang Chen lazily paid attention to what each of them was thinking, and said.

All that should be said has been said, Jiang Chen's attitude is unpredictable, everyone was very dazed for a while, and walked out of the meeting room one after another.

"Young Master, they are all gone now, you should tell me, what are you going to do?" After everyone left, Gu Xiang closed the door of the meeting room, and said to Jiang Chen.

Whether it's arresting people, dealing with popular events on Weibo, or dealing with removals and returns, in these three aspects, in Gu Xiang's view, Jiang Chen is clearly fooling around.

Gu Xiang felt that with Jiang Chen's shrewdness, he must have done this on purpose, in order to turn things around in one fell swoop and slap his face crazily in the near future.

Jiang Chen must have a better and more perfect solution. Now, Gu Xiang just wants to hear Jiang Chen's opinion.

"I've said it all." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Young master, I'm not an outsider, do you want to hide it from me?" Gu Xiang was a little unhappy.

"It's fine if you don't believe it." Jiang Chen said.

"Master, it's not a question of whether you believe it or not, but I think my IQ can't keep up with your rhythm." Gu Xiang said.

"So, it's purely a question of IQ, right?" Jiang Chen smiled.

Gu Xiang's head was full of black lines, and he said: "Young Master, I beg you, stop playing with me."

"I'm not interested in playing with you." Jiang Chen shook his head, got up, and walked outside.

"Young master..." Gu Xiang hurriedly called out, but Jiang Chen didn't mean to say anything, and soon walked out of the meeting room.

"Could it be that it's really my IQ problem?" Gu Xiang watched Jiang Chen leave, and said to himself.


Any popular news event will easily trigger a series of chain reactions.

This female white-collar incident is no exception.

In addition to the continuous fermentation of the news, there is an upsurge of boycotting the products of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company on the Internet.

Some more aggressive fans took out their mobile phones and recorded videos of throwing Feifei Medical Beauty Company's products in the trash can or in the toilet.

This kind of behavior was unanimously applauded, and many people began to follow suit.

But that afternoon, the official account of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company posted a Weibo that countless people were looking forward to.

The content of this Weibo is not an apology, nor a clarification, but an announcement about the price increase of all products of Feifei Medical Beauty Co., Ltd. from now on.

The content of the announcement is very simple, so simple that it is outrageous.

As soon as this Weibo was posted, everyone on Weibo exploded, which once paralyzed the server for 5 minutes.

Countless people thought that this behavior of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company was just looking for scolding. Since they were looking for scolding intentionally, they were naturally unceremonious and scolded bloody and heartily.

Contradictions always need to be vented. Many people, after scolding more than enough, planned to go to Ye Sichen's Weibo to continue scolding, but unfortunately, Ye Sichen did not open Weibo.

It was also in this situation that Jiang Chen received a call...

(End of this chapter)

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