genius evil

Chapter 773 The child is not mine

Chapter 773 The child is not mine
"Jiang Chen, you have to give me an explanation for this matter." Just as the call was connected, a voice from the other end came to Jiang Chen's ears, full of anger and resentment.

"Sister Mi, the child is not mine." Jiang Chen said slowly.

During this period of time, it was Sister Mi who called Jiang Chen, and she couldn't help but be taken aback when she heard Jiang Chen's reply suddenly.


what kid?
No, it should be said, what's the matter with the child?

Jiang Chen must have made a mistake, why did he tell her about the child?
Or, Jiang Chen picked up the phone without looking at the caller ID, mistaking her for another woman, a woman with Jiang Chen's child?

"Damn beast." Sister Mi gritted her teeth, cursing secretly.

Jiang Chen has a romantic nature, and Miss Mi knows it all too well. The last time in the capital, after Ye Sichen had an accident, during this period of time, Sister Mi once gave Ye Sichen a foot restraint order, preventing Ye Sichen and Jiang Chen from getting married. Meet.

Now, Miss Mi suddenly felt that what she did was so wise!

Jiang Chen made people's stomachs big, and shamelessly said it wasn't his own. This clearly didn't want to be responsible. Sister Mi didn't want to. Ye Sichen, a beautiful national girl who took the pure line, was accidentally harmed by Jiang Chen one day. .

What if, after Ye Sichen was harmed by Jiang Chen, if Jiang Chen refused to admit it, she would have nowhere to cry.

"I'm Sister Mi." With a cold snort, Sister Mi said coldly, reminding Jiang Chen not to mistake the person.

"Of course I know you are Miss Mi, but the child is really not mine." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Where did the child come from?" Sister Mi asked, frowning.

Knowing her identity, Jiang Chen still said this, which made Miss Mi unable to understand, because, since it was on the premise of knowing her identity, Jiang Chen said this for her.

"Isn't there a child in your stomach?" Jiang Chen's tone sounded quite puzzled.

"When did I say I have a child in my stomach? Jiang Chen, stop talking nonsense here." Miss Mi was furious.

You know, so far, she has never even talked to a boyfriend... No, to be more precise, she has never even held a man's hand.

How could Jiang Chen slander and slander her like this, it is simply unreasonable!
"Isn't it? Otherwise, why do you want me to explain?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

Hearing this, Miss Mi couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Was this what she wanted Jiang Chen to explain?
It was clear that she wanted Jiang Chen to explain about the female white-collar workers who died of allergies after using the products of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company, and how to deal with all kinds of news flying all over the Internet. Price, why didn't there be any warning about this beforehand?
Ye Sichen is the spokesperson for the full range of products of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company. The relationship between the two parties can be said to be prosperous and prosperous.

Originally, this kind of thing happened to Feifei Medicine and Beauty Company, which already caused the brokerage company to be overwhelmed. If the price is raised again, the damage to Ye Sichen's personal image will undoubtedly be worse!

Sister Mi just didn't understand. When this happened to Feifei Medical Beauty Company, didn't she think about Ye Sichen's side at all?
The other thing is, is Jiang Chen's sloppy attitude really okay?
Could it be that Jiang Chen wasn't in a hurry when something like this happened?
Jiang Chen was not in a hurry, but Sister Mi felt that she was about to die of anxiety. She said, "The matter in your company is making a lot of noise now, don't you plan to give us an explanation?"

"It turned out that this incident scared me to death, but as long as it's not about the child, it's fine. After all, the child is indeed not mine. Even if you want me to be responsible, I will never be responsible." Jiang Chen said with lingering fear.

"Jiang Chen, can you stop talking about the child?" Sister Mi became furious.

Jiang Chen took one child at a time. Sister Mi felt that she had caused too much harm to herself, and her skin was not as thick as Jiang Chen's.

"I'm telling you this matter from the bottom of my heart. Speaking of which, Miss Mi, you are not too young, have you considered having a child?" Jiang Chen asked lazily.

"No birth." Sister Mi said without thinking.

How troublesome it is to give birth to a child. She revolves around the child all day long. Not to mention that she doesn't have her own time and space, and her body will also be deformed. She doesn't think about it for the time being.

"Sister Mi, why do you have to be brave? The actual situation is that no one will have sex with you, right? Otherwise, I'll help you introduce a boyfriend, what do you think?" Jiang Chen said kindly.

"Jiang Chen, next, are you going to tell me that you are going to introduce yourself to me as your boyfriend?" Sister Mi was so angry that she was almost incoherent.

What do you mean no one has a baby with her?
Is she that bad?
It has to be said that after the matter of giving birth to a child, Jiang Chen dealt her a second wave of blows.

"You think beautifully." Jiang Chen quit.

"It's the beauty you thought." Sister Mi said angrily.

"Miss Mi, let me advise you, don't think wildly, I, Jiang Chen, am not a casual person." Jiang Chen warned solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, I also advise you, go die." Sister Mi yelled, and hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Miss Mi came back to her senses after a while, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

She wanted to talk to Jiang Chen about the news events of the past two days, and at the same time asked Jiang Chen for an explanation to appease Ye Sichen's fans and the agency.

Jiang Chen's gag made her forget about it unintentionally, she didn't say a word about the business, and talked a lot of nonsense.

"This damn guy must have done it on purpose." Sister Mi gritted her teeth with hatred, but she had no choice but to dial Jiang Chen's cell phone number for the second time.

"Sister Mi, although I'm excellent and extremely handsome, is it really okay for you to stalk me like this? It's better to be more reserved as a woman." Jiang Chen answered the phone and said earnestly.

"Jiang Chen, I just want to ask you one thing. Does the female white-collar worker's allergy death have anything to do with your company's products?" Sister Mi questioned, holding back the anger in her heart.

Originally, Sister Mi had a lot of questions to ask, but now Sister Mi feels that it is better to pick out the key points, so as not to be misled by Jiang Chen again if she is not careful.

"There can be no problem." Jiang Chen said casually.

"If you say it's impossible, then it's impossible? Where's the evidence?" Sister Mi continued to question.

"The prescription of the product was given by me. Of course, it is impossible if I say it is impossible." Jiang Chen said without doubt.

"Then, why did that female white-collar worker die?" Sister Mi was stunned for a moment, then asked again.

"Maybe he choked to death from eating, or maybe he choked to death from drinking water. You must know that there are all kinds of strange and weird ways to die these days." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"You mean, someone has slandered your company?" Sister Mi said in a daze.

"That's what it means." Jiang Chen said firmly.

After saying this, Jiang Chen smiled and asked: "Sister Mi, is it true that you have no child in your belly? Don't lie to me, or in a few months, your belly will be big and it will be difficult to hide it."

"Jiang Chen, you bastard." Sister Mi got angry again and hung up the phone.

Ye Sichen just walked in from the outside, and saw that Sister Mi's face was livid, and she looked very angry, and asked doubtfully, "Sister Mi, are you alright?"

"It's okay." Sister Mi shook her head, but it was not easy to tell Jiang Chen the content of the call with Jiang Chen.

"What did Jiang Chen say?" Sister Mi called Jiang Chen, and Ye Sichen knew about it.

Originally, Ye Sichen planned to call Jiang Chen himself to ask Jiang Chen, but, as if Sister Mi was guarding against thieves, she was not allowed to touch the phone at all.

"Jiang Chen said that the product is fine." Sister Mi said.

"I knew it, there would be no problem." Ye Sichen immediately smiled.

"Sichen, this is just his one-sidedness." Sister Mi said speechlessly, what is Ye Sichen so happy for?Just a spokesperson.

"Sister Mi, we have been using the products of Feifei Medical Beauty Company all the time, so why is there a problem?" Ye Sichen was very simple and straightforward.

Miss Mi was right.

She and Ye Sichen were the first users of the products of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company. If there was a problem, it would have been a problem long ago, and it would not have waited until now to discover the problem.

Another point is that the products of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Co., Ltd. have been receiving rave reviews since they were launched, almost zero negative reviews.

The word-of-mouth of a product depends entirely on the users. It is not difficult for one person to say good things, but it is difficult for everyone to say good things.

However, when the news broke out that a female white-collar worker died from an allergy to the products of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company, all kinds of news and comments on the Internet were one-sided.

It was undeniably eccentric, even eerie.

"Could it be framed by a competitor?" After thinking about it, Mi Jie said in her heart.

However, the words that came out of her mouth were not so pleasant. Sister Mi said: "We have no problem using it, but it doesn't mean there is no problem. Everyone's physique is different."

"But so many people in our company use it, it's no problem." Ye Sichen said softly.

Sister Mi was so depressed that she didn't want to say good things for Jiang Chen, so she said that on purpose. Ye Sichen was forcing her to say good things for Jiang Chen.

"Maybe something will go wrong soon." Sister Mi said insincerely.

"Then I'll call Jiang Chen and ask if there is any problem." Ye Sichen suddenly became anxious.

Sister Mi couldn't help being even more depressed. What does it mean to lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot?

"Sichen, when I was on the phone with Jiang Chen just now, Jiang Chen said that he was very busy, he was so busy that he didn't have time to answer the phone, so don't bother him, and wait until this matter is settled. " Sister Mi said perfunctorily, looking for an excuse.

"Alright then." Ye Sichen didn't think much about it, and felt that what Sister Mi said was quite right, Jiang Chen was so busy, so she shouldn't cause Jiang Chen any trouble.

But after saying these words, Sister Mi's cell phone rang. Sister Mi thought it was Jiang Chen calling, but she looked at the caller ID, but it was not, but an unfamiliar number.

Listening to the ringing of the mobile phone, it didn't seem like a harassing call. Sister Mi connected the phone, and the call was connected. After hearing a few words from the other party, Sister Mi's expression changed...

(End of this chapter)

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