genius evil

Chapter 774 I want to do something for Jiang Chen

Chapter 774 I want to do something for Jiang Chen

"Sichen, have you opened Weibo?" The phone was hung up quickly, and Sister Mi's face was as ugly as it could be.

Ye Sichen didn't have Weibo before, although the company knew that the instant interaction of Weibo could bring Ye Sichen more fans and expand Ye Sichen's influence better.

But in fact, the company is more willing to keep Ye Sichen a bit more mysterious, not to expose too much to the public's sight, so as to facilitate and better maintain its public image.

This matter was unanimously decided by the brokerage company after a meeting.

Of course, there is no restriction on not opening Weibo like this. Ye Sichen is not allowed to open a small account, but is restricted from using her own name and real name verification.

But the phone call just now was from the website to confirm the information submitted by Ye Sichen and the certification.

But the actual situation is that because the other party had invited Ye Sichen to open Weibo many times earlier and provided various conveniences, the two parties knew each other to a certain extent.

Before this call came, Ye Sichen's Weibo certification had already passed, and the reason why he made this call was to communicate with the economic company about the promotion of Ye Sichen's Weibo account.

At this moment, Miss Mi was both shocked and angry.

Surprisingly, Ye Sichen opened Weibo with his real name without informing anyone, including her. What was angry was that at such a sensitive moment, everyone would avoid it. Ye Sichen On the contrary, Chen plunged into it with all his heart. Isn't this intentional to recruit black people for himself?

"Yes." Ye Sichen nodded.

The idea of ​​opening Weibo was very sudden. It was opened when Sister Mi called Jiang Chen. Ye Sichen came over, on the one hand, to ask what Sister Mi and Jiang Chen had said, and on the other hand, to tell Sister Mi , she opened Weibo.

Sister Mi knew it before she had time to say it.

"Then have you posted on Weibo?" Sister Mi asked hastily.

"Sent." Ye Sichen nodded again.

"Sent... sent it?" Sister Mi almost bumped her head to the ground, hurriedly took out her phone, opened the client, and when she searched for Ye Sichen's account and saw what Ye Sichen posted, Mi My sister almost vomited blood.

"Delete, delete quickly." Miss Mi jumped up and down, blushing.

"Why?" Blinking, Ye Sichen's face was full of innocence.

"Sichen, listen to me. Originally, after the product incident of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company broke out, countless people searched your Weibo on the Internet, but they couldn't find it. Naturally, the matter was left alone. You opened your Weibo account at this time. Bo, this is all looking for... asking for trouble." Sister Mi said with a dark face.

Sister Mi wanted to scold, but when the words came to her lips, she felt that they were not pleasant, so she changed her words temporarily.

"Also, look at the first Weibo post you posted. Now everyone is scolding Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company. You are the only one who speaks well of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company. How do you make fans think? I You can even imagine what will appear on the headlines tomorrow morning." Sister Mi stroked her forehead and sighed.

"But I'm telling the truth, aren't I?" Ye Sichen disagreed with Sister Mi's words.

She didn't lie, every word she said was the truth, although the truth was to speak good things for Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company.

No way, because everyone is scolding, so she should scold along with her, right?
"Sichen, it's true that you are telling the truth, but everyone will only think that you are lying. Don't forget, your identity as the spokesperson." Sister Mi reminded angrily.

"Because I am the spokesperson, I am even more obliged to speak well for Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company." Ye Sichen said.

"Sichen, why don't you listen to what I've said? I know that you and Jiang Chen have a very good relationship, but no matter how good the relationship is, you must never make fun of your own future." Sister Mi persuaded .

"Sister Mi, it's okay." Ye Sichen shook his head and said in a low voice: "You also said just now that many people are scolding Feifei Medicine and Beauty Company, and I didn't do anything else other than say a few nice words. I don't want it, Jiang Chen thinks I'm useless."

"Jiang Chen is so powerful himself, how could he need your help." Sister Mi said with a mournful face.

"But, I just want to do something for Jiang Chen." Ye Sichen said innocently.

"There are so many women around Jiang Chen, even Gu can't take care of them. Don't think that Jiang Chen will miss you if you are like this." When persuasion failed, Miss Mi simply said harsh words.

It means that Jiang Chen may not be able to see Ye Sichen doing these things.

Even if he saw it, Jiang Chen might not take it to heart.

Ye Sichen, it's just wishful thinking.

"Sister Mi, I didn't mean that." Ye Sichen smiled lightly and said, "I just want to help, don't be angry, okay?"

"Can I not be angry?" Sister Mi sighed. Seeing Ye Sichen's appearance, she was so angry that she didn't know what ecstasy soup Jiang Chen had poured into Ye Sichen to make Ye Sichen behave like this. Give willingly.

And this was on the premise that Ye Sichen hadn't met Jiang Chen for a long time. Sister Mi couldn't imagine what would happen if Ye Sichen was allowed to contact Jiang Chen a few more times.

At that time, even if Jiang Chen sold Ye Sichen, Ye Sichen would happily count the money for Jiang Chen, right?

Ye Sichen's attitude was firm, but his words were soft but revealed a strong determination. Sister Mi knew that Ye Sichen was kind and simple, but he also had a stubborn side.

Now that Ye Sichen has made up his mind to say good things and delete Weibo, I'm afraid it's unrealistic. In the current situation, Miss Mi can only beg, and those fans can be more merciful.

Of course, Miss Mi's wish is doomed to fail to come true.

Ye Sichen opened Weibo, and also verified his real name. After communicating with the website, the first time, he vigorously publicized and promoted it. Countless fans immediately flooded in. Ye Sichen's Weibo fans can be seen with the naked eye. The speed skyrocketed.

The consequence of such a surge is that Ye Sichen's first Weibo became the most popular in just 5 minutes, and the number of retweets and comments has reached an incomparably terrifying level. .

Popular events, popular people... Ye Sichen has both. Although some fans are quite sensible and spontaneously maintain Ye Sichen's image, more fans, affected by the allergy death of a female white-collar worker, turned their backs. After Ye Sichen opened Weibo during this period of time and said good things about Feifei Medical and Beauty Company, it was as if he had been beaten with blood, and the bad comments kept coming up.

Seeing the screen full of bad comments, Mi Jie really wanted to cry.

Her only wish was for the fans to be merciful, and she didn't have too many demands, but looking at the current situation, the situation was simply out of control.

The vigorous promotion of the website can be said to be a magic knife. All of a sudden, Ye Sichen was exposed to everyone's noses, and Ye Sichen was almost hung up.


Seeing the number of Ye Sichen's fans skyrocket by millions, Miss Mi must have been very happy in the past. After all, this represented Ye Sichen's strong influence and the cohesion of the fan base.

But now, Miss Mi just wanted to cry.

Things have developed to this point, even if we tell everyone that the Weibo account is fake or hacked, it is impossible...


Jiang Chen was not clear about Ye Sichen's situation. After finishing talking with Sister Mi, he made a phone call.

This call is for Lin Baobao.

"Baby, when are you going back to Yilan City?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, when did you ever care about me so much?" Baobao Lin asked bluntly.

"I have always cared about you very much, but I have a big problem, that is, I am not good at expressing my feelings." Jiang Chen said.

"I believe you are a ghost, and I'm not an idiot." Lin Baobao rolled his eyes, looking very disgusted.

"Baby, how can you say that, it makes me sad." Jiang Chen said heartbroken.

"Then you should be sad. I'm watching the show and I don't have time to talk to you." Lin Baobao said.

"Watching the excitement? What excitement?" Jiang Chen then asked.

"Of course it's because of your excitement. You don't even know how popular Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company is on the Internet now. All kinds of scolding and fighting are really exciting. I watched it for most of the day. At noon I didn't even have time to eat." Lin Baobao said.

"Baby, is it really okay for you to gloat like this?" Jiang Chen was speechless for a moment.

"Anyway, it has nothing to do with me, so what's wrong with me gloating? Besides, Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company, don't you find it disgusting? It's almost the same as Baby Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company." Lin Baobao said.

"It turned out to be jealous." Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"I don't have time to be jealous. I have something to talk about, otherwise I'll hang up and have no time to talk to you." Lin Baobao urged.

"Baby, it's not a big deal on my side. I just have a fun thing to tell you. I don't know if you're interested." Jiang Chen said.

"I want me to help you delete ~ posts, right? No problem, 1000 million posts." Lin Baobao said directly. She has hacked into major websites. Very clear.

"Baby, what is our relationship? It's too vulgar to talk about money. Besides, how could I do such a thing of spending money to delete~posts? That doesn't fit my style at all." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"What exactly is it?" Hearing that Jiang Chen was not going to talk about this, Lin Baobao suddenly became interested.

"That's right, do you understand that Qi Chunman?" Jiang Chen said in a seductive tone.

"My baby doesn't chase stars, who knows who she is? Is she as beautiful as me? Is her breasts as big as mine?" Lin Baobao said proudly.

"It's okay if you don't understand baby, but there are many people who want to understand her very much. I mean the kind that understand her at a deep level." Jiang Chen continued to seduce.

"Jiang Chen, why are you so bad, but I like it..." With a roll of his eyes, Baby Lin immediately understood what Jiang Chen was up to, and laughed so joyously that he was about to burst into tears .

"Baby, it's better to act than to be excited. I'm optimistic about you. Hurry up and take action to burn your small universe." Jiang Chen cheered Lin Baobao.

"No problem, look at me." Lin Baobao smiled openly, and after hanging up the phone, he put his hands on the keyboard and began to tap as if dancing...

(End of this chapter)

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