genius evil

Chapter 775 A Female Celebrity's Way to the Top

Chapter 775

Among the big news about female white-collar worker's death due to allergy to the products of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company, so far, Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company is undoubtedly the biggest loser in everyone's eyes.

And Qi Chunman, because of a Weibo, took the lead in one fell swoop and became the biggest winner.

Qi Chunman's brokerage company is called Chunhui Entertainment, which is a small brokerage company with only a few contracted artists including Qi Chunman.

Qi Chunman is an artist highly praised by Chunhui Entertainment. It can be said that all the resources in the entire agency are devoted to Qi Chunman.

Qi Chunman is not a newcomer. He has been in the entertainment circle for many years and has been unknown until he participated in a popular ip drama recently, which made him quickly become popular. Two times in three days, he made headlines in entertainment, various endorsements and business cooperation, received With soft hands, Qi Chunman felt that she had finally made it through.

"Boom thump... thump thump..."

Inside Chunhui Entertainment, Qi Chunman was in the exclusive rest room, and suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

Qi Chunman was lying on the sofa and scrolling through Weibo. Hearing the knock on the door, she slowly went to open the door with her mobile phone in hand.

Outside the door stood a man in his thirties, with thick to dark skin and short stature. Although he was wearing an expensive suit, he easily gave off the feeling of a nouveau riche.

Looking at the man, Qi Chunman frowned, turned around, and continued to lie on the sofa.

It seemed that he was used to Qi Chunman's contemptuous attitude, and the man didn't take it seriously, instead he looked excited, after closing the door, he rubbed his hands up and down, and asked, "Chunman, how do you feel now? "

"How does it feel?" Qi Chunman raised his eyebrows and said.

"Naturally, it's the feeling of instant popularity." The man said.

"You mean the Weibo I posted today?" Qi Chunman said very indifferently, and said, "I'm already very popular, but it's just icing on the cake, it's nothing."

"But do you know, just now, two big companies called me to talk to you about the endorsement. I won't tell you the endorsement fee, but it's definitely beyond your imagination." The man was still very excited. .

"In the future, don't accept some messy endorsements." Qi Chunman said lightly.

"Chunman, are you stupid? What is a mess? These days, if you have money but don't make money, you are a fool. Anyway, you don't need to pay the bill." The man said.

"Yang Hui, are you deaf? I said no." Qi Chunman's tone suddenly turned cold, extremely displeased.

The man named Yang Hui couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

Although Qi Chunman's temper in private has never been very good, but in front of him, he is quite docile. Before today, he had never even spoken loudly in front of him a few times, and he always spoke softly. He likes it very much.

Otherwise, he would not have opened such a brokerage company specifically for Qi Chunman, and the name of the company was named after him and Qi Chunman.

"What's the matter?" Yang Hui was a little dazed, wondering if it's because Qi Chunman tasted the taste of being popular, and his temper grew again?
After thinking about it, Yang Hui didn't think there was anything wrong with it, he said haha, and said, "Okay, whatever you say is what you say, if you don't answer it, you don't answer it."

"Is there anything else? If you have nothing to do, go out first, and remember to close the door." Qi Chunman said with a look of lack of interest.

"There is one very important matter." Yang Hui made a fool of himself a little. In the end, seeing Qi Chunman's lack of interest, he couldn't help being a little frustrated, so he had to continue: "I remember a while ago, a hotly hyped ancient costume Is it a big drama? It was said before that the heroine has been decided by default, but I don’t know what happened, and there has been a little change. The producer contacted me personally and expressed his interest in you.”

"And then?" Qi Chunman asked lazily.

"One week, you only need to be with her for one week, the role of the heroine is yours." Yang Hui finally got to the point.

"No." Without even thinking about it, Qi Chunman just said.

"No, you have to go. You know, last time for that drama, you stayed with the producer for a full month. This time, it's only a week, and it will pass quickly." Yang Hui said firmly .

"Really? Why don't I remember anything?" Qi Chunman glanced at Yang Hui and said indifferently.

"Chunman, why are you pretending to be stupid in front of me?" Yang Hui was very dissatisfied, and then said: "Although you are very popular now, you are still far from the front line, as long as you take on the role of the heroine of this costume drama , you will definitely turn red and purple, you don't want such a good opportunity, what are you thinking?"

Although Qi Chunman is very popular now, and the resources are not bad, but these resources are far from high-quality resources, just like what Qi Chunman himself said, the so-called endorsement has already been commercially cooperated, it is all messed up , It's really not on the table.

This kind of situation is nothing more than the reason that Qi Chunman's coffee position is too low, so he can only pick up some big-name actresses to pick and choose the leftover scraps.

But once Qi Chunman took over this drama, the situation would be different immediately. It is said that the investment of [-] million yuan and the all-star lineup can be described as bright stars. I don't know how many people have scratched their heads for the role of a heroine.

Right now this opportunity is in front of Qi Chunman, and Yang Hui feels that, let alone a week, even if it is a year, it must be won.

"I didn't think about anything, I just didn't want to go. Besides, let's break up." Qi Chunman said.

"What did you say?" Yang Hui's expression changed drastically.

"Break up, although my contract has not yet expired, I will pay you the liquidated damages." Qi Chunman said.

"Are you crazy?" Yang Hui was furious, and said angrily, "Qi Chunman, tell me clearly, why are you crazy?"

"I didn't get nervous, on the contrary, I'm very calm now, you know? I've put up with you for five years, five years, do you know what the concept is? You know that every time I see your face, I miss you Vomit? I've had enough of this kind of life." Qi Chunman said.

"Qi Chunman, you are popular because I hold it all together. Why, now that you are popular, you want to kick me away. I warn you, there is no door. Believe it or not, I will be there in minutes Fuck you?" Yang Hui said loudly.

Qi Chunman smiled and said: "Business cannot be done with righteousness, so why bother? I have been slept by you for five years, and that is not enough? Besides, how many men have you asked me to accompany you during these five years? You have forgotten it yourself? If you really want to stink me, it's you who stinks first, isn't it?"

"" Yang Hui pointed at himself, so angry that he couldn't even speak.

"Go out, get ready to terminate the contract, and the liquidated damages will be paid to your account immediately after my signature takes effect." Qi Chunman said.

"Have you found a new patron?" Yang Hui asked.

"Otherwise?" Qi Chunman asked back, but her tone was light and light, as if it was a matter of course.

After saying this, Qi Chunman just ignored Yang Hui lazily, and continued to bury his head in Weibo, thinking about whether to post another Weibo to denounce Feifei Pharmaceutical and Beauty Company.

Oh, no, it should be said that it is pitiful. After all, the current fans only accept this method, and Qi Chunman has long been familiar with the operation of this method.

With this in mind, Qi Chunman clicked on his Weibo account, and at a glance, he found that a new Weibo was posted on his account, and it was specially pinned to the top.

Qi Chunman couldn't help being stunned for a moment, not understanding what was going on, you must know that her account number was not handed over to the company for operation, and only she knew the password and the like.

"Could it be that I accidentally slipped my hair?" Qi Chunman muttered to himself.

The top Weibo is a video. With such doubts, Qi Chunman clicked on the video and watched it. After just a few glances, Qi Chunman's breathing became extremely rapid, his face turned red, his eyes rolled up, and he passed out. .

The video was not turned off, and Yang Hui, who had not had time to leave, listened to the voice in the video, and his face changed quietly. He snatched the phone from Qi Chunman's hand and stared at it.

A few seconds later, Yang Hui threw the phone to the ground with force, smashing it into pieces, his face turned black and purple, as if it had been smeared with a layer of black charcoal.


Qi Chunman, who was in the limelight, posted another Weibo.

Some fans, who were watching this matter and waiting for the follow-up progress, immediately poured in when they saw Qi Chunman's Weibo post.

However, when everyone saw the Weibo content posted by Qi Chunman, they were all stunned.

"Sleep with~ for a week...the heroine...the new benefactor..."

The entertainment industry was once described as a big dye vat, with various hidden rules emerging one after another, but since they are hidden rules, they are naturally only rules limited to this established circle.

This Weibo post by Qi Chunman can be said to be numerous, revealing a female star's journey to the top.

And, not audio, but video, or, high-definition video.

In the video, Qi Chunman's face was fully exposed.

The most terrible thing is that this Weibo was sent from Qi Chunman's account, although it is not clear why Qi Chunman sent such a Weibo.

But there was no doubt that Qi Chunman was red, turning purple.

Of course, it can also be said that Qi Chunman stinks, utterly stinks.

The dissemination effect of entertainment news has never been in doubt.

Qi Chunman's Weibo, just a few minutes later, spread all over the Internet. In the following time, although Chunhui Entertainment tried its best to publicize and refute the rumors, it was ineffective. Even Chunhui, the boss, It also caught fire.

The various departments of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company have been closely watching every move on the Internet. The first time they saw this Weibo post by Qi Chunman.

Those who didn't know were watching the excitement, while the executives who knew about it felt cold from the bottom of their feet. They finally understood what Jiang Chen meant by being more famous.

No, Qi Chunman is becoming more famous now.

However, they didn't realize that Qi Chunman was just the beginning, and a more exciting drama was yet to come...

(End of this chapter)

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