genius evil

Chapter 776

Chapter 776

Qi Chunman was furious from head to toe, but unfortunately, there were too many news events on this day, so she failed to become one of the absolute news heroines.

"The popular Xiaosheng Qin Chuan hotel recruits prostitutes, and the video was exposed."

"Xiaohuadan Meng Xiaoqing has a secret meeting with a husband. The apartment is lingering for eight hours. The video was exposed."

"The video of Ma Tianyi, a veteran cadre who is straight, goes to a same-sex bar, and the video is exposed."


One after another, all kinds of big exposure incidents emerged one after another, and the people who ate melons expressed that their eyes were dazzled and their eyes were not enough.

The entertainment industry is a big dye tank, and everyone understands the truth, but it can be said that it is the first time to expose the inside of it in such a straightforward way through video.

Yes, no surprises.

After Qi Chunman became popular, Qin Chuan became popular, Meng Xiaoqing became popular, and Ma Tianyi became popular...

It didn't take long for everyone to discover that, including Qi Chunman, these celebrities who were suddenly exposed to various negative~ news without warning, one counted as one, and all of them participated in reposting Qi Chun Man's video, or, a little bit hacked the products of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company.

It was so tricky and conspicuous that countless people poured into the official account of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company, either liking it or continuing to curse at it.

Under such circumstances, the second Weibo post on the official account was long overdue.

"The clear will be clear, and the turbid will be turbid!"


This is the content of the second Weibo. Including punctuation marks, there are only ten short characters in total, and if it is not included, it is only eight characters.

Eight short words, what should be said or what should not be said, are all contained in it.

All the fans who put on clothes for their idols were a little speechless.

Of course, Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company currently has a lot of black spots, but their own idol has even more black spots.

Moreover, unlike the black spots of Feifei Medical Beauty Company, which are vague and suspicious, each of their idols was directly exposed in the video.

At this point, although the farce has not stopped, the news on the Internet is no longer showing a one-sided trend. Finally, someone has said a few good things for Feifei Medical Beauty Company.


Turn your hands for the cloud and cover your hands for the rain!

This is the evaluation given to Jiang Chen by the high-level executives of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company.

When they were in the conference room, a group of high-level executives heard Jiang Chen say that Qi Chunman and others should be made more famous, and they thought Jiang Chen was joking.

After all, even if you want to advertise your own company, you don't have to do so.

But now, they suddenly realized that they were wrong.

Jiang Chen wasn't joking, but actually did that. Although he didn't know what Jiang Chen did, Qi Chunman and the others were really, really hot.

If it's just like this, it certainly doesn't represent Jiang Chen's method. At best, it's just mutual blackmail. What really moves people's hearts is the eight characters that are clear from the clear and turbid, which can be described as the finishing touch.

It seems that nothing was said, but in fact, everything was said.

No, the public opinion on the Internet has already begun to reverse. Although it is still very inconspicuous at present, it is not difficult to imagine that after these news events continue to ferment, the image of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company will be further reversed.

This is unavoidably very exciting. Next, what kind of means will Jiang Chen have.


Liu Yufei slept soundly this time. When she woke up, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon. She opened her eyes and saw Jiang Chen sitting by the bed with a chair, staring at her.

There was no discomfort, only a touch of warmth.

"Jiang Chen, I'm hungry." Liu Yufei said softly as he reached out and gently held Jiang Chen's palm.

"Let's go eat." Jiang Chen grinned, and carried Liu Yufei off the bed, then walked outside.

"Wash your face..." Liu Yufei said hastily.

After a while, Liu Yufei tidied up a bit, and walked out of the company with Jiang Chen.

There are a lot of restaurants near the company, so they didn't go far, just went to a restaurant that Liu Yufei often went to, asked for a seat by the window, Jiang Chen and Liu Yufei sat down to order.

The order was delivered quickly, Jiang Chen greeted Liu Yufei to eat, and while eating, suddenly a person walked over quickly, the person stared at Jiang Chen and Liu Yufei, looked at them several times, blinked, and asked with a smile said, "May I sit down?"

"No." Jiang Chen said.

"Then you let me stand like this?" The woman's face collapsed in an instant.

"Please stand a little farther away and don't disturb our meal." Jiang Chen said.

"Mr. Jiang, you are too shameless. I came here to interview you." The woman was a little unhappy, and said with a flat mouth.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "What do I do to interview me?"

"I want to say, after interviewing you, write a good review for Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company, do you believe it or not?" the woman asked.

"It's fine if I don't need money." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"No money, of course no money." The woman said quickly, and then introduced herself: "Fan Min, does President Jiang still remember me?"

"Do you have a boyfriend now?" Jiang Chen didn't answer Fan Min's question, but asked with a smile.

His face turned red, and Fan Min said, "It turns out that you always remember me, Mr. Jiang. It's a great honor."

This Fan Min was at the time when Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company was holding a product launch conference. The female reporter who felt sorry for Jiang Chen was covered in acne marks and her skin was yellow and black. A face can be said to have undergone a complete change.

What has been bothering her all this time, the matter of not being able to find a boyfriend, has finally been resolved.

Speaking of which, Fan Min has always been very grateful to Jiang Chen. She felt that it was Jiang Chen who changed her life. The ugly duckling may not be able to become a white swan, but the changes in life have already affected Fan Min's life. Everywhere.

No, this time Feifei Medical Beauty Company had an accident, Fan Min had debated with others on the Internet, but since she was weak, it was of course useless.

Fan Min was so angry that she came to Yilan City specifically to interview Jiang Chen and write a column.

Fan Min thought that Jiang Chen would not remember him, but unexpectedly, Jiang Chen actually remembered, and was quite happy.

"Then I'll start the interview with Mr. Jiang right now, okay?" Fan Min asked happily.

"I'm still eating." Frowning, Jiang Chen said.

"Yes, Ms. Fan Min, please sit down." Liu Yufei said, and while speaking, she gave Jiang Chen a white look.

"Thank you." Fan Min stuck out her tongue, sat down next to Liu Yufei, took out the recording device, and asked Jiang Chen, "Mr. Jiang, may I ask if the female white-collar workers are allergic to the products of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company?" What is your opinion on the death incident?"

Jiang Chen picked up a piece of meat, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it, and said lazily, "Are you telling the truth? Or are you telling lies?"

"Of course it's the truth." After being taken aback for a moment, Fan Min said.

"The truth is, I don't have any views or ideas. Her death has nothing to do with our company." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Boss Jiang, you are so humorous." Fan Min was taken aback again.

"This is not humor, this is the truth." Jiang Chen was very serious.

Fan Min had no choice but to change the subject and asked, "Mr. Jiang, now the online public opinion is one-sidedly accusing Feifei Medical Beauty Company's products of having problems. This matter must have caused you a lot of trouble..."

"It's not bothering me." Before Fan Min could finish speaking, Jiang Chen interrupted directly, and Shi Shiran said.

The corner of Fan Min's mouth twitched, and he said, "Mr. Jiang, is this because you have absolute confidence in your company's products? May I ask, Mr. Jiang, where does your confidence come from?"

"Born." Jiang Chen said simply.

Fan Min was dumbfounded.

Well, for the sake of Jiang Chen's handsome face, she can believe that Jiang Chen's self-confidence is innate.

But this kind of news, without breaking point or peeing point at all, is not what she wants.

"Mr. Jiang, after the incident, your company did the opposite. Is it a new marketing method to submit all products? Some people say that you are grandstanding. What do you think?" Fan Min changed the subject again. , so as not to fall into a deadlock with nothing to say.

"It didn't go the other way. The price increase was originally planned, but it just happened to happen." Jiang Chen said a few more words, which was rare.

Fan Min listened intently, waiting for Jiang Chen to continue.

"As for the so-called grandstanding, I don't care. If you can't afford it, you don't have to buy it. I didn't use a knife to force people to buy it, did I?" Jiang Chen said.

Fan Min was speechless, what Jiang Chen said seemed to make sense, but she couldn't refute it.

"Mr. Jiang is not worried at all. Is your company in a crisis of public opinion? It seems that Mr. Jiang is confident. I wonder if Mr. Jiang can reveal a little bit about your company's next arrangement?" Fan Min said bravely. .

"Why do I have to worry, to worry, because some people are worried that they will never be able to buy our company's products again... There is a saying," Jiang Chen pondered, unable to remember.

"Today you ignore me, but tomorrow I will make you unworthy, is that the sentence?" Fan Min added.

"That's right." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Jiang Chen, you didn't say anything about your company's next arrangements." Fan Min reminded.

"Increase the price, increase the price, increase the price again." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Fan Min was in a mess. She thought Jiang Chen was too funny, but could such an interview really be published?

Even if it can be sent out, it is definitely not saying good things for Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company, but a different way to blackmail Jiang Chen again, and the instigator is still Jiang Chen himself.

"Mr. Liu, do you have anything to say?" After thinking about it, Fan Min felt unwilling to interview Liu Yufei.

Liu Yufei smiled sweetly and said, "I have nothing to say, what Jiang Chen said is what I want to say."

Fan Min was instantly stuffed with dog food, speechless...

(End of this chapter)

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