genius evil

Chapter 777 One Life, One Billion

Chapter 777 One Life, One Billion

After the interview, Fan Min left quickly, and Jiang Chen also walked out of the restaurant after having dinner with Liu Yufei.

"During my sleep, you did a lot of things?" Liu Yufei asked softly.

"Well, yes." Jiang Chen nodded.

"It seems that I have nothing to do." Liu Yufei said.

"Da Feifei, you can sleep with me." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"But I'm not sleepy at all now." Liu Yufei chuckled softly.

"It's okay, I can make you sleepy." Jiang Chen still said solemnly.

As a man, making women sleepy is one of the most basic skills, and Jiang Chen has always mastered this skill very well.

"No, there are so many things going on in the company right now, how can there be extra time to rest?" Liu Yufei said, suppressing the shyness in her heart.

"Okay then, when Da Feifei wants to sleep with me, please let me know at any time." Jiang Chen felt very regretful.

Liu Yufei just ran away like a frightened fawn. Seeing Liu Yufei walk away, Jiang Chen smiled, smiling, and his eyes gradually became more gloomy.

"It should be almost time." Jiang Chen muttered to himself.


At around eight o'clock in the evening, in the direction of the suburbs of Yilan City, when Jiang Chen appeared in his car, he saw someone waiting at the intersection from a distance.

Brother Dao appeared quickly and got out of the car facing Jiang Chen.

"Where's the person?" Jiang Chen asked casually after getting off the car.

"It's inside." Brother Dao said.

"No accident, right?" Jiang Chen said.

"No, everything went well." Brother Dao smiled, a little proudly.

This is not the first time for Jiang Chen to come to this place. The last time he came here, he killed a guy named Min Jun. When he came this time, Jiang Chen felt so kind.

In a small house, five people were tied up.

Those five people, hearing the sound of the door opening, raised their heads one by one, and looked fiercely at Jiang Chen and Brother Dao who walked in from the outside.

"Do you know that this is illegal detention and you will go to jail." A thin middle-aged man wearing black-rimmed glasses shouted hoarsely.

"Idiot." Brother Dao said coldly.

"You are the idiot. When I leave here, I will definitely expose all of your ugly crimes and make Feifei Medical Beauty Company doomed." The thin middle-aged man said viciously.

"Could it be, do you think you can get out of here alive?" Brother Dao said very dismissively.

"Could it be that you are going to kill us, not to mention the illegal detention?" Another voice rang out, it was a young man with a short hair, and he said with a frightened expression. It seemed that he was about to cry from fright.

"That depends on whether you cooperate, otherwise, I don't mind at all, I will break your necks." Grinning, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, Brother Dao said sinisterly.

"We didn't do anything, we are good people, how can you treat us like this." Among the five people, the only woman said, sobbing.

This woman was about fifty years old, and she was well maintained, but her clothes and hair were very messy at this time, and she looked extremely embarrassed.

"You guys should be killed a thousand times, not to mention killing my daughter, but also killing us, you all deserve to die." A rich middle-aged man said through gritted teeth.

"It turns out that the female white-collar worker is the daughter of the two of you." Jiang Chen suddenly realized after listening for a while. Then, Jiang Chen pointed at the three thin men and said, "Let me introduce myself."

"Is this necessary?" The thin man said contemptuously.

"It's actually quite tough." Jiang Chen was a little surprised, and gave Brother Dao a signal look.

Brother Dao understood, stepped forward and slapped the skinny man on the ground, and said coldly, "Either answer the question honestly, or die."

"My name is Qiu Guolin, the editor of a website." The skinny man said with a bitter face, a mere slap in the face was not enough to make him calm down.

But Qiu Guolin knew that if he refused to cooperate, it would not be as simple as a slap in the face. Brother Dao definitely didn't mind at all, and his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

"The initial news was sent from you, right?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I just did my duty as a news editor, and I reported the news on the Internet truthfully, without any bias," Qiu Guolin said.

"I didn't say I didn't report it truthfully, so I don't need to explain it to me, otherwise, I'll just think you're guilty." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Qiu Guolin continued to defend, saying: "You arrested me because you thought there was something wrong with my report? It's ridiculous to say this now."

"Too much nonsense." Jiang Chen said lightly.

Brother Dao understood again, and slapped Qiu Guolin again on the ground.

Jiang Chen didn't pay much attention to Qiu Guolin, and his eyes fell on the young man with a flat head.

The flat-headed youth was watched by Jiang Chen, and he felt as if he was being targeted by a ferocious beast. He lowered his head and said in a low voice, "My name is Sun Wei, and I'm a reporter."

"Why do you want to interview them?" Jiang Chen pointed to the rich middle-aged man and woman and asked.

"After the death of the female white-collar worker was exposed, countless reporters rushed into the home of the female white-collar worker. I was just one of the reporters who interviewed it." Sun Wei said.

"But I haven't seen any other relevant reports. You mean, you are more powerful, so you got first-hand information?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

Sun Wei hesitated for a moment, then said, "I was a classmate with the deceased, and I have been to the deceased's house several times, so I know them well."

"Really? Excuse me, what are the names of the three of them?" Jiang Chen asked calmly.

"This..." Sun Wei's face flushed red, and cold sweat immediately broke out on his forehead.

"My name is..." The rich middle-aged man said hurriedly.

"I have to remind you, I haven't asked you to speak yet." Before the rich middle-aged man could speak, Jiang Chen interrupted directly.

"You are too unreasonable, you will be punished." The rich middle-aged man said angrily.

"Your daughter died, I'm very sorry, but it's clear that her death has nothing to do with our company, but you have planted all the faults on our company, don't you worry about retribution?" Jiang Chen jokingly asked .

"My daughter is in good health. If it wasn't for your company's products, how could she die?" The rich middle-aged man said loudly.

"So you're telling me that you don't worry about retribution at all, right? If that's the case, then why should I worry?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

"You have said so much, so I want to say one more thing, how did my sister die." A young man with a rather strong body who had been silent all this time asked.

"How did your sister die? Is it related to me?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"You are simply shirking responsibility. The truth cannot be false, and the false cannot be true. In any case, Feifei Medical Beauty Company must be responsible for my sister's death. Of course, we are not unreasonable people. As long as you compensate We have one billion, and we will give the public another explanation for this matter," said the young man.

"One billion Ming coins?" Brother Dao laughed out loud, thinking that this matter is really interesting.

These few people have not fully experienced Jiang Chen's methods, nor have they been able to figure out what kind of situation they are in now.

To put it bluntly, they were all like ants in front of Jiang Chen. If Jiang Chen wanted them to die, he just kicked them casually and trampled them to death.

"As far as I know, Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company currently monopolizes most of the high-end beauty products market. Your company is not short of money at all, one billion is just a drizzle. Are you reluctant to spend such a small amount of money?" The young man asked. As if he didn't hear Brother Dao's sarcasm, he said to himself.

"Let's not talk about one billion, ten billion, that's something you can take out casually." Jiang Chen said.

"100 billion is too much. I don't want to waste money. One billion is enough for our family of three." The young man said with a very rational look.

Brother Dao listened, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Brother Dao doesn't think there is any difference between one billion and 100 billion.

When the amount of money reaches this level, it has become a numbers game. This young man dare not take 100 billion, but wants to blackmail [-] billion, which makes Brother Dao feel ridiculous.

At the same time as being ridiculous, Brother Dao felt pity for this guy suddenly, because Brother Dao knew that he was going to be unlucky.

"Your sister's life is worth one billion, so your life, barely, can be worth almost one billion. In this way, I will give your parents two billion." Jiang Chen said.

"20 billion?" The young man's eyes lit up.

No one would think too much money, just know that some money is destined to be hot.

Since Jiang Chen offered to give 20 billion, the young man would naturally not refuse.

But soon, the young man felt something was wrong, because what Jiang Chen said was to give 20 billion to his parents, not to the three of them.

That is to say, no matter how much money it has, it has nothing to do with him.

Thinking about what the extra one billion means, the young man couldn't help but tremble, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Drag out, kill." Jiang Chen said so much, raised his hand, and ordered Brother Dao.

"Okay." Brother Dao nodded, stepped forward and grabbed the young man, dragging him outside.

"Stop...stop...I don't want money anymore, I don't want a penny." The young man was so scared that tears fell out, he stuttered and shouted.

"Young Master..." Brother Dao asked Jiang Chen for his opinion.

"Kill!" Jiang Chen spat out a word coldly.

Brother Dao stopped talking, grabbed the young man, and walked out of the room. Outside the room, the young man was crying and howling, but the sound soon disappeared. There is no doubt that the young man had been killed.

"Is there anyone among you four who wants to die? If so, come forward quickly and don't waste my time." Jiang Chen said expressionlessly.

None of the four of Qiu Guolin dared to speak, their complexions fluctuated, and their eyes were sad. They didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so violent, killing people as soon as he said they wanted to, and he didn't have any scruples at all.

"No, right? Let's talk about who ordered you to do this. Remember, I want to listen to the truth..." Jiang Chen then said, there is no doubt...

(End of this chapter)

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