genius evil

Chapter 778 You Will Die Soon

Chapter 778 You Will Die Soon
Killing one person is nothing more than killing chickens and monkeys.

Of course, there are five people in total, and it is important to know who to kill first.

Among the five, whether it is the parents of the female white-collar worker or Qiu Guolin or Sun Wei, it is obvious that they know more about the inside story than the young people.

In other words, the existence of the young man is just dispensable. If so, it is a pity that the young man is destined to only play the role of the chicken that was killed.

Even if the young man didn't take the initiative to provoke trouble, after Jiang Chen came over, he planned to use him as a knife.

Since the young man wanted to seek death himself, then Jiang Chen had even more reason to use him for surgery!
"Jiang Chen, what's the point of bullying a few ordinary people?" But just after Jiang Chen's voice fell, a voice from the door came to his ears.

"Listening to what you said, you are telling me that it is interesting to bully you, right?" Jiang Chen casually turned his head and looked at the person at the door.

It was a man in his thirties, with high eyebrows, and looked like he was invincible.

"Jiang Chen, with all due respect, impulsiveness will not solve the problem, not only that, but it will also make the original problem a mess." The man said leisurely.

"Impulsiveness may not be allowed, but killing people is fine." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"So, you are still impulsive." The man said sharply.

"So, you will die soon." Jiang Chen was even sharper.

The man laughed and said: "Let me introduce myself, Lu Yiwen, Jiang Chen, you are more interesting than I imagined, the two of us really need it, let's have a good talk."

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Naturally, talk about something you are interested in." Lu Yiwen said.

"Then, you'd better guarantee that I'm interested, otherwise, you will die a miserable death." Jiang Chen warned.

Lu Yiwen smiled teasingly. Obviously, he didn't take Jiang Chen's threats to heart. He turned around and walked out. Jiang Chen followed.

"Young Master, that guy surnamed Lu is very powerful, and my people can't stop him." Outside the small room, Brother Dao saw Jiang Chen coming out, and said with a guilty expression on his face.

"I'll solve it." Jiang Chen said.

"How to deal with the people in the room?" Brother Dao asked.

"Just go ahead and kill them all," Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Taigong was fishing, and those willing to take the bait.

Now, there are already big fish taking the bait, so the few people who are used as bait are naturally worthless.

"Okay." Sticking out his tongue and licking his lips, Brother Dao nodded vigorously.

Earlier, Lu Yiwen appeared swaggeringly, as if he had entered no man's land, and made Brother Dao suffer humiliation, just to kill a few people to vent his anger.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he quickly walked out.

Outside, Lu Yiwen looked up at the starry sky with his hands behind his back, and when he heard footsteps behind him, he realized that it was Jiang Chen who came out. He smiled slightly and said, "Jiang Chen, what do you think of the weather tonight?"

"Very suitable for killing." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"The beautiful scenery on a good day is stained with blood, which will spoil the scenery. Killing or not killing a few innocent people has no effect on you. Why bother to kill them all?" Lu Yiwen said.

Although he took a step first, he listened to all the conversations between Jiang Chen and Brother Dao. When he said such words, it was obviously not out of feeling for the sky above his head, but rather Have something to say.

"The death of the rabbit and the fox will hurt its kind?" Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and said.

Lu Yiwen smiled again and said, "Your target is me, isn't it?"

"You really put gold on your face." Jiang Chen hit him unceremoniously.

The words were slightly choked, and Lu Yiwen continued to say: "After the family of the deceased and the two people involved in the news disappeared, there was not a single word on the Internet. I thought that you were a smart person and could understand why this happened."

"This is a threat." Jiang Chen said.

"We have suppressed all the news, but we can also let the news be fully exposed in an instant. I think, at that time, it will be an extremely heavy blow to you and Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company. "Lu Yiwen said noncommittal, as Jiang Chen said, this is a threat.

Still, an unabashed threat.

"Then why did you show up? Why don't you be more direct and expose the news?" Jiang Chen looked at this guy like an idiot.

It had to be said that he had seen quite a few guys who felt good about themselves.

But this guy is definitely one of the best, he almost engraved the word "proud" on his face, so as to tell everyone in the world what a proud guy he is.

As everyone knows, this pride, in Jiang Chen's eyes, is ridiculous.

"Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company is still valuable to us, it would be a pity if it is destroyed like this." Lu Yiwen said.

"It's none of your business." Jiang Chen cursed loudly.

Whether Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company is valuable or not is his business. Does it have anything to do with this product?
"Is this, anger?" Lu Yiwen turned his head, glanced at Jiang Chen, and said, "Now the Internet is full of all kinds of negative~ news about Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company, what you did is just a dying struggle , which is bound to be meaningless.”

"You've said so much nonsense, but I don't see what the meaning is." Jiang Chen said Shi Shiran.

"What I want to tell you is that it is easy for us to destroy Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company. If you still haven't figured out what I want to talk to you about now, I can only express my regret. " Lu Yiwen said.


Jiang Chen's feet moved suddenly, and in the next second, he appeared in front of Lu Yiwen. He stretched out his hand, clasped Lu Yiwen's neck, and lifted it off the ground.

"It's very easy for me to kill you, but have I ever shown it off? Idiot!" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Killing me won't help, on the contrary, it will only bring you more trouble." Lu Yiwen was unusually calm, without panic at all.

"Sure enough, he is an idiot." Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "You guys will buy the navy, can't I? How to guide people's hearts, I am better than you. Believe it or not, I can reverse public opinion in minutes?"

"If you didn't kill someone, maybe I would have believed it." Lu Yiwen joked.

"Who knows that I killed the person? I forgot to tell you, I am also very good at such things as framing people." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

Having said that, Lu Yiwen's expression finally changed.

Looking at Jiang Chen, Lu Yiwen said slowly: "Jiang Chen, did you plan that I would show up?"

"Who knows who you are? Whether you show up or not will have no effect on my plan." Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

Whether Lu Yiwen appeared or not, Jiang Chen didn't care.

Anyway, if Lu Yiwen didn't show up, he had plenty of ways to dig out the mastermind behind the scenes from Qiu Guolin and others. However, the appearance of Lu Yiwen greatly saved Jiang Chen's time.

"It's a conspiracy." Lu Yiwen said with a frown.

"Don't take yourself too seriously. You are nothing in my eyes. Before I kill you, tell me who you are." Jiang Chen said.

"Heavenly Medicine School, have you heard of it?" Lu Yiwen pondered for a while, then whispered.

He thought he had the initiative, so he showed up ostentatiously, believing that Jiang Chen didn't dare to make a move, but the final result was something that Lu Yiwen couldn't accept.

It's not that they haven't thought about it, that Qiu Guolin and the others are the bait, but Lu Yiwen thinks he has a trump card, even if Jiang Chen deliberately lured him into the bait, he didn't take it to heart.

Jiang Chen had no intention of playing cards according to common sense at all, and directly pushed and crushed in his own way. If he didn't want to die, under such circumstances, he could only cooperate with Jiang Chen honestly.

"Heavenly Medicine School, right? Very good, I remember." Jiang Chen nodded, and then said: "You can die."

"Wait." Lu Yiwen was startled, and asked: "Jiang Chen, you are not curious, what kind of means will I use to deal with you next?"

"Sorry, I'm not curious at all." With a random force, Jiang Chen broke Lu Yiwen's neck and threw it on the ground like a dead dog.

Jiang Chen was not curious because, next, he will deal with the Heavenly Medicine Sect with all his strength, so what kind of means the Heavenly Medicine Sect will use to deal with him, does it matter?

"Young Master, kill him." Brother Dao came out of the room, glanced at Lu Yiwen's body, and said to Jiang Chen.

"You guys deal with the corpse, I'll go first." Jiang Chen said.

"Young master, will there be any trouble here?" Brother Dao was a little worried. Killing people is fun, but it may bring endless troubles.

"If there is any trouble, it will be their trouble." Jiang Chen said casually, and left immediately. After a while, the car engine sounded, and Jiang Chen drove the car and left quickly.

"Young Master is really domineering." Brother Dao murmured to himself as he watched the car go away.


This is a small apartment not far from Hongji Building, because it has complete supporting facilities and is very close to the business district, it is very popular among some white-collar workers.

It was here that Liu Yufei bought a house. The house was small, with one bedroom and two living rooms, less than [-] square meters, with fine decoration.

After taking a shower, Liu Yufei sat on the head of the bed, holding a laptop, constantly updating the news on the Internet.

After about an hour, Liu Yufei finally sorted out what happened on the Internet while she was sleeping.

And all of these are undoubtedly the credit of Jiang Chen.

All kinds of news are flying all over the Internet, which is very lively. Although it is no longer overwhelmingly smearing Feifei Medical Beauty Company, such a powerful offensive of public opinion still makes Liu Yufei feel quite heavy.

It is easy to smear, but difficult to whiten.

Liu Yufei knew very well that for a long time to come, Feifei Medical Beauty Company would pay a heavy price for this matter.

"Dong dong..."

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Liu Yufei was taken aback for a moment. She lived here alone, and no one in the company knew except for a few people. She bought a house here.

Who will it be?

While hesitating, Liu Yufei suddenly heard a voice: "Da Feifei, I've been knocking on the door for a long time, why don't you open the door for me..."

(End of this chapter)

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