genius evil

Chapter 779 Full Exposure

Chapter 779 Full Exposure
"Jiang Chen, why are you here?" Hearing that voice, Liu Yufei was slightly stunned.

When she bought this small apartment back then, she had mentioned it to Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen was too busy. Recently, she didn't have much time to stay in Yilan City, so she never came here before.

Moreover, she didn't open the door, nor gave Jiang Chen the key, how did Jiang Chen get in?
It was a security door, and it was of good quality. She remembered that she had locked the door, which was too strange.

If she hadn't been sure that she had locked the door, Liu Yufei would have wondered if she accidentally forgot to close the door.

"Da Feifei, I felt a strong calling in the dark, saying that you missed me, so I rushed over without stopping." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Liu Yufei looked at Jiang Chen speechlessly, thinking that it was Jiang Chen who was so lustful, so he ran over late at night, just looking for such a clumsy excuse.

But thinking about it, Liu Yufei felt that she seemed to have too high demands on Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen is not a man who wanders his mind. Occasionally, he does one or two distractions, which are also preparations for his kidneys.

It would be too embarrassing for Jiang Chen to let Jiang Chen lose his mind and not let him lose his kidneys.

"Jiang Chen, you go take a shower first." Liu Yufei just greeted.

"Da Feifei, I just came to see you. I never thought of sleeping with you. However, you are so enthusiastic, so I'll take a bath first." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Liu Yufei blushed and wanted to explain that this was not the case, but Jiang Chen didn't give her a chance to explain, and ran to the bathroom.

Liu Yufei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she must have been tired from watching Jiang Chen running around all day, so she asked Jiang Chen to take a bath to refresh himself, how could Jiang Chen understand it like that?

She's not that horny.

No, even if she was really horny, she would definitely not say it out loud.

Obviously Jiang Chen misunderstood, but since Jiang Chen misunderstood, if she insisted on explaining, it would give Jiang Chen a sense of duplicity.

Liu Yufei just felt a little worried, wondering what to do after Jiang Chen got out of the shower.
Give his body to Jiang Chen?
It's not that Liu Yufei hasn't thought about this, but right now, it's not a good time.

The matter of the company has not yet been resolved, and she is in a state of being overwhelmed. Even if that kind of thing is said to be very pleasant, Liu Yufei feels that she will definitely be distracted.

Under such circumstances, Liu Yufei didn't want to hand herself over to Jiang Chen so hastily.

However, after thinking about it carefully, it is difficult to find a legitimate reason to reject Jiang Chen. After all, if the reason is not sufficient, Jiang Chen will definitely not accept it.

Looking at Jiang Chen's expression of hunger and thirst, if Jiang Chen refused to accept it, she would definitely be bullied by Jiang Chen tonight.

How did Jiang Chen know that Liu Yufei would have so many wild thoughts, he took a bath very fast, and after just 5 minutes, he walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

"Big Feifei, we can sleep now." Walking out of the bathroom, Jiang Chen went to bed, took away the laptop, hugged Liu Yufei, and said with a smile.

"Just sleep." Liu Yufei reminded seriously, lest Jiang Chen mess around.

"Da Feifei, if you want to do something else with me before going to bed, I'd be happy too." Jiang Chen said empathetically.

"Jiang Chen, don't talk nonsense." Liu Yufei didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"It's impossible for me to talk nonsense, but Da Feifei, you're thinking wildly, it's true." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Liu Yufei thought that it wasn't your fault, and it was a little hard to get the words out of her mouth, because if she said it, wouldn't it be an admission that she was thinking wildly?
"It's getting late, let's go to bed." Pulling off the quilt and covering her head, Liu Yufei felt that she was about to die of embarrassment.

"Big Feifei, it's not even nine o'clock yet, so it's very early." Jiang Chen lifted the quilt, turned over, pressed on Liu Yufei's body, and said with a playful smile.

"I go to bed very early every night." Liu Yufei became a little flustered.

"But Da Feifei, you have already slept during the day, if you go to bed so early tonight, will you be able to fall asleep?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yes." Liu Yufei replied in an extremely positive tone.

In the end, it seemed to convince Jiang Chen that she could indeed fall asleep and narrow her eyes slightly while talking, but judging from the frequency of blinking of those long eyelashes, no matter who she was, she could fall asleep at a glance. It was easy to see how restless Liu Yufei's heart was.

"Da Feifei, don't say I'm unreasonable. I'll give you 5 minutes. If you can fall asleep within 5 minutes, then I believe that you can indeed fall asleep. Otherwise, hehe..." Jiang Chen said At the end, he purposely let out a strange laugh, which almost made Liu Yufei's goosebumps pop out.

Liu Yufei didn't want to hand herself over to Jiang Chen when she was not fully prepared physically and mentally. Hearing what Jiang Chen said, she worked very hard, closing her eyes even tighter, and at the same time constantly hypnotized herself to let Go to sleep as soon as possible within these 5 minutes.

I don't know if it was because of the hypnosis, but in less than 3 minutes, Liu Yufei's breathing gradually became more even, and she quietly fell asleep.

"Okay, I can sleep now." Jiang Chen lay beside Liu Yufei, pulled the quilt over the two of them.

He came to Liu Yufei's place tonight, of course, not in the sense that Liu Yufei understands it, but because he is very clear about how much pressure and trouble Liu Yufei has been caused by the accident at Feifei Medical Beauty Company this time.

Although Liu Yufei slept for a few hours under his force at noon, it was obvious that she must have had restless sleep.

Jiang Chen's main purpose of coming here is to let Liu Yufei have a good night's sleep tonight... As for after tonight, Jiang Chen knows that the troubles of Feifei Medical Beauty Company should be solved. up.


The night was dark, around midnight.

"Lu Yiwen is dead."

"How did you die?"

"He went to Yilan City alone, and died at the hands of Jiang Chen."

"Who allowed him to go to Yilan City? This trash, don't you know? In this way, my Heavenly Medicine School has been exposed."

"Jiang Chen arrested the family members of the deceased and two relevant news figures. Lu Yiwen must have thought that the matter had already been exposed, so he came forward? But speaking of it, Jiang Chen would kill Lu Yiwen so directly, this matter still surprised me. "

"Why the surprise?"

"Lu Yiwen held the trump card, so Jiang Chen must be cautious. What's more, before Lu Yiwen was killed, he must have told Jiang Chen that he was a member of the Heavenly Medicine School, but Jiang Chen still killed him. Heavenly doctor's face?"

This is the presidential suite of a five-star hotel in Tiannan City. Two people are sitting face to face, each holding a glass of red wine.

The red wine glasses were held in their hands for a while, but each of them didn't even take a sip of the wine, one asked and the other answered.

The person who asked the question was an old man with white eyebrows, about sixty years old, his eyes were full of light, giving people a sense of shrewdness and strength.
The person who answered was a young man in his twenties. He looked gentle and gentle. Facing the old man with white eyebrows, he spoke in such an aggressive tone, but he still smiled lightly, which was more than enough to deal with it.

"Lu Yiwen died because he was too stupid." The white-browed old man finally took a sip of red wine. He obviously had no interest in tasting wine. He opened his mouth and poured all the red wine in the glass down his throat in one gulp.

"I don't understand what that means," said the young man.

"This time I deal with Feifei Medical Beauty Company, my purpose is to defeat it, spare no effort to defeat it, I will do everything right, why should Jiang Chen give face?" said the white-browed old man.

"Be clear." Frowning, the young man said.

"It's very simple. If it is not necessary, I have never thought of exposing the sky's medical school." The white-browed old man said.

"Jiang Chen arrested the family members of the deceased and others. There is no doubt that he will forcibly extract a confession. Even if Lu Yiwen does not show up, Jiang Chen will still know that it was my Heavenly Doctor who did it." The young man said.

"The family members of the deceased and others don't know that this matter is related to our Heavenly Medical Sect." said the white-browed old man.

"Wait..." The young man's expression changed slightly, and he said, "Doesn't this mean that it was Lu Yiwen's appearance that exposed the Heavenly Medicine?"

"Otherwise? Huh!" The white-browed old man's face was very ugly, "Things that are more than successful than failures were originally given to him a chance, but they made such a mistake. Even if Jiang Chen didn't kill him, I would kill him with my own hands." beheaded him."

"What should we do next?" the young man asked.

"It's not easy." The white-browed old man shook his head.

"Jiang Chen has captured the family members of the deceased, can we expose the news about this, I think, after this, it will be enough to bring down Feifei Medicine and Beauty Company." The young man pondered.

"If our School of Heavenly Medicine hadn't been exposed, it would indeed be possible, but now, it doesn't make much sense. You have to understand that only a stab in the back can hurt someone. Lu Yiwen's exposure directly led to the fact that our School of Heavenly Medicine had to face Jiang Chen face to face. It's time to fight in the ring," said the white-browed old man.

"That is to say, Jiang Chen lost, Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company collapsed, and we lost..." The young man didn't continue to talk about it, but changed the topic, sighed, and said: "I don't want to be unwilling." .”

Just a little bit, just a little bit, could bring disaster to Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company, but because of Lu Yiwen's self-righteousness, this game of chess was forced to be revived by Jiang Chen.

Having said that, I suddenly heard a knock on the door outside.

The young man got up and walked over, but he didn't open the door, but asked, "Who?"

"Master asked me to bring a word, welcome to Yilan City as a guest." The person outside the door said, after the sentence was finished, footsteps sounded, and the person who brought the message walked away quickly.

"We've been exposed too." The young man suddenly turned pale...

(End of this chapter)

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