genius evil

Chapter 783 Let's Do Some Exercise After Meal Together

Chapter 783 Let's Do Some Exercise After Meal

"Boy, although I don't have as much money as you, I still have the most basic dignity. You tease me like this. I think you are the one who is sick." The young man's voice was stern.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in teasing you." Jiang Chen was inexplicable, after all, he hadn't figured out what the situation was so far.

"Do you think it's enough if you deny it? Apologize, you must apologize to me." The young man said with incomparable righteousness.

Jiang Chen was extremely speechless, how could he listen to what this guy said, he was poor and justified?
"Did you hear that, I ask you to apologize, otherwise I will be rude to you." The young man urged angrily.

"There's definitely no apology, just be rude to me." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Boy, you asked for this." With a hideous look on his face, the young man rushed to Jiang Chen in a few steps, then raised his foot, and kicked Jiang Chen's chest heavily.

Seeing Jiang Chen standing still like a fool, and his own feet about to kick Jiang Chen's body, the young man couldn't help feeling a burst of joy from the bottom of his heart.

How rich is it?
How handsome is he?

He is not as rich or handsome as Jiang Chen. It is estimated that even if he works hard all his life, he may not be able to afford a sports car.

But so what?
What I hate the most is these rich people. There are five people and six people. They don't take others seriously, and think that the dignity of others can be trampled on.

Well, today, he will trample on Jiang Chen's dignity and let Jiang Chen know that even if he has money, he is not omnipotent.

In response to this kind of mentality, the young man kicked with extra force, a strong pleasure of revenge, which made the young man's eyes extremely hot.

"This guy is crazy." Jiang Chen said silently.

Although it is not very clear what the young man is thinking in his heart, but from the look on his face, one can roughly guess one or two.

It has to be said that the young man's kick was really not polite at all, and the fact that he was the biggest because he was poor was vividly reflected.

Regrettably, this point is simply not feasible in front of Jiang Chen.

Therefore, since the young man was not polite, Jiang Chen didn't mean to be polite at all. When the young man's kick was about to come over, Jiang Chen casually lifted his foot, and kicked on the young man's chest in the same way. superior.

Jiang Chen's speed was so fast and his strength so terrifying. With Jiang Chen's kick, the young man flew backward like a cannonball, fell to the ground, and passed out immediately.

"Get in the car." Immediately, looking too lazy to take another look, Jiang Chen waved to Baobao Lin.

"Okay." Baby Lin replied very cheerfully, obediently opened the door and got in the car.

After a while, Jiang Chen drove the car to Villa No.18. Baobao Lin skillfully opened the door and led Jiang Chen inside. Soon, in the living room, Jiang Chen saw Baobao Lin's suitcase.

"What happened just now?" Taking a look, Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"I don't know either. I was just waiting for you there, and suddenly that guy came out to strike up a conversation. You know I have high eyesight and I don't like him at all, but I can't help him if he doesn't leave." Lin The baby said innocently.

"Then, why did you run out and wait for me?" Jiang Chen still had a half-smile expression on his face.

"Oh, don't I want to see you sooner? You don't even know how much I miss you." Baobao Lin said carelessly.

"But how did I smell it, the strong aura of conspiracy?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Illusion, it's an illusion. Are you hungry? I'll feed you." Lin Baobao's eyes flickered, and he quickly changed the subject.

"Baby Lin, cook the noodles as soon as you cook them, what are you doing so evil on purpose?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

Shuang'er was not there at first glance, he and Baobao Lin were alone, and Baobao Lin said something to feed him, please, this is easy to cause misunderstanding, okay?

Huh, no!

Soon, Jiang Chen realized that he seemed to have missed the point.

The point is not whether there is a misunderstanding or not, but rather, when did Baobao Lin become so virtuous, and he actually wanted to cook noodles for him himself, you know, this was the first time in history.

"This baby is pure and pure, obviously you are the one who is evil, okay?" Baby Lin rolled his eyes, ran to the kitchen, and started to talk.

Jiang Chen walked over and stood at the door of the kitchen, watching Baobao Lin busy.

Originally, Jiang Chen thought that with Lin Baobao's style of a young lady who doesn't touch Yang Chunshui, it is estimated that he can't even tell the difference between shallots and leeks. What is salt and what is sugar are both enough, so Jiang Chen prayed silently , Lin Baobao had better not confuse soy sauce with mature vinegar, otherwise he would eat dead people.

But just for a while, Jiang Chen realized that he was wrong, and it was quite outrageous.

Impressively, Baobao Lin took out two eggs and a handful of shallots from the refrigerator very skillfully. After washing the shallots, he took a knife and skillfully chopped the shallots.

The scallions were finely chopped and evenly chopped. After the scallions were cut, Baby Lin began to brush the pot. After cleaning the pot, pour mineral water into the pot and heat it up.

After a while, the water boiled, Lin Baobao cracked two eggs and put them in. After the eggs were almost cooked, put in the noodles. After that, he took out two bowls, put green onion, salt and light soy sauce respectively. At first glance, it is to make egg and chive noodles.

Jiang Chen was dumbfounded. You know, although this is just the simplest way to cook noodles, it's not the first time that Lin Baobao has done it with such proficiency.

Even if the taste is unknown, but just judging from Lin Baobao's cooking method, Jiang Chen suddenly looked forward to the noodles cooked by Lin Baobao.

About 5 minutes later, two steaming bowls of noodles were served.

There were two bowls, one big and one small, with chopped green onion on the bottom, noodles in the middle, and an egg spread out on top. Baobao Lin blinked and said, "Jiang Chen, eat it, it's delicious when it's hot."

"If I hadn't seen you cook the noodles with my own eyes, I would have doubted whether I ordered takeaway." Jiang Chen said, picked up the chopsticks and stirred them casually, picked up a large chopsticks, and ate while it was hot.

Not to mention, it tastes pretty good.

"It's delicious." Watching Jiang Chen gorging on the noodles, Lin Baobao felt a sense of accomplishment spontaneously, and thought to himself, no wonder that if you want to capture a man's heart, you must first grasp a man's stomach.

Cooking such a delicious bowl of noodles by himself, even if he didn't catch all of Jiang Chen's stomach, at least he could catch all of them, right?

"It's okay, but why are you cooking noodles for me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Jiang Chen, what's the matter with you, there are so many problems today, I counted them out, and I figured out that you didn't eat, so I cooked noodles for you, okay?" Lin Baobao was a little unhappy.

"Is that so?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Of course it is. I'm warning you, don't let the dog bite Lu Dongbin because he doesn't know good people, or I won't cook noodles for you next time." Lin Baobao grinned and threatened.

"Okay, let's treat it like this." Jiang Chen didn't argue with Lin Baobao, and concentrated on eating noodles.

Jiang Chen was indeed a bit hungry. A bowl of noodles was wiped out within 3 minutes. Lin Baobao also ate very quickly. After eating the noodles, he took two bowls and went to the kitchen to wash up.

It has to be said that this behavior of Lin Baobao once again subverted Jiang Chen's three views.

Lin Baobao and Tang Tianshuang'er had been together for a while before, and they basically opened their mouths for food. Has anyone seen her wash the dishes?

Lin Baobao didn't care what Jiang Chen was thinking. He cleaned the bowl, then carefully wiped off the water stains with a dry towel, and put it in the disinfection cabinet.

"Jiang Chen, I'm so full. Let's do some after-dinner exercise together to digest it." Little Lin stretched his waist and said.

"What are you going to do?" Jiang Chen became vigilant. Could it be that this woman finally couldn't bear to stretch out the demon king's claws and threw him down?
To follow or not to follow, that is the question.

Jiang Chen suddenly became very entangled. He felt that if he didn't obey, Lin Baobao would be very sad, but if he just obeyed, wouldn't Lin Baobao think that he was a very casual man?
"Swimming, it's best to swim after meals," Lin Baobao said.

There is a swimming pool in the backyard of the villa. The swimming pool has a constant temperature all year round and has an automatic water change function. Jiang Chen is wearing a pair of swimming trunks thrown to him by Lin Baobao, standing on the edge of the pool waiting for Lin Baobao.

Not long after, Baby Lin appeared.

The three-point swimsuit vividly reflected the slender legs and plump breasts. Jiang Chen took a look and almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

What are you doing?
It's just for swimming, do you want to dress so revealingly?

Lin Baobao didn't seem to be used to dressing like this either, walking like a cat, slowly, and finally walked in front of Jiang Chen.

"I just found a swimsuit after searching for a long time, isn't it too sexy?" Sticking out her tongue, Baby Lin said with a blushing face.

"Actually, you don't have to wear a swimsuit." Jiang Chen reminded.

"Jiang Chen, you are so sexy." Lin Baobao's face turned even redder.

"I mean, you can swim in the clothes you usually wear." Jiang Chen explained, he won't take the blame for pornography or something.

Moreover, for a man like him who has read all kinds of flowers, a woman is not the most sexy when she wears nothing. Sometimes, the hazy beauty is more attractive.

"How can I do that? Of course you need to wear a swimsuit for swimming, but you are the only one here, even if you are gone, you will be seen by yourself." Baobao Lin said.

"It means, it doesn't matter if I see you disappear?" The corners of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched slightly.

"Of course it has something to do with it, so if I unfortunately disappear, you must close your eyes and never peek." Baobao Lin warned.

As he spoke, Lin Baobao jumped into the swimming pool like a mermaid, which was full of beauty and visual impact.

However, it was not known whether the swimsuit was not fastened tightly or the quality was too poor. Due to the impact of the water, the thin swimsuit that Lin Baobao was wearing suddenly surfaced, so Lin Baobao Inevitably gone.

"Ah, Jiang Chen, close your eyes quickly, don't look..." In the swimming pool, Lin Baobao screamed...

(End of this chapter)

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