genius evil

Chapter 784 Seduce You

Chapter 784 Seduce You
"Baby Lin, are you sure you told me not to watch it?" Jiang Chen looked at Baobao Lin as if he had seen a ghost.

The water in the swimming pool is not deep, only 1.3 meters deep. Baobao Lin is standing in the swimming pool, waving her hands up and down, screaming, completely forgetting that her two hands should cover the naked body. parts.

This made Jiang Chen really confused, whether to let him see it, or let him see it?

"Jiang Chen, you still have to watch." Lin Baobao pointed at Jiang Chen, his cheeks puffed up, and said angrily.

"You can completely block it." Jiang Chen kindly reminded, and told Baby Lin by the way, it's not that he must watch it, but that he can't even if he doesn't want to.

"It seems very reasonable." Lin Baobao suddenly realized, covering the leaked spring with both hands, and said to Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, what are you still doing in a daze, come down quickly."

"Are you putting on your clothes first?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I don't mind at all. You are a big man, so why bother." Baobao Lin said with a small mouth.

"If you don't mind, then I definitely don't mind at all." Jiang Chen said dumbfounded, then jumped into the water and swam around quickly.

"Oh, Jiang Chen, my feet seem to be cramping, come here quickly." But Jiang Chen had just played around, and Lin Baobao yelled again.

"Baby Lin, I think, you can actually order it directly, for example, tell me openly that you want to seduce me." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"I don't have it. I really have cramp." Lin Baobao refused to admit it.

"There is only one chance, if you don't seize it, don't blame me for being confused for a while." Jiang Chen laughed, walked over, picked up Baby Lin, grabbed him out of the swimming pool, and walked into the room.

"Jiang Chen, why do you feel so good about yourself? This baby is born beautiful and hard to give up on. His suitors are like crucian carp crossing the river. He has a body that is so good that he can cook. I have so many advantages. Take the initiative to seduce you?" Lin Baobao said with disgust.

Entering the room, Jiang Chen threw Lin Baobao on the sofa, went to the bathroom to get a bath towel, threw it on Lin Baobao, and motioned her to wrap it up.

Following that, Jiang Chen said leisurely, "Are you telling me that the reason why you ran outside to wait for me is to prove that you are very attractive?"

"How can I be so boring." Lin Baobao snorted: "My charm is already great, do I need to prove it?"

"Then, you gave me food to tell me that you are very good at cooking, good at cooking, and very virtuous." Jiang Chen ignored Lin Baobao's sophistry, and continued.

Lin Baobao smiled and said, "I've always been good at such a simple thing as cooking, but I never told you that I just happen to be in a better mood today."

"And then, you want to go swimming, and you deliberately dressed like this to tell me that you have a good figure, very sexy and charming." Jiang Chen ignored Lin Baobao as before, and said slowly.

"Even if I don't dress like this, even if I am blind, I can still tell that I have a good figure." Lin Baobao said confidently.

"The above three points, no matter how you look at it, are all signs that you seduced me." Jiang Chen finally came to a conclusion.

"Jiang Chen, why are you talking so much nonsense, my foot is cramping, please rub it for me quickly." Baobao Lin raised his right foot and said to Jiang Chen.

"I still have things to deal with today, and you only have 5 minutes." Jiang Chen said, grabbed Baobao Lin's right foot, and began to knead it casually.

The so-called leg cramps are obviously a lie, but Jiang Chen is very curious about how Lin Baobao can make up for so many loopholes.

If there are so many loopholes, if Lin Baobao can justify it, Jiang Chen can only say that he has nothing to say.

"Jiang Chen, don't I have a lot of charm? Doesn't the noodles I eat taste good? Is my figure not good?" Lin Baobao mumbled, staring at Jiang Chen.

That's right, she was seducing Jiang Chen.

To be exact, they were sparing no effort to seduce Jiang Chen.

The reason why she ran out to wait for Jiang Chen was precisely to prove to Jiang Chen that she was very attractive, which in turn caused Jiang Chen to feel a sense of crisis and anxiety.

After all, her charm is so great, Jiang Chen will definitely be worried that she will be abducted by other men. In this way, when she seduces Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen will definitely accept her seduction smoothly.

If it weren't for such a purpose, the young man who struck up a conversation with her would have been scolded bloody by her, and he didn't even have the courage to live.

As for feeding Jiang Chen, it's one thing to behave virtuously, the most important thing is to grab Jiang Chen's stomach.

To grasp a man's heart is to grasp a man's stomach. Many people think that this is an ancient deception that firmly locks women into the kitchen.

But although there are suspicions of fraud, it is undoubtedly a very reasonable sentence.

A simple bowl of egg and scallion noodles. When he was in the capital, Lin Baobao practiced it no less than [-] times, which caused the servants at home to be tossed and complained.

The so-called counting with one's fingers means that Jiang Chen didn't eat, so it was an excuse. Otherwise, how could there be a chance to show off her long-practiced cooking skills in front of Jiang Chen?
After Jiang Chen finished eating the noodles and drank all the noodle soup, Lin Baobao was extremely happy when his cooking skills were recognized. It just proved that her hard work for so long was not in vain.

After eating noodles, Baobao Lin suggested swimming and gave Jiang Chen the swimming trunks. This in itself indicated that it was a long-planned action. Putting on a three-point swimsuit to show off his figure just right was even more planned for a long time.

After entering the water, the swimsuit fell apart, and the spring light leaked out. It seemed unintentional, but it was actually intentional. A good figure must be shown off. If not, how would Jiang Chen know how good her figure is?
The above three points are divided into three steps, each step is to lure Jiang Chen to take the bait, which is commonly known as seduction.

But the seduction was so obvious, Lin Baobao would not admit it directly in front of Jiang Chen, it wasn't that she was too thin-skinned and embarrassed to say it.

But Lin Baobao knew that once he said something, it would appear very deliberate. If Jiang Chen refused to accept the seduction in order to show that he was different, then she would travel all the way to Yilan City. All in vain?

Lin Baobao absolutely does not allow that kind of situation to happen. Fortunately, she just said wittyly that her leg cramped. Now that Jiang Chen is giving her a massage, she still has a chance to seduce Jiang Chen.

Lin Baobao felt that as long as he seized this opportunity well, Jiang Chen would definitely not be able to escape her grasp today.

"The charm is great, the bottom is delicious, and the figure is very good." Jiang Chen nodded, smiled, and said, "Yes, it's not very useful."

Lin Baobao is so angry, it's useless, so what is useful?
On the surface, Lin Baobao pretended to be careless, and said, "Jiang Chen, you don't need to hit me deliberately, I'm still very self-aware."

"It's a good thing to have self-knowledge." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Isn't that what you men do habitually? In the beginning, deny a woman completely, then re-instill her outlook on life and values, and finally, let that woman give up her heart. I won't be fooled by you. "

"You think too much." Jiang Chen felt that he was very innocent. Although he had indeed done this before, today, he did nothing.

To be more specific, it is not a matter of a day or two for Lin Baobao to seduce him, and he doesn't need to do anything at all.

"Don't try to deny it, I know you too well." Lin Baobao snorted coldly, and said, "Want to take advantage but don't want to be responsible, it's you. Fortunately, I saw through it at a glance... By the way, don't say I didn't warn you You, my advantage is not so easy to take advantage of."

"Today's incident was an accident, and I have no intention of taking responsibility." Jiang Chen said honestly.

Jiang Chen is definitely not happy to be responsible after just a few glances.

Lin Baobao sneered, and said: "You want to be responsible, but the question is, will I give you a chance? Just like what you said before, just point it out, admit it, you fell under my pomegranate skirt. Maybe For the sake of your love of my love, I will give you some benefits."

Hearing this, Jiang Chen was dumbfounded.

Is it really okay for Lin Baobao to talk nonsense in such a serious manner?
"Stupid? You still don't admit it." Lin Baobao became proud.

"What you said seems to make sense, but unfortunately, it's still useless." Jiang Chen said casually without explaining.

Lin Baobao was pissed off again, why is it still useless?
It's not scientific.

This guy, Jiang Chen, normally spends his time everywhere, a typical carnivore, how did he become a herbivore in front of her?
Could it be because Jiang Chen was too familiar, so Jiang Chen was embarrassed to do it?

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Baobao felt that it was very possible, but at the same time it was a decision that he must increase the intensity of stimulating Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, don't pretend to be calm in front of me, Liu Xiahui, you only have one chance, if you miss today, I will never be in such a good mood like today." Lin Baobao said.

These words were said by Jiang Chen. Lin Baobao adapted them a little bit and took them as his own words. In the end, he felt that they were very suitable. This is what he wanted to do. He cut off Jiang Chen's messy thoughts and forced Jiang Chen to admit that he liked it. her facts.

"Five minutes, it's almost here." Jiang Chen said lazily as if he didn't hear Lin Baobao's threat.

"So anxious? Then you go out quickly, I don't want to see you for a second." Baby Lin said loudly.

Jiang Chen teased a smile, put down Baobao Lin's feet, turned around and walked outside.

"Really gone?" Watching Jiang Chen walk out, it was Lin Baobao's turn to be dumbfounded.

Duplicity, do you understand?
How could Jiang Chen act like this, it would make her doubt her life.

Seeing that Jiang Chen was about to reach the door, Lin Baobao had no choice but to call out: "Jiang Chen, stop for me."

"Little girl, are you going to admit it?" Looking back, Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"It doesn't matter if you admit it, I'm just seducing you." Baobao Lin said it with confidence, and he won't lose if he loses.

"Baby Lin, what did you say? Say it again if you have the ability?" But just after Baobao Lin finished speaking like this, an extremely angry voice rang out...

(End of this chapter)

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