genius evil

Chapter 785 I'm Pure

Chapter 785 I'm Pure
Accompanied by the sound of talking, two figures, carrying a fragrant wind, quickly floated in from outside. One of them pursed their lips and smiled softly, while the other stared at Lin Baobao with hatred. You can't swallow Lin Baobao alive in one gulp.

"" Hearing the voice suddenly, and watching Tang Tian and Shuang'er walking in from the outside, Baobao Lin's tongue was tied and his eyes rolled non-stop.

"Baby Lin, what did I ask you? What did you just say?" Tang Tian questioned with a glance at Baby Lin.

"Did I say anything?" Lin Baobao asked pretending to be stupid.

What is catching rape in bed, this is it!

The adulterous relationship between her and Jiang Chen, although it hasn't reached the point of going to the bed, but it is a matter of time, Lin Baobao has very strong self-confidence, Jiang Chen must not be able to escape her palm today.

But, why did Mao Tangtian and Lin Baobao appear?

You know, the reason why she chose to come to Yilan City today is because today is the best time to seduce Jiang Chen.

Before coming, she called Tang Tian specifically to confirm that Tang Tian was in Tiannan City, and called Shuang'er to confirm that Shuang'er was busy.

The right time, the right place, and the right people have everything available. Lin Baobao feels that even God is helping him.

If this is the case, if Jiang Chen can't be seduced, she might as well go head-on and kill him.

However, it is very unscientific how Tang Tian and Lin Baobao appeared.

"Hmph, you said you were seducing Jiang Chen, how dare you deny it." Tang Tian was very angry.

"Did I say that? Tiantian, you must have heard it wrong." Lin Baobao said pretendingly.

"You have seduced me." Jiang Chen said leisurely.


Lin Baobao almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, pointed at Jiang Chen and said loudly: "Jiang Chen, don't spout blood here, it's clear that you want to plot against me while Tiantian and Shuang'er are away. Fortunately, Tiantian Tian and Shuang'er came in time, otherwise I would have become impure."

"Baby Lin, let me ask you, have you ever been pure?" Tang Tian's head was full of black lines, this girl's ability to open her eyes and tell nonsense is getting better and better.

If she and Shuang'er hadn't heard Lin Baobao's words to seduce Jiang Chen, they would have believed her words. Although, the possibility of Jiang Chen plotting against Lin Baobao was very small, almost negligible.

But what if, Jiang Chen is dizzy for a while... Oh, no, what about the worm?

Oh, that's not right, it should be said, what if Jiang Chen goes blind!
"Sweetie, how can you say that about me, don't you know whether I'm pure or not?" Baby Lin said full of grievances.

"I know, you've never been pure." Tang Tian said swearingly.

"Ah, I'm so mad." Baby Lin yelled in anger, got up from the sofa, and wrestled with Tang Tian.

"Baby Lin, you don't have any clothes on, you just wore a pair of shorts, and you dare say you didn't seduce Jiang Chen." Tang Tian also screamed.

Then, the two women hugged each other and rolled on the sofa.

"Master, do you want to take a step first?" Shuang'er said dumbfounded.

Tang Tian and Lin Baobao had a lot of fun, but naturally they wouldn't really fight. It is estimated that after a while, they would all turn their finger on Jiang Chen.

"Shuang'er, I think what you said is right, remember to leave the door open for me when you sleep at night." Jiang Chen chuckled, got up and walked out quickly while talking.

"Ah, Tang Tian, ​​why are you pinching my breasts? I know you have small breasts so you have low self-esteem, so you are extremely jealous that I have big breasts, but how can you pinch my breasts?" On the sofa, Lin Baobao and Tang Tian fought fierce.

"Baby Lin, why don't you just die for me? Are my breasts small? You obviously have a second development, okay? Also, your breasts are so big, you can seduce my man with big breasts? I'll kill you." You." Tang Tian continued to pinch, but the two girls didn't notice that Jiang Chen had already left.


Lin Baobao acted in such a play today, which more or less made Jiang Chen feel a little dumbfounded.

I just want to say that Lin Baobao is stupid. Sometimes, he is really stupid. However, all kinds of cleverness emerge in endlessly.

If he spared no effort to seduce him today, Jiang Chen would not believe that Lin Baobao had no purpose and killed Jiang Chen, even though he was always very confident in his own charm.

Jiang Chen drove his car away from Guilanyuan Villa, and was thinking about whether to go back to Feifei Medicine and Beauty Company to find Liu Yufei, when the phone rang.

"Jiang Chen, where are you, do you have time?" As soon as the call was connected, Jiang Yanyan's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Student Yanyan, what's the matter?" Jiang Chen asked lazily.

"Don't ask, just come here." Jiang Yanyan said, hearing Jiang Chen meant that she had time, so she told Jiang Chen the address directly, and then hung up the phone without giving Jiang Chen a chance to refuse.

Jiang Chen was speechless. After thinking about it, there was nothing left and right, so he drove the car and headed towards the place Jiang Yanyan said.

Twenty minutes later, Jiang Chen drove to the place he had made an appointment with Jiang Yanyan, and just as he got out of the car, he saw Jiang Yanyan jogging over.

"Jiang Chen, why did you come here? I've been waiting for you for a long time." Jiang Yanyan couldn't help complaining.

"Student Yanyan, you can tell what's the matter now." Jiang Chen ignored Jiang Yanyan's complaint, but asked instead.

"Someone asked me to meet. I was afraid that it would be inconvenient to be alone, so I asked you to come here." Jiang Yanyan said.

What she was most afraid of was that Jiang Chen wouldn't come, so she deliberately didn't say anything on the phone. Now that Jiang Chen came, Jiang Yanyan just didn't want to hide anything.

"Are you asking me to pretend to be your boyfriend again?" Jiang Chen asked jokingly.

"That's not true." Jiang Yanyan blushed and said, "Anyway, you play by ear, don't embarrass me, otherwise my college life that is about to start will become very troublesome."

Saying this, Jiang Yanyan told Jiang Chen about today's matter in detail by the way.

After the college entrance examination, Jiang Yanyan basically had nothing to do every day. One day, she accidentally joined a group of college students from Yilan City who were studying in the capital, and then accidentally became an active member of the group, and even mixed up with a deputy group leader. identity of.

It wasn't long before the university started, and the group discussed and organized a meeting. Jiang Yanyan was also looking forward to it, so she also signed up.

"So, actually let me pretend to be your boyfriend." Jiang Chen said after hearing Jiang Yanyan's words.

"I said that's not what I meant. You're going to study in the capital anyway. Let's get to know each other so we can talk about anything in the future." Jiang Yanyan said.

"Student Yanyan, I actually don't think it's necessary. With your good looks, there are still very few people who want to make up your mind." Jiang Chen comforted.

"Jiang Chen..." Jiang Yanyan gritted her teeth, wishing she could strangle Jiang Chen to death with her own hands. Is this really comforting her instead of hurting her?
Jiang Chen didn't have the slightest interest in this kind of activity, but seeing Jiang Yanyan's enthusiastic appearance, he didn't want to be disappointed. He told Jiang Yanyan in advance that he would stay for a while and leave, so he walked inside with Jiang Yanyan.

Unlike Jiang Yanyan's last primary school reunion, the venue she chose was a farmhouse, which is a small semi-open villa.

In a large box that can accommodate about 30 people, various fruit snacks and drinks are placed on the long table. There are nearly [-] people eating and chatting.

When Jiang Chen and Jiang Yanyan appeared together, the bustling interior of the box was obviously quiet for several seconds.

"Big beauty." When someone saw Jiang Yanyan, their eyes lit up immediately.

In the box, there are men and women, the ratio of men to women is about five to one. In the case of a serious imbalance in the ratio of men to women, the few girls are like stars holding the moon, surrounded by a group of men.

The appearance of Jiang Yanyan, regardless of her figure or appearance, instantly compared the few women in the box, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that they were overshadowed.

No, Jiang Yanyan couldn't do it if she didn't want to be the center of attention.

As for Jiang Chen, although he had an extremely handsome face, among the group of men, obviously no one was interested in him, and everyone was looking at Jiang Yanyan.

"Are you Feiyan?" A slightly mature-looking man walked over and asked Jiang Yanyan tentatively.

"It's me, you are Lao Chen." Jiang Yanyan smiled.

"Haha, the reason why I am called Lao Chen is because I look a little older, but I am only 21 years old, so don't think that I am very young." Old Chen said cheerfully, as if he hadn't expected it. Jiang Yanyan would recognize who she was at a glance.

"Old Chen, you don't look a little old. You look like this. If you go out and tell others that you are 40 years old, people will believe you." A loud laugh came, and a tall man walked over and introduced himself. Said: "Student Feiyan, I am Dapeng."

"Master Dapeng, hello," Jiang Yanyan said.

Dapeng is the group leader of the fellow villagers, and this gathering was initiated by Dapeng.

"What is the group leader? It's too unfamiliar. You can just call me Dapeng." Dapeng said, glanced at Jiang Chen, and asked Jiang Yanyan: "Is this handsome guy yours?"

"Boyfriend." Jiang Yanyan said directly.

Hearing this, the corners of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched. It was agreed that he would pretend to be a boyfriend. How could he not talk?
"Boyfriend?" Raising his eyebrows, Dapeng glanced at Jiang Chen again, and said, "That's it, our big beauty Feiyan actually has a boyfriend, the big guy's heart is about to break .”

"Ha ha……"

Everyone laughed in good faith, and someone said: "Miss Feiyan, we have been here for a while, and you are the only one who is late. In my opinion, your boyfriend must be punished with three drinks."

"That's right, fine wine."

"Beauty Feiyan, don't feel sorry for your boyfriend."

"Wine fine... fine wine..."

A group of people booed one after another.

That Dapeng smiled and said: "Everyone, don't make trouble, what if Feiyan beauty's boyfriend doesn't know how to drink... It won't be good if you make people drunk like this."

"I don't know how to drink." Almost as soon as Dapeng's voice fell, Jiang Chen said lazily.

(End of this chapter)

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