genius evil

Chapter 786 Crush the crown 1 anger is red face

chapter 786
Dapeng looked at Jiang Chen in astonishment, a little distracted.

You know, what he said just now, on the surface, it sounds like he is trying to rescue Jiang Chen, but in fact, he intends to join Jiang Chen's army.

Dapeng knew a little about Jiang Yanyan's information. He knew that Jiang Yanyan was a student who had just graduated from high school. Judging from Jiang Chen's age, he was about the same age as Jiang Yanyan. Dapeng thought to himself that he should be Jiang Yanyan's classmate.

Dapeng has seen too many situations where high school seniors develop into lovers after graduation.

Since he had just graduated from high school, he was about seventeen or eighteen years old at most, and after entering university, he was inevitably arrogant, thinking that he could finally get rid of the shackles of his parents.

This is the time when the mind is at its most rebellious. The more you are not allowed to do something, the more you want to do it.

For example, for things like fine wine, the crowd booed and it was very lively, but it was suspected of persecuting Jiang Chen. Once Jiang Chen developed a rebellious mentality, the more he persecuted, the less he would drink.

What he said was exactly the opposite. In this way, in order to prove that he would not get drunk, Jiang Chen might accept three glasses of fine wine.

In a word, it is to bury a small hole for Jiang Chen.

After the hole was dug, Dapeng waited to see Jiang Chen jump down, and then, as a matter of course, poured Jiang Chen a few more glasses.

Who knew, Jiang Chen blocked everything he said.

I can not drink.

This also meant that he would not accept the idea of ​​being punished with three glasses of alcohol. If he was a little stronger, that is, no one would even try to drink him.

"It turns out that he doesn't know how to drink. Did you hear that? He doesn't know how to drink. Don't force him." Dapeng said with a smile.

Jiang Chen is very smart, and he probably realized that he dug a hole, but Dapeng had already dug the first hole, and he didn't mind digging the second or even the third hole at all, so he didn't believe it. None of the dust jumped into it.

"Brother Dapeng, this kid is a bit ignorant of current affairs, so don't speak up for him. He's a man. How can there be anyone who doesn't know how to drink?"

"That is, unless he tells us he's not a man."

"Yes, boy, if you admit in front of everyone that you are not a man, the fine of drinking is fine."


Everyone smiled and deliberately ridiculed.

They had no grievances with Jiang Chen in the past, but today was just the first time they met, and they didn't even know Jiang Chen's name, so they didn't have to feel sorry for Jiang Chen.

It's just that it's rare for a beautiful woman like Jiang Yanyan to appear, but she has a master, and she brought the master here, so that they don't even have a chance to be courteous, which makes them more or less tasteful.

This taste gave birth to a teasing mentality, thinking of making Jiang Chen embarrassing in front of him.

These people have such a mentality, and Dapeng also has this mentality. Invisibly, as soon as Jiang Chen appeared, he became an existence like a public enemy.

A group of people had a tacit understanding and formed an alliance, standing on the opposite side of Jiang Chen.

"What do you all mean, you think we are easy to bully?" Jiang Yanyan couldn't take it anymore, she raised her eyebrows coldly, and yelled angrily.

"Beauty Feiyan, how can we be bullying people? It's really because you guys are late, just playing a little game." Someone said with a smile.

"Beauty Feiyan, if you feel sorry for your boyfriend, you can fine him three drinks on his behalf, we don't mind at all." Another person said with a smile.

"Feiyan is a beautiful woman, how can you let her drink? I think it's better to let her boyfriend admit that she is not a man." Another person, once again shifted the focus of the conflict to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Yanyan was very angry, she didn't understand what was going on, and Jiang Chen, who was good-looking, was targeted.

Could it be because Jiang Chen is so handsome?
After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Yanyan felt that the possibility was very high.

Same-sex repel, opposite-sex attract.

It's not just women who instinctively reject women who are taller than themselves, have a better figure than themselves, have better breasts than their boyfriends, and have better boyfriends than themselves.

The same goes for men.

"Playing games? If you play games with your dignity, I want to see if you can still laugh." Jiang Yanyan snorted coldly.

After saying this, Jiang Yanyan pointed at the guy who suggested that she should be punished for Jiang Chen, and said with a sneer, "What are you? You say you want us to be fined, so we will be fined? You definitely won't mind, after all It's us, not you, who are making a fool of yourself, but I'm telling you seriously, I really mind, so don't mess with me."

At the end, with everyone stunned, Jiang Yanyan pointed at the last guy who spoke, and shouted: "Look at your wicked eyebrows, it's not a good thing at first glance. It's not your fault that you look ugly, because you are so ugly." It's not your fault that you can't find a girlfriend because you're so ugly, but it's your fault if you don't know yourself and dance around."

For a moment, Jiang Yanyan was possessed by the god of war, and her combat power showed a state of explosion. She fought against three people in one breath without even taking a breath.The aura was so strong that it shocked everyone at once.

The man Jiang Yanyan described as having a mischievous eyebrow was called Xu Chaoliang. He had never been confident in his appearance, and because of the many pimples on his face, he had always had a strong inferiority complex.

Jiang Yanyan's words were tantamount to exposing his scars without concealment. Xu Chaoliang jumped up all of a sudden, and said angrily: "Feiyan, your boyfriend doesn't even want to drink alcohol. This is obviously not giving us face. So what if we scold him a few words?"

"Jiang Chen is my boyfriend. If you want to blame him, I will blame you. What qualifications do you have? I warn you, if someone dares to say a bad word about Jiang Chen, be careful that I will lose my face." Jiang Yanyan said without color.

"Turn your face? Okay, turn your face and show me." Xu Chaoliang said tit-for-tat, and weighed his fighting power by the way.

His height is still acceptable, nearly 1.8 meters, Xu Chaoliang weighed it in his heart, even if Jiang Chen wanted to make a move, he was not afraid of him.

Moreover, so many people looked at Jiang Chen pleasingly, if Jiang Chen dared to make a move, he would definitely be beaten by the gang.

Thinking of this, Xu Chaoliang suddenly looked forward to Jiang Chen's action. First, Jiang Chen had no advantage compared to him in terms of height and weight. Second, the possibility of Jiang Chen being gang-beaten was very high.

"Do you want to mess with this kid?" Xu Chaoliang's mind quickly became active after he had run on Jiang Yanyan.

If Jiang Chen admits to being cowardly, he doesn't necessarily have to mess with Jiang Chen, but now, Jiang Chen hasn't expressed his opinion for a long time, standing there with a light smile, letting Jiang Yanyan charge forward, looking very powerful and pretentious.

What Xu Chaoliang hates the most is when others pretend to be aggressive in front of him, especially when the other party is taller and more handsome than him.It doesn't matter if he is more handsome than him, and he has a girlfriend like Jiang Yanyan with a hot body and a wild temperament.

With such a comparison, Xu Chaoliang felt that he was crushed by Jiang Chen from head to toe in all directions. He never thought of trying to get Jiang Yanyan's idea. Even if he had feelings for Jiang Yanyan, Jiang Yanyan would definitely look down on him.

But Jiang Chen was so pretentious, Xu Chaoliang thought that if he didn't mess with Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen might be even more pretentious, and he had to kill Jiang Chen's prestige.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen didn't know these thoughts in Xu Chaoliang's heart. If he knew, Jiang Chen would definitely feel innocent.

Where is he pretending?

He just watched these guys bouncing up and down quietly, without even thinking of fighting back.

There is no way, the two sides are not on the same level, bullying them is so boring.

Here, Jiang Yanyan was stunned.

She said turning her face was just a warning to Xu Chaoliang. Xu Chaoliang asked her to turn her face on him, but Jiang Yanyan was a little bit on the wax. How could this make her turn her face?

You can't slap Xu Chaoliang or kick Xu Chaoliang, right?

She really wanted to do that, whoever made this guy look unappetizing, he would probably be honest after a beating.But good women don't fight with men, just think about it in your heart, Jiang Yanyan won't make a move.

Besides, if she really wanted to make a move, that was Jiang Chen's business. She still wanted to act like a lady in front of Jiang Chen. Otherwise, what if Jiang Chen disliked her even more?
As a result, Jiang Yanyan was a little embarrassed, it was not wrong to turn her face, and it was not right not to turn her face.

Fortunately, soon, Xu Chaoliang helped him out. Xu Chaoliang looked at Jiang Chen and jokingly said, "Boy, I said you are really not a man, your girlfriend is about to be bullied, and you just didn't show it at all." ?”

"How do you want me to express it?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

Jiang Chen knew that he was targeted. As for why he was targeted, he was lazy to spend his brain cells. If he was targeted, he would be targeted. He didn't mind at all.

"Chongguan is a beauty, do you understand?" Xu Chaoliang sneered.

"Understood." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Is this the end?" Xu Chaoliang rolled his eyes.

"You mean, let me beat you up?" Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"Hey..." Xu Chaoliang laughed dryly, he didn't mean that, he just wanted to give Jiang Chen a hard time.

But the words should not be too straightforward, otherwise it would be bad to scare Jiang Chen. After all, he wanted to provoke Jiang Chen and let Jiang Chen do it.

"I don't mean that, I just think that as a man, he should have the courage of a man, otherwise, what's the difference between Twist Nini and a woman?" Xu Chaoliang said.

"It seems that you really want me to whip you." Jiang Chen said.

"Boy, don't say that I despise you. You are just a little boy with small arms and legs. If I don't beat you up, it's your ancestor's honor. Don't always talk about the word "smacking me." You have a good temper, if you were someone else, you would have already smoked so hard that you couldn't tell the difference between north and south." Xu Chaoliang said, increasing the intensity of stimulation.

How can Jiang Chen, who is as fine as a human being, not be able to tell that this guy is looking for him.

Based on the principle of adult beauty, Jiang Chen made a move, raised his hand, and slapped Xu Chaoliang on the face.

With a loud slap, Xu Chaoliang was slapped by Jiang Chen like a spinning top. He spun on the spot, then slammed his butt, and fell heavily on the ground. Knocking on the head, there was a buzzing sound, and I couldn't even tell the east, west, north, south...

(End of this chapter)

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