genius evil

Chapter 787

Chapter 787
Xu Chaoliang got his wish, but was directly slapped by Jiang Chen's slap.

And the others, following Jiang Chen's slap in the face, knocked Xu Chaoliang to the ground, and they were all stunned.

"Boy, how can you hit someone?"

"Boy, you are too arrogant, you don't take us seriously at all."


Then, in an instant, the crowd was excited, just as Xu Chaoliang expected, after he sacrificed himself, these people were eager to try their hands, wishing to beat Jiang Chen immediately, so that Jiang Chen knew Hua Why are you so red!

"Are all of you deaf? It's clear that this guy is all about pumping, so I force him to be beautiful, okay? Don't you think I'm happy to whip him? He's thick-skinned and not afraid of pain, but I still think my hands are dirty," Jiang Chen said. Call an unhappy, yelled up.

What is there to say?

no Zuo no Die.

Xu Chaoliang personally practiced this style to the extreme, if he didn't give Xu Chaoliang a meal, Jiang Chen himself would feel ashamed.

When everyone heard it, they were stunned again.

There is no way, it seems that what Jiang Chen said makes sense.

What Xu Chaoliang said to Jiang Chen just now, even if he was a fool, he could still hear it. Xu Chaoliang was deliberately trying to provoke Jiang Chen to act.

Jiang Chen really made a move, which was Xu Chaoliang's wish.

It's just that Xu Chaoliang probably didn't think that Jiang Chen's slap would have such a great power.

But since Xu Chaoliang seeks benevolence and obtains benevolence, what can they say one by one?

The angry crowd suddenly calmed down a lot, and looked at Xu Chaoliang who was sitting on the ground with pity, thinking that this guy has always been poisonous, and he has offended many people. At least, Xu Chaoliang has been mean to him, so he finally met his opponent.

This time, he was smoked by Jiang Chen, and it was also smoked in vain.

"As for what to say, I didn't take you seriously at all. I'm very curious, why should I take you seriously?" Jiang Chen said unhurriedly after a pause.

The emotions of the crowd finally calmed down a bit, and when they heard Jiang Chen say these words, they were immediately ignited again.

You know, when they heard Jiang Chen say that Xu Chaoliang was looking for smoke, they thought Jiang Chen was explaining.

Jiang Chen's explanation still sounded very reasonable. Even if he couldn't fully understand it, at least he wouldn't impulsively want to gang up on Jiang Chen.

Who would have thought that Jiang Chen would say such a sentence after that.

Listening to the second sentence Jiang Chen said, it meant that Jiang Chen's first sentence was not an explanation at all, because Jiang Chen didn't take them seriously at all.

Jiang Chen didn't even pay attention to them, so how could he explain it to them?
That is to say, when Jiang Chen said that Xu Chaoliang was looking for smoke, he meant that if anyone wanted to look for smoke, he would be satisfied.

I have to say, this is very arrogant.

"Boy, you are really arrogant." Someone took a light breath, shocked by Jiang Chen's arrogance.

"Boy, it's no wonder you don't want to be fined for drinking. Hehe, why are you putting us in the eye? Are these eyes growing on the top of your head? What a big tone." Another person said with a gun and a stick.

"Boy, Xu Chaoliang is certainly looking for a lottery, but I think you are even more looking for a lottery. We must come up with a satisfactory explanation for today's matter, otherwise don't blame us for being rude to you." Another person was angry, as if Not being looked down upon by Jiang Chen seemed to have been greatly humiliated.

"I don't take you seriously, but you don't have the qualifications to be taken seriously by me. If you insist on calling me arrogant, then I can only admit that I am very arrogant." Jiang Chen said lazily .


"beat him."

"One beating will make you honest."


Everyone couldn't stand Jiang Chen's attitude, and they were gearing up again, eager to try.

"Calm down, everyone, calm down, and speak up if you have something to say." At the critical moment, Dapeng spoke up.

Dapeng glanced at Jiang Chen, slowed down his tone, and said, "My friend, Xu Chaoliang has such a personality. He has something wrong, but it's even more wrong for you to hit someone. Otherwise, you can apologize to Xu Chaoliang. Let’s forget about it today, so as not to make a big deal and everyone’s face will be unsightly, what do you think?”

"Brother Dapeng, no, you can't let this kid go so easily."

"That's right, he must be beaten up to let him have a longer memory."


Dapeng wanted to resolve the conflict, but no one appreciated it, thinking it was too cheap for Jiang Chen.

"How do you want me to apologize?" Jiang Chen asked Dapeng with a half-smile.

"How about this, you say sorry to Xu Chaoliang, and then punish yourself with three cups." Dapeng thought for a while and said.

Isn't Jiang Chen unwilling to drink?

Didn't Jiang Chen have eyes high above his head and look down on them?
So good, he just wanted Jiang Chen to bow his head, he wanted Jiang Chen to drink.

To be honest, since the moment Jiang Chen appeared, Dapeng had disliked Jiang Chen a bit, and now, he disliked Jiang Chen even more.

It's just that this is what Dapeng thinks in his heart. On the surface, Dapeng doesn't even show it.

"My friend, I think what Dapeng said is right. It's just a small conflict. There's no need to make a big fuss. Just take it as a face for Dapeng and Lao Chen." Lao Chen said.

Then, Lao Chen said to everyone: "Everyone is in the same circle. In the future, when you go to the capital to go to school, you have to help each other. There is no need to tear your face. If other fellow villagers know about this, they will see it." We were joking."

"Old Chen, if this matter is not resolved today, it will be a big joke. You and Brother Dapeng will lose all face." Someone said angrily.

Old Chen smiled and said: "It's not a big deal in the first place. There's no need to make a fuss. It's not good for anyone. Everyone takes a step back and peace is the most important thing."

"Old Chen, what you said is very good. That's what I mean, drink a glass of wine and make friends." Dapeng nodded in agreement, feeling that what Old Chen said was reasonable.

"Have you finished?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

He was lazy to guess the thoughts of these people, but there was no way, each and every one of them showed their thoughts too clearly, and it was obvious that they wanted to step on him, even if Jiang Chen wanted to pretend to be stupid, he couldn't do it.

"My friend, it's not too much to apologize, and you don't need to be tyrannical to the end." Dapeng heard that Jiang Chen's tone was not quite right, and reminded in a low voice.

"Who said I was arrogant just now?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Boy, I said it, what do you want?" The person who spoke stood up and looked at Jiang Chen provocatively.

"I didn't think about it, I have already admitted that I am arrogant, but it seems that you don't quite believe my words, so let me prove it a little more." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"You think..." The person who spoke, hearing Jiang Chen say this, wanted to ask Jiang Chen how he wanted to prove it, but before he finished speaking, Jiang Chen made another move.

He raised his foot and kicked the speaker on the chest, and the speaker was immediately kicked by Jiang Chen and flew away.

Seeing the person who spoke was kicked away by Jiang Chen, all the people were dumbfounded and looked at Jiang Chen like a monster.

It's fine for Jiang Chen to smack Xu Chaoliang, after all Xu Chaoliang really deserves it, even if Jiang Chen's words are very ugly, if he presents the facts and makes sense, he has nothing to say.

But Jiang Chen whipped Xu Chaoliang and didn't say anything, but he did it to another person... No, he moved his feet. He really didn't pay attention to them.

After the eyes were stunned, the people who were already simmering with anger in their hearts were filled with righteous indignation. They all raised their eyebrows angrily at Jiang Chen. Judging by the posture, it seemed that they were about to tear Jiang Chen apart.

"Too much." Frowning, Dapeng was extremely displeased.

He wanted to persuade Jiang Chen to make peace, even though he had dug another hole for Jiang Chen, if he handled today's matter according to his opinion, everyone except Jiang Chen could earn back the lost face.

Jiang Chen didn't jump into the hole he dug again, but directly slapped him in the face in a very domineering way. He wanted to make Jiang Chen lose face, but Jiang Chen refused to let him succeed.

"Don't be so angry, I'm just that. It's just a little bit of proof that I'm arrogant...Of course, if you must be angry, then I don't care." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Do you know what will happen if I get angry?" Dapeng said coldly.

"I don't know, and I don't want to know." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Very good, I hope you can bear the consequences of my anger." Dapeng snorted coldly, then turned around and said to the others, "What do you guys think?"

"Brother Dapeng, if you have any other opinions, beat him."

"Do it, let's do it together. Even if the police are called in, the law does not punish the public, and we will not take any risks."

"Brother Dapeng, can you bear it? Anyway, we can't bear it anymore."


"Have you heard what they said? You have committed public anger. However, I, Dapeng, am still a good talker. See if there is any white wine on the table, and I drank three bottles in a row. We can talk about this matter again." Dapeng continued He looked at Jiang Chen and said with a livid face.

In today's party, all the drinks were paid for by Dapeng himself. Because he knew the drinking capacity of these people, these wines were all high-quality local wines.

Ordinary people who don't drink, let alone drink, will feel dizzy after taking a sip.

Even if Jiang Chen had a good capacity for alcohol, he would definitely not be able to bear it if he drank three bottles. Getting drunk on the spot is a trivial matter. If it was more serious, he would probably have to be sent to the hospital for gastric lavage.

Dapeng didn't think that Jiang Chen would foolishly accept the request to drink three bottles of liquor, but Dapeng didn't intend to let Jiang Chen drink it.

What he did was just to create a perfect excuse for everyone to gang up on Jiang Chen. If Jiang Chen didn't accept the request, he didn't know what's good and what's wrong.

Just like what a guy said, the law does not blame the public, even if Jiang Chen was beaten all over the place today, Jiang Chen could only knock out his teeth and swallow his blood.

"Don't talk about it, you guys come and beat me." Jiang Chen directly rejected Dapeng's request, and said, looking impatient...

(End of this chapter)

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